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There are a number of common dream themes and symbols that transcend culture, race, sex, or age.   These symbols will appear in virtually every person's sleep at least once in their lives.

On this page the most common dream symbols are listed.  See out themes section for a more extensive listing of the most common dream symbols.


To dream of an alligator represents a situation in your life that you feel is a dangerous lurking threat. A sense of lurking danger, latent power, and hidden threats. Feelings of fear, trepidation, or threat from a lurking threat to your safety. Your inner fears or suspicions regarding a dangerous situation or person in your life. Feeling that a problem has rocked your sense of balance or safety. Feeling shaken by something or struggling to contain a problem. An alligator may also reflect a powerful fear you have. An alligator may be a sign that you need to put more effort into confronting your fears or start speaking to someone about your problems. Fears about a formidable force that, although currently at rest, can spring into action with little warning.

Negatively, dreaming about an alligator may represent a warning of an impending threat that is hidden or an unresolved issue. It might symbolize feelings of anxiety about being backstabbed or encountering unexpected problems. The alligator could also represent a powerful fear or an emotional struggle that you're trying to repress. There might be a situation or person you don't fully trust or a feeling of inevitable danger. Your own threats to other people with a serious warning or serious loss. Underlying fears, unresolved issues, or threats that one is aware of but chooses to ignore. Looming problems.

An alligator may reflect the potential danger you feel from a job layoff, argument, or interpersonal problem. It may also reflect feelings about the threat of loss or feeling that a crisis may be at hand.

To dream of eating alligator represents overcoming a dangerous situation or lurking threat. Overcoming fears or challenges that you once considered extremely daunting or dangerous. Strong confidence that a lurking threat can never intimidate you, scare you, or bother you again. Gaining strength, courage, and power from facing your fears directly. A victorious conquest over threatening circumstances. The assimilation of a tough experience and learning from adversities.

Example: A man dreamed of alligators following him. In waking life, he was trying to avoid financial bankruptcy. In this case, the alligators may have reflected his sense of danger about his failing finances and inability to cover bills having to potential to cause financial ruin.

Example 2: A man dreamed of being chased by a flying alligator. In waking life, he was severely traumatized by a hurricane disaster. In this case, being chased by a flying alligator may have reflected the dreamer's feelings about the lingering and dangerous possibility of another hurricane occurring.

Example 3: A man dreamed of seeing an alligator chasing his daughter. In waking life, he got very angry with his daughter because he feared for her safety. He felt that he may have overreacted. In this case, the alligator chasing his daughter may have reflected the perceived danger or threat he believed his daughter was facing, causing him to feel shaken and overprotective.

Example 4: A woman dreamed of holding a baby alligator. In waking life, she was threatening her husband with God's wrath because he had cheated on her with another woman. In this case, the alligator may have reflected her feelings about her threats intending to convey a sense of imminent danger and consequences for her husband's infidelity. She felt that God's wrath was a lurking spiritual threat that her husband needed to fear if he was to continue living immorally.

Example 5: A woman dreamed of walking over a tightrope with alligators below her. In waking life, she was carefully trying to maintain perfectly acceptable behavior at work to avoid being fired. In this case, the alligators may have reflected her feelings about the potential or lurking threat of being fired if she made a mistake at work. She felt that lots of people at her workplace were gossiping about her making the problem worse.

Example 6: A man dreamed of seeing an alligator-headed man raping another man anally. In waking life, he was he felt that leaving for vacation wasn't possible because a dangerous lurking legal threat appeared right before he left for vacation. In this case, the alligator man raping the other man may have reflected the dreamer's overwhelming sense of violation and helplessness in the face of a sudden and unexpected potentially dangerous legal threat that disrupted his plans for a vacation.

Example 7: A woman dreamed of seeing a dangerous alligator with its teeth falling out. In waking life, her father-in-law was safely recovering in the hospital after a serious fall. In this case, the alligator with teeth falling out may have reflected her feelings about the lurking threat to her father-in-law's health which was beginning to lose vitality as hospital staff helped him to recover.


To see a baby in your dream represents new beginnings, new ways of thinking, new ideas, or new life developments. A baby may also symbolize a new project or new potential. Discovering new abilities. Negatively, a baby in a dream may reflect new responsibilities or new problems that require constant care.   Babies may also reflect people in your life that you feel the need to look after closely such as the elderly.

Alternatively, dreaming about a baby may reflect feelings about being inexperienced or new to a situation. Memories of yourself starting something. Feeling that you are being "treated like a baby." Feelings about yourself being protected while not having to care about what anyone else is feeling. Remembering what it's like to be a beginner or to be young again.

To dream of a baby boy may represent masculine qualities to an experience or problem such as insensitivity, assertiveness, or social dominance.

To dream of a baby girl may represent feminine qualities to an experience or problems such as sensitivity, sympathy, social subordination.

To dream of a crying baby represents a problem or sensitive situation in waking life that needs attention. A part of you that is deprived.

To dream of a baby drowning represents a sensitive new situation in your life being totally overwhelmed by uncertainty or negative emotions. Failure caused by too much uncertainty or problems with something that was just starting in your life. Negatively, it may reflect problems you are being very careful about being being made impossible to take care of due to excessive uncertainty, problems, or fear.

To dream of dropping a baby represents feelings of anxiety about being irresponsible with some new situation or problem requiring your care. Dreams of dropping babies are common for new born mothers, more due to their fear of being an irresponsible mother than due to actually dropping their babies.

To dream of forgetting your baby represents feelings about something in your life that you have started, but then abandoned. Setting aside something that you love or have worked hard for. Postponing something special. On a positive note forgetting a baby in a dream may be a sign that there is still time to correct something that you have put off.

To dream of a neglected baby may represent feelings about neglecting a future project or responsibility. It may also reflecting a sensitive problem you are not attending to enough.

To dream of a premature baby represents new situations or new problems in your life that are happening faster than you want them to. Having to do something sooner than you planned.

To see a dead baby represents a new development ending, or being overcome by negativity. Something that began, or was in the works was stopped. Positively, a dead baby may reflect feelings of being spared a responsibility or lengthy problem.

To dream of a baby with no legs symbolizes a new development that is stagnant. A new situation with no traction or momentum.

To dream of a deformed baby represents a new responsibility or nagging problem that hasn't turned out as you expected it to. If you are actually expecting a baby it may reflect a fear of something being wrong with the baby.

To dream being frustrated or stressed out while looking after a baby represents your frustrations and difficulties with problem or responsibility.

To dream of a baby that is not of your race represents a new development , new situation, or new responsibility that is influenced by the symbolism of that race. For example, a white person dreaming of a black baby symbolizes a new situation in your life where you hoping or thinking feeling good is a priority. Black people dreaming of white babies symbolizes new situations or responsibilities where you feel that you have an advantage. It may also represent new problems that are too secure for you to do anything about.

Refer to the themes section for race for a more in-depth look at the symbolism of skin color and culture.

Pregnant women tend to dream of their unborn babies sex as male more often than female. This probably reflects their feelings about how insensitive or tough the reality of having a baby is. It may also reflect the control the mother asserting herself as a parent due to the child.

Young women and girls may dream of babies to reflect their fear of getting pregnant or their desire to get pregnant.

Example: A woman dreamed of losing her baby. In waking life she had postponed college for her marriage.

Example 2: A woman dreamed of holding a new baby. In waking life she was beginning a new love affair while cheating on her husband.

Example 3: A older woman dreamed of having to take care of a baby. In waking life her aging husband was very ill.

Example 4: A woman dreamed of accidentally leaving her baby behind in a store. In waking life he was an author who felt that she had neglected a book she was writing for too long.

Example 5: A woman dreamed of seeing lots of babies. In waking life she was dealing with a lot of debts that needed constant servicing. In this case the babies may have reflected her feelings about the debts needing constant care due to complaints or deadline warnings.

*Please See Birth.

*Please See Biracial People.

*Please See Children.


To dream of a bathroom represents a cleansing process. Confronting issues, negative emotions, or negative life situations.

To dream of dirty bathroom represents difficulties during a cleansing process. A sign that more effort is needed to confront mental and emotional problems or that a current situation is unsupportive of progress.

To dream of cleaning a bathroom represents your attempt to make facing problems easier for yourself. Getting rid of distractions or difficulties that may get in your way as your try to improve yourself.

To dream of not being able to find the bathroom or make it on time represents distractions, pressures, or postponing your own wishes for too long. You're unable to get rid of a problem.

*Please See Toilets.

*Please See Urinal.

*Please See Public Bathroom.


To dream of the beach represents a time in your life when you are confronting negativity or facing uncertainty. It may also represent a transition from a familiar setting to an unfamiliar one. Confronting a current difficulty. Confronting a hard reality after first believing you wouldn't have to.

Negatively, dreaming of the beach may be a sign that you are a confronting a serious crisis moment in your life. Possibly a sign that you are not doing enough to take a serious problem or crisis seriously enough.

Example: A man dreamed of standing on a beach facing the water. In real life he was experiencing a heath crisis and almost died.

Example 2: A man dreamed of seeing a beach. In waking life he was facing the most serious crisis of life which required him to stay away for 4 days straight with no food or water to survive it.

Example 3: A woman dreamed of being at the beach and loving it. In waking life she finally decided to have an affair with a man she had been talking to for a while. The enjoyable beach setting may have reflected her awareness of herself going through with the affair while she knew was wrong. Confronting the uncertainty of risking her current relationship by enjoying herself cheating with another man.

Oddly enough, the man whom the woman had the affair with had the same beach dream as her on the same night. This would make sense because as they were both confronting the uncertain prospect of being caught cheating. The beach scene in both their cases reflected the confrontation with emotional risk of the knowing that were acting out their adulterous fantasies.

*Please See Ocean.

*Please See Sand.

*Please See Sand Castle.


To dream of a bicycle represents psychological or emotional balancing. Your attempt to fix a problem all by yourself. An attempt to stabilize your life or restore normalcy to your life all on your own. You may also be trying to adjust to a situation. An issue in your life where you are trying balance yourself or avoid a problem. A reflection of your attempt to master a situation or maintain composure. Trying to prevent yourself from "falling off" or losing stability. Returning to your life after experiencing a setback. Choosing to do something all on your own because nobody else wants to do it with you. Attempting to remain optimistic when nobody else is helping you.

If you have problems riding a bicycle, it symbolizes trouble, worries, or bad habits that are making it difficult to maintain a positive state.

Negatively, a bicycle may reflect an attempt to rebalance a negative or dishonest aspect of your life by yourself because positive influences forced you to change your ways. Struggling to stabilize a failing relationship. Struggling to keep hopeful in an obviously impossible situation. Struggling with your work by yourself. Struggling to live the single life.

To dream of a BMX bicycle represents feelings about nothing surprising you while being daring to fix your problems on your own if you need to. Fixing your problems on your own by trying something dangerous or risky. Believing that fixing your problem on your own isn't that big of a deal and trying something daring to see what happens. A short adventurous moment to attempt to fix a problem. Risking a short window of time to fix a problem. A boyish attitude about experimenting with chances to fix a problem to see if you can get away with it. Taking chances on your own to get through a situation on your own.

Example: A man dreamed of driving a bicycle through a forest. In real life he was suicidal and trying his best to stay optimistic and find purpose to live.

Example 2: A woman dreamed of riding her bicycle with a very happy optimistic attitude with shouting with joy. In waking life she was overconfident about being able to restore her failed relationship with her ex-boyfriend. She felt it would be too easy to get her ex-boyfriend back if she simply made a lot of effort to make him jealous. The bike in this case may have reflected her feelings about being single.

Example 3: A woman dreamed of seeing her and her husband driving green bicycles with broken chains. In waking life she felt that it was impossible to get personal time with her husband and that the relationship was now struggling because of it. The bicycles in this case may have reflected her feelings about struggling to restore her relationship with her husband to normal.

Example 4: A woman dreamed of seeing himself struggling to ride a bike over a long distance. In waking life she was struggling with a long-term work project that she had to complete all on her own.

Example 5: A man dreamed of seeing himself and his ex-girlfriend driving bikes in different directions. In waking life he recently broke up with his girlfriend and found the new single life to be difficult to adjust to. The bikes in this case may have reflected his feelings about struggling with the single life.

Example 6: A man dreamed of seeing someone riding a bmx bike and fall off. In waking life he was trying to improve his life by getting a better job while still working at his old job. The BMX bike symbolism may have reflected his feelings about being daring enough to taking a day off work or using his lunch hour to go to a job interview to try to fix his life on his own.


To dream of a boyfriend represents personality traits or qualities we feel as consistently supportive of your success or well-being. Something you think that supports you emotionally, or regularly helps you cope with life situations. It may also reflect something in your life that makes you feel safe, or lucky. A consistently helpful situation, behavior, or coping mechanism.

Alternatively, boyfriends may symbolize our current projections of your partner or their beliefs or goals.

To dream of a boyfriend leaving you represents the departure of helpful situations, feelings, or beliefs from your life. Habits or situations that are no longer supportive of you. Feeling something helpful turning on you or no longer working.

To dream of a boyfriend who you've never seen in real life leaving you represents new situations, habits, or beliefs that were supportive of you and no longer are.

To dream of cheating on your partner represents impulsive choices, or doing something that you can't resist. Cheating on a partner can also represent a change of current beliefs.

To dream of a partner cheating on you represents bad choices that have consequences or dire repercussions. Turning your back on principles, integrity, or sacrifices you are making. A partner cheating on you may also symbolize your feelings about your partner having different beliefs or goals from your own.

To see a boyfriend die or murdered in a dream represents the end of a thinking pattern, habit, or life situation that made you feel good or helped you cope with life situations. It may also reflect certain beliefs, feelings, or situations associated with your boyfriend ending.

To dream of intimacy or feelings of love with a boyfriend that you don't recognize represents a new personality style, habit, or situation that is emotionally helpful for you.

To dream of a boyfriend that you recognize, but aren't actually involved with represents an aspect of your personality that you find emotionally supportive that is based on your feelings or memories of that person. This applies to celebrities, friends, or anyone appearing as a boyfriend that isn't a real partner.

To dream of having sex with your boyfriend represents positive waking life experiences where you are enjoying feeling that you can't lose. Enjoyable experiences feeling helped, successfully using your skills, or liking noticing yourself having an advantage that never stops working for you. Liking an experience where certain skills, behavior, or other people are consistently supportive of your success. Alternatively, having sex with your boyfriend may reflect enjoyable waking life situations you are experiencing with him. It could also (less likely) reflect your sex life.


To dream of cars represents the ability to effectively make decisions in a given situation or the extent to which you feel in control of the direction your life is taking. Operating a car reflects how competent at managing a situation you or some aspect of your personality is. Who or what is in control of a situation or the way your life is going. Taking control of a situation.

The type of car represents the style of decision-making or control over a situation. The type of car may also reflect how you feel as you go about making certain decisions. People who drive your car represent aspects of yourself or projections of other people who are guiding your choices. People riding along with you in a car reflect aspects of your personality that are influencing your choices or problems that are "coming along for the ride" as you work towards a goal.

Cheap or rundown vehicles reflect vulnerability, a lack of resources, or lacking impressiveness with your style of control over a situation. Not feeling like a big winner or that showing off would look stupid.

Expensive or powerful vehicles reflect the impressiveness of decisions, effectiveness, or a direction in life that is unstoppable. Feeling like a winner with an effective way method of control over a situation.

To dream of getting a new car may represent a new approach to life as you take on a new relationship, new job, or start a new project. A fresh start or new way of going about your business. A new decision-making style or ability.

To dream of being unable to find your car represents feelings that the rules of a situation are not working out for you. Feeling cut off from being allowed to do what you want. Surprise that your decision-making style or control style is not possible or allowed. Feeling that you have not gotten what you bargained for. Feeling that your normal decision-making style is not giving you the satisfaction that you thought it would. A situation that leaves you feeling embarrassed or confused. You may feel that there is no meaning to some area of your life. You may not know what you really want to do with your life or where you want to go.

To dream of your car being out of control represents feelings about life situations where you feel a compromised sense of control. Feeling that you are losing control of a situation. Managing a situation or people is difficult. Feeling you have lost a sense of stability with control over a situation.

To dream of a stolen car represents feelings of being stripped of your identity or ability to make effective decisions. The loss of your job, a failed relationship, or some situation where you feel your role or momentum has been compromised. Feeling that a situation is not honest about letting you remain in control or make decisions freely.

Negatively, dreaming about your car being stolen may represent feelings about thinking you are better than someone else being abruptly cut off. Feeling embarrassed for being selfish, arrogant, or deluded in your decision-making abilities. Dishonest self-control over a situation that suddenly got cut off. Disbelief that you are no longer in control of a situation where you were totally selfish to the point that someone else embarrassed you by shutting you off. Feeling that someone else isn't supportive of you being in control of a situation anymore.

To dream of a car that won't start represents feelings of being unable to make a situation work to your advantage. Feeling unable to start making decisions because of problems, delays, or frustrations. Controlling a situation however you want is not possible to begin.

To dream of fixing your car represents your attempt to get back on track in your life. Trying to restore a decision-making process in your life that you were sidetracked from with problems or delays. Getting back your ability to control the direction your life is taking. Restoring your ability to progress or push ahead in some area of your life. Restoring your ability to freely make decisions or be in control of your own life. Negatively, fixing your car may reflect feelings of being sidetracked or prevented from doing what you feel you should be doing.

To dream of a car that is sinking in water represents feelings of being overwhelmed by uncertainty as you attempt to take control of a situation. Decision-making abilities are being overwhelmed by negative emotions or problems that are too big to control.

To dream of being in the backseat of a car may represent feelings about not being in control of a situation you are experiencing. Feeling that other people are controlling the direction of your life or that decisions you've made can't be stopped. Feeling that you are not in control of your own destiny. Feeling that someone is interfering with the direction of your life.

To dream that you are driving and that other people are in the backseat may reflect feelings about being in full control of a situation. Other areas of your life that are being "carried along" as you feel in control of a situation. Feeling that you can make decisions however you want anyone to stop you. Feeling able to effectively manage a situation away from problems as a leader. Negatively, it may reflect your tendency to take control of a situation and not listen to other people. Temporarily taking control over serious problems that could get worse. Casual control of something that is more powerful than you are to the point of being dangerous. Not respecting something that is bigger or more important than you are while you are in control of a situation.

To dream of a car on fire represents feelings of intense negativity, danger, or destruction associated with your decision-making as you pursue ambitions, goals or desires. The car is a symbol of the direction you're taking in life, and the fire indicates that something is wrong with that direction. The dream suggests that your plans or actions are leading to a potentially catastrophic outcome, and it may be time to reevaluate your approach. Alternatively, the car on fire could represent a sense of loss or failure in regard to something you have worked hard for, such as a job or relationship. You are unable to feel that you are in control of a situation anymore.

