To dream of a bride represents feelings about passively experiencing some area of life becoming permanent. Positively, a bride may reflect enjoyment of how easy it is to watch permanent changes occurring on their own. Feelings about new permanent changes that can't be undone being wonderful. Receptive attitude for security or closure. Readiness for a new beginning.
Alternatively, a bride may reflect behavior that is passively preparing for a permanent change. Feeling good getting ready for something permanent that other people are about to do for you.
For men to dream of a bride, it may reflect feelings about how big decisions are being respected or easily realized. Feeling that it's easy to make a big change in your life. Experiencing no jealousy or obstacles with big decisions or changes.
Negatively, a bride may reflect feelings of having no choice about permanent change or decision. Sensitivity or fear about having to accept a permanent change. Heightened sensitivity or anxiety about a big decision or permanent choice. Not wanting anything to go wrong at all before an important moment. Alternatively, being a bride may reflect your anxiety about real life wedding plans you are making.
To dream of a bride being shot at a wedding represents total failure or embarrassment while you waited passively or hoped something was going to be permanent. Unexpected interruptions or obstacles towards goals that you believed would be easy to achieve. Jealousy of enemies or competitors being experienced at the last moment before you realize your goals.
Bride dreams may also reflect your anxiety if your wedding date is getting closer.
*Please See Wedding
*Please See Groom