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To dream of a girlfriend represents personality traits or qualities we feel as consistently supportive of your success or well-being. Something you think that supports you emotionally, or regularly helps you cope with life situations. It may also reflect something in your life that makes you feel safe, or lucky. A consistently helpful situation, behavior, or coping mechanism.

Alternatively, girlfriends may symbolize our current projections of your partner or their beliefs or goals. Your feelings about them and the current state of you relationship.

To dream of a girlfriend leaving you represents the departure of helpful situations, feelings, or beliefs from your life. Habits or situations that are no longer supportive of you. Feeling something helpful turning on you or no longer working.

To dream of a girlfriend who you've never seen in real life leaving you represents new situations, habits, or beliefs that were supportive of you and no longer are.

To dream of cheating on your partner represents impulsive choices, or doing something that you can't resist. Cheating on a partner can also represent a change of current beliefs.

To dream of a partner cheating on you represents
bad choices that have consequences or dire repercussions. Turning your back on principles, integrity, or sacrifices you are making. A partner cheating on you may also symbolize your feelings about your partner having different beliefs or goals from your own.

To see a girlfriend die or murdered in a dream represents the end of a thinking pattern, habit, or life situation that made you feel good or helped you cope with life situations. It may also reflect certain beliefs, feelings, or situations associated with your girlfriend ending.

To dream of intimacy or feelings of love with a girlfriend that you don't recognize represents a new personality style, habit, or situation that is emotionally helpful for you.

To dream of having sex with your girlfriend represents positive waking life experiences where you are enjoying feeling that you can't lose. Enjoyable experiences feeling helped, successfully using your skills, or liking noticing yourself having an advantage that never stops working for you. Liking an experience where certain skills, behavior, or other people are consistently supportive of your success. Alternatively, having sex with your girlfriend may reflect enjoyable waking life situations you are experiencing with him. It could also (less likely) reflect your sex life.

Example: A man dreamed of walking down a street with his girlfriend (He was actually single). In waking life he cleverly came up with an excuse that prevented him from having to confront a difficult situation. He felt good knowing he could use the excuse anytime he wanted and it would always work for him.

Example 2: A man dreamed of his girlfriend cheating on him. In waking life he was fearing his girlfriend catching him cheating on his girlfriend. The girlfriend in the dream in this case may have reflected his feelings about his cheating behavior turning against him.


To dream of a girl often represents aspects of the self that are passive, receptive, sympathetic, co-operative, nurturing, or that are compliant. Aspects of yourself that are giving.

Negatively, a little girl may reflect an aspect of yourself that is easy to control or push aside. A sign that you are not being assertive enough or feel that someone else is making your decisions for you. Your tendency to easily submit or be compliant. Getting told what to do.

Fear of sensitive issues being easily humiliated or overpowered. Fear of someone stronger than you overpowering you. Something in your life is not powerful enough to defend itself. Fear of not being able to protect yourself or something important to you. Feeling that power is easy to steal from you. Feelings about yourself being a wimp.

Alternatively, girls may reflect feminine qualities of your personality.

*Please See Woman

Call Girl

*Please See Prostitutes


*Please See Ex-Partner

Girl Scouts

To dream of a girl scout represents a constant sense of responsibility. Sensitivity, sympathy, harmlessness, or subordination while being concerned about a need for responsible conduct.

*Please See Boy Scouts

Riding Sex-Cowgirl (Girl On Top)

To dream of riding sex represents a positive experience where someone or something is catering to another. Feeling good noticing something being done for you.

If you are riding someone it may reflect a positive experience where you are doing all the work for someone. If you are being ridden it reflects a positive experience where someone is doing all the work for you.

Riding sex can point to situations where you like someone so much that you enjoy doing anything you can for them. Negatively, it can point to a person in your life that you are allowing to use you.

Example: A young man dreamed of having riding sex with another male friend where he was the girl. In waking life he enjoying hiding his friend from the police.