To dream of a black car represents control over a situation that is considered excessive. Control over a situation that scares you. Fearing others being in total control of a situation you can't control at all. Alternatively, dreaming of a black car may reflect a professional attitude about decision-making or control over a situation.

To dream of a red car represents control over a situation that is passionate and driven by a desire to achieve. It may reflect the enjoyment of a successful and fulfilling career or project that one is deeply committed to. Enjoying your life being rich or successful because you are passionate about what you are doing for a living. Negatively, dreaming about a red car represents decision-making control over a situation that is dangerous, and illegal, knowing what you are doing is wrong while you are the boss. Enjoying being a snob who never has to listen to anyone else tell you what to do. Getting away with dishonesty or immorality all the time. Knowing what you are doing is dangerous.

To dream of a light blue car represents control over a situation that is very sensitive, thoughtful, or very well-intentioned. A high degree of concern for honesty or caring about others feelings. Control over a situation where you or others are very concerned with caring for others. Positive management or control over a situation.

To dream of a dark blue car may reflect control over a situation in a manner that is very insensitive or brutally honest. Controlling a situation where being mean feels necessary. An all-business or emotionally immune honest attitude about control.

People changing jobs in waking life often dream of driving in a car that is not their real car. A possible reflection of a decision-making style that is not a usual style. Making decisions that you don't want to make while you change your life or adapt to your new job.

Older or elderly people may dream of cars that are too damaged or worn out to repair, often reflecting the aging process making certain areas of their lives impossible to continue with.

Pregnant women often dream of driving big trucks, buses, or cars that are difficult to maneuver.

For more on cars and vehicles see our cars themes section.

Example: A woman dreamed of losing her car. In waking life, she was unhappy with the direction of her career because it had not brought her the happiness that she had expected it would. In this case, the lost car may have reflected the dreamer's feeling of being lost or uncertain about her career path, and that she had lost her way in pursuing her professional goals. The car may represent her sense of direction or the means by which she had hoped to achieve her aspirations, and its loss may reflect her fear that she had lost her chance to find fulfillment in her work.

Example 2: A woman dreamed of being in the backseat of a car that started moving and screaming "I'm not ready to go!" In waking life, she was experiencing anxiety before a surgical operation that was about to take place. In this case, being in the backseat of a car may have reflected her feelings of being "in the back seat" of the doctors controlling her life with the scheduled surgery.

Example 3: A woman dreamed of driving her mother's car. In waking life, she felt that her attitude and decision-making style in a situation she was involved in was based on her mother's influence and not her own.

Example 4: A woman dreamed of her car burning. In waking life, she was experiencing serious financial problems at work with no easy way to solve them. She felt unable to conduct business properly while losing a lot of money. In this case, the burning car may have reflected her feelings of financial ruin and the loss of control over her work life.

Example 5: A woman dreamed of being in the backseat of a car. In waking life, she felt that other people had interfered with her relationship and caused it to break up. In this case, the car may have reflected the dreamer's feeling of being a passive observer in her own life and the sense that other people were in control of the direction and outcome of her relationship. The backseat of the car may symbolize her feeling of being a passive passenger in her own life, without a sense of control or agency.

Example 6: A young man dreamed of crashing his car into another car while he tried to turn off the highway. In waking life, he got caught having sex with his friend's ex-girlfriend while trying to stop the relationship from reuniting. In this case, the car may have reflected his feelings of being out of control and unable to navigate the situation with his friend and ex-girlfriend, which ultimately led to a destructive outcome like a car crash. The dream may also have been a warning about the potential consequences of his actions and the need to take responsibility for his behavior.

Example 7: A young woman dreamed of having a crying baby in the backseat of a car that was being driven by her ex-boyfriend. In waking life, she felt jealous that she couldn't get back together with her ex-boyfriend while feeling that she couldn't control him or stop him from dating someone else. She felt unable to do anything except wait for her ex-boyfriend to show interest in her again hoping it would to a reconciliation. In this case, the car may have reflected her feelings about the journey of her relationship with her ex-boyfriend and how it was being driven by him, with her and her emotions being passengers in the backseat.

Example 8: A man dreamed of looking to buy a new car with more seats than his current car. In waking life, he was looking for a new job. In this case, the new car may have reflected the dreamer's feelings that a new better paying job would allow him to take control over his life to improve his ability to take care of everything happening in his life.

Example 9: A woman dreamed of getting a new car. In waking life, she had decided to take her new relationship seriously. In this case, the car may have reflected her feelings about being in control of her dating life with decision-making focused on not being single.

*Please See Accident.

*Please See Breakdown.

*Please See Driving.

*Please See Car Brands.


To dream of a cat represents behavior that's protective of itself being safe no matter what it does. Behavior that watches every single thing happening in a situation while needing to be safe and doesn't like a single thing that even felt like it isn't staying safe. Behavior that won't get angry or attack unless you get too personal about threatening confident safety. Perfect safety that's mean about liking itself the way it is while never listening to anything wrong. A mindset that thinks of perfect safety for itself without thinking of other people.

Positively, dreaming about cats represents competition, enemies, or obstacles that appear confident, but are, in reality, easily scared away when challenged. A coward or wimp you can easily scare away. Confident safety that feels good being unquestioned. Behavior that confidently can't be embarrassed because it's too nice or in control of itself. Nice, safe, or non-violent people that are protected and looked after. Talking back to people who don't think they can be talked back to. Warding off dangerous behavior with appearances without having to say anything about it. Empty threats that work effectively to protect you without effort. Intelligence about staying safe no matter what it's doing. A nice safe person who is best left alone because you are bothering them or aggravating them too much. Waking up to the reality that you don't need to feed illusions or delusions whether they are yours or someone else's.

Negatively, dreaming about a cat represents an illusion of safe confidence about something that isn't as tough as it says it is. Fear of looking weak and convincing yourself that you need to say anything to keep confident. Behavior or attitudes that appear confidently safe, but are, in reality, easily scared away when challenged. Feelings about being easily scared away once it's time to stand up for yourself or confront an issue. Telling yourself that you're confidently safe, but giving up once pressured. False beliefs that you've convinced yourself are true in order to feel safe. Assumptions or daydreaming about things you feel good about never questioning being emotionally dangerous. Not believing in yourself as much as you say you do. Being a wimp when you tell yourself that you're not. Thinking about a dangerous situation or person isn't a big problem when you are actually afraid to stand up to them. Refusing to acknowledge personal weaknesses or flaws that need to be addressed because you are too serious about needing to tell yourself you are confidently safe. Unfounded beliefs that provide a false sense of control or understanding. Avoiding confrontation or difficult conversations because of a deluded belief that the situation will resolve itself without intervention because you feel perfectly safe never having to yet. Considering suicide when you are too scared to go through with it for real. A delusion that everything is safe. A delusion that talking to romantic interest is easy when it isn't. Believing that a relationship will work out even when there are clear signs of incompatibility or you are too scared to begin talking to the person. An attitude of perfect safety that's mean to yourself.

A cat in a dream may also reflect your need to feel good, feel loved, or feel comfortable about things that aren't objective. Choosing to ignore facts or reality because it feels better. Lying to yourself to avoid feeling pain or hard truth. Lying to others so that they will think you are safe. Feeling safe not standing up for yourself. Overdoing confidence about something that you'll never stand up to. An irrational belief that you're confident enough to do something that you've never been proven you're incapable of. Feeling safe feeling sorry for yourself. Feeling sorry for other people. Attempting to cheer people up that doesn't work. Talking about suicide when you are too scared to go through with it. A false sense of confident safety. Someone else that feels good about themselves being serious or dangerous when they're not. Feeling that nobody likes you being perfectly safe and keeps testing you. Putting up a front that can be easily embarrassed.

Cats are often one of the worst symbols a person can dream about because the very problem they symbolize may be too hard or scary for the person's ego to change. Illusions or delusions. Nobody wants to admit to themselves that they are more scared than they let on to others. Nobody wants to see themselves as accepting themselves as a sissy. Something a person will easily live in denial about or never want to confront because it feels safer to never face reality.

To dream of attacking a cat may represent a desire or need to confront and challenge the illusions of confidence or security in your life. Struggling with your own illusions or delusions of confident safety. You may feel the urge to expose false beliefs or behaviors in yourself or others that have been hiding behind a facade of confidence. Your determination to break through deceptive appearances and face the truth, even if it means confronting difficult or uncomfortable situations. A readiness to assert yourself, overcome self-doubt, or challenge those who are pretending to be more confident than they really are. Alternatively, it could indicate a need to assert yourself in situations where you feel others are being deceptive or insincere. Feelings about someone else being a big sissy fake you can easily scare away. Awareness of other people having illusions about life situations being safe or easy.

To dream of a black cat represents an illusion of confident safety that's imbalanced, scary, or excessive. Using threats that scare people to protect yourself when you have no intention of backing up your threats if pressured. An irrational fear of something that will give up once pressured. Alternatively, a black cat may reflect an illusion of confidence that being too serious or professional will protect you. Attempts to scare people that don't work because you will give up if challenged. Liking to think you are safe no matter what in a way that makes other people think you are over the line.

To dream of a white cat represents a balanced illusion of confident safety in something that is pure, honest, or balanced. Illusions or delusions based on good intentions. An example of a balanced illusion is fantasizing about marrying someone you have a crush on, but are too scared to talk to. A feeling of being a good person who wants to act on their beliefs but may feel hesitant to do so. Believing in something to be perfectly safe when you are too scared to act on it once confronted or pressured with it for real. Believing that your relationship is built on mutual trust and honesty, even if there are signs that your partner is being dishonest or unfaithful. Wanting to get pregnant, but being too scared away from talking about it easily if your husband doesn't want to.

To see a dark green cat in a dream represents an illusion of confidence that is selfish. Thinking of nothing except yourself as the reason you feel perfectly safe when in reality you are scared away easily when challenged. Overdoing never thinking of anything except yourself to feel safe until someone more important scares you away from it. Overcontrolling yourself feeling safe being depressed by yourself as the reason you won't change until someone makes you. Feeling safe feeling sorry for yourself being so ugly that nobody would ever want to date you. Choosing to believe that you are a failure because it's more comfortable than trying new things. Alternatively, it may reflect delusional beliefs about money, power, or being better than other people. A snobby wimp in your life. A person who frequently lies to others or themselves about their abilities, talents, or accomplishments in order to feel more important or superior, but who becomes very defensive or easily scared when their abilities or accomplishments are called into question. Someone who has an inflated sense of their own intelligence, abilities, or expertise in a particular area, but who becomes easily scared or intimidated when faced with challenges or obstacles that threaten to expose their weaknesses or limitations. This person may also be very defensive and resistant to feedback or criticism from others, as they are unwilling to acknowledge or address their own limitations.

To dream of an orange cat represents an illusion of confident safety about something that is effective or makes you feel it matters too much to do without it. An illusion of confidence that is very effective in making you keep believing that you need it. An illusion that you don't matter without someone or something you grew accustomed to. Feeling confident that you can fire an employee easily and then scaring yourself with how difficult it will be to hire someone better.

To see a blue cat in a dream represents an illusion of confident safety about something truthful or thoughtful. Truthfulness or thoughtfulness that will only think of its own perfect safety. Feeling that telling the truth gives you confident safety when in reality you will scare away easily if pressured. Thinking people won't get you back for telling the truth or discussing safe thoughtful ideas when they actually will. People who believe in past lives or in the supernatural often dream of blue cats, possibly indicating that they don't feel safe discussing it with every single person they know once serious life situations occur. Unrealistic heroic acts or plans. Truthful safety that is perfectly confident about its own safety and nobody else's. Confidence in truthful safety that will never protect you from looking stupid. Confidence that someone will be honest about never killing you, but will not protect you from looking stupid saving yourself. Truthfulness or insensitivity that listens to its own safety first no matter what. Non-violent behavior that will force others to experience insensitive difficulty.

God may be reflected in dreams as a blue cat because people tend to assume God will always perfectly protect them because he is truthful while feeling that God embarrasses them with appearing to not exist if they show off too much not being realistic.

To dream of a grey cat represents an illusion of confidence or safety that chooses to avoid feeling good, being unremarkable, or ordinary. Avoiding feeling good to stay safe when you don't like it. Feeling that disappointment is safer than moving on. A person preferring to think depressed suicidal thoughts when they are too scared to ever go through with it.

To dream of an aggressive cat represents feelings of difficulty letting go of illusions of overprotective safety. Difficulty getting over illusions or delusions that you have lived with for a long time while not liking self-improvement that forces you to move on from them. Difficulty being confident without an "emotional crutch." A woman or sensitive person that doesn't like you not listening to them. Protecting yourself emotionally with perfect safety in a way that feels dangerous or unpleasant instead of giving up on it. Fear that feels that it's safer to never move on. Being mean to yourself. Not liking why a lovely situation isn't lovely anymore.

To dream that you are afraid of a cat represents fear of being seen as a sissy. Fear of not being accepted safely the way you are. Fears of having to change or hide parts of yourself to fit in. Current insecurities that something isn't as safe as you want it to be. Fear of someone else's illusions of confidence, insecurities, or a false sense of safety.

To dream of a house full of cats represents an excessive amount of perfect safety staying the way you are that might not help you. Living with too many illusions or delusions. An excessive amount of illusions or perfect safety that will never stand up for itself. Too much choosing to never stand up for yourself that never dispels illusions about life or other people. Choosing to live safe with the belief that other people are too strong or dangerous when they aren't. You may feel that your entire life revolves around a lie that you fear revealing to others. A sign that you may be emotionally dependent on fantasies or that you need to be a lot more objective. Excessive watching of porn that gives you illusions about how easy it is to talk to the opposite sex. You have a lot of confidence in things that you believe in that aren't true.

Example: A man dreamed of trying to drown a cat. In waking life, was lying about ever giving his son $200,000 he promised and then tried to do everything he could to avoid paying the money once it was time. In this case, the cat may have reflected his feelings about his son not being as easy as he thought to scare off with difficult conditions for the release of the money.

Example 2: A man dreamed of feeding a cat. In waking life, he felt sorry for homeless people and was regularly giving them money as a new habit. In this case, the cat may have reflected his feelings about his generosity to homeless people taking control of him due to feeling sorry for them. He trained himself to fear walking passed them instead of safely ignoring them if he wanted to.

Example 3: A man dreamed of a cat. In waking life, he felt good taking vitamins believing they were good for him when they never produced any noticeable results. In this case, the cat may have reflected his need to feel good being confident and safe about the vitamins that lacked objectivity or evidence. He discontinued the vitamins and felt better that he didn't need them.

Example 4: A girl dreamed of a pet cat. In waking life, someone told her that her best friend was spreading rumors about her and she refused to believe it. In this case, the cat may have reflected her illusions of safe confidence about her friend being loyal, trustworthy, and supportive" despite evidence suggesting otherwise. It may also have reflected her avoidance of challenging her friend with ease because could at any time.

Example 5: A woman dreamed of having cats in her car. In waking life, she was having trouble believing in herself while living an independent life after she left an abusive husband. In this case, the cats in her car may have reflected her illusions about being a confident, safe, and independent person after living with dependence on her abusive husband for so long.

Example 6: A man dreamed of a white cat. In waking life, he was totally in love with the idea of getting married to a woman he was too scared to talk to. In this case, the cat may have reflected his illusion of confidence that talking to the woman was easy while the white color of the cat reflected his honest intentions for marriage. He was privately confident about the woman, but personally too scared to talk to her.

Example 7: A man dreamed of a big dark grey housecat that looked tough and mean. In waking life, he was threatening suicide when he didn't really want to go through with it. He just wanted someone to stop being unsupportive towards him. In this case, the cat may have reflected his illusion that going through with suicide would be easy emotionally while scaring away easily at the last minute.

Example 8: A woman dreamed of a black cat having to be protected from a dog. In waking life, her Dad died and her sisters were not being honest about settling the estate. In this case, the black cat may have reflected her illusion of confidence in deserving her share of the inheritance without a court fight by using legal threats that might scare her sisters away. She may have secretly thought if she asserted herself she might be embarrassed with a lawsuit threat that was too scared to carry out due to expenses or a fear of losing the lawsuit.

Example 9: A woman dreamed of an orange cat biting her. In waking life, she didn't trust her domestic worker. In this case, the orange cat may have reflected her feelings about her domestic worker being powerfully protected with safety by labor laws making her too scared to fire them, when firing them was easy.

Example 10: A woman dreamed of taking her cat with her wherever she went and not wanting to disturb her cat. In waking life, she was on vacation with her husband and child who wouldn't stop watching World Cup football making her go sightseeing on her own. In this case, the cat may have reflected her lack of confidence to disrupt or challenge the dynamics of her family, which were making her feel left out or alone. She may have had an illusion that getting angry at her family was too serious to attempt.

*Please See Kittens.

*Please See Tigers.

*Please See Lions.


To dream of a cave represents mental or emotional retreat, sanctuary, or a psychological safe haven. Caves symbolize the manner in which you think to escape problems, or prevent yourself from feeling pain, or harm to the ego. Often a symbol that appears during an transition or upsetting situation. Introversion, avoiding people, or choosing to spend time by yourself. Choosing to do nothing except be by yourself. Feeling that it's important to be by yourself.

Positively, dreaming about a cave may reflect your wish to have a psychological safe haven all to yourself or to be introverted for purposes of study, relaxation, or escaping other people interfering with you. Researchers or people want to study in peace may dream of a cave.

Negatively, dreaming about a cave may represents feelings about choosing to be alone, feeling that nobody likes you, or feeling that socializing is too emotionally dangerous. Powerful insecurities that you are retreating to avoid exposing. Feeling that you have no choice about being alone. Feeling ugly and not wanting to be around people. Fear that motivates you to isolate yourself.

To emerge from a cave in dream represents renewed strength, certainty, or confidence. Choosing to socialize or be extroverted.

Caves may appear in dreams of people who are doing a lot of deep self-reflection or taking hallucinogenic substances in private.

Example: A young man dreamed of walking into a cave. In waking life he had an embarrassing illness and choose to avoid all his friends and stay home as much as he could.


To dream that you are being chased represents issues or situations that you are avoiding facing, or confronting. Something you may feel is impossible to overcome or defeat. You may feel stressed or threatened. It may also reflect something you don't want to acknowledge. You may have anxiety, strong fears, insecurities, or guilt. Situations you find emotionally dangerous.

Your actions in a chase dream parallel your waking life reactions to pressure, fear, or stress. Instead of confronting the situation, you are running away from the issue. Less serious dreams of being chased may reflect waking life situations where you are avoiding problems with friends, family, or colleagues.

Alternatively, being chased in a dream may be a sign that you feel pressured or driven by a sense of fear or failure. Avoiding embarrassment at all costs. It also reflect your desperation to avoid a serious illness.

