*Please See Mailman
To dream of a preacher represents an aspect of your personality that is lecturing, advocating, or teaching others. You or someone else may be trying to convince or direct others to think or act in a certain way.
Negatively, a preacher may be a sign that you are forcing ideas and beliefs on others, or that someone is forcing them on you.
To dream of a president represents an aspect of yourself that has authority, power, or total control over others. Power structure or management structure. Awareness of a hierarchy that must be respected before all else. The ability to make important or serious decisions. Authoritarian decision-making abilities. You or someone else that has to be taken seriously.
The ability to tell others what to do. You or someone else that is dictating the terms or outcome of a situation. The right to be in charge and give orders. A president may also reflect an important decision you are making.
To dream that you are President may reflect feelings about yourself having the power to delegate decisions or control people by simply asking for it. Feelings about your power, connections, or resources having to be respected before all else.
Your personal opinions, feelings, or memories about the president may add additional symbolism. (e.g. President Nixon may symbolize corrupt power and control, Kennedy may reflect naive tragic idealistic progress.)
To dream that you are running for president represents your quest for power or authority. A relationship or situation that you feel you deserve to lead or control.
To dream of the US President represents an aspect of your personality that has total authority over a mindset of thinking freely.
Negatively, the US President may reflect overdoing pushing away anything that doesn't let you think freely. Your view of another person having too much power of your ability to think freely. A man controlling a woman's ability to think freely because he has total authority over finances or total control over her life.
To dream of meeting the US President represents feelings about be exposed to power or management responsibilities that you don't normally get exposed to. Tasting power.
Example: A woman dreamed that she was President and feeling that people were scared of her. In waking life she felt powerful after filing a complaint against a noisy neighbor and scaring them with potential eviction. She felt that she had the power to make simple phone calls or letters to make other carry out her will.
Example 2: A person dreamed of a President dying. In waking life they were experiencing a big change in management at work.
Example 3: A woman dreamed of running away from the Donald Trump and the government. In waking life she was having marriage troubles. In this case Donald Trump may have reflected her feelings about his husband and his personality while arguing. At the time of the dream Donald Trump was US President. The dreamer may have felt that her husband was faster than her about power that controlled aspects of her life that allowed her to think freely.
To dream of a priest (not a preacher) represents moral obligation, or ensuring that principles are adhered to. You or a situation in your life may require a stronger sense of discipline, fairness, or proper conduct.
A priest may be a sign that that something in your life is interesting you in conservative behavior or staying away from bad habits or situations.
*Please See Preacher
To dream of a prince represents an aspect of your personality that is entitled. Knowing that something is always yours, that you deserve the most, or that you are more important in some way.
Negatively, a prince can reflect self-importance, arrogance, or conceit.
To dream of a princess represents an aspect of your personality that is powerful because they are viewed as being too perfect, beautiful, or impressive. You or someone that feels that there is nothing wrong with them. Too good or too beautiful to be bothered with problems. Always getting your way because you are special.
Negatively, a princess may reflect selfishness, vanity, being spoiled, or being too demanding. You or someone else that thinks they are too perfect to "get their hands dirty" or do things for themselves.
Example: A teenage girl dreamed of being a princess. In waking life she wanted a boyfriend, but felt that she was too special to be an average boy. Being a princess in the dream may have reflected her feelings about herself being special and deserving to be picky.
*Please See Tiara
Princess Diana
To dream of Princess Diana may represent an aspect of yourself that has integrity and importance that never embarrasses itself with what it looks like believing in itself thinking everyone else's feelings matter, but with a sense of tragedy about having lost it. Feelings about yourself or someone else who is perceived as kind-hearted, compassionate, and caring, yet tragically flawed or lost. The pain of losing something precious or the struggle of dealing with a significant loss, while still maintaining dignity and grace.
Negatively, dreaming about Princess Diana may represent overdoing wanting people to feel bad for you regarding a tragic loss that makes look more important, kind-hearted, compassionate, and caring than other people.
Princess Diana dreams may occur to people who feel the loss of something or someone significant in their lives, symbolizing the grief, sorrow, and longing associated with that loss. Experiencing a sense of loss or grief, especially when they still feel the need to present a strong, composed exterior to the world. Feelings of sorrow mixed with the pressure to uphold a certain image or reputation, as well as the challenges of navigating personal struggles while being in the public eye or under scrutiny. A desire to handle grief with dignity.
Dreams of Princess Diana may commonly accompany other death-related symbolism.
Example: A young woman dreamed of being in the bathroom and seeing her recently deceased dog walking around. The scene changes to standing beside Princess Diana who was wearing a gold bracelet while clasping her hand in front of her. In waking life, the dreamer missed their recently deceased dog who died of brain cancer. In this case, Princess Diana may have reflected feelings about people appreciating her because of her dog and the dog's popular family life personality, while also carrying the sense of tragedy associated with the dog's death due to brain cancer, making people miss the dog dearly. Princess Diana may also represent a desire to handle her grief with dignity.