To dream of a baby represents new beginnings, new ways of thinking, new ideas, or new life developments. A baby may also symbolize a new project or new potential. Discovering new abilities. Negatively, a baby in a dream may reflect new responsibilities or new problems that require constant care. Babies may also reflect people in your life that you feel the need to look after closely such as the elderly.

Alternatively, dreaming about a baby may reflect feelings about being inexperienced or new to a situation. Memories of yourself starting something. Feeling that you are being "treated like a baby." Feelings about yourself being protected while not having to care about what anyone else is feeling. Remembering what it's like to be a beginner or to be young again.

To dream of a baby boy may represent masculine qualities to an experience or problem such as insensitivity, assertiveness, or social dominance.

To dream of a baby girl may represent feminine qualities to an experience or problems such as sensitivity, sympathy, and social subordination.

To dream of a crying baby represents a problem or sensitive situation in waking life that needs attention. A part of you that is deprived.

To dream of a baby drowning represents a sensitive new situation in your life being totally overwhelmed by uncertainty or negative emotions. Failure caused by too much uncertainty or problems with something that was just starting in your life. Negatively, it may reflect problems you are being very careful about being made impossible to take care of due to excessive uncertainty, problems, or fear.

To dream of dropping a baby represents feelings of anxiety about being irresponsible with some new situation or problem requiring your care. Dreams of dropping babies are common for new mothers, more due to their fear of being an irresponsible mother than due to actually dropping their babies.

To dream of forgetting your baby represents feelings about something in your life that you have started, but then abandoned. Setting aside something that you love or have worked hard for. Postponing something special. On a positive note forgetting a baby in a dream may be a sign that there is still time to correct something that you have put off.

To dream of a neglected baby may represent feelings about neglecting a future project or responsibility. It may also reflect a sensitive problem you are not attending to enough.

To dream of a premature baby represents new situations or new problems in your life that are happening faster than you want them to. Having to do something sooner than you planned.

To see a dead baby represents a new development ending, or being overcome by negativity. Something that began, or was in the works was stopped. Positively, a dead baby may reflect feelings of being spared a responsibility or lengthy problem.

To dream of a baby with no legs represents a new development that is stagnant. A new situation with no traction or momentum.

To dream of a deformed baby represents a new responsibility or nagging problem that hasn't turned out as you expected it to. If you are actually expecting a baby it may reflect a fear of something being wrong with the baby.

To dream of being frustrated or stressed out while looking after a baby represents your frustrations and difficulties with problems or taking care of a responsibility.

To dream of feeding a baby represents nurturing or caring for a new development in your life. Ensuring that a new situation, responsibility, or relationship is supported or allowed to grow. Taking time to carefully help something develop. Attention to a project, relationship, or responsibility that is in its infancy and needs your care or attention to thrive. Feeling a sense of obligation or concern to protect something sensitive in its early stages. Negatively, feeding a baby in a dream may represent feeling burdened by the constant need to care for a problem or responsibility that requires excessive attention. Frustrations with something new that feels demanding or draining.

To dream of a baby that is not of your race represents a new development, new situation, or new responsibility that is influenced by the symbolism of that race. For example, a white person dreaming of a black baby may represent a new situation in your life where proving yourself (or surviving without a problem) is a priority.

Refer to the themes section for race for a more in-depth look at the symbolism of skin color and culture.

Pregnant women tend to dream of their unborn baby's sex as male more often than female. This probably reflects their feelings about how insensitive or tough the reality of having a baby is. It may also reflect the mother asserting herself as a parent due to the child.

Young women and girls may dream of having babies to reflect their fear of getting pregnant or their desire to get pregnant.

Example: A woman dreamed of losing her baby. In waking life, she had postponed college for her marriage. In this case, losing her baby may have reflected her feelings about losing out on personal opportunities or a future potential (her education) to focus on her marriage.

Example 2: A woman dreamed of holding a new baby. In waking life, she was beginning a new love affair while cheating on her husband. In this case, holding the baby may have reflected her feelings of nurturing and developing her adulterous relationship while planning to eventually leave her husband.

Example 3: An older woman dreamed of having to take care of a baby. In waking life, her aging husband was very ill. In this case, taking care of the baby may have reflected her feelings of responsibility and care for her sick husband, treating his care as something fragile and requiring constant attention, much like caring for a baby.