To dream of being chased by your father may represent your inability to come to terms with doing what you know is right. It may also be a sign that you are avoiding a bad decision you've made.

To dream of being chased by an elephant represents your wish to avoid a person or situation that has the potential to become very upset with you. Doing everything you can to avoid anger, yelling, being fired, or being broken up with because you didn't do something. It may also reflect your desperation to cover something up that you know will upset someone.

To dream of being chased by a raccoon may represent you wish to avoid the consequences of bad behavior. You may have arrogantly broken rules you knew you weren't supposed to break and now wish to avoid getting caught. It may also reflect your wish to avoid someone who you know is breaking the rules or threatening you with something illegal.

To dream of being chased by a snake may represent your wish to total loss, total failure, or total embarrassment at all costs. It may also represent your wish to avoid someone you can't trust at all.

If you dream of being chased by a person , ask yourself what characteristics stand out the most about them. Hair, height, race, facial features, clothing, holding something? Do they subtlety remind you of something?

For a list of other animals see our animals themes section.

To dream that you are chasing someone or something else represents your attempt to get a hold on something. A goal that is eluding you or a difficult problem that you trying your hardest to get control over.

To dream of something vague chasing you may reflect anxiety about issues that are not yet clear to you that you are avoiding.

To dream of being chased by something big or enormous may reflect your avoidance of issues you feel are too powerful or overwhelming to confront.

To dream of being chased by something hairy may represent your avoidance of something unpopular, unsavory, or not to your personal tastes. Avoiding something that is excessive in some manner or not considerate of your preferences.

Example: A young man dreamed of being chased by a man with an alligator head. In waking life he was losing his hair due to an illness and was avoiding telling anyone at all costs because he feared they would laugh at him.

Example 2: A woman dreamed of being chased by someone. In waking life she felt that she was avoiding her ex. She had promised to meet with him again giving him the impression that they might be able to date again when she had no interest in him anymore. She felt the need to avoid him with his constant calls.

Example 3: A woman dreamed of being chased by monsters. In waking life she felt unable to escape unemployment after deciding to leave her old company due to hating her boss.

Example 4: A man dreamed of being chased like it was a game of tag. In waking life he quit his stable job and had to take a freelance job which required regulars fees. In this case being chased may have reflected his attempts to avoid his fees as long as possible before being required to keep up with them.


*Please See Alligators.


To dream about death represents change. Your personality or life situation is transforming for better or worse. An area of your life has come to an end, an era is over, or roles are shifting. You may also be preoccupied with someone else's death or illness. Alternatively, death in a dream can reflect failure or loss.

Dreams of death that come true are incredibly rare. They more likely to reflect fears of failure or feelings about undesirable changes than an actual death. In one study, people with heart disease who dreamed of death and taking journeys had a much higher mortality rate.

Seeing bad people die in your dreams is a sign that issues have been confronted. Negative aspects of the personality are being overcome by positive influences. Good people in your dreams dying symbolizes positive aspects of your personality being overcome by negative influences.

To dream of experiencing your own death represents feeling of watching yourself fail completely. Positively, it may reflect the experience of watching yourself undergo a powerful change or transformation.

To dream of experiencing your own death after helping others may be a sign that you nee to reconsider how you are handling yourself in waking life. You may be stupidly giving up too much of yourself to others. Unreasonable risks or endangering yourself.

To dream of dying while people laugh at you represents feelings about situations or people being indifferent or insensitive to your failures.

To dream of people you know dying symbolizes changes to certain qualities in yourself that these people reflect in you. It may also represent your view of these people succumbing to a problem as well as shifts in their personality or lifestyle.

To dream of a child dying represents a loss or unpleasant change to some area of your life that had potential. Positively, a child death may reflect a growing problem that has finally been dealt with.

To see your parents die in a dream reflects an inability to make positive or effective choices. Your father dying symbolizes your conscience or ability to make positive choices being compromised. Your mother dying symbolizes your intuition or ability to think ahead being compromised. A dead mother may also reflect feelings of being overwhelmed by bad luck. You can't find answers you want, or you feel unlucky. The death of parents in a dream is a sign that you need to seriously reconsider your current life path. Significant or fundamental changes may be in order.

To see a boyfriend or girlfriend die in a dream symbolizes a helpful or protective aspect of your personality that has been overcome by a problem. A habit or situation that had your best interests at heart may no longer be viable or has been compromised.

To dream of a spouse dying represents a permanent or secure aspect of yourself that has been compromised. A habit or situation that you've completely depended has changed. Something you were accustomed to may have been compromised. It may also reflect a loss of something in your life that you never believed would change.

Example: A woman dreamed of her father dying. In waking life she had broken up with her boyfriend. The dream reflected the metaphorical "passing" of her decision (father symbolizes decision making) to give her boyfriend anymore chances in the relationship.

Example 2: A woman dreamed of her child being hit and killed in a car accident. In waking life she had gotten into a big argument with her husband about future plans they had together which she felt would never happen now.

Example 3: A man dreamed that his best friend had died. In waking life his friend had joined a religious cult and he felt that he had lost his ability to connect with his friend forever due to his inability to accept his friends new life.

Example 4: A woman dreamed of experiencing a death that was different than real death. Shortly after she contracted the sleeping sickness.

*Please See Dead.

*Please See Dead Body.


To dream of a demon represents an aspect of your personality that is noticeably antagonistic to anything positive. It reflects problematic people, situations, or your own bad habits that are totally motivated by negativity. It may also reflect people or situations that seem to actively work against you, or your own shadow self that prefers negative choices. Destruction addictions you can't resist. An area if you life where you are experiencing torment, repressed urges, or unacceptable urges. Feelings about people or situations being evil in the method they interfere with your goals.

A demon may also reflect people or situations that never allow you to break free of a problem. Also jealousy or bitterness that seems personal. Ignorance, distress, or meanness. Feeling as though someone is out to get you.

Alternatively, a demon may reflect your own jealousy, bitterness, or anger at someone you want to torment or get revenge on.

To dream of being possessed by demons may reflect a powerful sense of helplessness. You may have strong feelings of guilt, anger, or bitterness. It may also indicate problems getting over your past.

Example real life situations that may inspire demon dreams may be racism, abuse, children that won't behave, , revenge, intense fears, addictions, or bullying.

To dream of fighting a demon represents emotional or psychological conflict with bad influences, bad habits, or negative situations. Confrontation with something you perceive to be negative or dangerous.

Dreaming of a demon may reflect real life feelings about spiritual warfare or that evil is following you. Highly religious people may have issues with their faith being so strong that they perceive anything wrong or losing in their life as demonic conflict. In these cases strong faith may be a problem because it interferes with new ideas.

Example: A man dreamed of being accused of being a demon. In waking life he felt at fault for serious problems within his family.

Example 2: A woman dreamed of seeing her ex-husband as a demon. In waking life she was having issues dealing with her ex-husbands abusive behavior.

Example 3: A woman dreamed of seeing a demon. In waking life her husband was being threatened with deportation and she felt that the immigration authorities were "out to get" her husband by interfering with all attempts to keep her husband in the country. The demon symbolism in this case may have reflected her feelings about how intentionally evil or mean the immigration authorities felt to her.

Example 4: A woman dreamed of demonic angels. In waking life she felt that issues with her past mistakes would never leave her alone.

Example 5: A woman dreamed of seeing a man with a sacred secret that she felt was a demon. In waking life she became aware of her Alcoholic Anonymous sponsor secretly drinking alcohol.

*Please See Satan.

*Please See Hell.


To dream of a dog represents feelings about behavior that is emotionally protective and helps you maintain confidence and security. Behavior that is emotionally protective of never having to say whatever it's doing is a problem. Your efforts to shield yourself from difficult emotions. The type, size, and color of the dog all reflect how you choose to protect yourself from difficult emotions or confront problems.

Positively, a dog reflects emotional self-defense or protectiveness to keep confident. The ability to confront challenges and negative situations while maintaining self-assurance. Never fearing anything because there is always a reason to encourage you to stay self-assured. Choosing to confront a person or negative situation while keeping confident. Something in your life you can rely on in yourself or in others to keep insecurity at bay. Repeating something to yourself to help fend off fear, jealousy, or other people's harsh words. An emotional barrier you put up to protect yourself. Sensing danger or a protective attitude about confronting dangerous people or situations. Loyalty, taking sides, or being emotionally protective of friends, family, or work.

Negatively, a dog may represent emotional protectiveness that is excessive or creates problems with self-control. A loss of self-control over instincts and urges. A loss of control over sexual urges.

To dream of an angry dog almost always represents uncontrolled anger, hostility, and viciousness towards other people. Heated arguments. A loss of your temper. Angry dog may also reflect feelings about someone angry in your life that you feel has an alpha male mentality. Feelings about your own alpha mentality when you get angry or lose your temper.

To dream of being bitten by a dog may represent feelings of being attacked, bothered, or threatened by others. Feeling the effects of other's viciousness or territorialness. A clash of agendas. Difficulty with addiction. Patients in hospitals may dream of dogs attacking them to reflect fears about unpleasant medical treatment that is in their best interest.

A dog on a leash represents self-control that is managing emotions, instincts, and urges effectively.

To dream of a dead or dying dog may represent feelings of giving up or losing something that once provided you with confidence and emotional security. It may indicate a loss of loyalty, trust, or protection in your life. You may have lost something that gives you confidence or makes you feel safe.

To dream of "cutting a dog's head off" represents taking actions to stop someone else from feeling confident or to prevent them from defending themselves. A desire to undermine someone's self-assuredness or to strip them of their ability to protect themselves. Preventing someone from defending themselves or having something to rely on.

To dream of a lost dog represents feelings of losing confidence in yourself or the ability to protect yourself emotionally. Feeling that you can no longer stand up for yourself. Feeling that a situation is too dangerous to confront. Problems arguing your side of a conflict or defending yourself due to distractions or neglect. Feeling negligent with the feelings of someone who was protecting you. Distractions that have made you avoid protecting your strengths.

To dream of a brown dog represents behavior that is emotionally protective and helps you maintain confidence and security that doesn't think of something mattering ever again if it could. Emotional protection that doesn't need other people around it or to put up with other people's problems. Helping yourself out without thinking of other people's feelings.

Example: A man once dreamed of a caramel dog being delivered to him in a basket. In waking life, he was facing serious financial trouble and had just thought up a plan to get out of it. In this case, the dog may have reflected how his plans gave him the emotional security and confidence to believe in himself while using his idea to keep thinking of the future while currently being broke.

Example 2: A person once dreamed of seeing a black angry dog growling at them. In waking life, they were talking about someone they didn't like in a very angry vicious way. In this case, the black angry dog may have reflected a projection of the dreamer's fears or anxieties about being on the receiving end of someone else's anger or hostility.

Example 3: A woman dreamed of a dog biting her hands. In waking life, she was in the hospital getting surgery done on her hands. In this case, the dog biting her may have reflected her feelings about the emotional protectiveness of doctors telling her that she had nothing to worry about with the surgery on her hands causing her to worry more.

Example 4: A woman dreamed of a mean black dog trying to bite her. In waking life, she felt that her mother was being very angry, rude, and making degrading comments. In this case, the mean black dog may have reflected her feelings of being attacked and threatened by her mother's aggressive and hurtful behavior.

Example 5: A woman dreamed of her dog being euthanized or "put down." In waking life, she was fired from her company and she lost all her loyalty to the company. In this case, the euthanized dog may have reflected the abrupt and painful end to her relationship with her company, which she had previously relied on for emotional support and a sense of belonging.

*Please See Puppy.

*Please See Pitbulls.

*Please See German Shepherd.

*Please See Doberman Pinscher.

*Please See Rottweilers.

*Please See Dog Poop.

End Of The World

To dream of the end of the world represents fundamental change to your ways of being and thinking. The foundation of your current life has been altered. It symbolizes your thoughts or feelings about a dramatic change or situation in life where you don't know what to do. You may be experiencing anxiety for the future, and there may be a lot of changes that confuse or frustrate you.

The dream may indicate the end of one kind of lifestyle and the beginning of another. There may be a need for help or extra time to make adjustments. A sign that you need to show more courage as you move into the next chapter of your life.

To dream that it feels like the end of the world is near, but not happening yet may reflect feelings about problems in your life, such as fearing a job loss causing enormous change in your life. Feeling the potential for a life changing event.

End of the world dreams are common to people who have experience the death of parent or loved one.

Example: A young man dreamed that it was the end of the world. In waking life he felt forced to move away with his family to a different state and leave behind all his friends and the comfortable life he had gotten used to. The end of the world symbolism most likely reflected his overwhelming feelings of anxiety about the enormous amount of change he was experiencing. Feeling forced to shift from one life to another very quickly.

Example 2: A teenage girl dreamed of dangerous scene with mountains and lava while hearing a voice say "this is not the end of the world." In waking life she felt scared and forced to move to a trailer park with people she felt she would difficulty becoming friends with. The voice telling her that "this is not the end of the world" may have reflected her attempts to remain confident and rational about moving away from her current home and life.

Example 3: A woman dreamed of being talked to about the end of the time. In waking life she was worried about going to jail and that her mother might be close to death.

Example 4: A man dreamed that the end of the world may be near. In waking life he was having difficulty with his job feeling the potential for losing it.

Example 5: A young woman dreamed that it was the end of the world. In waking life her boyfriend got a good job so they were moving away. She also needed to get a job and start college after she moved. In this case the end of the world symbolism may have reflected the dreamer's feelings of uncertainty and fear about the major changes happening in her life.

*Please See Armageddon.


To dream of taking an exam represents a very challenging situation in your life that may require your complete focus or dedication. A challenge that may foster powerful uncertainties, require a lot of preparation, or put a lot at stake. An exam dream may stand as a barometer of pressure you're feeling.

To dream of failing an examination may reflect an inability to prove yourself, overcome a challenge, or a sense of personal failure. Feeling that you didn't perform adequately or live up to expectations. It may also reflect your worst fear coming true.

To dream of being unprepared for an exam may reflect your feeling of lacking of preparation or that you didn't listen to a warning. Feeling accountable for the failure of a project or plan. You may be expecting too much of yourself.

*Please See Tests.


To see an ex-partner usually represents a personality trait in yourself based on whatever quality or memory stands out most about that person. Ex-partners are very open symbols that are based completely on your most honest memories and feelings about them. Ask yourself what's the first thing that pops in your head when you think about that person.

Alternatively, an ex-partner may reflect a bad habit or a failure you're experiencing. They may also represent the return of a recurring problem. If you really don't like your ex they may reflect a negative situation that is repeating itself in your life. Ex's can also reflect the re-experiencing of breakups or unpleasant relationship scenarios.

Ex-partners can sometimes be a sign that you are unconsciously repeating bad habits or that your falling into the trap of dating someone who is just like your ex.

If you still have feelings for your ex then they may symbolize your lingering desire for them. They could also represent your desire for something in life you really want, but feel is unattainable. A certain type of experience you want, but feel is not possible.

If you have an ex who was enthusiastic about sex they may represent good luck, success, or a positive experience you are having in waking life. Something you are doing or experiencing is very supportive of your happiness or well-being.

If you have an ex that you can't stand, or believe to be dangerous to your safety they could symbolize a bad choices you regret or negative experiences that you feel you can't escape.

Example: A man dreamed of seeing his ex-girlfriend. She was someone whom he felt was so responsible that she never felt good or enjoyed herself. In waking life, this man had to give an arrogant family member the silent treatment in order to teach them a much needed lesson. The ex-girlfriend in his dream symbolizes how helpful it was to him to avoid feeling good and give his family member the silent treatment.

Example 2: A woman dreamed of seeing her ex-boyfriend. He was someone she remembered most for cheating on her. In waking life, she was experiencing friends lying to her.

Example 3: A woman dreamed of seeing her ex-boyfriend and then running out of a house. In waking life, she realized that her new boyfriend had a lot of the negative qualities that her previous boyfriend had and felt she had to try harder to be with someone with different qualities.

Example 4: A woman dreamed of walking into her ex-husband's house and being told that he wanted to marry someone else. In waking life, he she was losing trust in her boyfriend after having a number of fights. The ex-husband reflected how she didn't feel the same love, security, and loyalty anymore after having felt it.

Example 5: A woman dreamed of calling her ex-boyfriend and being questioned why she didn't call him on his birthday. In waking life, she was still having feelings for her ex and his birthday had just recently passed.

Example 6: A woman dreamed of her ex-boyfriend's new girlfriend talking to her while she tried to be happy, even though she felt disrespected by her. In waking life, the woman was talking to her ex-boyfriend even though he was seeing someone else. In this case, the ex-boyfriend's new girlfriend talking to her and disrespecting her while she tried to be happy may have reflected her attempts to be genuinely happy for her ex-boyfriend when he spoke to her about his new girlfriend, even though it sparked jealousy within her.


To dream that you are falling represents feelings of losing control. You may feel insecure or unable to "get a grip" on an issue. An area of your life may be getting out of hand. Difficulty letting go of power, control, or status. You may feel insecure or a lack support in your waking life. You may be experiencing a major struggle or overwhelming problem. A fear of losing everything, going under, or of appearing as a total failure. Feeling helpless to stop an unpleasant impending change.

Falling dreams may also be a warning signal about a need to start being more cautious about your actions in waking life. It may also reflect a situation in waking life that you feel to be a life or death crisis. A fear of losing social or financial status. Feeling "knocked off your pedestal" in life.

Alternatively, falling in a dream may be a sign that feel exhausted or that you've reached maximum capacity. You feel that you "can't hold on anymore" to you goals. You may need to slow down to allow yourself to adjust. Problems reaching out to others for support. Feeling that you have no support system.

If you aren't afraid while falling in a dream it may symbolize a lack of seriousness or importance about a situation you can no longer control. Negatively, falling without fear in a dream may reflect reflect a dangerous degree of complacency or lack of responsibility. Enjoying letting go of responsibility you don't want. Problems speaking up about preferring to not be involved in a project

Falling may imply that you have failed to achieve a goal that you have set for yourself.

To dream that you are falling through water indicates that you are feeling a loss of control while being overwhelmed by powerful negative emotions or uncertainty. Feelings of having completely lost all support systems or coping abilities. Feeling completely on your own with no way out.

To dream of falling and hitting the ground represents the realization of consequences or errors. An unpleasant loss of status or power. Feeling that you have learned from a mistake. You may feel the need to start over or move on to something else. Confronting the embarrassment of a loss or failure you have experienced. Feelings of "hitting rock bottom" or that a situation can't get any worse. Feeling the full impact of your failure or mistake. It may also be a sign that you feel it's time to deal with your losses.

To dream of falling and hitting the ground represents the realization of consequences or errors. An unpleasant loss of status or power. You may have learned from a mistake. You may feel the need to start over or move on to something else.

