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To dream of a roast represents pleasant feelings that some part of you life will never be a problem ever again. Comfort, home, and satisfaction.

Feeling good enjoying an situation that allows you experience winning slowly and confidently. Laughing at problems or enemies being totally overcome.

Negatively, roast in a dream may be a sign that you are enjoying playing with power that cares about nothing except noticing yourself having it easy. Enjoying playing with someone else's feelings while witnessing them never able to escape your dominance.

*Please See Pig Roast


To dream of a rootbeer soft drink represents a simple convenient choice that feels good noticing you don't need to waste time being jealous while nobody else has a problem with it. Feeling good without complications with what other people think about what you are doing.

Negatively, dreaming about rootbeer may represent a situation where you are overdoing wanting to feel simplicity with nobody having a problem with what you are doing when other people do have a problem with what you are doing.

Example: A man dreamed of offering his ex-wife a rootbeer and she said no. In waking life, he was working a job he didn't like while trying to pay for school and a divorce lawyer. In this case, the ex-wife rejecting his offer for a rootbeer may have reflected his feelings about her rejecting a simple, easy-going, or uncomplicated solution to their divorce situation because had a problem with his divorce settlement offer.


To dream of rum represents indulgence in something that lacks integrity. Full awareness of yourself liking something that may be considered off-putting, unsavory, rough, or imperfect. Liking to do something that makes you feel like a jerk or look dangerous or risky to others. Noticing you're a bit of an asshole and not caring about it.

Example: A woman dreamed of sipping rum and being insecure about it. In waking life she was a recovering alcoholic and was enjoying herself breaking one of the smaller rules of the recovery group that was unrelated to alcohol ingestion. The rum reflected her enjoyment of doing something that tended to make her feel like a jerk when around her recovery group because she wasn't sticking to the all the rules perfectly.


To dream of a salad represents feeling good not going overboard. Having a grown up attitude. Purposely avoiding excess because it's beneficial. An open mind about positive influences. A wish to make positive changes in your life. Doing something to improve yourself or encourage personal growth. Healthy reductions is behavior that you believe may not be good for you long-term.

Negatively, a salad may reflect your wish to reduce dishonest behavior to feel better about yourself without stopping the dishonest behavior completely.

Example: A woman dreamed of talking about salad being easy to make. In waking life she was dating a married man and felt it would be a good idea to see him less.

Salad Dressing

To dream about salad dressing represents your need to add some pizzazz to your life. "Spicing things up." Making a bland change more interesting. Consider the type and color of the salad dressing for additional significance.

Alternatively, salad dressing may reflect your attempt to feel better about a positive change you are making in your life.


To dream of salami represents feelings of confidence about choice that isn't important to say anything else about it. Confidence about choices that aren't robbing you of anything important, but aren't seen as special by other people. A confident choice that "isn't an idiot", but isn't talked about a lot. Confidence that a choice counts, but isn't impressive. The last thing you would ever think is special, but you know it believes in itself.

Negatively, dreaming about salami may reflect confidence that doing something a little bit is the reason you'll get away with it. Not liking why other people are confident about a small detail being unimportant to talk about further when you feel disrespected and think it is important to talk about further.

Example: A teenage girl dreamed of being fed food with salami in it by friend who knew she was a vegetarian. She pretended it didn't matter at first, but then spat out the food. In waking life she was going on a trip to Japan and the question of whether or not she would eat meat was on her mind. The salami in this case may have been a double symbol that reflected both her dislike of meat and her feelings about other people's casual confidence about meat not being a problem to serve her without needing to explain it, when being a vegetarian was serious to her. She may have frustrated that visiting Japan might mean being served a little bit of meat at all, and didn't like that possibly slipping passed her with a discussion.


To dream of a salmon represents feelings of determination, perseverance, and struggle against all odds. Salmon are known for swimming upstream to spawn, a symbol of their resilience and tenacity. Your struggle against obstacles, resistance, or adversity to keep up with a situation in your life because you feel it has an important purpose. It might symbolize the journey towards your goals, despite the challenges and opposition you might face. Keeping up is what you do no matter what you do.

Positively, dreaming about a Salmon could symbolize personal strength, courage, or the ability to keep going, even when the going gets tough. It may reflect a conscious choice to struggle against adversity to achieve your goals. It could also indicate the overcoming of obstacles, personal growth, and the rewards of persistence. Feeling good never embarrassing yourself being lazy or giving up because you have an important purpose. Commitment and determination to preserve and enhance your skills despite the potential challenges and obstacles.

