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To dream of seeing someone deaf may represent feelings about yourself or others having an impaired ability to understand instructions. It may also reflect you or others that are not listening to others or don't think it's important to listen to advice.

To dream of yourself being deaf represents an inability to understand what is happening around you. Feeling that everyone else "gets it", but you don't. Feeling totally closed off or like an outsider. Feelings of having lost the ability to stay informed.

Negatively, being deaf may reflect stubbornness or choosing to purposely ignore other people opinions, ideas, or feelings. Choosing not to listen to someone at all. Ignoring advice given to you because it's not really what you want to hear or because you don't believe it really matters.

Alternatively, being deaf may represent a situation where you are purposely closing yourself off from the world. Choosing not to listen to distractions. Taking a break or vacation without any disruptions.

*Please See Hearing


To dream about death represents change. Your personality or life situation is transforming for better or worse. An area of your life has come to an end, an era is over, or roles are shifting. You may also be preoccupied with someone else's death or illness. Alternatively, death in a dream can reflect failure or loss.

Dreams of death that come true are incredibly rare. They more likely to reflect fears of failure or feelings about undesirable changes than an actual death. In one study, people with heart disease who dreamed of death and taking journeys had a much higher mortality rate.

Seeing bad people die in your dreams is a sign that issues have been confronted. Negative aspects of the personality are being overcome by positive influences. Good people in your dreams dying symbolizes positive aspects of your personality being overcome by negative influences.

To dream of experiencing your own death represents feeling of watching yourself fail completely. Positively, it may reflect the experience of watching yourself undergo a powerful change or transformation.

To dream of experiencing your own death after helping others may be a sign that you nee to reconsider how you are handling yourself in waking life. You may be stupidly giving up too much of yourself to others. Unreasonable risks or endangering yourself.

To dream of dying while people laugh at you represents feelings about situations or people being indifferent or insensitive to your failures.

To dream of people you know dying symbolizes changes to certain qualities in yourself that these people reflect in you. It may also represent your view of these people succumbing to a problem as well as shifts in their personality or lifestyle.

To dream of a child dying represents a loss or unpleasant change to some area of your life that had potential. Positively, a child death may reflect a growing problem that has finally been dealt with.

To see your parents die in a dream reflects an inability to make positive or effective choices. Your father dying symbolizes your conscience or ability to make positive choices being compromised. Your mother dying symbolizes your intuition or ability to think ahead being compromised. A dead mother may also reflect feelings of being overwhelmed by bad luck. You can't find answers you want, or you feel unlucky. The death of parents in a dream is a sign that you need to seriously reconsider your current life path. Significant or fundamental changes may be in order.

To see a boyfriend or girlfriend die in a dream symbolizes a helpful or protective aspect of your personality that has been overcome by a problem. A habit or situation that had your best interests at heart may no longer be viable or has been compromised.

To dream of a spouse dying represents a permanent or secure aspect of yourself that has been compromised. A habit or situation that you've completely depended has changed. Something you were accustomed to may have been compromised. It may also reflect a loss of something in your life that you never believed would change.

To dream of a faked death may reflect feelings about having faked ending something. Faking failure of something in your life. Concerns that other people think you were not genuine in moving on from a problem or bad relationship. Tricking enemies by pretending to lose.

Example: A woman dreamed of her father dying. In waking life she had broken up with her boyfriend. The dream reflected the metaphorical "passing" of her decision (father symbolizes decision making) to give her boyfriend anymore chances in the relationship.

Example 2: A woman dreamed of her child being hit and killed in a car accident. In waking life she had gotten into a big argument with her husband about future plans they had together which she felt would never happen now.

Example 3: A man dreamed that his best friend had died. In waking life his friend had joined a religious cult and he felt that he had lost his ability to connect with his friend forever due to his inability to accept his friends new life.

Example 4: A woman dreamed of experiencing a death that was different than real death. Shortly after she contracted the sleeping sickness.

*Please See Dead

*Please See Dead Body

Death Bed

To dream of being on a death bed represents feelings about a final moment of accepting oneself the way they are before a change comes. A final assessment of your choices, actions, or regrets. Choosing to maintain choices, actions, or keep secrets no matter what.

Negatively, a death bed may reflect not feeling that it's a safe to stay the way you are or keep a secret. Choosing to maintain choices, actions, or keeping secrets even if it's dishonest or unhelpful. Worrying about something as though it's the rest of your life when it isn't. Feeling that it's too serious to stay the way you are until nothing is left. Feeling that it's hopeless to think of different things because change is inevitable. Not telling anyone what you are secretly up to until a change comes to pass that erases your secret.

Alternatively, dreaming about a death bed may reflect your literal thoughts about what will happen when you die.

Example: A woman dreamed of being on her death bed and telling her siblings that her life insurance was going to her ex-boyfriend. In waking life she wasn't getting along with her siblings over a serious family argument. In this case the death bed may have symbolize her feelings about a "final assessment" of her loyalty and inheritance if she should die after fighting with her siblings.