To dream of falling off a high building or skyscraper represents feelings of losing control after having reached the very high level of status, power, or achievement. Fearing total failure after reaching the highest level of confidence. Falling off high buildings may also reflect feelings of falling into depression after being very upbeat. A loss of an elevated state of mind. Feeling suddenly cut off from a high degree of support.

To dream of falling down stairs may represent feelings of having lost a higher level of achievement or a total reversal of something you worked hard for.

Example: The Roman Emperor Caligula dreamed, on the night before his assassination, that he was in heaven, standing before the throne of Jupiter. The god then kicked him back to earth. The dream is intuitive about the Emperor's feelings of losing all he as worked for after achieving the highest level of power after declaring himself as a god. A warning dream about being carelessly certain of himself and his impending loss of status.

Example 2: A young man dreamed of falling into an endless void. In waking life he had gained a reputation for being very good-looking and began to lose his hair to an incurable disease.


To dream of your father represents your conscience, your ability to make positive choices, or choose between right and wrong. Dreaming of your father may also reflect your feelings about a decision you've already made or are considering. Feelings about someone with authority making decisions for you. Fathers in dreams can also symbolize your current feelings about him if you have issues with him that need to be dealt with.

Positively, dreaming of your father may reflect the decision to make a moral or positive decision. Deciding to stand up for yourself or feeling that a problem has gotten out of control and deciding to do something about it. Choosing to be realistic or practical.

Negatively, dreaming of your father may reflect decisions you dislike having to make. Feeling that you need to make a choice that doesn't feel good at all or one that will not benefit you or cause long-term problems. A decision to keep doing something that isn't a good idea. Letting someone with authority make decisions for you or that aren't in your best interest. Feeling that you've made a terrible decision or horrible mistake.

If your father is angry or sad in a dream it may represent your feelings or disappointment or frustration about how a situation turned out based on a choice you made. Being angry at yourself for having made a wrong or stupid decision. Alternatively, it may reflect anger with your father or anger towards yourself due to past issues with your father.

To argue or fight with your father represents an inner struggle in your waking life with choice. Internal conflict or debate with yourself over what choice to make. Struggling to stand up for yourself.

To dream of getting married to your father may represent feelings about permanent decisions being made. Negatively, it be a sign that you feel you will be permanently stuck with an undesirable situation if you make a certain choice.

If your father dies in a dream it represents moral decay. You have lost your ability to make positive choices, to stand up to problems, or are cold and uncaring in your decisions. No longer caring about your conscience or having to do the right thing. Feeling that other people with authority don't get to make decisions for you anymore. Alternatively, it may reflect failed decisions or choices that didn't work out.

If you father is dead in real life and appears in your dream he is most likely just a symbol for your conscience unless you have issues with your father from your past that you haven't dealt with.

Alternatively, your father in a dream may reflect a father figure, role model, or person that has authority over you such as a boss. Negatively, it may reflect feelings about someone totally controlling you or making important decisions for you that makes you feel less important.

Example: A man dreamed of seeing his father talking to his friend. In waking life, he was debating whether or not to call that friend on the telephone. In this case, the man's father may have reflected the man using his conscience to consider the choice about whether to call the friend or not.

Example 2: A woman dreamed of being unable to find
her father. In waking life, she was felt unable to make the choice to confront people who were treating her poorly. In this case, the woman's missing father may have reflected her awareness of how difficult it was to make the choice to stand up to people.

Example 3: A man dreamed of biting his nails and anxiously trying to avoid his father's criticism for it. In waking life, he was very nervous about not upsetting his new boss. In this case, the father may have reflected his concerns about his boss being an decision making authority figure and the need for approval.

Example 4: A man dreamed of his father slowly sticking his penis into his anus. In waking life, he felt that he was close to make a decision that would totally screw him over in business. In this case, the father may have reflected own internal conflict and feelings of vulnerability regarding the decision, as well as the potential negative consequences he feared would arise from making the wrong choice.

Example 5: A man dreamed of his father telling him about alligators. In waking life, he made a decision that certain financial choices he had on his mind were too dangerous and needed to be avoided.

Example 6: A woman dreamed of seeing her father fall through thin ice into freezing water. In waking life, she decided to move knowing it was expensive and then began to experience financial problems. In this case, seeing her father fall through ice may have reflected her feelings of vulnerability and the potential danger of her decision to move, as well as her need for guidance and support in navigating the challenges that arose from her choice.

Example 7: A woman dreamed of seeing her father worried and anxious. In waking life, she was worried about not being assisted spiritually by her deceased father. In this case, the father may have reflected her desire for guidance and support from her late father, especially in times of difficulty or uncertainty to the point of being irrational.


To dream of fighting represents thoughts about conflict, confrontation, and struggling in your waking life. Feelings about getting what you want not being easy. Unresolved issues, tensions, opposition, or disagreements that you are grappling with. Struggling with personal issues, difficult emotions, other people, or life situations. Feelings of resistance or trying to prove yourself. Experiencing intense bitterness or jealousy. Feeling that all your energy is required to achieve a goal. Heightened emotional state during an argument. Feeling that people don't like you or are testing you with an unwelcoming attitude. Feeling that people have turned on you. Stress, conflicting demands being placed on you, misinformation, unfairness, confronting ignorance, or broken agreements.

Positively, dreaming about fighting may represent feelings about standing up for yourself. Standing up to fear. Resisting addiction. Your attempt to cope with trauma or fight back against your problems. An unwillingness to put up with a problem anymore or accept poor treatment in some way.

Negatively, dreaming about fighting may represent feelings of anger, aggression, hostility, or frustration. It might symbolize destructive conflict, unnecessary aggression, or ongoing disputes that are draining or harmful. Engaging in harmful confrontations with others.

To see other people fighting may represent aspects of yourself that are in conflict with each other. Competing beliefs, objectives, or areas of your life. Conflicting values.

Fighting may also reflect conflict in waking life with friends, family, or other people.

To dream of fighting to stay alive may reflect feelings of desperation to stay relevant. Experiencing an intense jealous conflict in waking life. Feeling threatened by someone or something that is trying to force failure or embarrassment for you. Confronting people who resent you. Fighting a serious illness or trying to desperately keep your job. Struggling to resist failure. Resisting or struggling against someone you feel is a terrible person. Struggling against an illness.

To dream of dogs fighting may represent conflicting emotional protective attitudes or approaches within yourself or between people. Intense or emotional arguments. Ongoing bickering. Rivalry. Feelings about expecting a fight. Intense hatred or anger towards another. Possibly a reflection of people trying to defend themselves emotionally. A conflict of differing loyalties. A clash of priorities, methods, or personal boundaries that you are experiencing internally or observing externally in others. Conflict between people that very angry or hate each other.

To dream of being beat up in a fight represents feelings of being overpowered, overwhelmed, defeated, or unable to stand up for yourself. Experiencing an attack on your confidence or self-esteem. Experiencing a loss, setback, or an emotional beating in some area of your life. Feeling dominated by someone else's power or ability to impose their views and desires over yours. Feeling outmatched or overwhelmed in a confrontation or argument. Feeling weak or incapable of defending yourself in a situation where you are challenged or opposed. Allowing a situation to get out of hand or not standing up for yourself effectively. You may feel vulnerable, victimized, or powerless in the face of adversity or challenges.

Example: A man dreamed of fighting to stay alive. In waking life, he was confronting a very serious illness.

Example 2: A woman dreamed of fighting with her mother. In waking life, she had gotten into a big argument with her mother and got thrown out of the family home.

Example 3: A woman dreamed of fighting with a man at her work. In waking life, she was having problems with this man in the workplace.

Example 4: A woman dreamed of fighting zombies. In waking life, she was struggling to fight feelings of boredom in her relationship.

Example 5: A man dreamed of fighting demons. In waking life, he was struggling to improve himself spiritually by resisting bad habits and addictions that held his life back.

|Example 6: A young woman dreamed of fighting with her cousin. In waking life, she was conflicted about being a lesbian.


To dream of flying represents feelings of a heightened sense of freedom or "reaching new heights." Freedom from restrictions. Often pointing to situations where you are transcending your problems or personal limits. All things seem possible. You may feel you have a lot of choice available to you. Accomplishing your hearts desire in some way. Feeling that nothing can hold you back. A higher level of achievement. Something that made you feel wonderful, capable, and free. Often a reflection creative free expression in waking life. Flying dreams may also occur after a sexual encounter. Enjoying escaping a burden.

Negatively, flying may reflect enjoyment of escaping responsibilities. Having a good time being wasteful.

Difficulties flying symbolizes something in your life that limits you, impairs your ability to realize goals, express yourself fully, or do your best. Freedom or creativity is limited.

Flying dreams are very common around sexual experiences, powerful spiritual experiences, participation in personal passions such as hobbies or the arts. Intelligent people who have creative outlets commonly have dreams of flying to reflect time spent practicing their hobbies.

People tend to have flying dreams more often in their youth. This is most likely because youth offers more opportunities to play, be liberated, or explore new interests. Young people tend to me more focused on achieving new goals. People in performance professions and those who indulge in hobbies or special interests dream of flying the most.

To dream of flying that you can't stop represents feelings of having too much freedom or too much of a good thing. If you are sexually active and feel your partner wants too much sex from you this may be a sign that you need to speak up.

To dream of fearful flying may represent feelings about dangerous levels of freedom that you fear not being able to control. A fear of wasting too much money too quickly.

Example: A man dreamed of being unable to fly more than a few feet off the ground. In real life he felt that living at home with his parents limited his independence.

Example 2: A man dreamed of flying at night time. In waking life he was kicked out of his home and given a huge check to live off of by his abusive controlling father. He moved out, bought all kinds of things, and enjoyed doing things he could never do before knowing the money would run out one day.

Example 3: A man dreamed of flying too high and getting scared. In waking life he got paid a lot of money and feared that was spending it too fast.

Example 4: A woman dreamed of flying. In waking she walked out on her husband and daughter and all the responsibilities of the relationship that she felt were bothering her.

*Please See Pilot.

*Please See Traveling.

*Please See Airplanes.


To dream of a forest represents an issue that leaves you feeling confused, uncertain, lost, or ejected from arrangements that give you a sense of security. A problem has left you feeling unsatisfied, insecure, or unsettled. A loss of confidence or control.

To dream of deep forests may represent feelings of isolation, fear, confusion, or needing to get through a difficult or confusing situation. Feeling lost. A phase in your life where you are dealing with issues that seem too big to handle, or situations that are hard to understand. The deep forest could be a metaphor for feeling isolated or misunderstood. Feeling overwhelmed with doing the same thing over and over in order to escape a confusing or problem situation. A desire to break free from routine and explore new areas of your life. A deep forest in a dream might also symbolize your desire to retreat and find solace in solitude.

Example: A man dreamed of being in the middle of a forest with no way out. In waking life, he had a dangerous health condition that doctors didn't understand and he had no idea how to treat his problem. In this case, the forest reflected his health problem having no answers in site.

Example 2: A girl dreamed of being inside a forest. In waking life, she was obsessed with a boy she liked and all her attempts to get closer to him failed. In his case, the forest may have reflected her feelings of being lost in her emotions and the complicated situation of her unreciprocated feelings. The forest symbolizes the confusion and uncertainty she felt as she navigated her feelings for the boy, feeling unsure of how to proceed or find a clear path to a relationship with him.

Example 3: A man dreamed of being in the middle of a forest. In waking life, he was very confused about his future and how his life would turn out. He was struggling to start his life over from scratch and had no idea what to do with his future except to keep working.

Example 4: A man dreamed of walking through a forest. In waking life, he was unemployed and having problems getting employed. He felt a lot of confusion about his financial future.

*Please See Trees.

*Please See Jungle.


To dream of a ghost represents issues from your past that are unresolved and still effect you. Painful memories, guilt, unfulfilled romance, people you can't forgive, hate, anger, or embarrassment. A problem that still "haunts" you. Jealousy from the past that you can't escape.

People often dream of the ghost of a deceased loved one after a murder or violent death. This is most likely a reflection of their feelings about the tragedy "haunts them." Dreaming of a ghost of deceased loved one can also reflect lingering feelings of being deserted or abandoned by your partner's death. It may also reflect your feelings that the deceased love one, while in the spirit world, disapproves of your current life or something you did to them.

When dreaming about deceased people it's very important to consider whether the dream was of a ghost or just the character of the deceased person. People often make the mistake of believing that because the person is dead that dreaming of a deceased people means you dreamed of a ghost. Dreaming of dead parents, family members, friends, or others may have more symbolic value if you consider the dream symbol to be an actual image of the person and not a ghost.

To dream of being a ghost represents your feelings of being unable to do what you wanted. Something sacrificed your spirits, hopes, and wishes and left you feeling incomplete or unsatisfied. Feelings of being completely overlooked and ignored in life.

To dream of the ghost of your father may reflect a sense of guilt or regret about a really bad decision you made. Alternatively, it may reflect a your feelings of being "haunted" by a decision you didn't make or didn't make fast enough. Living with the embarrassment of a choice your made.

To dream of the ghost of your grandmother may reflect feelings of being bothered by a situation that is too powerful to ignore. Feeling guilty that you aren't doing the right thing in a conflicting situation that's impossible to ignore.

To dream of the ghost of a dog may reflect feelings of guilt or regret you have for having stood up for yourself. Living with the embarrassment of having defended yourself at all costs or sticking up for someone. Regret or lingering embarrassment for having a really bad argument with someone. Living with the consequences of what you did.

To dream of giving a ghost gifts or sacrifices to appease it may represent feelings of having to do favors or being extra nice to people to compensate for your guilt.

Example: An old woman dreamed of seeing her deceased husband living an entirely new life with dyed hair in a new section of her town. In waking life she felt deserted by her husband after his death while grieving.

Example 2: A woman dreamed of the ghost of her mother being angry at her. In waking life she has deep regret and guilt for not being present at the hospital where he mother had died alone.

Example 3: A young man dreamed of being haunted by the face of his grandmother about his treatment of his father. In waking life his father was hospitalized and he felt guilt about not visiting him to reconcile their difference after they had a huge argument.

Example 4: A man had recurring dreams of the ghost of his father ridiculing him and insulting him. In waking life he was a writer who was troubled by the belief that his dead father didn't think his work was good enough and was laughing at him from the grave.

Example 5: A young boy had recurring dreams of a ghost haunting him and attacking him. In waking life he barely knew his father because his father was in the military. When his father would return home he feared being yelled at all the time. The ghost attacking him may have reflected his feelings about never having gotten the chance to know his father while also being yelled at by him. The ghost represented the lingering unresolved feelings of never bonding.

Example 6: A young women dreamed of herself being a ghost. In waking life she got into big argument with her boyfriend who made her feel pathetic. She couldn't get over the humiliation and constantly felt like a "ghost of her former self" while around her boyfriend. She felt unimportant while around him.

Example 7: A young woman dreamed being in a house with ghosts. In waking life she felt that she needed to deal with issues with her past that bothered her. She was doing a lot of self-reflection.

Example 8: A woman dreamed of seeing a ghost of her Grandmother. In waking life, was allowing a haunting memory of her Grandmother cursing her unborn child to bother her.


To dream of a girlfriend represents personality traits or qualities we feel as consistently supportive of your success or well-being. Something you think that supports you emotionally, or regularly helps you cope with life situations. It may also reflect something in your life that makes you feel safe, or lucky. A consistently helpful situation, behavior, or coping mechanism.

Alternatively, girlfriends may symbolize our current projections of your partner or their beliefs or goals. Your feelings about them and the current state of you relationship.

To dream of a girlfriend leaving you represents the departure of helpful situations, feelings, or beliefs from your life. Habits or situations that are no longer supportive of you. Feeling something helpful turning on you or no longer working.

To dream of a girlfriend who you've never seen in real life leaving you represents new situations, habits, or beliefs that were supportive of you and no longer are.

To dream of cheating on your partner represents impulsive choices, or doing something that you can't resist. Cheating on a partner can also represent a change of current beliefs.

To dream of a partner cheating on you represents
bad choices that have consequences or dire repercussions. Turning your back on principles, integrity, or sacrifices you are making. A partner cheating on you may also symbolize your feelings about your partner having different beliefs or goals from your own.

To see a girlfriend die or murdered in a dream represents the end of a thinking pattern, habit, or life situation that made you feel good or helped you cope with life situations. It may also reflect certain beliefs, feelings, or situations associated with your girlfriend ending.

To dream of intimacy or feelings of love with a girlfriend that you don't recognize represents a new personality style, habit, or situation that is emotionally helpful for you.

To dream of having sex with your girlfriend represents positive waking life experiences where you are enjoying feeling that you can't lose. Enjoyable experiences feeling helped, successfully using your skills, or liking noticing yourself having an advantage that never stops working for you. Liking an experience where certain skills, behavior, or other people are consistently supportive of your success. Alternatively, having sex with your girlfriend may reflect enjoyable waking life situations you are experiencing with him. It could also (less likely) reflect your sex life.

Example: A man dreamed of walking down a street with his girlfriend (He was actually single). In waking life he cleverly came up with an excuse that prevented him from having to confront a difficult situation. He felt good knowing he could use the excuse anytime he wanted and it would always work for him.

Example 2: A man dreamed of his girlfriend cheating on him. In waking life he was fearing his girlfriend catching him cheating on his girlfriend. The girlfriend in the dream in this case may have reflected his feelings about his cheating behavior turning against him.


To dream of a gun represents feelings about the ability to assert control, power, or assertiveness in decision-making. A serious decision with canceling power to never think of something the same way ever again. A sense of dominance, protection, or having the upper hand in a situation with the intention to make a powerful decision. Your sense of control over a particular situation or your desire to gain control over something that feels chaotic or unpredictable. A critical moment of choice. Choices to stop or ruin something with a single action. Choices made by you or against you with powerful consequences. Angry choices or reactions. Confrontational choices. The option to defend yourself with a powerful or final decision. The power to control decisions. Assertive power to compel or force behavior. The power to resist, assertively say no, or choose to never put up with something ever again. A highly decision that may have serious consequences. The power to decide to attack someone's character or reputation. The power to decide to break up a relationship, business, contract, or friendship. Considering or intending to make a serious or dangerous choice that may have permanent consequences. The ability to make impactful choices.

Positively, dreaming about a gun may represent a sense of empowerment, confidence, or being well-prepared to confront challenges. A feeling of being in control or having the necessary resources and strength to face obstacles. A gun in a dream can also symbolize self-protection, standing up for oneself, or maintaining boundaries.

Negatively, dreaming about guns represents dangerous choices with powerful consequences. Feeling threatened by a dangerous choice that may stop you, embarrass you, or ruin you. Power to decide something permanent that you may regret. A dangerously passionate choice. The power to seriously embarrass someone in a heated argument. Issues with control or power, either an abuse of power or a feeling of powerlessness. The power to threaten someone with ruining something. Too much power dangerously wielded. Powerful decision-making with control that doesn't need permission. A powerful decision that could easily get back at you or someone else.

