To dream of a bowl filled with something represents preoccupation with an experience, feelings, or ideas that you want to have a lot of. Noticeably not feeling jealous at all because you have a lot of something. Not being able to think of anything except what is you are doing or dealing with. Indulging in one thing only or not wanting to do anything except "what's on your plate." Enjoying a lot of something or feeling that experiencing a lot of something is easy.
Negatively, a bowl may represent a tendency to think about doing something too much.
To dream of an empty bowl represent feelings about the potential to experience a lot of something easily.
Example: A woman dreamed of seeing herself inside a giant bowl that she was happy about being inside of. In waking life she was lonely and felt that going to a spiritual retreat 4 or 5 times a year that most people only attend once in their life was a good idea. Dreaming about being inside the bowl may have reflected her feelings about herself needing to experience the spiritual retreat all the time to feel that she mattered.
Example 2: A man dreamed of having a giant bowl of soup that got spilled out on the floor leaving it empty. In waking life he was involved with a lot of money and financial decisions and was trying to use it to control his son's life and his son ended up embarrassing him by in front of the family to escape it.
Example 3: A man dreamed of seeing his wife's belly with a bowl in it. In waking life he wife was pregnant and he was very sensitive about protecting her. The bowl in this case may have reflected his feelings about watching his wife slowly grow more pregnant in a passive role.
Example 4: A woman dreamed of seeing a green bowl with apples in it. In waking life she had an conversation the day before about why she was a better parent than someone else because she had more children they they did. The green bowl in this case may have reflected her jealous need to draw attention to the fact that she currently has more children than someone else.