To dream of having an illness represents preoccupation with problems or unpleasant changes. A loss in confidence in yourself. Despair, emotional breakdown, or difficulty coping. An uneasy feeling about a situation. Feeling that a current situation is not worth living or ruining your happiness.
To dream of a disease or terminal illness represents feelings of living on borrowed time or that decay in some area of your life is imminent. Hopelessness, grief, regret, guilt, or self-pity.
Example: A woman dreamed of having an illness. In waking life she was beginning to feel that her work life was taking away all her happiness and suffocate her relationships. Her job was something she felt she couldn't get away from while it drained other areas of her life.
*Please See Cancer
*Please See AIDS
*Please See Patient
*Please See Seasickness
To dream of marijuana represents feelings about choices, lifestyles, or situations that are concerned with a relaxed or laid-back attitude. Taking a strong break from whatever you are thinking about too much. Stopping working on a project, time off working towards a goal, deciding to relax, or taking part in more carefree activities. Caring about taking a break as though it was your job. A mindset that doesn't take things too seriously or chooses to temporarily ignore problems. Your thoughts about relaxing, taking it easy, or taking a break from the seriousness of life. Marijuana in a dream may reflect your thoughts about the importance of relaxation, open-mindedness, or experimenting with alternative ways of thinking.
Positively, dreaming about marijuana may represent a relaxed or open-minded attitude about a situation. A period of rest, recovery, or taking a break from more strenuous activities. A need to reduce stress or anxiety, explore new perspectives, or embrace creativity and unconventional ideas. A phase of personal growth where you are exploring different aspects of yourself and your consciousness. A desire for relaxation, stress relief, or escape from life's pressures. A need for a break or a desire to find a more laid-back and carefree attitude about whatever is happening in your life.
Negatively, dreaming about marijuana may represent a tendency to avoid confronting problems, excessive relaxation, or irresponsibility. Escapism, neglect of responsibilities, or an overemphasis on pleasure or comfort at the expense of progress or productivity. A fear of losing control, addiction, or the consequences of indulging in risky or unproductive behaviors. Feelings of guilt, laziness, or a lack of ambition. Feelings about bad influences that will encourage laziness or loss of ambition. Awareness of yourself avoiding a much-needed break. Feeling that you are behind with getting your personal life in order.
Example: A man dreamed of seeing a sign that said marijuana wasn't allowed at the current moment. In waking life, he was enduring a very serious situation and was jealous that he couldn't take serious time off from it. He had to keep progressing with a mindset that was clear, hardworking, and focused in order to successfully navigate through his challenges. The dream might have reflected his feelings about the importance of staying disciplined and avoiding distractions or relaxation in order to achieve his goals and handle the situation effectively.
Example 2: A person dreamed of hanging marijuana joints on a wall in order to harvest sea cucumbers. In waking life, they were trying to tame their emotions. In this case, the marijuana being used to harvest sea cucumbers may have reflected their attempt to personally invest time, effort, and patience with managing their emotional state more effectively. The use of marijuana in the dream might symbolize their use of emotional management techniques to calm their mind and emotions.
Example 3: A man dreamed of having to admit past issues with marijuana. In waking life, he was trying to get his personal life in order with a job, a place to live, a vehicle, and a soulmate. In this case, admitting to past use of marijuana may have reflected his acknowledgment of previous periods in his life where he might have prioritized relaxation or escapism over his responsibilities and goals.
Mars Chocolate Bar
To dream of a Mars chocolate bar represents treating yourself to thinking about yourself being allowed to do something because usually you don't see yourself enough. Treating yourself is the answer because thinking about yourself usually isn't enough. Feeling bold and original for thinking about yourself completely because you usually don't think of yourself completely. Treating yourself to why something else different is strongest because it's what you like to feel. Treating yourself to time off being original that doesn't have to think about why other people think about it. Short-term treating yourself to not having to think anything else counts. Treating yourself outside your usual comfort zone like it isn't a problem.