Whoever you see in a dream holding a gun reflects a personality trait that is in control of powerful decision-making that may have serious or dangerous consequences. If you hold the gun in a dream it reflects your interest or motivation to make a serious choice to stop something or defend yourself.

To dream of shooting a bad person may represent overcoming a problem or bad influence by making a powerful decision to never care about it ever again. Your ability to take decisive action and eradicate harmful behaviors, thoughts, or influences that are holding you back. A willingness to confront and address these issues head-on in order to reclaim your power and well-being. The act of confronting and dealing with the negativity.

To dream of shooting a good person may represent feelings of guilt, regret, or making a hasty decision that you fear could have negative consequences. A powerful choice to stop something good or innocent in your life. An inner conflict between your moral values and the actions you feel compelled to take. Misjudging a situation, person, or decision, leading to actions that you later regret. Feelings of betrayal or hurting someone who has been supportive or beneficial to you. A struggle with ethical or moral dilemmas where you find yourself taking actions that are contrary to your core beliefs or values. Feelings of being overwhelmed by circumstances that lead you to make decisions that are not in line with your true character. Never believing in a serious or powerful decision until it's too late. Choosing to be bad or immoral.

To dream of being shot with a gun represents a powerful or serious decision that negatively impacts you or changes your perspective. Feeling victimized, overpowered, or unfairly targeted by someone else's decisions or actions. Experiencing the consequences of someone else's assertive choices that drastically alter your situation. Feeling suddenly cut off, stopped, or limited by someone else's power or control. Feeling that someone else's decision has caused you a lot of pain or loss. Feeling that you've hurt yourself with a powerful or serious decision. A bad choice you've made that has made a situation turn on you. People or situations that you feel intend to make you lose. A powerful or serious decision that is impacting your life and subjecting you to its influence. Feelings about a choice you've made being the stupidest choice you ever made in your life. Feeling that a person that doesn't like you is powerfully defending themself against you. It may also reflect someone else that you feel is intentionally making the decision to ruin you, embarrass you, or get back at you. The harsh reality of an unexpected or unanticipated change imposed upon you. Feeling betrayed, attacked, or sabotaged by someone you trusted or depended on.

Bad people with guns represent negative personality traits that control or dominate a situation with the power to make serious or harmful decisions (e.g. fears, anger, guilt, dishonesty, addiction). A bad habit or negative influence that holds destructive power over your mind exerting negative control or threatening your well-being. A bad situation that you fear could get out of control. A perception of danger or harm from external sources, suggesting a need to address these threats in waking life. Feelings about the potential for a bad habit or negative influence to ruin you, your stability, or your happiness.

Good people with guns represent positive aspects of your personality that have the power to make assertive or protective decisions (e.g. courage, confidence, honesty). A feeling of being protected, guided, or having the strength to confront challenges or threats. Good judgment to make serious final decisions to stop something that threatens you. A sense of security, moral integrity, or the ability to stand up for what is right. Positive intentions with the ability to make impactful choices.

To dream of a gun that doesn't work or jams up may represent frustration, hesitation, or fear of acting. A lack of will, courage, or power to carry out a powerful decision. You don't have what it takes to assert control or power in a situation. A lack of confidence in your abilities or resources. Concerns about your plans not working out as expected or encountering unexpected obstacles that prevent you from asserting your power or making a crucial decision. A fear of not being able to defend yourself or protect your interests when it matters most. You may doubt your abilities to confront challenges or assert your boundaries. A sign that you need to address any obstacles or doubts that are hindering your ability to make important decisions or assert your authority.

To dream of loading a gun represents a readiness to assert control or power in a situation. Your preparation to make a powerful decision or take assertive action. You are getting ready to confront challenges or defend your interests. Loading a gun in a dream can symbolize your determination to be in control of a critical moment of choice.

To dream of loading a gun represents a readiness to assert control or power in a situation with serious decision with potential consequences. Your preparation to make a powerful decision or take assertive action. You are getting ready to confront challenges or defend your interests. Loading a gun in a dream can symbolize your determination to be in control of a critical moment of choice. Preparing to cancel a problem or stop something dangerous. Using available resources to stand up for yourself or get back at someone. Your desire to equip yourself with the necessary resources or knowledge to face unpredictable or chaotic circumstances. A proactive approach to gaining control over a particular situation that may have powerful consequences.

To dream of accidentally shooting yourself with a gun represents a self-inflicted mistake or decision that backfired. A hasty or ill-considered decision. A serious mistake that harms you or negatively impacts your situation. A lack of caution or a rushed approach to a crucial choice, leading to regrettable consequences. Embarrassing yourself with a lack of carefulness while preparing to defend yourself or make a serious choice. Not being careful or responsible enough with the power you hold. Unintentionally create problems for yourself due to lack of foresight or careful consideration. Feeling that you've put yourself in a difficult situation due to a reckless or thoughtless action. The dream is a reminder to be more cautious and deliberate in your decisions, especially when they have the potential to have serious consequences.

To dream of intentionally shooting yourself with a gun represents self-destructive behavior, self-punishment, or a deliberate act of self-harm. Choosing to make a decision that you know may have negative or harmful consequences. Choosing to self-cancel, lose, or ruin yourself with a significant or dangerous choice. Knowingly engaging in actions that could lead to personal harm. Feelings of guilt, self-punishment, or a belief that you deserve to suffer.

Example: A woman dreamed of seeing someone point a gun at a man. In waking life, she was having a heated debate with someone whom she felt could explode with anger at her if she wasn't careful. In this case, the gun may have reflected the potential decision to explode with anger that held power over her. She may have felt that she may be "emotionally shot" by the man who might permanently hate her.

Example 2: A boy dreamed of seeing men pointing a gun at him. In waking life, he felt his teacher was singling him out for embarrassment. In this case, the gun may have reflected his feelings about his teacher holding the potential power to choose embarrassment.

Example 3: A woman dreamed of retrieving a pistol to defend herself against her angry husband. In waking life, she was confident about not putting up with her husband's dishonesty anymore. In this case, the gun may have reflected her willingness to protect herself while arguing with her husband with a serious threat to divorce him.

Example 4: A woman dreamed of seeing a man who was lying on the ground shooting a gun off in random directions and then eventually toward her, which required her to lie on the ground. In waking life, she was comfortably over her past relationship with her ex-boyfriend when he called her on the phone and began discussing getting back together with her in an aggressive manner. In this case, the gun being fired off may have reflected her ex-boyfriend's aggressive attempts to assert control or dominance in the conversation about restarting their relationship. She may have been thinking about her ex-boyfriend getting back at her or doing things to powerfully ruin her new life without him.

Example 5: A young man dreamed of seeing a criminal holding a gun at him. In waking life, he was experiencing powerful pressure to decide to cave into a bad habit that would cost him a lot personally. In this case, the gun may have reflected the young man's perception of the imminent and dangerous consequences of deciding to give into the bad habit. The criminal with the gun symbolized the negative or harmful aspect of himself that was pressuring him to make a decision that could have serious repercussions on his life, representing a critical moment of choice where he felt his personal integrity or well-being was at stake.

Example 6: A woman dreamed of watching a fight where one man pointed a gun at another man's horse. In waking life, she was concerned with someone having the power to attack her character or professional reputation. In this case, the gun may have reflected anxieties about how easily her reputation or personal integrity could be challenged or damaged by someone else's aggressive actions or decisions.

Example 7: A woman dreamed of a man pointing a gun at her while she sat in her car. In waking life, she got into a heated argument with her boyfriend. In this case, the gun may have reflected her feelings about her boyfriend holding the power to make the choice to breakup with her while they were arguing if she didn't agree to something he wanted.

Example 8: A young man dreamed of lots of sex, alcohol, and being drunk that included men with guns who wanted to murder him. In waking life, he was worried that if he didn't slow down on drinking alcohol that he would kill himself. In this case. the guns may have reflected his feelings about the potentially fatal consequences of choosing to continue his current lifestyle.

Example 9: A man dreamed of thinking about needing a gun to shoot a lion which backfired and ended up hitting him. In waking life, he got into an argument with someone and believed he could win, but the person ended up being too angry to talk to. In this case, the gun may have reflected his belief that asserting dominance and control in the argument would allow him to "shoot down" or cancel the other person's confidence, anger, and opposition with a threat that was too powerful to do anything about.

*Please See Shooting.

*Please See Bullets.

*Please See Hand Gun.

*Please See Machine Gun.

*Please See Revolver.

*Please See Rifle.

*Please See Shotgun.


To dream of a hospital represents a mindset that is serious about fixing problems or confronting emotional ills. It reflects attempts to do all you can to confront or improve a problem. A crisis point. A situation that forces needed change. Feeling a strong need to fix a bad relationship after fight. Urgently sorting out problems.

Choosing to go to a hospital a dream is a sign that you are making changes that promote psychological, emotional, or physical well-being and a more balanced lifestyle.

Failed medical procedures or operations symbolize mistakes or failures at properly addressing issues. You may be trying to find a quick fixes that doesn't address the real problem. Bad advice or impatient careless attempts to solve problems on your own.

To dream of getting refused entry to a hospital may reflect feelings about being unable to fix urgent problems. Feeling stuck with a problem. Feeling stranded in a crisis.

To dream of an abandoned hospital represents feelings about a lost sense of urgency to deal with problems anymore. Feeling desensitized to problems.

Example: A man dreamed of going to the hospital. In real life he was trying his hardest to quick smoking marijuana.

Example 2: A woman dreamed of being refused entry into a hospital because she had bad credit. In waking life she was having anxiety about being able to financially support her coming baby.

Example 3: A woman dreamed of being in an abandoned hospital. In waking life she was feeling herself getting annoyed at having to care for her son every single time he cried for her. The abandoned hospital represented the woman's lost sense of urgency to deal with her child's problems.

Example 4: A young man dreamed of being in a hospital. In waking life he had just had a bug fight with a friend and was eager to repair the friendship.

Example 5: A man dreamed of being in a hospital dressed in a hospital gown. In waking life he was getting ready for an important interview and felt that his interview skills and case needed urgent last minute fixing.

Example 6: A man dreamed of being in a hospital and seeing the mother and father of his ex-girlfriend. In waking life he was trying very hard to get over his ex, but it was too difficult as he loved her too much.


To dream of a house represents your mindset or perspective on a situation. Your take on the experience of current conditions. Beliefs or feelings that you are comfortable with. Your view of an experience that is familiar to you. Your opinion or beliefs about a situation that has become normal to you.

Negatively, a house may reflect a belief system or habit that you take for granted.

The type of house is symbolic for how you are thinking about a particular issue. The condition of the house reflecting your mental state as you experience something. Rich houses symbolize your perspective on issues where you are powerful and resourceful. Poor houses represent your perspective on issues where you are powerless or emotionally weakened.

The rooms of the house are indicative of how an issue is being approached or dealt with.

For more on houses see the themes section.

To dream of a house being on fire represents feelings of powerlessness to stop some area of your life from being lost for good. It may also reflect angry destructive intentions or intentional harm that can't be stopped. Feeling stupid that you can't do anything about stopping damage to some area of your life. A situation may feel permanently out of your control in a negative way.

To dream of buying a house represents your commitment to integrating something into your life. Choosing to make something be normal for you. Alternatively, it may mean that you have worked really hard to earn something. Negatively, buying a new house may mean that you'd made a mistake that you're stuck with.

To dream of going home in a dream represents a return to familiarity or comfort. Things are becoming normal again. You may have been experiencing difficulties or doing something new.

To dream of cleaning your house represents self-improvement. You may be fine-tuning an idea you have or trying to perfect something. Unneccessary beliefs or habits are being removed or changed.

To dream of a new house represents a new perspective or mindset on a situation. A new way of thinking about something. A new situation may have become normal for you. A better way of living or seeing life. News ideas or lifestyle choices.

To dream of an old house represents a perspective or mindset that is experienced, tried, and trusted.

To dream of being locked out of your house represents rejection and insecurity. You may feel unable to feel as secure or confident as you wish. Feeling displaced beyond your control.

To dream of people moving into your home and claim that it belongs to them represents feelings of being displaced or the "owner" of your own life in some area.

To dream of returning to an old home represents a return to an old or familiar way of thinking. A perspective on life you've had before. This may occur when you return to old habits, jobs, relationships, or even go back to school. Alternatively, consider how the reputation the old home has and how it may symbolize your current mindset.

To dream of someone else's house represents your mindset through the perspective of whatever qualities stand out the most about that person. For example, if you dream of a grandparents house it may represent your mindset through the perspective of a wiser or more experienced aspect of your personality. Meaning you may be dealing with a situation that you have prior experience with. Alternatively, other people's houses can also be a symbol for issues you have with those people.

To dream of colored houses symbolizes your mind through the perspective of whatever the color represents. For example a blue house symbolizes a positive mindset, and a red house symbolizes a negative mindset. See the themes section for more on colors.

To have your house broken into or robbed symbolizes a problem, negative mindset, or bad habit that is robbing you of happiness, confidence, or integrity.

Abandoned houses symbolize mental or emotional neglect. They may also your view of problems that you gotten used to. A sign that you haven't bothered to deal with problems or that you need to focus on self-improvement.

Mansions, or homes of wealthy people symbolize your state of mind when feeling powerful, in control, or achieving goals.

House numbers, and locations also add to the symbolism that describes how you are thinking, or feeling.

To dream of a former residence symbolizes your state of mind based on your memories of that house. Consider the number of the house as well using dream numerology..

To dream of your parent's house symbolizes your state of mind being one that is dealing with their conscience (father) to decide on an issue or confront a negative situation, or using their intuition (mother) to figure out how to solve a problem or stay away from it before it begins.

To dream of seeing a house being destroyed represents some area of your life that you have become accustomed to coming to an end. A perspective on a situation being normal or stable being ruined. Example life situations that may cause this kind of dream may be the loss of a job, loss of health, permanent injuries in an accident, or major changes in family life.

To dream of a broken or damaged house may reflect feelings about your life deteriorating or your identity threatened. Something valuable in your life feels crushed or lost. A sense that a situation is becoming troubling. It may also reflect feelings about your body being damaged.

To dream of a part of your house being missing or removed represents feelings about having reduced function in some area of your life.

To dream of an old house represents feelings old ways of living that are not important anymore. An old house that is still nice looking may reflect old-fashioned values or old-fashioned ways of living. A "classic" or timeless perspective on a situation.

Alternatively, old houses that you use to live in may reflect a perspective on life or a specific situation you are experiencing based on the dominant feelings you had while living in that home.

To dream of the front of a house with very long steps going up towards the front door represents feelings about a situation requiring a lot of effort to begin it. A lot of effort to begin something that isn't popular.

Example: A wealthy woman regularly dreamed of being in the old impoverished home of her youth. Whenever this dream occurred she was experiencing intense frustration in waking life. The poor home reflected her perspective on a situations where she felt powerless and lack resources to deal with problems.

Example 2: An older woman dreamed of being locked out of a house. In real life she desired to be young again and felt that youth was gone forever.

Example 3: A woman dreamed of her house being badly burned and then slowly being restored. In waking life she had sustained a serious injury to her arm and was awaiting surgery in the hospital.

Example 4: A woman dreamed of being in a house that was too small. In waking life she felt that a relationship with a married man was too difficult to achieve because she was too young and not rich enough to be with him. The small house may have reflected her perspective on her situation being a lot more restricted and difficult than she wanted it to be.

*Please See Mansion.

*Please See Moving.

*Please See Address.

*Please See Glass House.

*Please See Home Improvements.

*Please See Property.

*Please See Abandoned House.


To dream of knives symbolizes emotional conflict, division, and separation. There are issues with loss or change that you are struggling with in your waking life. An emotional hurt or threat.

Alternatively, you may feel threatened by a possible loss or change.

To dream of being in a knife fight represents a struggle or competing views about loss or change. A fight over who has to make a sacrifice or take a loss first.

To dream of being stabbed with a knife represents pain, consequences, or embarrassment you are experiencing for resisting something in your life that you disagree with. It may also represent someone in your life that you feel is trying to get back at you. Experiencing a significant enemy or opposition in your life. Experiencing the consequences of people who are jealous of you or who don't want you doing something.

To dream of a bloody knife may reflect feelings of guilt or regret for hurting someone else. A fear of having to pay for what you did to someone else. Alternatively, it may reflect your feelings about dangerous conflict in your life. Fearlessly overcoming a big problem or dangerous situation.

Women often dream of being chased by a man with a knife. In waking life these dreams may be a sign that they fear being dumped or being single again. A struggle to keep the partner happy. Alternatively, it may reflect the woman's attempt to avoid aggressive sexual advances. Men usually dream of knives to reflect a conflict of opposing ideas or agendas.

To dream of a pocket knife represents confidence that you can get rid of a problem should it arise. Preparedness.

To dream of a pen knife represents hidden intentions to defend a permanent choice you've made. Positively, it may reflect preparation to stand your ground. Negatively, it may reflect a problem discussing your true feelings to others.

Example: A young girl dreamed of seeing herself stabbing herself with a knife. In waking life she was keeping a relationship with a boyfriend that her friends didn't like. Stabbing herself with a knife reflected the emotional conflict she felt with her friends being caused by choosing to keep her boyfriend and refusing to breakup with him. She felt she was hurting herself socially by keeping the boyfriend.

Example 2: A woman dreamed of seeing a knife hovering above a baby's head. The baby said "Don't do it." In waking life she was considering getting an abortion. The hovering knife most likely reflected the potential decision to get an abortion that was on her mind.

Example 3: A woman dreamed of seeing intruders in her home wielding sharp knives. In waking life she was pregnant and fearing the need to get a c-section.

Example 4: A woman dreamed of fearing knives sitting on a sidewalk would be picked up and used to hurt her. In waking life she was having fear about being fired from her job.

Example 5: A man dreamed of having to throw away 2 knives. One knife was a mail opening knife and the second a bigger claw knife. In waking life he felt the need to stop yelling while refusing to listen to what people were saying and to stop believing that violence was a first option.

*Please See Stabbed.

*Please See Butter Knife.

*Please See Butcher Knife.


To dream of lions represents feelings of total control or domination of others. Either your own need to control others, or your projection of other people who you feel want to control you.

Positively, a lion may represent leadership, courage, or using your temper for good purposes. Yelling at misbehaving children or dishonest people. Angry threats towards criminal-minded people. Terrifying enemies or bullies with your anger. Standing up to someone. Forcing other people to respect you with fear. Strong leadership.