To dream of a person or animal that is deformed represents an aspect of your personality that feels permanently corrupted or didn't turn out the way it was supposed to. Something you my feel can't be fixed or changed. A deformity may also reflect feelings of being emotionally crippled or helpless.

To dream of a deformed baby or child represents feelings about something being permanently wrong with a new or developing area of your life.

To dream of a deformed face represents feelings about something being permanently wrong with your personality. Feeling unable to change, be happy, or lacking the ability to be as interesting as you want to feel. Feeling socially inept or weak. It also reflect your feelings about someone else having a personality that you feel is unable to be normal.

Pregnant women often dream of deformed babies to reflect their anxieties about the baby being born with something wrong with it. There have been accounts of women who've had precognitive dreams about deformities with their babies. For example a women in her first trimester dreamed of seeing her baby in the hospital with deformities and then 6 months later her baby was born with a cleft palate.


To dream of depression reflects a lack of belief in yourself or in a situation. You may have lost hope or confidence. Alternatively, depression in a dream may reflect how you are feeling sorry for yourself.

Depression in a dream may be a sign that you need to force yourself to make positive changes in your life or believe in yourself more.

To dream of experiencing a financial depression represents a total loss of faith or hope in your abilities. You may be having a big slump or feel that easy opportunities in life are drying up. It may also reflect common feeling of failure or a lack of opportunity amongst you and the people you know. You can't do anything because no one else can.


To see a detective in your dream, represents an aspect of your personality that is suspicious or thinks something doesn't make sense. You may be trying to solve a mysterious problem, or don't trust someone.

Negatively, dreaming about a detective may reflect fear of others discovering unpleasant or embarrassing information about you. Fears of hidden truths being discovered about you. Feeling that people don't trust you or are won't stop looking for ways to humiliate you. Fearing being exposed for things you are guilty of. Anxiety about lies you told be discovered. Unrelenting nosiness.

To have a detective following you in a dream may be a symbol for a lingering sense of suspicion. It may also reflect a fear of being caught or figured out.

Example: A man dreamed of a detective. In waking life he was in the middle of a lawsuit and he feared having every aspect of his life investigated by the opposing side.


To dream of having diabetes represents a problem in your life that forces you to give up everything that feels good because not doing so may embarrass you. You may have difficulty enjoying the sweeter things in life. Pleasure or enjoyment may feel like it's dangerous for some reason. You may be experiencing very strict rules or spiritual principles.

Diabetes in a dream may also be a sign that you are doing everything you to stay stable by avoiding things you like. It could also mean you are going way to far to prove yourself.


To dream of a diarrhea represents a sense of urgency to deal with a problem that sidetracks you from your real goals. Feelings about how terrible it is to be forced to cleanse something from your life. Removing something negative from your life faster than you feel comfortable with. You may be feeling a lack of control over how a problem is confronted. An urgent need to deal with a problem quickly and completely.

Negatively, diarrhea may reflect feelings about an embarrassment never stopping. Feeling uncomfortable having to get rid of a problem. Issues in waking life that make you feel stupid for believing that they weren't going to be serious or have consequences. Urgency to avoid looking guilty or cover up your guilt. Regretting indulging or enjoying yourself too much. A fear of humiliating yourself looking like novice or inexperienced idiot. Embarrassment of having to face your problems harder than anyone else.

Positively, dreaming about diarrhea may reflect feelings about your choice to uncomfortably get rid of a problem faster than other people. Feelings about removing negativity from your life the fast and hard way.

Example: A man dreamed of having severe diarrhea that got all over his clothes and wouldn't flush. In waking life he had spent a lot of money on a new house and was having problems balancing his finances due to all the unexpected expenses. The diarrhea may have reflected the sense of urgency and embarrassment at having to reduce spending so quickly in order to stabilize his finances.


To dream of a dictator represents an aspect of yourself that is all-controlling. Negatively, it may reflect you or someone else that is repressive or totally uncompromising. Dictators in dreams can also represent people or situations that are not allowing you to do anything you want. Possibly an over controlling parent or father figure.

To dream that you are a dictator represents situations where you are all-controlling. A sign that you need to be more flexible and open-minded in your thinking and in your decision making. You may be too controlling.


To dream of a director of a company or organization may represent control over a situation or other people that doesn't have to do anything except notice what's happening next. Control that notices other people make no mistakes as part of a larger plan. Never believing that you can make mistakes while controlling other people. Not having anything else to say except that your way is best.

To dream of a movie director represents behavior that has to make sure everyone involved in a situation is doing what they're supposed to be doing so people will have to believe it.

Example: A person dreamed of their boss being a director who kicked them out of a play they had interrupted. In waking the life the person had a few months to find a new job or they'd become unemployed. In this case the boss being the director to a play may have reflected the dreamer's feelings about their boss controlling everyone at his workplace to behave a certain way to control appearances for customers. The boss may have controlled a "sales script" or company personality that the dreamer wasn't paying enough attention to that bothered his boss.