Example 4: A woman dreamed of accidentally leaving her baby behind in a store. In waking life, she was an author who felt that she had neglected a book she had been writing for too long. In this case, leaving the baby behind may have reflected her feelings of having abandoned her book project, something she thought about as having lots of potential for her future while requiring constant care to complete.

Example 5: A woman dreamed of seeing lots of babies. In waking life, she was dealing with a lot of debts that needed constant servicing. In this case, the babies may have reflected her feelings about the debts needing constant care due to complaints or deadline warnings.

*Please See Birth

*Please See Biracial People

*Please See Children

Black People

To dream of a Black person represents an aspect of your personality with a mindset that respects itself surviving without a problem. It may also reflect thinking that respects itself proving itself never being little. Surviving whatever happens while not believing that losing should happen again. Surviving nothing else losing. Powerful strength to hang on. Powerful motivation to remain as you are or stand your ground. A powerful need to remain hopeful. A militant attitude about surviving disaster. Feeling good believing in yourself and doing whatever it takes to stay that way. Placing a priority on keeping happiness or avoiding jealousy before all else. Surviving liking your life the way it is. Fighting to keep safe liking your life. Preferring to feel good surviving emptiness because there is a purpose to it.

Positively, Black people represent keeping hope alive in dangerous or terrible situations. Surviving a bad situation by "keeping on keeping on." Surviving or calm thinking being under high pressure. Risking everything to stay safe as though nothing else mattered. Rising above when everything is on the line. Keeping something wonderful away from an "asshole" at all costs. Laughing at a bad situation because you have nothing left to lose. Feeling good already being passed someone that doesn't deserve to compare to you. Having a sense of humor when nobody else does. Dangerously staying feeling good because it's all you have left to believe in yourself. Believing that you should feel good about something at all when nobody wants to. Believing that fearlessness isn't a mistake. Feeling that it's smarter to lie to avoid wasting time getting in trouble by uptight or overly conservative people. Intelligence about shortcuts or conveiniences. Not liking deserving to be uptight. Doing every last thing to be competitive. An intelligent or sane attitude about "telling it like it is" that doesn't mind that it's difficult.

Negatively, Black people represents overdoing respecting yourself surviving without a problem. An excessive need to prove yourself never being little. Mean, ignorant, or excessive about the winning parts only. Dishonestly proving yourself. Dishonest shortcuts about achieving a goal. Dishonestly or ignorantly refusing to give up in an argument when you know you are wrong because you just don't want to look stupid. Feeling that being ahead of other people is all that matters. Excessive need to be seen by others achieving, being successful, or living with excellency. Noticing the noticing of who is best without saying it outloud. Laughter that is ignorant or mean. A mean attitude about "telling it like it is." Overconfidence that looks at itself too much or hurts other people's feelings. Respecting oneself believing in oneself without a valid reason. Jealous spitefulness or getting back at people to prove yourself.

Additionally, from a negative perspective black people may represent preferring to survive a problem enjoying yourself as a priority before having to take a serious situation perfectly serious. Proving yourself that makes other people jealous. Hasty or dangerous choices because you are too concerned with getting ahead or liking something. Pleasure seeking that is dangerous or risky. You or someone else that is taking a big risk to escape a problem. Desperation to avoid being laughed at. Feeling the cost of never giving up once. Never thinking of the proper way to get achieve a goal except to focus on winning part. Not a grown up about feeling good all the time that's a problem. Ignoring long-term goals or planning to enjoy short-term living. Too much concern for not being a loser or needing show off to a lot of people that you aren't. Feeling that you need to be excellent or nobody will like you. Ignorant assertive emotionality. Desperation you or someone else has to avoid jealousy. Selfishness that does all it can to avoid losing the #1 spot.

Black people can also represent aspects of the personality if they are personal friends or celebrities that you associate qualities with.

Black people may also on rare occasions reflect the cultural pride that a black person feels about themselves if race is a serious issue to them.