Negatively, a lion may reflect a fear of people who you are allowing to control you. Angry intimidating people in your life. A fear of bullies. Fearing upsetting someone powerful. A persistent feeling of trying very hard not to upset someone. Fearing employers, doctors, dentists, police, or other people with professional authority that you don't want to embarrass yourself with. A fear of legal consequences. Fearing not complying with high standards that are expected of you. Alternatively, it may reflect your abuse or exploitation of power to control others. Losing your temper with people you care about. A really bad temper. An overreaction or embarrassing power trip. Feeling controlled by bills or creditors that will threaten you if you don't pay your bills.

To dream of a female lioness may represent controlling females or feelings of being dominated by women. A fear of angering a powerful women. Feelings about caring too much what passive people think and being controlled by it.

Example: A woman dreamed of having a pet lion. In waking life she was cheating on her husband with a very aggressive man whom she felt she had to look after.

Example 2: A man dreamed of female lions running around a store he regularly shopped at. In waking life when he shopped at the store he was very insecure about what the store owners thought about him. He felt socially controlled.

Example 3: A man dreamed of trying to avoid lions. In waking life he was successfully treating a serious health problem with a natural vitamin supplement and he feared that when he spoke to his medical doctors that they would force him to stop taking it.

Example 4: A young man dreamed of fearing lions. In waking life he was very insecure about attending a really strict school with high standards.

Example 5: A man dreamed of a lion he was trying to avoid. In waking life he regretted yelling at his son and was having problems apologizing for it.

Example 6: A man dreamed of seeing a lion. In waking life he was concerned about his boss making threats about the DEA showing up at his workplace to investigate drugs. In this this case the lion symbolism may have reflected his feelings about his boss being too controlling using threats about the dangerous controlling power of the DEA if he was caught with drugs.

Example 7: A woman dreamed of seeing lions. In waking life she was concerned about being controlled by her creditors requiring payments for debts.

Example 8: A woman dreamed of a lioness. In waking life she was having problems with a female boss that was too controlling.

Example 9: A young man dream of a lion being left at his house. In waking life, he felt that his family was yelling at him too much and was too serious about controlling him to force him to behave.


To dream of a mall represents your search for acceptable roles, choices, beliefs, and ideas. A time in which you are establishing your identity and making choices that will effect your sense of self. Being in mall symbolizes decisions, or preferences that make you who you are. A mall represents social settings, or social development where you are exploring options, or decisions about what you want or who you will become. It reflects the manner in which you go about getting what you want in life or choices that define who you are.

A dream of a mall can show up when you are deciding who you want to date, making changes to your lifestyle, or experiencing changes in your personality.

The stores in a mall symbolize states of mind with themes that are symbolic based on your feelings or perceptions of those stores. For example a store such as the GAP could symbolize a more proper or conservative lifestyle choice, where as a more urban clothing store may symbolize a more desirous personality choice.

Sales people in a mall represents aspects of your personality that are attempting to convince you of a choice, or a belief or idea that you are considering.

*Please See Salesperson.

*Please See Shopping.

*Please See Store.


To dream of your mother represents your intuition or your internal guidance. She reflects your ability to make decisions that will effect you in the future or how well you make choices based on gut instincts. She also reflects how lucky you feel about coincidences or good foresight.  Feelings about how to safely get something.

Anything your mother says in a dream sheds light on what your sense of intuition is guiding you towards in life, or how you feel about your future.

If your mother is deceased in real life the symbolism for her appearing in your dream most likely still remains as intuition. Dead relatives in dreams often have the same symbolic value whether the person is alive or dead. If your mother is recently deceased or you have been spending a lot of time remembering her than the her appearance in your dream may be reflecting how much you miss her.

If your mother gives you advice in a dream, it may reflect your sense of intuition that is feeling that a certain choice is best for the future.

If your mother is very angry in a dream, it represents your negative feelings about disappointments or bad luck. In this case you feel like you can't catch a break, or bad luck seems to just keep coming towards you as your choices never seem to help you. You may regret a choice you bad.

If you frustrated with your mother in a dream for making bad choices it may represent frustration or jealousy of all your own choices not being good ones. Lying to yourself or avoiding dealing with a problem. Pregnant women may dream of being frustrated with their mothers if they are gaining significant amounts of weight and not choosing appropriate clothing.

If your mother is evil looking in a dream it represents your sense of intuition being negative and making negative choices. Bad intentions for the future. It may also reflect feelings that nothing you choose ever works out or that you are consumed by fear or bad luck.

If you mother is happy in a dream it represents a positive outlook on the future or feeling luckier. You may feel like you avoided something bad or used really good foresight.

If you mother is pregnant in a dream it represents your choices for the future or luck that is working towards something. A new experience, new idea, or a new way of living is about emerge in your life.

If your mother dies in a dream it represents feelings of having lost your sense of intuition or consistent making bad choices. Feeling that you have poor foresight. You are unable to solve a problem, get away from negative life situations, and problems you have stay unresolved. If she dies it's very likely you have powerful fears, or moral dilemmas that you need to overcome. You may feel a permanent sense of bad luck or that you can't stop yourself from making a bad decision with something very important.

To dream of your mother driving you in your car represents waking life situations where your heightened need to plan ahead in dominant. Intuition or long term planning that feels more important to you in current situation (e.g. pregnancy).

Example: A woman dreamed of her mother telling her she was too fat. In waking life she felt that she had gained too much weight. Her mother telling her that she gained too much weight reflected her intuition feeling that she needed to be more careful about eating and exercise as she moved forward.

Example 2: A young girl has recurring nightmares about her mother dying. In waking life she felt unable to decide what college was best and that making a choice right now might screw her life up good.

Example 3: A man dreamed of being comforted by his mother. In waking life he had a bad drug experience and told himself that quitting drugs would be a good idea. The man's mother reflected his intuitive wish to lookout for himself in the future by making a good choice to stop drugs.

Example 4: A woman dreamed of seeing her sister dragging the corpse of their mother around the inside of a house. In waking life she was experiencing her sister having a very hard time in life overcoming her addiction to drugs.

People with asthma often dream of themselves being victims depending on a mother figure. This symbolism may reflect their dislike of themselves being dependent on their inhalers or always having to be careful about their reactive sensitivities.

Pregnant women often dream of their mothers. This is most likely a reflection of their heightened need to intuitively plan ahead for the baby when it's born.

*Please See Mother-In-Law.

*Please See Stepmother.


To dream of being naked represents feelings of being vulnerable or exposed. An aspect your life is totally out in the open or revealed. An unexpected change may be making you feel like your private life is suddenly on display to others. Feeling put on the spot in a way you aren't used to. Feeling that you have no protection. Feeling awkward. A lack of privacy.

Negatively, dreaming of being naked may reflect your dishonesty that is impossible to hide anymore. Feeling embarrassed that you got caught lying. Personal information or private matters may be out in the open. Feeling vulnerable or susceptible to influence. Feeling exposed, humiliated, or powerless because a weakness has been revealed. Feeling shame, inept, or inadequate. Feeling vulnerable to others judgement.

Positively, being naked in a dream may represent feelings of being totally confident. Not caring what other people think about you at all. Enjoying having the truth exposed. Feeling that you have nothing to hide. If you enjoy being naked it may reflect a situation in which you feel free to all restraints. Nothing is holding you back. Feeling unencumbered.   Openness and sincerity.

To dream of other people being naked may represent "seeing the naked truth of a situation." All weaknesses are out in the open.

To dream of being naked at school represents waking life situations where you may be experiencing anxiety about problems that you can't do anything to hide. Facing something serious that you can't keep private.

To dream of being naked at work represents feelings about having to be honest all the time. Being unable to disguise or cover up your mistakes. Situations where cheating is impossible or spotted immediately. It may also reflect feelings about honesty being important to prove all the time.

To dream of being naked at the beach may represent feelings about being unable to hide your true intentions or to act dishonest while confronting a negative situation. Facing uncertainty in your life while being unable to lie or hide anything. The beach reflects a confrontational moment in your life while the nakedness points to feelings about your true self being on display to others.

To dream of hiding your naked body represents a fear of having the truth revealed or exposed. Embarrassment of being caught lying. There is something about yourself that you don't want scrutinized.  Wishing to conceal a weakness.

To see beautiful sexually attractive people naked may represent desirable experiences that you want to have. It may also reflect your sexual desires or fantasies. Experiencing situations that you really like.

Being naked and ready for sex represents your readiness to enjoy yourself doing something you like. Negatively, it may be a sign that you are too eager or allowing the prospect of pleasure to cloud your judgement.

To dream of being naked while people laugh at you represents feelings of embarrassment about some area of your life that is out in the open. Humiliation due to lies or impotence being revealed. If you don't care about the laughter it reflects a high degree of comfort with yourself despite what other people think of you. Feeling no jealousy or not allowing revelations to bother you. Being uninhibited.

Example: A girl had recurring nightmares about walking around a street naked wearing only gloves. In waking life he was in a strict religious convent school requiring a uniform to be worn. She was always losing her gloves. The dream may have reflected her fears about being discovered having lost her gloves and being revealed as inadequate person in a place she found to be too strict.

Example 2: A woman had recurring dreams of being naked. In waking life she was having problems getting pregnant and was concerned that other people were thinking about her as infertile loser.

Example 3: A man dreamed of seeing naked people. In waking life he was embarrassed at having to reveal to friends that he would have to move back to his home country due to economic reasons.

*Please See Flasher.


Nightmares are usually a sign that you are having trouble confronting a fear or are experiencing situation that is giving you anxiety. An inability to cope with challenges in waking life Nightmares may also indicate unresolved emotional issues or trauma that you may be repressing. Avoidance issues or feelings about problems being unbearable to put up with. Seeking support from loved ones or a professional can be helpful in understanding and overcoming the underlying issues that are causing these nightmares.

Positively, a nightmare may occur as a signal about the end of problems that you never believed could end. A nightmare such as this may occur when you wake up one day to a surprise or communication that indicates your problem is resolved.

There are a number of common symbols that appear in nightmares that are listed in our nightmares section. Read more about nightmares in our themes section.

Example: A man had a nightmare about velociraptors. In waking life he was experiencing fears about multiple people working together to ruin him.

Example 2: A man had a nightmare about an unbearable problem never ending that finally went quiet. In waking life his life had grown accustom to the problem over years and woke up one day to experience the problem resolved on it's own.

There are a number of common symbols that appear in nightmares that are listed in our nightmares section.   Read more about nightmares in our themes section.


To dream that you or someone else is pregnant represents something new that is developing in your life. A new way of thinking, new ideas, new goals, projects, or a new life situation. Preparations, choices, or consequences are leading towards a new life situation. A period of gestation of ideas or plans. A development phase that is sensitive. Carrying within you new life that may be in the form of a book, project, or new lifestyle. A time of transition. Feelings about a "new self" that is about to emerge. Contemplating making a big change.

A pregnancy in a dream also reflect some area of your life where more of something is being increased or produced. Artists often dream of being pregnant when they are starting a new work of art.

Negatively, being pregnant may reflect a new problem that is developing or a problem that is creating more problems. Watching the gestation of an event in your life that makes you jealous or scared. Feeling that a change in your life was not by choice and can't be denied.

To dream about trying to get pregnant may represent your desire or wish for something in your life to develop. A wish to get something that's important to you started.

If you are actually pregnant in real life then dreams of being pregnant may reflect your heightened anxiety or concerns about issues related to the pregnancy.

To dream of being pregnant with twins may represent feelings about developments in your life that will bring conflict. Expectations of conflict or arguments. Expectations for opposite opinions once a development or plan is completed. Feeling that once something in your life completes that you and someone else will think they are better than the other.

Example: A woman dreamed of seeing a pregnant women. In waking life she was an author that had come up with a new idea for a book to write.

Example 2: A man dreamed of seeing a pregnant woman that was stressed out. In waking life he was trying very hard to develop and grow a new business idea, but felt that his family was being unsupportive of his hard work during a key moment.

Example 3: A young man dreamed of his girlfriend being pregnant. In waking life he had his first argument with her which caused her to sleep in a different bedroom. The pregnancy in this case may have negatively symbolized his feelings about the potential for a developing problem with his girlfriend wanting to leave him.

*Please See Birth.


To dream of police officers represents discipline, intervention, and enforcement of behavior. Rules or structure. Feelings about changes being forced on you or others. A need to restore sanity, rationality, or justice to a situation. A need for fairness, order, or respect for adherence rules. Feelings of being in trouble for not behaving or staying disciplined. Maintaining order and safety in your life. The enforcement of boundaries, or the protection of your own values and principles.

Positively, police may reflect the use of power or authority to force changes on people who are misbehaving. Keeping "troublemakers" in line. Standing up to bullies or confronting people who are abusive to others. Choosing to make difficult changes that you know are in your best interest. Confronting liars, rule breakers, or dishonest people. Feelings of security. Calming a situation down or fixing one that is a total mess. Intervening in a wrongdoing. Choosing to confront addiction. Providing help in a crisis. Protecting something sensitive or beautiful from harmful individuals. Preventing recklessness. Restoring calm. Calming a situation down.

Negatively, dreaming of police may represent your fear of change, discipline, punishment, or correcting a bad habit. It may also reflect feelings about yourself or others being too authoritarian or controlling. Forcing change on people when they don't like it or don't want it. Abusing authority, power, or your ability to protect people. Feeling like you are facing bad karma. Feeling that you have no choice in a matter that requires change. Knowing you are misbehaving and not liking having to change. Problems with resisting change. Experiencing situations where there is a sense of "lawlessness" or arrogant abuse of power. Resisting confronting addictions. Avoiding punishment or facing consequences. Fearing someone else will get away with wronging you. Feeling that you were caught breaking rules. Overbearing authority figures, or feeling controlled and restricted by rules and regulations.

To dream of police corruption represents feelings of betrayal, loss of trust, or moral compromise in a situation where you expected protection, order, or fairness. It could also symbolize your own negative thoughts or actions that undermine your sense of integrity, or a situation where you are allowing dishonesty or injustice to occur without consequences. Feelings about people in your life that like dishonest control in order to cheat or think that they're the best. Not liking why someone else is getting away with something.

To dream of a female police officer represents a passive form of discipline, intervention, or enforcement of behavior. Enforcement of rules or structure that doesn't have to be assertive. Negatively, a female police officer may reflect a scumbag in your life that stays quiet about secretive control over you.

Spiritually, police in a dream may reflect feelings about you life being controlled or guided by God. Feeling that God is forcing you to change or intervening to punish bad people with a life lesson.

To dream of running away from police represents your attempt to avoid discipline, consequences, or facing the reality of your actions. A fear of change or an unwillingness to confront personal issues, bad habits, or negative behavior patterns. You might be trying to evade responsibility, accountability, or the need to address problems in your life.

To dream of being arrested by police represents being held accountable for your actions or that discipline is being enforced upon you. It may also symbolize a situation in which you are forced to confront your issues or face the consequences of your decisions. This dream can signify an acknowledgment that you need to make changes or take responsibility for your behavior, habits, or life choices. Addicts may dream of being arrested when they have to get sober. Feeling that a change that is being forced upon you.

To dream of police cars represents control over decision-making regarding disciple, intervention, or enforcement of behavior. Controlling correcting problems. This could also indicate your ability to confront issues, set limits, and uphold your values and principles in various situations.

Example: A woman dreamed of police officer raping her. In waking life, she felt scared being alone while separated from her abusive husband and kept sleeping with men that ended up using her. In this case, the police raping her may have reflected her feelings about being taken advantage of by people who were supposed to protect and support her.

Example 2: A young man dreamed of running away from the police. In waking life he was trying very hard to avoid having to give up drugs when people he knew were trying to intervene in his life. In this case, the the police may have reflected his feelings about people in his life who were trying to enforce discipline, intervention, and change in his behavior.

Example 3: A man dreamed of seeing police arresting people. In waking life, his boss at work as firing people for abusing privileges in the work place. In this case, the police arresting people may have reflected his feelings about the enforcement of rules and discipline at his workplace, as well as the consequences faced by his colleagues for abusing their privileges.

Example 4: A woman dreamed of screaming for the police to help her. In waking life, she was frustrated with being unable to stop another woman from talking about her negatively behind her back. In this case, screaming for the police may have reflected her desire for intervention, authority, or someone with power to step in and put an end to the negative gossip being spread about her.

Example 5: A woman dreamed of the police intruding into her home after accepting a gift from one of two men she was interested in seeing. In waking life, she was involved with two men and after one of the men proved himself to be immature she changed her mind about him and started respecting the second more mature man as a better partner. In this case, the police may have reflected her feelings of self-discipline and enforcement of her own values and principles in her romantic life.

Example 6: A man dreamed of an arrogant female police officer. In waking life, he was experiencing police corruption that chose to waste years of his life waiting for police assistance. In this case, the female police officer may have reflected his feelings about how arrogant the police corruption was with it's passive tactics.

Example 7: A man dreamed of seeing a police officer being killed. In waking life he was having problems making a lifestyle change. In this case, the police officer being killed may have reflected his feelings of losing the sense of discipline, order, or self-control needed to successfully make the lifestyle change.

Example 8: A woman dreamed of police telling her that she can file charges against her husband. In waking life, her husband left her for another woman and she felt used. In this case, the police may have reflected her feelings about wanting to get back at her husband with a divorce for using her so he'll feel punished for it.

Example 9: A woman dreamed of police discovering a man badly burned inside a vehicle while she tried to take this body to clean it. In waking life, the her boss had told her that she is her boss's biggest failure. In this case, the police may have reflected her feelings of self-discipline in confronting the issue of being labeled as a failure by her boss.

Example 10: An older woman dreamed of her pastor at church being a police officer. In waking life, she was having a problem in her church with getting a white supremacist kicked out. In this case, the pastor being a police officer may have reflected the dreamer's desire for someone in a position of authority to enforce the rules and maintain order in the church community, particularly in dealing with divisive and harmful beliefs. The dream may be suggesting that the dreamer sees their pastor as someone who can act as a moral authority and ensure that everyone adheres to the principles and values of the church.

*Please See Arrested.


To see a reptile or lizard in your dream symbolizes fear. Either a fear you have or a fear you are projecting to someone else.

To dream of a yellow lizard or reptile reptile represents fear you have that is quite noticeable.

Women who are pregnant commonly dream of lizards. This most likely reflects their fears associated with maintaining a healthy pregnancy or the safety of the baby. Fears of having deformed baby or that the baby will die. Fears of a difficult delivery, of their partner leaving them, or being unable to financial support the baby.

Example: A man dreamed of being reborn as a reptile. In waking life he as just recovered from a dangerous experiment with mind altering substances. After the dangerous experiment he realized he was scaring his friends and family all the time when he discussed it. The rebirth as a reptile reflected the dramatic change in how he was perceived by others as his new reputation instilled fear in the people that cared about him.

Example 2: A man dreamed of seeing a giant black lizard. In waking life he was experiencing a serious crisis and feared being murdered.

*Please See Dragons.

*Please See Dinosaur.

*Please See Alligators.


