*Please See Wigs
*Please See Bobby Pin
To dream of hairspray represents feelings about quick and convenient adjustments with controlling yourself to ensure perfect appearances of your thinking style to other people. A high level of ease or convenience with the capability to alter appearances of your thinking style in a situation where appearances are important. Quickly and conveniently changing the way you present yourself. Habits or action you could take to make certain that you look good or make a good impression. Concerns about making a good first impression. Quick adjustments to your thinking style to avoid embarrassment or looking like you have a problem. Feeling that first impressions are important and wanting to adapt to look good no matter what.
Positively, hairspray in a dream may represent a need to keep a perfect impression in a personal or professional situation. Feeling that it's important to make sure you don't make a mistake that will embarrass you. Not wanting others to know you have a problem. Wanting to keep up appearances or maintain a positive image. You may have a skill for adjusting your behavior or communication style to maintain a positive image. You may be resourceful in presenting yourself effectively in various situations.
Negatively, dreaming about hairspray represents feelings about overdoing quick and convenient adjustments with controlling yourself to ensure perfect appearances of your thinking style to other people. Being vain about believing quick adjustments to your personality to please others is easy. Feelings about needing to make quick adjustments to avoid being judged. Wanting to maintain a dishonest appearance in front of others. Wasting time trying to make a problem look perfect or like it never happened. Wasting time trying to make sure others don't think you made a mistake or have a problem. Wasting time trying to make others think you're perfect. Feelings about quick adjustments to your personality that failed to please others. You may care too much about what others think of you. An excessive need to be perceived as perfect or of sound mind. Uncomfortably controlling yourself or holding yourself back in order to make someone like you. Quick adjustments to your thinking style that looks fake, superficial, and unprofessional to other people. A superficial approach to relationships and professional interactions. Insecurity about quick adjustments being made to impress other people that doesn't want to leave anything to chance.
To dream of something hairy represents feelings about behavior that is ridiculously excessive or overboard. A person's behavior or situation that is a "little bit crazy." Feelings about someone being too liberal with their freedom or own ideas. A lack of concern for other people's opinions of you. Embarrassing one's self with a lack of moderation. Feelings about people not being aware of their problems. A lack of vanity or appearances that may be unaware of how stupid it looks. Excessive honesty that may make others uncomfortable.
To dream of hairy hands represents feelings about yourself or someone else having a level of capability that is embarrassing or excessive. Having dangerous skills or capabilities with no concerns about what other people think about them. An excessive or greedy mindset about your capabilities. Skills or capabilities that others find embarrassing or disgusting. A lack of vanity with your superior capabilities that may look stupid to others.
To dream of hairy arms may reflect feelings about yourself or others having abilities or resourcefulness that are embarrassing, excessive, or completely unconcerned with how ridiculous other people feel about them. A personal or professional "reach" that lacks moderation. Showing off too much with how resourceful or powerful you are that may look stupid to others.
To dream of hairy legs represents feelings about yourself or someone else having a level independence that is perceived to be ridiculous or overboard. Doing too much all on your own to the point of embarrassment. It may also reflect feelings about independence that lacks vanity or any concern about what other people think.
To dream of a hairy pubic area may reflect feelings about excessive sexual behavior. Feelings that sexual behavior was lacking class or moderation. An excessive liberal attitude about sex. No shame about sex or sexual conduct.
To dream of a hairy back represents feelings about yourself or others being too honest about their burdens or problems. Embarrassment about problems you've discussed being more inappropriate than you first thought.
To dream of a hairy chest may reflect feelings of raw power being displayed. No vanity as power is revealed, displayed, or proven. Negatively, a hairy chest may reflect an embarrassing excessive display of power. Looking stupid to other trying too hard to be powerful. Someone in your life that is looks stupid showing off thinking they are perfectly powerful.
Example: A man dreamed of seeing a man wearing summer shorts who was extremely hairy all over his body. In waking life he learned about a business competitors stupid idea for total domination of the business market he was involved in. He was shocked by how stupid and lacking in moderation his competitor was. He felt that his competitor was so consumed with a need to dominate he couldn't do anything except make a fool of himself with his jealous need to prove himself better.
Messy Hair
To dream of messy hair represents thoughts and emotions of insecurity, low self-esteem, frustration, nervousness, or self-critique.
