Crack Cocaine
To dream of crack cocaine represents feelings of dependency and distress that is all-consuming. Dependency that brings self-destruction. A dependency on something that brings temporary pleasure but ultimately leads to the destruction of oneself. Dangerous allure to a dependency that first makes you believe nothing you do can be a problem. A dangerous attraction or bad habit that one continues to indulge in despite knowing the negative consequences it may bring. Feelings about yourself or someone being pathetic about having difficulty getting over something. Lust, attraction, or bad habits that you destroy yourself with to keep feeling good. An addiction to pleasure that ultimately makes one feel like a loser. Desperation, failure, or inadequacy over one's inability to overcome an addiction or move past a troubling issue. A dependency on something that feels horrible having to give up because you feel you have nothing better to do. Having a really hard time getting over someone you you have romantic interest in. Feelings of awareness of your self-destructive habit that doesn't bother you.
To dream of a crack house may represent a perspective on a situation that feels overwhelming with hopelessness, dependency, and distress. Hopeless addiction to needing to feel something destroys you. An awareness of engaging in or witnessing behaviors that could lead to serious addiction or self-destructive outcomes. Feeling that you are surrounded by people who can't overcome their need for dependency even if it ruins them or humiliates them. Feeling trapped in a cycle of harmful habits or destructive environments, where the pursuit of fleeting pleasure leads to long-term damage. A situation that feels that you have nothing better to do than to give in to your self-destructive habit. Situations where giving up all you power to an addictive pleasure is dangerously easy. A choice to accept yourself being permanently addicted to something that makes you feel like a loser. Witnessing yourself not feeling safe with feeling overwhelming by a self-destructive habit. Feelings about other people seeing you as someone that has a self-destructive habit that doesn't bother you.
Crack cocaine in dreams commonly reflect addiction to pornography or sex that destroys your interest to having a healthy relationship. Allowing your sex addiction to destroy other areas of your life. Choosing to masturbate watching pornography before ever wanting a relationship.
Example: A man dreamed of police raiding a crack house. In waking life, he was trying his hardest to get over a ex-girlfriend that he felt was too beautiful to let go of. In this case, his inner struggle to detach himself from the addictive allure of his ex-girlfriend.
Example 2: A woman dreamed of being in a crack house. In waking life, he was taking a lot of cancer drugs that she felt totally dependent on while feeling that other medical symptoms were ruining her life. In this case, her feelings of dependency on her cancer medications, and the distressing and all-consuming nature of her illness. Additionally, the dream might reflect her fears about her health deteriorating or her concerns about becoming too reliant on her medication.