To dream of a school most often represents social concerns, insecurities, or anxieties. Worrying. Anxiety about how well you are being perceived by others, or how well you are performing in life. There is something happening in your life that you are sensitive about, or that's very important to be to careful about.

Schools symbolize a state of mind when you are caring about what you are thinking. You may have issues at work, or other areas of your life that are weighing heavily on your mind. You are concerned about something.

Positively, schools may reflect your concern with work or long term projects being perfectly accurate. Carefully thinking about what you are thinking. Enjoying learning something difficult. Learning about your problems, your past, or how to improve yourself. A school dream may also appear if you are an expert at something and are very concerned about potential mistakes. Analyzing written work, theories, or ideas.

Negatively, dreams about schools may reflect heightened levels of anxiety or prolonged periods of fear. An unbearable problem that you can't stop worrying about. Worrying or having second thoughts about how other people will react to negative comments you made about them. Second guessing yourself. A worried attempt to come up with excuses or "get your story straight."  Feeling stupid that you aren't perfect.

The level of difficulty of an institution, or the grade you are in may reflect how serious or emotionally taxing an issue is. Where as elementary school may simply reflect caring about an issue, university may reflect a more serious concern that requires your full and constant attention.

Attending specific classes in a school may represent the manner in which you are thinking. For example, history classes may reflect the reexamining of your past and math classes your attempts to solve a difficult unforgiving problem that requires a perfect solution.

Examples life situations that may encourage school dreams may be nervousness about dating someone, anxiety about work, or caring deeply about how others will react to a project you are working on or plans you've made.

See the themes section for school for a more in depth look at school symbolism.

Example: A man dreamed of being in school. In waking life he was very concerned about his book being very accurate. He was spending a lot of time reviewing his past work for mistakes.

Example 2: A woman dreamed of hiding in a classroom. In waking life she was very nervous about what to say to someone she angered and was carefully thinking of an excuse.

Example 3: A man dreamed of standing on stairs inside a school looking at a shirt made of good material but looked like poor material. In waking life the person received some rather harsh criticism. The school may have reflected their concern about what other people thought about them or anxiety that what they were doing in life was wrong.

Example 4: A young woman dreamed of seeing a little girl at school get dismissed from school. In waking life she was very jealous of her ex-boyfriend breaking up with her for her friend and then experienced him breaking up with the friend. The school in this case may have reflected her feelings about having to care seriously about jealousy all the time.

*Please See Tests.

*Please See Exams.

*Please See High School.

*Please See Elementary School.

*Please See College.

*Please See University.

*Please See Private School.

*Please See Preschool.


To dream about sex represents a positive and pleasurable experience in your waking life that feels exhilarating and as good as it can get. This enjoyable and thrilling experience is deeply personal and just for you. The person you have sex with in the dream represents a quality you recognize in yourself or a situation that you find fulfilling and enjoyable. Thinking of everything required to be safe to have a thrilling experience. A thrilling experience that you privately aren't telling anyone about being thrilling to you. A sense of disbelief that you are allowed to have such an enjoyable or thrilling experience, as it doesn't happen in all your usual encounters with people.

Whatever the thoughts, feelings, or memories that stand out the most to you about the person you have sex with represents what you are experiencing more of in your life.

For example, if you have sex with a celebrity it may symbolize a quality you see in that celebrity coming out of you or enjoying an activity you associate with that celebrity.

Alternatively, sex in a dream may reflect your most private thoughts about your own sex life.

To dream of being unable to find a safe place to have sex may represent challenges in expressing yourself, doing what you like, or pursuing your interests due to conflicting feelings or external complications. Interests or goals may be sidetracked by complications or conflicting feelings. You might be struggling to find a secure and comfortable environment to connect intimately with someone or to fully explore your desires and passions. Alternatively, it may reflect your inability to be close or intimate in your relationship.

To dream of having sex interrupted represents outside forces intruding on your private time, relationship, or ability to enjoy what you are doing. Your career, personal commitments, or other distractions may be interfering with your love life or your ability to focus on your passions. External elements are spoiling your special moment or your opportunity to shine.

To dream of having sex with a person who has something wrong with them may represent your enjoyment of feeling needed or superior in some way. An enjoyable or thrilling experience that is limited, less capable, or feels lucky to happen at all. A thrilling enjoyable experience that doesn't think of what average people do. Enjoying yourself in a way that can't be 100%, but still feels good anyway. You may also be enjoying the role of being more desirable, important, or interesting than someone else. Alternatively, it could also symbolize your enjoyment of an experience that has vulnerability or imperfections.

To dream of having sex with someone in public may represent attention you are attracting yourself with your personal interests or achievements. A thrilling experience where you don't care what anyone else thinks about it. Your private life being made public or other people speculating about your life. A fear of being exposed or judged by others.

To dream of having sex with a vanishing partner represents a thrilling experience that initially excites you but eventually loses its appeal or significance. Your confidence in the situation may wane, and you might feel that the experience wasn't as incredible as you initially believed. This dream could also symbolize a lack of commitment, an inadequate partnership, or feelings of insecurity in a relationship. It may indicate sexual or romantic frustrations and a sense of uncertainty about the connection or bond you once had with someone.

To dream of a having sex with a faceless person represents a enjoyable or thrilling experience that allows you to learn more about what really pleases you. Feeling good with something you are undecided about, enjoying being single or trying new things, and feeling free in not knowing what you really want. Exploring your desires and passions without the constraints of a specific identity or emotional attachment. An enjoyable or thrilling experience where you don't really know what someone thinks about you, or why something is the way it is.

To dream of having sex with yourself may reflect your enjoyment of showing off your skills or experience to others. Having a good time being the center of attention or showing off. An enjoyable experience where you feel you are the most important. Negatively, it may be a sign that you are going too far enjoying showboating or asserting yourself. Enjoying yourself thinking your more attractive or better than other people. Being so in love with yourself that you don't see it as a problem. This dream could serve as a reminder to maintain a balance between self-confidence and humility.

To dream of foreplay or sexual activity in a bedroom that never leads to full sex may reflect unfulfilled desires, hesitations, or insecurities in your waking life. It could signify that you are contemplating taking action on something enjoyable or thrilling but are unable to commit or follow through completely. Potential opportunities or experiences that are within your reach but remain unexplored. It might suggest that you are struggling to overcome personal barriers or external factors that prevent you from fully embracing these opportunities. You may need to assess your priorities and work on building the confidence and determination necessary to pursue your desires and passions more actively

To dream of chasing someone to have sex may reflect feelings of longing, desire, or frustration in your waking life that an enjoyable or thrilling experience alludes you or isn't achievable. Feeling that someone is making it difficult for you to like yourself the way you want to. Your feelings about other people never wanting to have a good time with you. A common dream for elderly people.

To dream of people watching you have sex may reflect feelings of vulnerability, exposure, or a lack of privacy in your personal life. It could also signify that others are judging or scrutinizing your intimate relationships or personal interests. Feelings about a person or situation making it difficult for you to enjoy yourself. Additionally, it may indicate a fear of being caught or revealing something you'd prefer to keep private.

See the themes section for sex for a more in-depth look at sex symbolism.

Example: A man dreamed of having sex with Oprah. In waking life, this man was a successful public speaker. Oprah to him represented excellent communication skills. In this case, the sex with Oprah represented how thrilling it felt to be so good at public speaking.

Example 2: A woman dreamed of having sex with an android. In waking life, she was having sex with someone she felt was socially boring and easy to control sexually. In this case, the dream was about her most private honest thoughts about her sex life.

Example 3: A man dreamed of having sex with himself and suddenly seeing himself yelling at himself. In waking life, he had embarrassed himself going too far showing off his skills to customers the point that his business partner had to lecture him on stopping it. In this case, the dreamer having sex with himself may have reflected his enjoyment of being the center of attention and showing off his skills to the customers

Example 4: A young woman dreamed of sexual foreplay in a bedroom that never leads to full sex. In waking life, she was considering asking a guy she knew to the prom, but couldn't get the confidence to ask him for real. In this case, the the prospect of sex that never happens may have reflected unfulfilled desires and hesitations about asking the guy to the prom that never allows a thrilling experience of going to the prom with the guy she had a romantic crush on.

Example 5: A woman dreamed of seeing a man having sex with a woman in front of her. In waking life, she was amazed at how easy a man she met could translate another language. She felt left out and stupid. In this case, watching someone else have sex in front of her may have reflected her feelings of being left out and witnessing someone else's thrilling experience or ability that she could not participate in or match.

Example 6: A man dreamed of having sex with multiple woman in which he described the incident as "banging chicks." In waking life, he was a police officer who was enjoying abusing authority to control people whenever he wanted. In this case, dreaming of sex with multiple women may have reflected the man's enjoyment of exercising his power and authority over others in his waking life, experiencing a sense of thrill and satisfaction in controlling people whenever he wanted.


To dream of a poisonous snake represents feelings about corruption or contamination. Snakes in dreams also tend to reflect a person's fear of total failure or serious losses. Feelings about a person or problem totally permanently ruining you. A dangerous or tricky problem you want to avoid.

Areas of your life that spoil everything associated with them. People that can't be trusted or that you feel are dangerous to not avoid. A snake could also reflect your own lack of integrity or deceptive behavior. Noticing yourself being an "evil asshole." A snake may also represent a bad influence or a person that you don't like. A person with no family values.

Often snakes point to situations that are difficult to resist, morally troublesome, or have traps that you wish to avoid. Snakes may also reflect bad habits, people, or situations that sour your mood, spirit, or good intentions. An addiction that is difficult to resist.

To dream of being bitten by a snake represents feelings about having succumb to negative influence or feelings of total failure. Feelings of corruption that have overwhelmed you. Giving in to addictions to bad influences. Suffering a loss of some kind.

To dream of fearing being bitten by a snake represents your fear of losing something important or a fear of total failure. You may fear losing power, control, safety, or your integrity.

To dream of a dead snake represents overcoming a corrupting or negative influence in your life. It may also reflect a threat of total loss that is dissipating.

Black snakes usually represent a fear of total failure. It may also reflect your feelings about the potential for corruption or excessive losses. A fear of enemies getting to control you or ruin you. Alternatively, a black snake may represent your full awareness of yourself being a liar or bad influence. Organized planning to steal or destroy other people's integrity.

A copper colored snake represents a fear of losing an opportunity to get something you are desperate to have. Fearing total loss of something you are hopelessly striving for. Allowing your desire to scare you. A fear based on a delusional belief that if you lose something special that you will lose everything you have. Alternatively, copper colored snake could represent your own hopeless or desperate attempts to scare others with total failure. Risking everything you have to corrupt others that only embarrasses you. It can also point to hurting people, lying, cheating, stealing, or disrespecting others because you can't have what you want. A light brown snake is often mistaken for a copper colored snake so consider both colors for your dream.

A light brown snake represents a fear of loss or total failure due to an improvement in your life. Fearing that fixing something will make your life worse. A positive opportunity to improve yourself that scares scares you. Powerful insecurity or a fear of embarrassment if you achieve your goals. (e.g A boy you like finding out you're a bad kisser or a virgin if you end up dating him, or fearing the government demanding more money from you if you are honest with your taxes). A copper snake is often mistaken for a light brown snake so consider both colors for your dream.

To dream of a dark brown snake may represent a fear of an improvement in your life spoiling other areas of your life. Fearing getting rid of a problem because it will make your life worse. Fearing getting rid of something important to you and becoming a failure because of it. Alternatively, a dark brown snake may reflect your own deceptive intentions to force someone else to get rid of something they don't want to get rid of.

A white snake represents a fear of total loss caused by a requirement to be perfect. Good intentions that cause others total failure. Something genuine or positive in your life that corrupts or contaminates everything else around it. Something with good intentions that has no tolerance for alternative choices. A white snake with blue venom may represent consequences that are in your best interest, but don't feel good. A fear of maturing or having to be honest. A "total evil asshole" in your life that demands perfection that you feel is excessive.

To dream of a light blue snake represents a positive person or situation that scares you with losing all you have if you don't behave positive. A fear of total failure if you are caught doing a single thing wrong. It may reflect something in your life that is being guarded or that demands total adherence to specific rules. Alternatively, a light blue snake may reflect a positive person or situation that is antagonistic to your goals. A good person that undermines you.

A dark green snake represents a corrupting influence that is selfish, arrogant, or greedy. Selfish thoughts or habits that undermine other more positive areas of your life. A strong need to put yourself first or powerful insecurities that derail a genuine endeavor. Selfishness that corrupts all else. A fear of total failure due to someone else's selfishness.

To dream of riding on the back of a snake represents feelings about something dangerous you are using to scare people away from you. Enjoying making people feel you are dangerous. Feeling that it's easy to scare people with severe losses if they get in your way. Alternatively, it may reflect a feeling of safety you get from being able to make other people feel you are too dangerous.

To dream of a being choked by a snake may represent feelings about a negative influence that is preventing you from expressing yourself.

Females often dream of snakes when they fear sex, getting pregnant, or losing their virginity.

Example: A girl once dreamed of a poisonous snake that seduced her and was impossible to resist. In real life she was dealing with an extremely attractive man that was pursuing her that she didn't trust. The snake reflected her view of this man being a "player" and just telling her whatever she wanted to hear in order to sleep with her.

Example 2: A woman dream of a white snake. In waking life she lived in a strict religious community. Due to the religious laws of this community she was unable to express herself or do anything that wasn't approved by the community. The white snake reflected her feelings about the strict morality laws of the religious community corrupting all her happiness.

Example 3: A man once dreamed of running through a forest trying to avoid snakes. In real life he was confronting a number of dangerous problems at once.

Example 4: A woman once dreamed of being choked by a snake. In real life she was resisting revealing her sexual desire for a co-worker out of fear that she'd be fired. The snake reflected her fear of being fired that was preventing her from expressing her feelings.

Example 5: A woman dreamed of being threatened by a number of dark brown snakes. In waking life her husband threatened to leave her and not talk to her again. The dark brown snakes reflected her fear of losing her husband that could spoil her family life forever.

Example 6: A woman dreamed of a grey snake chasing her. In waking life she was having anxiety about the COVID-19 virus destroying her business and harming her daughter. The snake in this case may have reflected her anxieties about COVID-19 corrupting or ruining all her hopes for her business and family.

*Please See Boa Constrictor.

*Please See Rattlesnake.

*Please See Pythons.

*Please See Cobras.


To dream of snow on the ground represents an unpleasant, cold, or terrible situation you have to put up with until it completely goes away on it's own. A situation that feels unforgiving until it's finished. A situation that feels so cold that nobody does anything for you. Suffering with delays or no progress. A lack of momentum in your life. Not liking having to wait. Harsh and difficult times.

Positively, dreaming about snow may reflect a fresh start in some area of your life that happens all on it's own. Never believing that problem would fix on it's own and discovering that it did. The emptiness of one situation ending bringing a pleasant new beginning to another situation. A new feeling of security or a second chance because you have to. Experiencing something that has come to an end because it had to. Alternatively, snow may symbolize spiritual peace, tranquility or a new sense of clarity because something else took over.

Negatively, snow may reflect how harsh or cold a cleansing experience is. A very unpleasant new beginning or feeling as though you're being punished. Emotional isolation. Feeling "out on the cold" or like you got a "cold shoulder." A loss, a breakup, or an unpleasant ending of some kind. Coldness of a relationship where you are not getting along or talking to each other that may take time to pass. Keeping someone else "out in the cold."

Dreams of snow may also reflect your feelings about putting up with snowy weather in your waking life.

Melting snow represents obstacles or fears that are dissolving. Delays ending and progress beginning.

To dream of playing in the snow represent enjoyment or relaxation after a troubling experience. Alternatively, the dream is a sign that you are taking advantage of an opportunity that feels unfair, cold,, or where nothing is happening. Feeling good that other people are ripped off and you're not.

To dream finding something in the snow represents the discovery of hidden talents or abilities within yourself. Discovering what you can do when nothing good is happening. You may have discovered a new opportunity. It may also reflect new feelings of acceptance or forgiveness after a difficult experience.

Example: A man dreamed of seeing light snow beginning to fall from the sky on to the street. In real life he had solved a nagging health problem because it went away on it's own. The snow falling reflected the "beautiful emptiness" of his health problem improving on it's own with nothing helping him.

Example 2: A man dreamed of walking out of his yard into the street to find it cold and covered in snow. In waking life he felt that he was all on his own to deal with personal problems that would take a long time to go away on their own.

Example 3: A man dreamed of seeing the ground covered in snow with a dove bird flying in front of him. In waking life he felt his old immoral life never mattered again, but had to endure waiting for a lot of work to finish before he could make money again.

Example 4: A woman dreamed of snow outside. In waking life she felt that her relationship with her friend was cold and distant. In this case the snow may have reflected the cold feelings in her relationship with her friend that she felt would take a long time to go away on their own.

Example 5: A person dreamed of snow. In waking life they couldn't use their camera because there was no way to get any film yet. In this case the snow may have reflected the unpleasant feelings of having to put up with waiting for the film to arrive to enjoy the camera.


To dream of a spider represents feeling trapped or hopeless. A negative situation that feels inevitable or impossible to escape. Beliefs about things that you think are permanent or will never go away.

Alternatively, spiders may reflect irrational beliefs. Powerful insecurities that prevent you from doing what you want in life. Irrational fears that prevent you from enjoying yourself, or powerful desires for things you don't believe you can ever have.

Positively, a spider may represent a positive area of your life that is intricate and patient. Inevitable success based on skill. This would usually be represented by blue or white spiders.

Example: A man dreamed of seeing spiders flood his bedroom. In real life he had an embarassing health problem and believe it would never allow him to have a girlfriend. The spiders reflected how trapped he felt my his health problem.

*Please See Tarantulas.

*Please See Black Widow


To dream of teeth represents your vitality and self-confidence. A reflection of how good you feel about your physical appearance, talents, or anything that gives you status or power. Feelings about how permanently confident you are capable of being.

To dream of teeth falling out represents a loss of power, confidence, or self-esteem in some area of your life. A corrosive situation or feelings of a loss of vitality. Dreams of teeth falling out are common to people aging or who feel they are losing their looks. It's also common to people who are losing money, a career, or status of some kind. Feelings about a loss of permanent confidence.

To dream of extracting teeth may represent a a deliberate and proactive effort to remove something that is causing a loss of vitality, confidence, or self-esteem in some area of the dreamer's life. It may symbolize a desire or need to take control of a corrosive situation or to regain lost vitality. This dream may also indicate a willingness to sacrifice or let go of something in order to move forward and regain control. The act of extracting teeth may be a metaphor for taking decisive action to address a problem or issue that has been causing a loss of power or confidence. The act of extracting teeth may also represent a painful process of letting go, indicating that the dreamer may be struggling with the decision to move on from something or someone that has been causing them harm or holding them back.