Example: A man dreamed of giving a Mars chocolate bar to a famous religious evangelist. In waking life he was very persistent with being focused spiritually on what God wanted for his life by repeatedly telling God in his prayers that God's will always came first no matter what happened in his life. In this case giving away the Mars chocolate bar to the famous Evangelist may have reflected his feelings about treating himself to a day off praying or being so serious about God because he usually doesn't allow himself to. The Mars bar might also be a sign he is taking a break from being so serious about what other people think of his religious conviction. A sign that he needed to learn to accept letting go a little bit.
To dream of Skittles candy represents a situation that feels fantastic about easily moving passed your problems. Feeling good easily moving passed situations that you don't like. Feeling good skipping passed something without jealousy or envy ever again. Innocence, playfulness, and a carefree attitude about why something isn't a problem anymore. Enjoying news that brightens your day moving passed a problem. Having fun moving on. Feeling good skipping something because you're intelligent about how to. Feeling good talking to someone about easily moving passed a problem.
Negatively, dreaming about Skittles may represent dishonesty that enjoys "walking away laughing" from problems like it's fantastic. Enjoying "skitting" the rules without fear. Enjoying feeling that you're faster than someone else about skipping passed problems.
Example: A man dreamed of a colorful Skittles bridge. In waking life, he enjoyed himself talking to his lawyer about why getting off criminal charges was easy. In this case, the Skittles bridge may have reflected his feelings about easily bypassing serious legal consequences in a way that felt enjoyable and carefree.
Example 2: A young man dreamed of sour Skittles while a mall was closing. In waking life, he was enjoying avoiding writing an essay for school. In this case, the Skittles may have reflected his feelings about enjoying skipping his schoolwork until the absolute last minute.
To dream of Smarties candies represents feeling about treating yourself to cleverly not talking about yourself too much to other people because you want to keep liking what you're getting without anyone stopping you. Cleverly not talking about yourself too much because like being helped getting something you want. Cleverly not talking about yourself too much because it will make people like you better. Enjoying avoiding saying anything negative about yourself because it will help you to keep getting things.
Negatively, dreaming about Smarties candies may represent dishonestly treating to intelligently not talking about yourself too much because it will help get something you want. Enjoying dishonestly avoiding talking about yourself too much because it will make people like you better if you don't reveal the negative truth of who you are.
Children may dream of smarties to reflect cleverly enjoying themselves being clever about not talking about themselves too much in order to get something they want or avoid trouble. Children may be avoiding saying things that are unpopular or that they don't like other kids in order to keep enjoying themselves.
Example: A man dreamed of seeing Smarties chocolate while grocery shopping for Halloween. In waking life, he and his wife had decided to not allow the children outside this year for Halloween (Covid-19 time) and instead have chocolate at home while they watch scary movies. In this case, the Smarties chocolates may have reflected his feelings about himself deciding to not talk about his plans to treat his family on Halloween to a new experience of scary movies privately until the last minute to avoid his children being angry or inviting other children.
To dream of toffee represents feelings about deliberately enjoying wanting to take your time or prolonging a enjoying experience because it's allowed. Feeling good prolonging an enjoyable moment. Respecting yourself aware of yourself prolonging an enjoyable or pleasurable experience. Enjoyment requires ongoing effort to maintain. Patience, dedication, and a conscious decision to take time and savor an enjoyable moment. Satisfaction and enjoyment that are savored slowly. The pleasure of stretching out an enjoyable moment.
Negatively, toffee may reflect your impatience with prolonging a pleasurable or enjoyable situation. Not wanting to take your time or prolong an enjoyable experience. An excessive need to savor or prolong an enjoyable experience. Feeling annoyed that you thought of enjoyment or pleasure once and it's difficult to get off your mind. Fear of consequences related to enjoying yourself with overindulgence too quickly.
To dream of toffee being stuck in your mouth and difficult to get out may reflect your feelings about thinking of prolonged pleasure or enjoyment interfering with a more serious or business-like situation. Feeling unable to get away from vacation time for something urgent or a rare opportunity.
Example: A teenage girl dreamed of someone else holding a toffee-smelling beer. In waking life, she was enjoying drinking even though she knew she was underage and not supposed to. In this case, the toffee may have reflected her deliberate enjoyment of underage drinking by prolonging and slowly savoring the experience with slow sipping of the alcohol.