*Please See Celebrities
*Please See People
To dream of a school principal represents social justice. A principal may be an ability to embarrass someone, make them insecure, or control what they think. He may also reflect an unpleasant issue in your life that you feel powerful enough to ignore, or manipulate in your favor.
A school principal may also represent your feelings about an issue that embarrasses you, or forces you to do something you didn't think you had to. You may have thought you could get away with something that proved wrong. You may feel guilt or regret.
To dream of an evil principal may reflect your own insensitive use of power to embarrass someone, or your projection of an insensitive situation that feels embarrassing or unfair.
To dream of fighting or attacking a principal may represent your defiance or resistance against an issue that you thought you could get away with or never need to confront.
Prison Guards
To dream of a prison guard represents you or someone else that is concerned that a restriction holds. Feeling that repaying debts or suffering punishment is mandatory. Feeling that nobody will help you escape the consequences of your actions. It may also reflect a person or situation that is making sure you face your karma whether you like it or not.
Alternatively, a prison guard may represent acceptance of your own guilt. A part of you that knows your guilty and must do something about it. Punishing yourself or feeling that the consequences must be repaid. Restricting your own growth or happiness.
To dream that you are a prison guard represents your wish to restrict someone else or make sure they face the consequences of their actions. It may also reflect your attempt to make sure that debts are repaid or the punishment is experienced in full. Not letting someone off easy.
Example: A man dreamed of being handed a white bible by a prison guard. In waking life he was actually in prison and felt that he had to change his ways because he knew he was guilty.
To dream of a prisoner represents you or someone else that is limited, restricted, or prevented from doing what they really want. Alternatively, you may feel you are being punished for something.
*Please See Convict
Professional Athlete
To dream of a professional athlete represents an aspect of yourself that is an expert at winning or being competitive. You or someone else in your life that is experienced at being the best or being the most attractive. Feeling no jealousy at all when it comes to winning.
Negatively, you may be feeling that you aren't "measuring up" enough or being as competitive as you think you should be. You may feel ugly, weak, or less of a winner than someone else. It may also reflect your obsessions with winning that are going too far.
Example: A man dreamed of seeing a professional athlete opening a door for him. In waking life his nagging doubts about the name of the company he was building inspired him to come up with a brand new name that was much more attractive.
To dream of a professor represents feelings about yourself or someone else being exceptionally intelligent and helpful. Feelings about being stupid or that you are wasting your life if you don't listen to someone. Feelings about knowing more about a subject than anyone else.
Negatively, a professor in a dream may reflect an arrogant wish to avoid listening to someone in your life that is smarter than you at something. Avoiding letting someone with more experience than you teach you something because you don't want to fell stupid. Negative thoughts about someone who you believe thinks they know everything. Choosing to ignore boring responsible advice for something more fun. Being told you are stupid of yo don't listen to someone's advice.
Alternatively, a professor in a dream may reflect your own tendency to lecture other people too much with intelligent advice. Obsession with knowledge or expertise you can share. Sharing your advanced knowledge with others.
Example: A man dreamed of seeing a professor call him stupid. In waking life the man's son was trying to teach him something about a subject for which he was an expert. This annoyed the man because he didn't like feeling stupid listening to anyone younger than him.
*Please See Teachers
To dream of a prostitute represents an aspect of your personality that sells itself out. It may reflect your self-interest before higher ideals or being more concerned with money than anything else.
Alternatively, dreaming of a prostitute may reflect you or someone else that provides a service whenever they are asked to. You or someone else that is easy to use.
Negatively, a prostitute may represent "caving in" or giving up higher ideals as soon as pressure is felt. Abusing talents, or lowering your standards, morals, or principles for personal benefit. Getting ahead or enjoying yourself without any regard for standards or quality.
Men with pregnant wives commonly dream of having sex with prostitutes. This may reflect their impersonal feelings about using their wife to have sex when she too pregnant to be in the mood.
Example: A man dreamed of a seeing a prostitute walking towards him. In waking life he spoke a second language fluently and someone who needed his help kept offering to pay him to do translations. The prostitute reflect his willingness to do whatever he was asked when paid.
To dream of a psychic represents a high degree of certainty or intelligent intuitiveness about the future. A strong ability to feel what is coming based on what is currently happening to you.
Positively, a psychic may reflect you or someone else that is intelligent or insightful about what outcomes are most likely to occur. Being so aware of what's going on around you that you can feel what will happen next. Being so experienced with certain behavior that you know what is going to happen next.
Negatively, a psychic may reflect false assumptions about current circumstances influencing your choices. Feeling too certain that bad things will happen based on circumstantial evidence. Alternatively, a psychic may negatively reflect bad advice you keep taking because someone sounds intelligent or experienced.
Example: A woman dreamed of visiting a psychic who told her that her reading wasn't looking good. In waking life she had serious heart problems and felt that because some members of her family had died suddenly due to heart problems that her heart problems were a sign that that death was imminent.
To dream of a psychologist represents insight into why you think a certain way. Either your own attempt to gain insight in your behavior or someone that is telling you why you have a problem.
Example: A man dreamed of sitting in a psychologists office. In waking life he was realizing why it was so difficult for him to get over his ex-girlfriend.