Example 2: A woman dreamed of a "pathfinder director" from church being upset $4000 was stolen. In waking life the woman was upset that her husband was going to a different church than she was. In this case the pathfinder director may have reflected her feelings about being in control of or planning her husband's spiritual future believing that her choice of a church would guarantee that he wasn't making a mistakes in life.


To dream of a disease represents a problem in your life that you feel never goes away or keeps encroaching on your happiness. Feeling that you can never be as perfect as you'd like to be or that other people are always able to do something better than you. A constant burden that you carry. Feeling compromised or ruined. Never getting to realize your true potential.

*Please See Illness

*Please See Cancer

*Please See AIDS


To dream of seeing someone disfigured represents a permanent loss you feel in some area of your life. Your perception of long term emotional or physical scarring. A past trauma or relationship still effects you or makes you feel like you have to live with a problem forever. You may feel that you can't be yourself anymore.

Example: A man dreamed of seeing a horribly disfigured man. In waking life he contracted an embarrassing disease in his youth that prevented him from ever enjoying himself socially.


To dream of a music DJ or music disc jockey represents an aspect of yourself that is an expert at helping others at what is best to feel good with. Feelings about regulating or managing feeling good intelligently. Parents intelligently managing or prioritizing feeling good for kids with home expenses to keep the home feeling good within budget.

Example: A woman dreamed of seeing a prisoner section that she felt was like a DJ booth. In waking life she was experiencing a lot of financial stress as a home owner with children. In this case the DJ booth symbolism insider a prisoner section may have reflected her feelings about needing to be intelligent about protecting herself and her family from being cut off from feeling good during financial stress.


To dream of DNA represents feelings about your core being, fundamental identity, characteristics, or the core essence of who you are. Everything about you that makes you who you are. Personal strengths, weaknesses, and the unique traits that define you. An understanding of how your background shapes your identity.

Positively, dreaming about DNA may symbolize a deep sense of self-awareness and self-acceptance about your core being. Confidence in your innate abilities.

Negatively, dreaming about DNA could represent feelings about aspects of your personality or core being that you feel are unchangeable. Feeling limited or defined by your core personality traits. Feeling that you can't change who you are as a person.

To dream of white DNA strands represents fundamental changes to core areas of your personality. A situation is encouraging discipline or total removal of negative personality traits. A powerful lesson that completely changes who you are as a person. Transformation into a more disciplined, morally upright individual.

To dream of rainbow DNA strands represents harmonization or balancing of core areas of your personality. You may be doing a lot of self-reflection or gaining powerful insights about yourself. Feeling that your core being or who you are as a person is happy to move on from negativity or weaker aspects of yourself with ease.

Example: A man dreamed of seeing a white strand of DNA. In waking life, he was starting boot camp in the army. In this case, the white DNA reflected the enormous fundamental change boot camp had on him as a person as he had to get rid of old habits and beliefs.

Example 2: A man dreamed of seeing a white double helix DNA symbol. In waking life, he was challenged with the most powerful spiritual conflict of his life which forced him to purify who he was as a person to be perfectly moral to survive. In this case, the DNA symbol may have reflected the profound and fundamental changes he was undergoing in his core identity and belief system. The white double helix DNA symbol in the dream could have represented the intense purification process he was experiencing, as he strived for moral perfection in response to his spiritual conflict. The dream may have highlighted his transformation into a more disciplined, morally upright individual, reshaping his personality at the very core.

Doctor Who

To dream of Doctor Who represents an aspect of your personality that's impossibly better than other people about being protective of everything that's ever happened or is happening from being ruined by evil that's left the way it is. Confronting seemingly impossible constraints against time, knowledge, or power. A need for extraordinary intelligence, resourcefulness, and bravery to face and overcome these daunting challenges. Feeling that everything you've ever worked for and the future may be ruined if you don't fix a nearly impossible problem. Behavior that feels good confronting negativity that feels impossible because if you don't then everything might be ruined. Feeling that you need to fix an impossible problem in total secret or your entire life might confront embarrassment. Feelings that "the entire universe" depends on your actions. Confronting overwhelming odds and complex dilemmas.

Negatively, dreaming about Doctor Who may reflect an excessive belief in the importance of single-handedly fixing a seemingly impossible complex problem at all costs. Excessive responsibility to resolve difficult conflicts because you believe normal life will be forever left imbalanced. Feeling good showing off fixing impossible problems. An inflated sense of importance or enjoying a hero complex, where the dreamer feels like the sole guardian against chaos or disaster. An unrealistic expectation of oneself to be able to solve problems that are beyond one's control or understanding.

Example: A man dreamed of seeing Doctor Who. In waking life, he secretly experienced a month of the most powerful hallucinations of his life while believing all of the earth was at risk if he didn't perfectly confront and endure all the interdimensional negative entities that filled his home during that time by identifying and admitting to everything negative that had ever happened in his entire life as fast as possible to kill them all. In this case, Doctor Who may have reflected his feeling of having to confront and solve a seemingly impossible and overwhelming problem on his own.



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