Nappy Hair
To dream of nappy hair represents a thinking style that is more concerned with staying safe and surviving as you naturally are, rather than focusing on appearances. A thinking style that is surviving staying safe without being a snob about appearances. Feelings of appearances being unkempt and uncared for. A mindset that doesn't have to look good talking about itself proving itself. A mindset that prioritizes practicality and self-preservation over superficial concerns about how things may look to others. You may feel that you are so preoccupied with ensuring your safety and well-being in your current situation that you are willing to forgo social expectations or judgments related to appearances. A focus on inner resilience and self-preservation, even if it means not conforming to societal norms or aesthetic standards. It may also reflect a sense of confidence and self-assuredness in being authentic and true to yourself, regardless of external judgments or criticisms. Feeling that you are so concerned with socially surviving safely the way you are that you are laughed at for not wanting to concern yourself with appearances more than you currently are.
Positively, dreaming of nappy hair may represent a mindset that prioritizes practicality and self-preservation over superficial concerns about appearances. You are preoccupied with ensuring your safety and well-being in your current situation, and you are willing to forgo social expectations or judgments related to appearances in favor of staying true to yourself.
Negatively, dreaming of nappy hair may represent feelings of insecurity, self-consciousness, or pressure to conform to appearance standards. A struggle to accept one's natural appearance or a feeling of being judged or ridiculed for not conforming to societal norms. Insecurity, uncertainty, struggles with self-acceptance. Feeling different from others, or feeling misunderstood. Insecurities make you feel like you need to change yourself in order to fit in. An experience of being laughed at for your appearances. Conflict between a desire to conform to societal expectations and a desire to embrace your natural identity. Feelings of being different from others, as well as feeling misunderstood. Feelings of not being able to be in love with what you are doing because you need to stay the way you are without needing to look good.
Example: A 14-year-old African American girl dreamed of herself having messy nappy hair. In waking life, she was having issues with insecurity, uncertainty, and struggles with self-acceptance while feeling that she needed to do better in life by changing things about her life. She was also experiencing an existential crisis with wanting to be a guy. In this case, the nappy hair may have reflected her conflict between a desire to conform to societal expectations and a desire to embrace your natural identity.
Example 2: A woman dreamed of being kidnapped by a burly white man with nappy long hair. In waking life, she felt trapped in her job and that she was behind held back unfairly. In this case, the nappy hair of the man kidnapping her may have reflected her feelings about her boss forcing to keep her current her position at work without being able to look good as someone who got a promotion or did better things at the company. She may have felt that her professional appearances were unkempt and uncared for due to her boss overlooking her.
Pubic Hair
To dream of pubic hair represents sexually desirous thoughts.
Shaving public hair may reflect abstinence or a loss of sexual interest.
Short Hair
To dream of short hair on someone whom it is unusual, or to see long hair cut short represents a sacrifice of power, or the freedom to think freely. Some aspect of yourself is conforming or less powerful than before.
Slicked Hair
To dream of hair being slicked back represents a thinking style or attitude that is focused on doing everything you're supposed to be doing. Being on top of things all the time. Never embarrassing yourself or always being conscious of the possibly of mistakes. Making extra sure that your life or a situation is by the book.
Slicked back hair may also reflect a professional attitude or a big concern about rules or fairness.
Example: A man dreamed of seeing himself with perfect slicked back hair. In waking life he was preparing to prove himself to an old friend from high school about why he was a responsible winner in life by discussing his business with him. He was nervous about making a responsible impression on his old friend.
Spiky Hair
To dream of spiky hair represents a mindset that is rebellious, spiteful, resistant, or insensitive to rules or beliefs. It may also reflect you or someone else that is breaking the rules, being mean, or being difficult on purpose.
Straight Hair
To dream of straight hair represents a thinking style that that tends to stick to the conventional, normal, or straightforward. A thinking style that doesn't think of anything unusual, weird, eccentric, or dishonest. Never thinking wacky or weirder than someone else. Thinking that is straightforward and predictable. A thinking style that is more direct, less complicated, and lacking in any unusual or out-of-the-ordinary behaviors or attitudes. A preference for clear, direct, and uncomplicated thought processes, devoid of any peculiar, out-of-the-ordinary behaviors or attitudes. Feeling about yourself or other people having a quietness about them that notices nothing strange about themself. Seeing yourself as a grownup about doing nothing strange.
Example: A man dreamed of seeing a woman with straight hair. In waking, life he recently got engaged and noticed that his fiancee's personality started to become more straightforward, predictable, and settled as they approached marriage. In this case, the straight hair may have reflected his perception of his fiancee's thinking style, which was becoming more direct, less complicated, and lacking in any unusual or out-of-the-ordinary behaviors or attitudes.