To dream of a bald black person may reflect feeling good surviving at all costs with no concern for others feelings mattering or how you look to others. Proving onesself that has no concern for others feelings or appearances. Feeling that nothing matters ever again just to survive. A serious conservative attitude about not caring about anyone else's feelings with decisions. Negatively, dreaming of a bald black person may reflect powerful insecurities about losing while you do everything you can to hold on. Feeling that nothing in life cares about you at all and that hope is all you have left.

To dream of a black woman represents passively surviving without a problem. Passively proving yourself. Passively never giving up. Passively feeling someone should have to do something for you because you talked about it agreed on it already. Feeling that it's interesting to talk about every last option to address a problem. Taking care of other people is the reason you never lose. Doing every single thing yourself the hard way is why you'll do better than other people. Patience is the reason you never worry about anything.

Negatively, dreaming a black woman may reflect having to hang on passively when nobody helps you out. Surviving a problem situation while being overlooked. Feeling that you must endure problems with nobody listening to you. Wasting your time feeling good for an desired outcome when nobody needs to give it to you. Not liking seeing a problem all the time and having to put up with it. Feeling that you have to spend all your time earning all you have the right way because nobody will make it easy for you. Not getting to prove yourself the strong way because someone won't help you or do what they said. Not feeling successful if you didn't do every single thing yourself the hard way. Ignorantly being passively difficult towards someone else. Ignorantly never stopping "telling it like it is" to demean someone when you don't have to do anything yourself.

To dream of having sex with a black person may represent a waking life experience where you are enjoying proving yourself or being unstoppable that's easy. Enjoying never having to care about other people's problems. Enjoying like yourself feeling easy being laid back. You may be enjoying a moment of exceptional confidence where you feel proven and unbeatable, and have no fear of embarrassment. Enjoying respecting yourself mattering without a reason. Enjoying being seen by other people as better at something. Enjoying respecting yourself being good at something. Enjoying not having to think about what your problems are. Enjoying seeing that you are enjoying yourself. Having the best time feeling proven already so nobody ever embarrasses you. Exceptional moment of enjoying yourself never having to lose by staying the way you are. Enjoying never caring what other people think about you because you don't lose on your own.

If you dream of sexually attractive black people this can symbolize your strong preference to look good surviving a problem or feel good proving yourself without jealousy. Enjoying proving yourself or observing someone else prove themselves in an interesting way. Feeling good about not being a wimp that will survive a problem no matter what happens. An area of your life that is exceptionally desirable to you for its ability to keep you comfortable when comfort is difficult. Feeling that not thinking of other people problems for the rest of your life is an option.

To dream of being robbed by a black person may represent feelings about how proving yourself or choosing to feel good staying the way you are in a difficult situation may have negative consequences that "cost you." Losses experienced because of someone else's need to prove themselves. It may also reflect feelings of loss due to someone else trying something first, taking bigger risks than you, being more assertive, being more competitive than you, or who are better at feeling good than you. A sense of regret or frustration about missed opportunities or convenient options that you didn't take. Feeling that someome else has proved themself better than you did. Overall, the dream suggests a situation where staying the same or feeling good has serious consequences.

To see a very muscular black person may represent an aspect of your personality that is strong about proving itself or surviving any challenges to itself. A strong ability to prove oneself or show off to someone's face. A powerful wish to feel good remaining as you are. A strong ability to feel good despite challenges. Difficulty overcoming someone else's strong jealousy of you. Might is right that proves it over and over. An ability to stand your ground even in difficult situations. Fear of someone who proves themself better than you do.

For a black person to dream of a black person it may simply reflect an aspect of their personality where appearance and clothing are more important symbols. Dreaming of people of your own race is not always significant unless other races are present or the dream speaks about it being important. Facial features, clothing, or the feelings you get from the dream people are more important.

Historically, black people in dreams have been bad omens and often appeared before bad luck or tragedy would strike. This is because they reflect the dreamers careless sense of being proven already that prevents them from seeing the danger or risks ahead. An example would be of black people appearing in dreams of historical figures going to war before losing the war. The black people in this case may reflect the leaders feeling good overconfident surviving a battle they aren't prepared to deal with being different.