To dream of a gap in your front teeth represents insecurities about your self-confidence. You may feel that others don't perceive you as confident as you feel you should be, or that your confidence is never quite as perfect as you want it to be. Feeling that you are not the best, but you are not hated. This insecurity may stem from a sensitivity to criticism or a focus on perceived flaws that you constantly wish to improve. Confidence that doesn't want other people to bring up your problem. Feelings about not being perfect and being happy about it. Confidence is getting away with not being perfect. Alternatively, a gap in the teeth of another person may represent your view of another person or situation that you don't want to say anything about out loud having anything else wrong with it.

To dream of animals with sharp teeth often represents feelings of anger or aggression. You may feel a sense of fury towards a person or situation, or feel that someone else is angry with you. The sharpness of the teeth can symbolize the intensity of these emotions, and the potential for harm or destruction. In some cases, the dream may represent someone else's "biting anger" directed towards you, making you feel attacked or threatened. It's important to examine the specific type of animal and context of the dream to gain further insight into its meaning.

To dream of being toothless represents a total loss of confidence, power, or vitality. You or someone else may have experienced a setback that has caused a loss power, status, or vitality in some way which has led to feelings of insecurity and vulnerability. Bad news, misfortune, or ill health are getting in the way.

To dream of brushing teeth represents feelings about reinforcing confidence in your strengths and abilities. preparation, practice, or maintenance to keep yourself feeling confident and ready to face the world. ou may be concerned about how others perceive you and may be taking steps to ensure that you do not appear weak or vulnerable in their eyes. Concerns about maintaining your appearance to other people as you strive to present yourself in the best possible light. Trying your best to maintain a good appearance and positive self-image.

Negatively, dreaming about brushing your teeth may reflect a preoccupation with appearances. Anxiety about looking bad to other people. An excessive need to reassure yourself. An excessive need to maintain impressive appearances. Issues with vanity. Fear of looking weak or lazy. The dreamer may be overly concerned with how others perceive them, leading to a constant need to present oneself in the best possible light.

To dream of broken teeth represents feelings a flaw or weakness in one's character or abilities that can no longer be hidden or ignored. This flaw may be something that has always been present but has been overlooked, or it could be a new development that has arisen and needs to be addressed. A flaw is now visible and cannot be concealed or covered up any longer. A need to confront and address one's weaknesses or limitations, to take steps to overcome them, and to work towards self-improvement. The dream may be a call to action, urging the dreamer to face their challenges head-on and to not let their flaws hold them back. Alternatively, the broken tooth may represent a warning that if the issue is not addressed, it may continue to worsen and have greater consequences in the future. Feeling that your confidence has been broken. Feeling that you need to restore confidence or prove yourself regain confidence.

Example: A woman dreamed of her teeth falling out. In real life she was insecure about her looks because she was aging. In this case the teeth falling out may have reflected dreamer's insecurities and anxieties about growing older and losing her youthful charm.

Example 2: A young woman dreamed of seeing herself with gap in her teeth. In real life she felt like she wasn't good looking enough for a guy she liked. In this case the gap in the teeth may have reflected her feelings about looking her best wasn't good enough while the guy she liked didn't hate her.

Example 3: A woman dreamed of brushing her teeth in public when the battery in the electric toothbrush died. In waking life an expensive fee was required to secure an important business opportunity and she couldn't afford the fee because her budget for the year wouldn't allow it. Brushing her teeth in public in this case may have reflected her responsible management of her budget to keep her business looking confident that nothing is wrong while being unable to hide why she wasn't paying the expensive fee.

*Please See Fangs.


To dream of a test represents a challenging situation in your life. You may be having an experience that you've never had before, facing competition, or finding yourself in a situation with no guarantees. A situation may require you to demonstrate your abilities. A test could also reflect a fight, an ordeal, or a sense of pressure.   A situation that you feel is testing you or placing your self-respect on the line.

To dream of failing a test represents a challenge, fight, or ordeal that you were unprepared for, gave in to, or choose to walk away from. You may not have done everything you could have to solve a problem or confront a challenge.  The dream may also reflect your fear of failure.

To dream of doing well on a test represents your confidence, feelings of being ready, or that you ready to prove yourself. Feeling competent or proud of your outstanding performance in some area of your life. Negatively, performing well on a test may reflect arrogance or insensitivity towards others while you perform exceptionally at something. Preoccupation with nothing except proving yourself to be a winner at the expense of others feelings. Issues with bragging too much. No sense of humor about losing.

To dream of being late for a test represents challenges you were unprepared for or were too distracted to deal with. It may be a sign that priorities are not straight, or a lack of responsibility.

To dream of cheating on a test represents a lack of concern for ethics, honesty, or earning something on your own. It may also reflect a lack of respect for a situation that requires integrity. it may also reflect waking life situations where you are not afraid of breaking the rules if you need to. Low standards. Cutting corners.

To dream of being caught cheating on a test represents feelings of being forced to stop dishonest behavior. It may also reflect embarrassment, shame, or having done something with low standards. Being caught acting unprofessional.

To dream of having trouble finding a room the take your test in may reflect feelings about wanting to prove yourself, but not knowing how to go about it.

To dream of running out of time while taking a test may reflect a heightened sense of pressure or having an inadequate amount of time to prove yourself in a waking life situation.

To dream of having to test a test that you haven't studied for represents feelings about being unprepared to meet a waking like challenge. Confronting an unfamiliar challenge.

Example: A young man dreamed of cheating on a test. In waking life he felt he was taking a lot of shortcuts with an important challenging work project to save time that he felt was reducing quality of the work.

Example 2: A man dreamed of being nervous about taking a test. In waking life he was a lawyer about to have his first criminal trial in court.

*Please See Exams.

Tidal Waves

To dream of a tidal wave represents problematic life situations or uncertainty that threatens to overwhelm you emotionally. You may be experiencing a high degree of stress or emotional drama. You may also feel swamped by unfamiliar situations, obstacles, or unwanted changes. You may be struggling with a rough situation such as a divorce, illness, financial loss, or unexpected change. Huge forces of change or unstoppable events. Feeling unable to cope or that you are going to be "swept away" by a big change.

Negatively, a tidal wave may reflect a tendency to jump to conclusions about a potential change being too big to handle. Jumping to conclusions about situations that feel serious because you are not informed enough.

A tidal wave may reflect the threat of emotional devastation due to unexpected or unwanted events. A sign that you need to stick it out. You have little to gain by denying the problem.

To dream of surfing a tidal wave represents your attempts to do everything possible to stay on top of a problem or use a very negative situation to your advantage.

Example: A woman had recurring nightmares about being inundated by tidal waves. In waking life she was fearing that her marriage was in danger after becoming aware of her husband cheating on her. The tidal waves may have reflected her fear of being overwhelmed by uncertainty or problems if she discussed the cheating with her husband.

Example 2: A very young girl dreamed of a tidal wave. In waking life she was shocked to find out that her father had filed for divorce from her mother. The tidal wave may have reflected her feelings about the overwhelming changes that were effecting her family.

Example 3: A woman dreamed of a Tidal wave sweeping through Africa. In waking life her Uncle who was a convicted criminal had died. He had lots of criminal friends at the funeral. The tidal wave sweeping through Africa may have reflected her feelings about her criminal uncle's death having an overpowering emotional effect on his dysfunctional friends.

Example 4: A woman dreamed of a tidal wave. In waking life she was very happy with her boyfriend until an unexpected argument came up putting the relationship in jeopardy.

Example 5: A man dreamed of experiencing a tidal wave coming towards him. In waking life he was experiencing his arthritis getting seriously out of control.

Example 6: A man dreamed that he saw a tidal wave. In waking life he was experiencing supervisors at work in a serious work related argument that he felt may result in dramatic changes or massive employee firings.

Example 7: A woman dreamed of being on the beach and hopping over repeating tidal waves. In waking life she was having problems with her husband believing the relationship to be over. In this case the repeating tidal waves may have reflected her feelings about repeating uncertainty of fights with her husband that she needed to avoid.


To see a tiger in your dream,
To see a tiger in your dream, represents an aspect of your personality that has unquestioned power. Issues or people that have total power over you. Tigers often symbolize a problem or powerful fear that you'll do absolutely everything to avoid confronting. A tiger may also reflect a powerful misconception you have. A lie or misunderstanding that heavily influences you.

Alternatively, a tiger may reflect your own unquestioned authority. Feeling other people fear confronting you.

Negatively, a tiger may reflect an unquestioned fear. Running away from problems based on assumptions. Rumors that scare you. Assuming that your enemies have more power than you without question. A lack of critical thinking about something serious you've heard. Feeling that problem is too dangerous to even consider thinking about confronting and choosing to run away from it as a first option. A naive fear you have. Alternatively, it may reflect your own abuse of rumors, other people's inexperience, or others misconceptions about you.

To dream of a friendly tiger may represent a belief or situation that erases all your fears or problems. It may also reflect power you hold over others.

To see a blue tiger in a dream represents a positive belief that overpowers other priorities.  A genuine belief that something is so positive that it's more important than anything else.  Negatively, a blue tiger may reflect misunderstanding something that you have good intentions about and are placing too much priority on.

Example: A young man dreamed of seeing a tiger that turned out to be fake. In real life he was facing the prospect of going bankrupt before realizing it wasn't as serious as he thought it was. The tiger reflected the fear of financial ruin that took precedence over everything else in his life.

Example 2: A young man dreamed of seeing a white tiger biting his hand. In waking life he did whatever his girlfriend told him because he feared her breaking up with him for something he said.

Example 3: A teenage boy dreamed of a tiger chasing him in his car. In waking life he had just gotten his license and was terrified of having a car accident or getting a speeding ticket because he parents might take the car away.

Example 4: A woman dreamed of seeing someone trying to scare away tigers by yelling at them and feeling herself being very afraid. In waking life she had serious financial difficulties and feared being truthful to her debtors would make her life a lot worse. The tigers in this case may have reflected her powerful and scary assumptions about her debtors ability to seize her property or cut off credit instantly.

Example 5: A woman dreamed of her boyfriend feeding crackers to tigers. In waking life her boyfriend had been offered a a very exclusive job that would dramatically alter their lives if he choose to take it. The tigers in the dream may have reflected her fear of her boyfriend's job being too important to him to avoid taking which might alter their relationship in ways she didn't want.

Example 6: A woman dreamed of seeing a tiger pursue her and then saw the tiger change into a hyena. In waking life she was bothered by a man pursuing her for sex and didn't like confronting the man to his face with his male chauvinistic attitude.


To dream of a tornado in your represents an emotionally volatile or sensitive situation. An "emotional storm" that could lead to conflict, unsettling experiences, or sudden outbursts of emotions. A sudden argument, conflict or unsettling experience. A situation that has the potential to get a lot worse, cause emotional outbursts, temper tantrums, or make you very upset. You may be experiencing a challenging situation or relationship that is pushing your buttons. Angry relationship breakups. Parental anger with potential consequences.

Tornadoes reflect anger, losing your temper, high degrees of stress, frustration, anxiety, worry, or strong emotional outbursts. Tornadoes in dreams may also indicate a fear of terrible sudden losses. Unforeseen changes. Havoc. A fear of losing control or a sense of powerlessness in the face of unpredictable circumstances. Tornadoes can represent havoc and upheaval, as well as a feeling of being caught up in a situation beyond your control.

To dream of escaping a tornado may represent a sense of hyper-responsibility as you try to avoid conflict or keep the peace. You may feel that it's your responsibility to protect yourself and others from the emotional storm. The dream may also indicate that you are actively taking steps to avoid or mitigate potential conflicts or issues. This can be a positive sign of your ability to handle and navigate difficult situations with maturity and grace.

Example: A man dreamed of a tornado ripping apart a forest on his father's property. In waking life he had a huge fight with his arrogant controlling father that ended up potentially costing him his inheritance and future life. In this case the tornado may have reflected the intense emotional turmoil and upheaval that the fight with his father had caused in his life. The tornado ripping apart the forest on his father's property may symbolize the destruction and chaos that the fight had brought to his family and the potential loss of the secure future that his inheritance represented. The dream may have been a manifestation of his anxiety and fear of the negative consequences of his conflict with his father.

Example 2: A woman dreamed of a tornado. In waking she was experiencing a lot of tension after having to angrily yell at someone to leave. In this case the tornado may have reflected the dreamer's sense of anger and tension in waking life, which may have been triggered by the conflict she experienced with the person she had to yell at.

Example 3: A woman dreamed of seeing a violent tornado. In waking life she was pregnant and just had a big argument with her boyfriend which caused them to break up. In this case the violent tornado may have reflected the intense emotional upheaval and turmoil she was experiencing in her waking life due to the argument with her boyfriend and the uncertainty and fear of being a single mother. The violent tornado could symbolize the destructive and chaotic nature of the situation and the overwhelming feelings of fear, anger, and sadness that she was experiencing. It may also indicate a fear of sudden and dramatic changes that could uproot her life and plans.

Example 4: A woman dreamed of a tornado. In waking life they were confronting the shock of their father dying. In this case the tornado may have reflected the turbulent and emotional experience of dealing with the sudden loss of a loved one and the feelings of confusion, chaos, and uncertainty that come with it.

Example 5: A man dreamed of powerful tornado. In waking life he was experiencing a lot conflict and chaos at work. In this case the tornado may have reflected the dreamer's feelings of being overwhelmed by the intense conflict and chaos at work. The tornado may have symbolized the strong emotions and upheaval he was experiencing, as well as the feeling that he was being swept up in the turmoil and unable to escape it.

Example 6: A woman dreamed of a tornado. In waking life she was fearing angering her mother after a lawsuit completed. In this case the tornado may have reflected the dreamer's fear of the potential emotional turmoil that may arise as a result of the lawsuit and the possibility of disappointing or upsetting her mother.

Example 7: A non-binary teenager dreamed of a tornado coming to her bedroom and then picking her up and dropping her off in a forest that made her feel like she was lost for ages. In waking life she wanted to cut her hair and her parents got very angry and refused to allow her to. In this case the tornado may have reflected the teenager's feelings of being caught up in an emotionally turbulent situation with their parents regarding their desire to express their identity through cutting their hair.


To dream of water represents negativity or uncertainty that you are experiencing. An unpredictable situation. Water may also reflect a negative emotional state such as fear or ill-intentions. Our negative unconscious thoughts and emotions. Negative situations that bring uncertainty, the unfamiliar, obstacles, or unwanted changes.

Positively, water can symbolize renewal and regeneration with symbolism such as bathing, drinking water, or bottled water.

To dream of calm clear water represents peace of mind. You've confronted a problem or emotional issue. You may also be very comfortable noticing a problem all the time.

To dream of dirty water represents negative situations or uncertainty that has to be cared about all the time or requires you to be always be careful. Dirty drinking water may reflect a method of rejuvenation that has been compromised or ruined. Feeling that your chance to improve has been taken away from you.

To dream of being underwater represents waking life situations where you feel overwhelmed by a problem or negative emotions. You may be in over your head in a situation and are overwhelmed by your emotions.

To dream that you can breathe underwater represents feelings about yourself being able to manage or handle yourself well in situations with very powerful uncertainty or negativity. You are adapting to serious problems or responsibly coping with the worst moment of your life.

To dream of hot or boiling water represents emotional turmoil or very active negative thinking patterns. You have fears, desires, guilt, or some other negative thinking pattern that is imbalanced or excessive. It may also reflect bad intentions you have for someone you're angry at.

To dream of cold water represents positive unconscious thoughts, emotions, or habits. Things that are positive that you are unaware of or don't concern yourself with.

To dream of running water represents negative situations or uncertainty that you are noticing all the time. Dripping water may reflect a problem situation that is slowly beginning to surface.

To dream of walking on water represents total control over your emotions or a negative situation. You have a handle on a problem or don't even care about a problem being a problem.

To dream of being unable to enter a body of water may reflect your feelings of being held back or incapable of facing a problem or challenge that you want to face. Negatively, it may be a sign that you want to choose a dangerous option but feel someone or something holding you back.

To dream of water overflowing represents feelings of uncertainty as a situation gets out of hand. Fear, stress, or frustrations starting to become too much to handle.

See the themes section for water for a more in depth look at water symbolism.

Example: A man dreamed of having a hot water tank removed from his basement. The day before the dream he had faced a power fear he had been plagued with for years. The hot water tank reflected the constant negative emotional state created by his fear.

Example 2: A man dreamed of standing on a beach facing the ocean. In waking life, he was dealing with a serious health crisis and feared the possibility of death.

Example 3: A woman dreamed of crossing water. In waking life, she was experiencing a situation causing a lot of worrying.

*Please See Underwater.

*Please See Ocean.

*Please See River.

*Please See Lake.

*Please See Stream.


To dream of a wedding represents unification with some aspect of yourself. The joining or merging of qualities. It may also reflect an experience in your life where you noticing something becoming permanent. Often a symbol for new habits or situations that are becoming common place in your life. A wedding may also represent a catalyst event that motivates you to do something all the time. Sometimes can reflection a transforming event.

Negatively, a wedding may reflect negative situations or negative thinking patterns that are becoming common place in your life being amplified in your waking life. Negative situations or unwanted aspects of yourself merging. Fear, want, jealousy, or guilt that are regularly occurring or feel permanent.

To dream of attending a wedding may reflect your feelings about permanent changes that are occurring to someone else. It may reflect witnessing yourself changing. Experiencing 2 sides of yourself merging.

To dream of planning for a wedding represents preparations you are making for a permanent or serious change.

To dream of running away from a wedding may reflect feelings of wishing to avoid a permanent situation. Having second thoughts about a commitment or obligation you made.

To dream of problems or fighting at a wedding may reflect issues with commitment, confidence, or consistency. You may be having second thoughts about a change you were considering. Alternatively, it may reflect jealousy you or someone else has while watching others achieve something. Not liking seeing someone else permanently realize a goal. It may also point to feelings that seeing a permanent change occur is not a good idea.

If you are getting married in real life then dreams of disasters as your wedding may be reflecting your anxiety about embarrassing yourself. Seeing ex's or your partner being horribly disfigured may reflect your fear of making a mistake.

Example: A woman dreamed of seeing her design teacher getting married to her spiritual teacher. In waking life she was starting to design exotic jewelry.

Example 2: Elderly people near death often dream of weddings. The weddings reflect their feelings about being close to the permanence of death. Experiencing themselves merging with the afterlife.

Example 3: A lesbian teenager dreamed of her parents refusing to pay for her wedding to her to a female she was in love with. In this case the wedding may have reflected her feelings about a serious relationship with the lesbian friend being openly accepted by everyone she knew or being permanently "out of closet" comfortably.

*Please See Wedding Dress.

*Please See Marriage.

*Please See Wedding Ring.

*Please See Bride.

*Please See Groom.

*Please See Bridesmaids.

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