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To dream of a forest represents an issue that leaves you feeling confused, uncertain, lost, or ejected from arrangements that give you a sense of security. A problem has left you feeling unsatisfied, insecure, or unsettled. A loss of confidence or control.

To dream of deep forests may represent feelings of isolation, fear, confusion, or needing to get through a difficult or confusing situation. Feeling lost. A phase in your life where you are dealing with issues that seem too big to handle, or situations that are hard to understand. The deep forest could be a metaphor for feeling isolated or misunderstood. Feeling overwhelmed with doing the same thing over and over in order to escape a confusing or problem situation. A desire to break free from routine and explore new areas of your life. A deep forest in a dream might also symbolize your desire to retreat and find solace in solitude.

Example: A man dreamed of being in the middle of a forest with no way out. In waking life, he had a dangerous health condition that doctors didn't understand and he had no idea how to treat his problem. In this case, the forest reflected his health problem having no answers in site.

Example 2: A girl dreamed of being inside a forest. In waking life, she was obsessed with a boy she liked and all her attempts to get closer to him failed. In his case, the forest may have reflected her feelings of being lost in her emotions and the complicated situation of her unreciprocated feelings. The forest symbolizes the confusion and uncertainty she felt as she navigated her feelings for the boy, feeling unsure of how to proceed or find a clear path to a relationship with him.

Example 3: A man dreamed of being in the middle of a forest. In waking life, he was very confused about his future and how his life would turn out. He was struggling to start his life over from scratch and had no idea what to do with his future except to keep working.

Example 4: A man dreamed of walking through a forest. In waking life, he was unemployed and having problems getting employed. He felt a lot of confusion about his financial future.

*Please See Trees

*Please See Jungle


To dream of the jungle represents feelings of being totally on your own or surrounded by enemies. A difficult social environment. Uncivilized or unfriendly behavior at school or work. Competitive rivalry. You may feel trapped by fear or negativity. People around you may make you feel that everyone is out to get you or always looking for a way to get to you. Feeling that you need to fend for yourself in a tough location. Tough and confusing situations. You may be experiencing a lot of work pressures with the constant threat of failure or being fired. Situations where there are rich potentials with lots of hidden hazards.

Jungle dreams are common to people dealing with work issues and attempting to cash in on opportunities without falling prey to competitors.

Example: A man dreamed of seeing a jungle with a community of homes inside it. In waking life he was property manager for a very dangerous neighborhood.

*Please See Forests


To dream of a tree represents an area of your life that is well-established or deeply rooted. A situation or problem that is immovable or unchangeable. Something that requires significant effort to alter or remove. Feelings of about an establish area of your life or roots with people that can always be relied on. Your confidence, faith, or reliance on something. Feelings about protection from parents or family life. A tree can also symbolize a well-established are of your life that you have become very comfortable with, or that you think will never change.

Negatively, dreaming about a tree may reflect an established persistent problem. An entrenched issue or problem. An enduring problem that is deeply rooted.

To dream of a tree being chopped down represents a loss of some established or secure area of your life. Often a symbol for losing parents, family homes, or jobs.

To dream of a tree being uprooted or ripped from the ground represents a dramatic change to a well-established are of your life that you thought would never happen or that you became too comfortable with. Feelings about parents selling a family home after you graduate school, people you rely on dying, or losing a sense security of deep-rooted connections or protection.

To dream of a tree trunk up close may reflect your emotional or situational proximity to an area of your life that is well-established. Experiencing an entrenched issue up close.

A dead tree represents a change to a stable or well-established situation. Either your confidence has been lost, or a difficult problem was solved. Feelings about total loss or that some well-established aspect of your life is lost. Feelings about a loss of confidence or that your life is ruined. Feelings about a thriving part of your life being lost.

To dream of a tree stump represents feelings about a significant change or a loss in your life regarding something established that you are learning to live without. The end of a phase, a loss of stability, or the remnants of past experiences that are still rooted in your life. This dream could reflect your thoughts about the importance of adapting, resilience, and moving forward. Taking a moment to reflect on your past. Grappling with feelings of regret or missing what once was. Alternatively, dreaming about a tree stump may represents an established persistent problem that you have overcome or made the effort to confront.