Example: A woman dreamed that a black man shot her in the chest. In real life the woman's daughter died in a car accident and she was grieving over her death when the funeral bill came. The black man who shot her may have reflected her wish to socially survive and prove herself to all her friends and family as a very loving respectful mother at all costs by paying for the funeral on credit when she couldn't afford it. Being shot reflected the shock she felt with getting the bill for the funeral.

Example 2: A woman dreamed of seeing black men that she was very attracted to. In real life she was having difficulty getting the dream job and boyfriend that she wanted. The black men in this case may have represented her desire to prove herself powerfully to friends and family with a successful life and boyfriend that everyone sees.

Example 3: A young man dreamed of seeing an insecure looking black man leaning against a wall. In waking life he was financially broke while doing everything he could to keep financially stable without wanting to embarrass himself asking for help. In this case, the black man may have reflected the man surviving feeling good maintaining respect by not telling anyone he was broke. He was putting up with hard work and hiding details so he enjoyed respecting himself not being criticized.

Example 4: A young girl dreamed of a black girl signalling her to not tell an elderly man about how she drank tequila. In waking life, the young girl had told her mother about smoking marijuana. In this case, the black girl may have reflected the dreamer's conscience originally choosing to passively respecting herself surviving never being in trouble by withholding the truth, before telling the truth anyway.

Example 5: A man dreamed of an ugly black woman sitting close to him that wanted to have sex with him. In waking life he was experiencing a woman (not black) he wasn't interested in being assertive and persistent about trying to date him. He felt that woman was exhausting all her time hoping to date him and was not giving up on it easily while he preferred to be kind about ignoring her. In this case, the ugly black woman may have reflected the man's feelings about the woman aggressively never giving up proving herself or surviving rejection.

*Please See Africa


To dream of a boyfriend represents personality traits or qualities we feel as consistently supportive of your success or well-being. Something you think that supports you emotionally, or regularly helps you cope with life situations. It may also reflect something in your life that makes you feel safe, or lucky. A consistently helpful situation, behavior, or coping mechanism.

Alternatively, boyfriends may symbolize our current projections of your partner or their beliefs or goals.

To dream of a boyfriend leaving you represents the departure of helpful situations, feelings, or beliefs from your life. Habits or situations that are no longer supportive of you. Feeling something helpful turning on you or no longer working.

To dream of a boyfriend who you've never seen in real life leaving you represents new situations, habits, or beliefs that were supportive of you and no longer are.

To dream of cheating on your partner represents impulsive choices, or doing something that you can't resist. Cheating on a partner can also represent a change of current beliefs.

To dream of a partner cheating on you represents bad choices that have consequences or dire repercussions. Turning your back on principles, integrity, or sacrifices you are making. A partner cheating on you may also symbolize your feelings about your partner having different beliefs or goals from your own.

To see a boyfriend die or murdered in a dream represents the end of a thinking pattern, habit, or life situation that made you feel good or helped you cope with life situations. It may also reflect certain beliefs, feelings, or situations associated with your boyfriend ending.

To dream of intimacy or feelings of love with a boyfriend that you don't recognize represents a new personality style, habit, or situation that is emotionally helpful for you.

To dream of a boyfriend that you recognize, but aren't actually involved with represents an aspect of your personality that you find emotionally supportive that is based on your feelings or memories of that person. This applies to celebrities, friends, or anyone appearing as a boyfriend that isn't a real partner.

To dream of having sex with your boyfriend represents positive waking life experiences where you are enjoying feeling that you can't lose. Enjoyable experiences feeling helped, successfully using your skills, or liking noticing yourself having an advantage that never stops working for you. Liking an experience where certain skills, behavior, or other people are consistently supportive of your success. Alternatively, having sex with your boyfriend may reflect enjoyable waking life situations you are experiencing with him. It could also (less likely) reflect your sex life.


To dream of cheating on your partner romantically represents impulsive choices, or doing something that you can't resist. Dreaming of yourself cheating on a partner can also represent a change of current beliefs or having different opinions that your partner. Feeling ashamed of yourself.