Negatively, dreaming about a Salmon could represent feelings of struggle, conflict, or going against the current. It might symbolize resistance, opposition, or fighting against the natural course of events. You may feel like you're constantly swimming upstream, facing challenges or adversity. It could also symbolize feelings of exhaustion from constant struggle or fighting against the tide. Not liking thinking it's important to have to keep up with a situation or other people. Risking everything to keep doing what you always do because you have purpose that you feel is the only thing that matters. "Struggling to survive" in an unfamiliar or challenging environment.

To dream of eating salmon fish represents confidence in not needing or being expected to keep up with a situation or other people anymore. Confidence in feeling safe that struggling to keep up isn't important anymore.

Example: A man dreamed of being offered a poached salmon cutlet to eat. In waking life, he was feeling depressed and anxious while visiting family on vacation. In this case, the salmon cutlet may have reflected his feelings about offered an option while visiting his family to confidently allow him to talk about himself a certain way or step out once and a while to allow to confidently feel like he doesn't have to keep up with them all the time.

Example 2: A young woman dreamed of seeing a live salmon in a sink and thought about how to put the fish back into proper water so it wouldn't die. In waking life, she was worried about losing her art abilities once she was in university and become a "fish out of water." In this case, the salmon may have reflected her feelings about her artistic talent being something that requires constant nurturing, attention, and effort, similar to the salmon's well-known determination and struggle against odds. She may have been contemplating on how to ensure her artistic abilities would not 'die out' or diminish amidst the new academic challenges and environment of university.

Salsa Sauce

To dream of salsa sauce represents feelings about experiences or choices being enjoyably easier, laid back discussions, or having a good time thinking nothing is serious. Feeling good not having to explain yourself. A situation where everything feels happy. Enjoying choosing things you like without any hard work to carry out yourself. Enjoying approval from all your friends or family.

Alternatively, salsa sauce may reflect group optimism or enthusiasm. Everyone feeling good talking to each other in laid back social atmosphere.

Negatively, dreaming of salsa sauce may be a sign that you are spending too much enjoying talking about how easy or fun something is that requires a lot of effort. A lack of foresight or critical thinking for how much effort or serious thought something requires. Feeling good getting "swept up" in the moment. Too much optimism.

To dream of having salsa sauce shoved in your mouth may reflect feelings about someone wanting to force your discuss a difficult situation as though it were easy. Feeling robbed of a challenge.

Example: A woman dreamed of flushing salsa sauce down the toilet. In waking life she was pregnant and got frustrated with plans she had enjoyed preparing for her unborn born once the birth got closer. The flushed salsa may have reflected her realization that some of her plans for her baby were not going to be as easy and fun as she had hoped.


To dream of salt represents being objective or trying to be more realistic. The amount of salt being used may reflect the degree of objectivity.

To dream of having too much salt may reflect feelings about a lack of moderation or objectivity when you feel it's important because something in your life is excessive. Objectivity or moderation that is inconsiderate of people's feelings.

To dream of not having enough salt may reflect feelings about objectivity or moderation being important because some area of your life is lacking it.

To dream of eating something salty represents your feelings about how objective your are thinking or acting. How good or bad it feels noticing your objectivity or level of restraint. Feeling good about not having gone too far with a decision. Experiencing perfectly reasonable, rational, or moderate situations.

*Please See Pepper


To dream of a sandwich represents stress or pressure being placed on you. Getting through a difficult situation.

Consider the ingredients on the sandwich for additional significance.

To dream of a half slice sandwiches represents a difficult or stressful situation that you want to deal with incrementally. You don't want to confront something all at once.

To dream of a peanut butter sandwich symbolizes being carefree, or not being concerned with something in order to get through a stressful or difficult situation. You may be telling yourself that something isn't important in order to cope with a problem.

To dream of a peanut butter and jelly sandwich represents a difficult situation you are experiencing where you are trying to not take things to seriously while remaining hopeful. Grape jelly reflects accepting a need for patience, and strawberry representing temporary pleasures that comfort you.

To dream of a ham sandwich represents your frustrations about things you have to do during a situation you may feel is ridiculous or pointless.