To dream of climbing a tree represents waking life situations where you are taking extensive steps to prove you can overcome, manage, or overtake a well-established aspect of your life if you have to. Alternatively, if you dream of climbing a tree out of fear or a need for safety it may represent a need to seek refuge in a secure, established area of your life to avoid failure or harm. It may reflect clinging or running to your family in order to avoid difficult problems.

To dream of walking on the tops of trees represents feelings of mastery, control, or transcendence over well-established areas of your life. You may be navigating over complex or long-standing problems with ease and confidence. This could reflect your ability to confront and overcome challenges, showing that you have grown past them and are now viewing them from a higher perspective. Bypassing necessary confrontations or evading responsibilities. Believing that your parents aren't important in order to feel that you are on top of something.

To dream of a tree top represents feelings about something established in your life that provides stability and protection. Parents, role models, or mentors who possess abilities beyond your own and demonstrate power or leadership, offering guidance and a higher vantage point from which to view life or problems. Power or leadership that either protects you or overshadows you. The tree top symbolizes a sense of security and the reassurance that you will never be considered inferior or insignificant in comparison to others.

Example: A woman dreamed of standing beside a tree and looking up at the stars. In waking life, she was struggling to renew her religious faith and was surprised when a friend wanting to practice faith with her. In this case, the tree may have reflected her feelings about her deep-rooted faith being a well-established aspect of her life that she could always rely on, providing a sense of comfort and security.

Example 2: A young man dreamed of seeing a tree being ripped from the ground. In waking life, he was shocked to find out that his parents home was going to be sold. In this case, the tree may have reflected his sense of home being permanent and established. The tree being ripped from the ground symbolized the sense of stability and establish homelife that was being quickly taken from him.

Example 3: A young man dreamed of climbing a coconut tree and dropping the coconuts to the ground while someone watched him. In waking life he was being accused of financial failure and had to take a number of long drawn out steps to prove that he was in fact financially secure. In this case, climbing the tree may have reflected his efforts to navigate and manage a complex and deeply rooted financial situation.

Example 4: A young man dreamed of seeing dead tress. In waking life he was very good-looking and developed a disease with caused humiliating baldness. He felt that his life was over. In this case, the dead trees may have reflected his feelings of a drastic change to a well-established aspect of his life - his appearances. His confidence and self-perception were deeply rooted in his appearance, and the sudden onset of baldness felt like the 'death' of this significant part of his identity, hence the symbolism of the dead trees.

Example 5: A woman dreamed of seeing trees getting chopped down. In waking life, her father died. In this case, the trees being chopped down may have reflected her feelings about losing her father's sheltering presence. His presence was a well-established part of her life that provided emotional security and stability, much like a towering, robust tree.

Example 6: A man dreamed of seeing a tree with honey dripping off of it. In waking life, his ex-wife was being nice to him and he believed it meant she wanted to be intimate with him. In this case, the tree dripping with honey may have reflected his feelings about the well-established history of his relationship with his ex-wife. The honey dripping from the tree symbolized the sweetness or desire that he perceived in his ex-wife's actions, hinting at a potential revival of their once intimate connection.

Example 7: A woman dreamed of seeing a tree with black birds sitting on it. In waking life, she was annoyed with how long it was taking her granddaughter to breakup with her boyfriend. In this case, the tree may have reflected her feelings about how established or "well rooted" her granddaughter's relationship was with the boyfriend. The blackbirds in the tree may have reflected her feelings about the annoying friends the boyfriend had that hung around with her granddaughter as a bad influence.

*Please See Forests

*Please See Jungle


To dream of twigs represents small or minor problems. It may also reflect feelings that you can break a person or situation "like a twig" at anytime you want.

Alternatively, a twig may represent something about yourself that is very sensitive or easy to break. Feeling that someone else could embarrass you or ruin you as though it was nothing.



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