To dream of a partner cheating on you romantically represents bad choices that have consequences or dire repercussions. Turning your back on principles, integrity, or sacrifices you are making.

A partner cheating on you may also symbolize your feelings about your partner having different beliefs or goals from your own. Feelings about them no longer liking you after an argument. It may also reflect a sense of emotional abandonment as your partner pays more attention to a hobby or their job than they do to you. Paranoia, trust issues, expecting the worst, or suspicions you have. A lack of confidence.

Alternatively, cheating can reflect trust issues or anxiety about your partner who has cheated in the past cheating again.

Pregnant women often dream of their husbands cheating on them romantically. This is most likely a reflection of their insecurity about keeping their husbands interested in them sexually while they their bodies change during the pregnancy. Men with pregnant wives often dream of their wives cheating on them as well. This is probably a reflection of their expectations of unpleasant lifestyle changes when the baby comes as their wife cares for the child or feels that they baby is more important to them they are.

To dream of cheating (non-relationship) may reflect an awareness of lack of ethics, low standards, or behavior focused on "short cuts." Awareness of injustice. Feelings about yourself or others "having no shame" about how a goal achieved. Impulsive choices. Feeling ashamed or guilty of not being perfectly honest in your life.

Negatively, cheating (non-relationship) may reflect a lack of respect for rules or that you are better than others. Desperation to get achieve something by any means. A complete lack of concern for anything except getting what you want. Awareness of yourself not being good enough to achieve your goals or prove yourself honestly. A fear of be perceived as little or childish by others if you reveal incompetence or weakness. Violated trust with something you depended on.

Example: A woman dreamed of her husband cheating on her. In waking life she was jealous of her husband having a hobby that he wanted to enjoy on his own time..

Example 2: A woman dreamed of her husband cheating on her. In waking life she felt that her boss was intentionally embarrassing her with giving special treatment to other people at work that she felt didn't deserve it. The cheating husband in this case may have reflected her feelings about her job security.

Example 3: A young woman dreamed about her boyfriend cheating on her. In waking life she caught her boyfriend lying to her.

Example 4: A woman dreamed of seeing her husband cheating on her. In waking life she relapsed after 7 years and took crystal meth again. The cheating may reflect her feelings about her impulsive choice to take drugs again causing her emotional pain. She was metaphorically cheating on herself.

Example 5: A man dreamed of seeing his girlfriend having sex with another man in his kitchen. In waking life his girlfriend was having thoughts of leaving him for a number of different reasons.

*Please See Tests


To see your real life children in a dream represents ideas, habits, or developments that have potential. An area of your life that you are encouraging or feel supportive of. Situations or aspects of your life that you want to see powerful or flourish. It may also reflect an aspect of yourself based on the one thing that stands out the most about that child.

If you have more than one child in real life then each child will represent a different aspect of your life based on your most honest feelings about then or their most prominent personality traits.

To dream of children that aren't your children in waking life may reflect developing aspects of your life. Situations in life that are brand new or that you have renewed enthusiasm for. Creativity or "young minded" ideas.

Negatively, dreaming of children may reflect feelings about yourself or others being helpless. Powerlessness to overcome big challenges. Inexperience that prevents you from facing difficulties because problems are too big. Alternatively, from a negative perspective children may reflect problems that are out of control. New developments that are becoming frustrating. Feeling like an innocent victim. Vulnerability.

To dream of losing a child represents feelings of being overloaded or stretched beyond your limits. Juggling too much at once or "dropping the ball" with something because you are too involved with something else. Getting so caught up in minor details that you forget what's most important.

To dream of a child dying represents a loss or unpleasant change to some area of your life that had potential. Positively, a child death may reflect a growing problem that has finally been dealt with.

If you dream of children that you don't recognize it represents new ideas, or situations that are being encouraged. Something not thought of before. Negatively, it may reflect burdens, responsibilities, or problems that have to be looked after.