Example 2: A man dreamed of sitting in a room with a group of women where most of them had straight hair. In waking life, the man was looking for a job. In this case, the straight hair may have reflected his feelings seeking a conventional straightforward job that required a thinking style that noticed nothing strange about itself so that he would align himself with an employers wishes.
Styling Hair
To dream of styling hair represents your efforts to present, prepare, or improve your thinking style in a particular way that is acceptable or appealing to others. Feelings of not minding changing who you are or how you think in order to properly present yourself ot fit in with other people. A conscious effort to alter or adjust your attitude or mindset in order to adapt to a new situation or to better align with the expectations of others. Making changes to your natural inclinations or preferences in order to meet social or professional standards, or to improve how others perceive you. Your focus on making a good impression, preparing for a significant event, or managing your thoughts to better suit a situation.
Negatively, dreaming about styling hair may represent concerns about superficiality, appearances, or the pressure to conform to certain standards. A preoccupation with how others see you or needing to fit in. Feeling the need to constantly present yourself in a certain way to gain acceptance or avoid criticism. Struggling with balancing authentic self-expression and the desire to fit in. Awareness of yourself taking too much time focusing on what other people think about your style of thinking.
Washing Hair
To dream of washing hair represents changing negative thoughts or bad attitudes. You are making a fresh start. Trying to rid yourself of unpleasant thoughts or get your mind of something you don't like.
Example: A woman dreamed of washing her hair in dirty water. In waking life she had a headache she couldn't get rid of no matter what she tried.
Facial Hair
To dream of having facial hair may reflect feelings about your personality being masculine or assertive in a waking life situation.
To dream of a 5 o'clock shadow may represent the personality being unconcerned with being perfect or sensitive at all times.
To dream of a goatee may represent feelings about you or someone else being perceived as having a "dangerous" personality.
For a woman to dream of having light facial hair or "peach fuzz" may represent sensitivity about being noticed too masculine or assertive by others. If you are embarrassed by the facial hair it may reflect waking life regrets about having acted too assertive or unfeminine.
*Please See Beard
*Please See Moustache
Hair Growth
To dream of the hair on your head growing represents awareness of yourself transforming into someone who is thinking in a certain manner more than before. Awareness of your thinking style being able to keep doing something for a long period of time. Awareness of your thinking style keeping itself busy doing something a lot.
To dream of seeing your hair grow long represents awareness of your thinking style becoming freer or allowing you to believe in yourself freely more than usual. Awareness of yourself having not done anything different for a while and realizing that you need to.
To dream of the hair on your arms growing represents awareness of a thinking style that is crazy, angry, or unafraid to take risks than normal with reaching for goals.
To dream of hair growing on your hands represents awareness of a thinking style that is crazy, angry, or unafraid to take risks than normal with capability. An aggressive approach to dealing with problems
To dream of the hair on your legs growing represents awareness of a thinking style that is crazy, angry, or unafraid to take risks than normal with independence or doing things on your own.
To dream of the hair on your feet growing represents awareness of a thinking style that is crazy, angry, or unafraid to take risks than normal with principles.
To dream of the hair on your chest growing represents awareness of a thinking style that is crazy, angry, or unafraid to take risks than normal by asserting yourself with power.
To dream of the hair on your back growing represents awareness of a thinking style that is crazy, angry, or unafraid to take risks than normal with the capability to carry the weight of responsibilities or expectations.
To dream of strange hair growth on the body represents awareness about a thinking style that is unusual or crazy to witness (consider the body part for additional meaning.) A thinking style that frightens you with being crazy or makes you uncomfortable to discuss it with other people. Awareness of yourself thinking in a way that is inappropriate, uncomfortable, or excessive to other people. Feelings about yourself or someone else thinking like a weirdo or angry person that goes overboard. A thinking style that is more aggressive than people are comfortable with.
To dream of being bald and growing your hair back represents awareness of yourself regaining confidence or a renewed sense of identity. Awareness of your thinking style transforming to become more confident about not having a problem. Recovering from a period of self-doubt, vulnerability, or feeling powerless. A fresh start or a new beginning in your life where you are rebuilding your self-esteem and personal strength. Awareness of your thinking style becoming comfortable with yourself. Awareness of yourself becoming less assertive. Regaining your confidence after a period of loss or insecurity. Awareness of a restored sense of self or a return to a previous state of thinking that you considered normal and strong. A newfound sense of self-assurance.
Consider the body part that the hair is growing for additional meaning.