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Cell Phone Charger

To dream of a cellphone charger represents feelings about wishing to ensure the continuation of psychological closeness. Making sure that some area of your life will continue working in the manner that you would like. Feelings about things you are doing now that will ensure that an important area of you life functions perfect the next time you try. Patiently waiting for your next opportunity to connect closely to something important in your life.

Alternatively, a cell phone charger may reflect time off a relationship, project, or situation in order to better functioning and closeness at a later time.

Example: A woman dreamed of looking for her cell phone charger. In waking life she had exhausted all attempts to keep believing that she could restore a relationship with her ex-boyfriend and so she was looking for ways to renew her prospects of restarting the relationship.

Example 2: A woman dreamed of the batteries on her cell phone being totally drained and looking trying to find a charger. In waking life she felt that she had exhausted her ability to keep speaking to a man she liked and was patiently thinking up news ways to speak to him while fearing calling him back too soon.



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