Evil children symbolize negative or corrupted aspects of your personality that are being encouraged. It may also point to a bad situation or problem that feels like it's getting out of control or scares you. Evil children may also reflect childish beliefs or habits that are getting out of hand. Frustrations with someone else's immaturity or misbehaving. Alternatively, children may reflect aspects of your personality that are playful, young at heart, or childish in intention. You don't want to be involved with anything too serious.

Example: A woman dreamed of a child driving her car. In waking life she felt that she had allowed her selfishness and childishness to control her decision-making.

Example 2: A man dreamed of trying to protect 2 children. In waking life he was trying to protect his 2 growing businesses from being overrun and controlled by his jealous abusive father.

Example 3: A woman dreamed of seeing children. In waking life she was working on a project for her job that she felt required a lot of creativity and youthful ideas.

*Please See Son

*Please See Daughter

*Please See Quadruplets


To see an ex-partner usually represents a personality trait in yourself based on whatever quality or memory stands out most about that person. Ex-partners are very open symbols that are based completely on your most honest memories and feelings about them. Ask yourself what's the first thing that pops in your head when you think about that person.

Alternatively, an ex-partner may reflect a bad habit or a failure you're experiencing. They may also represent the return of a recurring problem. If you really don't like your ex they may reflect a negative situation that is repeating itself in your life. Ex's can also reflect the re-experiencing of breakups or unpleasant relationship scenarios.

Ex-partners can sometimes be a sign that you are unconsciously repeating bad habits or that your falling into the trap of dating someone who is just like your ex.

If you still have feelings for your ex then they may symbolize your lingering desire for them. They could also represent your desire for something in life you really want, but feel is unattainable. A certain type of experience you want, but feel is not possible.

If you have an ex who was enthusiastic about sex they may represent good luck, success, or a positive experience you are having in waking life. Something you are doing or experiencing is very supportive of your happiness or well-being.

If you have an ex that you can't stand, or believe to be dangerous to your safety they could symbolize a bad choices you regret or negative experiences that you feel you can't escape.

Example: A man dreamed of seeing his ex-girlfriend. She was someone whom he felt was so responsible that she never felt good or enjoyed herself. In waking life, this man had to give an arrogant family member the silent treatment in order to teach them a much needed lesson. The ex-girlfriend in his dream symbolizes how helpful it was to him to avoid feeling good and give his family member the silent treatment.

Example 2: A woman dreamed of seeing her ex-boyfriend. He was someone she remembered most for cheating on her. In waking life, she was experiencing friends lying to her.

Example 3: A woman dreamed of seeing her ex-boyfriend and then running out of a house. In waking life, she realized that her new boyfriend had a lot of the negative qualities that her previous boyfriend had and felt she had to try harder to be with someone with different qualities.

Example 4: A woman dreamed of walking into her ex-husband's house and being told that he wanted to marry someone else. In waking life, he she was losing trust in her boyfriend after having a number of fights. The ex-husband reflected how she didn't feel the same love, security, and loyalty anymore after having felt it.

Example 5: A woman dreamed of calling her ex-boyfriend and being questioned why she didn't call him on his birthday. In waking life, she was still having feelings for her ex and his birthday had just recently passed.

Example 6: A woman dreamed of her ex-boyfriend's new girlfriend talking to her while she tried to be happy, even though she felt disrespected by her. In waking life, the woman was talking to her ex-boyfriend even though he was seeing someone else. In this case, the ex-boyfriend's new girlfriend talking to her and disrespecting her while she tried to be happy may have reflected her attempts to be genuinely happy for her ex-boyfriend when he spoke to her about his new girlfriend, even though it sparked jealousy within her.


To dream of being naked represents feelings of being vulnerable or exposed. An aspect your life is totally out in the open or revealed. An unexpected change may be making you feel like your private life is suddenly on display to others. Feeling put on the spot in a way you aren't used to. Feeling that you have no protection. Feeling awkward. A lack of privacy.

Negatively, dreaming of being naked may reflect your dishonesty that is impossible to hide anymore. Feeling embarrassed that you got caught lying. Personal information or private matters may be out in the open. Feeling vulnerable or susceptible to influence. Feeling exposed, humiliated, or powerless because a weakness has been revealed. Feeling shame, inept, or inadequate. Feeling vulnerable to others judgement.