Example: A man dreamed of being given a sandwich. In waking life his business had just failed and he was doing his best to survive financially.


To dream of sauce represents feelings about enhancing, enriching, or adding an extra layer of significance or flavor to a situation, relationship, or experience. Your desire to bring more zest or excitement into a situation.

Positively, dreaming about sauce might symbolize your willingness or effort to make life more interesting, meaningful, or enjoyable. Your creative approach to solving problems or enhancing experiences. Making a mundane experience more exciting. A conscious choice to spice up a situation or relationships to make them more gratifying.

Negatively, dreaming about sauce could represent feelings of dependence on something external to make things more bearable or interesting. Your desire to mask, cover up, or alter the real taste of an experience, indicating avoidance or denial of reality. You might be using a metaphorical 'sauce' to make an unpalatable truth or situation more bearable.

To dream of a sauce that is too sweet represents feelings of excessive efforts to improve or sweeten a situation that might actually need a more balanced or realistic approach. It could also symbolize an overly optimistic attitude towards a relationship or scenario that may be masking underlying issues or challenges. This could reflect a denial or avoidance of recognizing a bitter truth or a difficult situation in your waking life.

Example: A woman dreamed of being unable to cook mushroom sauce for other people to enjoy their beef. In waking life, she was worried about losing lal her possessions and being evicted due to a job loss. In this case, the mushroom sauce may have reflected her efforts to make her situation seem more palatable or manageable to herself and others, despite the hardships and uncertainties she was experiencing. The inability to cook the mushroom sauce could symbolize her feelings of powerlessness and inability to improve or mask the reality of her difficult situation.

Example 2: A woman dreamed of seeing meat sauce. In waking life, she was having issues improving her relationship with her in-laws. In this case, the meat sauce may have reflected her attempts to enhance or improve her relationship with her in-laws by adding more 'flavor' or 'interest' into their interactions.

*Please See Hot Sauce

*Please See Spaghetti Sauce


To dream of a sausage represents feeling good that something isn't required to be professional. Feeling good knowing that it isn't difficult to confront your problems without being skilled or having professional experience. Feeling good knowing it's easier to confront problems quickly like a regular person or "layman." Confidence that something new or challenging you are doing won't take long to complete. Feelings about something heavy, strong, and short lasting.

Negatively, a sausage may reflect feelings of feeling obligated to experience something heavy, strong, and short lasting. Quick assertive action that doesn't need to be nice or professional.

Alternatively, sausages commonly reflected feelings about sex or a male penis. Quick sex or sex without a deep relationship. Feeling obligated to have sex or difficulty resisting temporary urges for sex. Feeling obligated to have sex or difficulty resisting temporary urges for sex.

Example: A man dreamed of seeing a large pile of sausages. In waking life he was planning on forwarding a very embarrassing email about someone who angered him. The large pile of sausages in this case may have reflected his feelings about how`easy, quick, and unprofessional the act of sending an embarrassing email to a large number of people felt.

Example 2: A woman dreamed of her father cooking sausages and then having to stop because it started to rain. In waking life she broke up with her boyfriend with whom she still needed to work with. The cooking sausages in this case may have reflected her feelings about unprofessionally preparing advantages at work due her relationship with her boyfriend who worked with her.


To dream of eating seafood represents situations in your life where you feel you can't lose or fail ever again. Feeling that negativity or uncertainty is banished or gone for good. Noticing all your problems going away on their own permanently. A "feast" of winning or progress.

Sheep Milk

To dream of sheep milk represents conformist beliefs that balance you. Doing what your told or what others do in order to help yourself deal with a problem.

Example: A Christian believer dreamed of drinking sheep's milk. In waking life the person felt that they were being spiritually threatened while in an argument. The person was very stubborn about their beliefs while confronting the person they were arguing with. The sheep's milk reflected the conformist beliefs of the church that they recalled in order to stabilize themselves emotionally.

Shish Kabob

To dream of shish kabob represents experiencing a situation where you are confidently noticing something doing exactly what you want it to. Enjoying an experience where nothing is out of control or doing anything you don't like. Enjoying noticing yourself being unstoppable, a total winner, or unquestionable.

Negatively, shish kabob may reflect fear of being noticed perfectly embarrassed by someone else. It may also reflect total control or domination being shown off and enjoyed.



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