Positively, being naked in a dream may represent feelings of being totally confident. Not caring what other people think about you at all. Enjoying having the truth exposed. Feeling that you have nothing to hide. If you enjoy being naked it may reflect a situation in which you feel free to all restraints. Nothing is holding you back. Feeling unencumbered. Openness and sincerity.

To dream of other people being naked may represent "seeing the naked truth of a situation." All weaknesses are out in the open.

To dream of being naked at school represents waking life situations where you may be experiencing anxiety about problems that you can't do anything to hide. Facing something serious that you can't keep private.

To dream of being naked at work represents feelings about having to be honest all the time. Being unable to disguise or cover up your mistakes. Situations where cheating is impossible or spotted immediately. It may also reflect feelings about honesty being important to prove all the time.

To dream of being naked at the beach may represent feelings about being unable to hide your true intentions or to act dishonest while confronting a negative situation. Facing uncertainty in your life while being unable to lie or hide anything. The beach reflects a confrontational moment in your life while the nakedness points to feelings about your true self being on display to others.

To dream of hiding your naked body represents a fear of having the truth revealed or exposed. Embarrassment of being caught lying. There is something about yourself that you don't want scrutinized. Wishing to conceal a weakness.

To see beautiful sexually attractive people naked may represent desirable experiences that you want to have. It may also reflect your sexual desires or fantasies. Experiencing situations that you really like.

Being naked and ready for sex represents your readiness to enjoy yourself doing something you like. Negatively, it may be a sign that you are too eager or allowing the prospect of pleasure to cloud your judgement.

To dream of being naked while people laugh at you represents feelings of embarrassment about some area of your life that is out in the open. Humiliation due to lies or impotence being revealed. If you don't care about the laughter it reflects a high degree of comfort with yourself despite what other people think of you. Feeling no jealousy or not allowing revelations to bother you. Being uninhibited.

Example: A girl had recurring nightmares about walking around a street naked wearing only gloves. In waking life he was in a strict religious convent school requiring a uniform to be worn. She was always losing her gloves. The dream may have reflected her fears about being discovered having lost her gloves and being revealed as inadequate person in a place she found to be too strict.

Example 2: A woman had recurring dreams of being naked. In waking life she was having problems getting pregnant and was concerned that other people were thinking about her as infertile loser.

Example 3: A man dreamed of seeing naked people. In waking life he was embarrassed at having to reveal to friends that he would have to move back to his home country due to economic reasons.

*Please See Flasher


Women in dreams represent feminine personality traits that are passive, sympathetic, receptive, sensitive, nurturing, intuitive, creative, or giving.

Negatively, women may represent aspects of yourself that get screwed over, used, or lose. Passive behavior or jealousy. Desire for things you don't believe you can have. Feelings about something you like being too good for you. Feeling weaker than others.

Alternatively, woman in dreams may also reflect your perceptions of women in waking life. How respectable or desperate they are.

To see unknown women in a dream represents feminine aspects of yourself not experienced before. Positively, it may reflect feeling supported, being in control of something, or a desirable experience you've never had before. Negatively, it may reflect subornation in a new situation.

To dream of an old women may reflect experience involved with supporting others or being screwed over. It may also reflect intelligent or intuitive feelings that override poorer judgement. Intuitive decisions based on experience.

If you are very attracted to a woman in your dream this may represent a desire to have something occur or to have a pleasurable type of experience. It may also reflect your feelings about how nice something is to feel in your life. Sexual urges.

To dream of having sex with a woman in a dream may reflect feelings about enjoyable waking life situations. Consider the feelings or qualities that stand out most about the woman and see how they may apply to your current life.

Example: A man dreamed of seeing evil women who were sexually attractive in an irresistible way. In waking life he was forced to be abstinent during a spiritual test and found fighting his sexual urges for long periods of time very difficult.

Example 2: A man dreamed of seeing a fat woman. In waking life he was feeling like a loser because he had lost a fight and felt weak afterwards.



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