Grocery Store
To dream of a grocery store represents decisions being made that help to sustain you for the short term. Keeping a good situation going by addressing your short-term needs. Confidence about knowing what you can delay confronting a problem or delay an unpleasant situation from occurring. Feeling that it's easy to deal with your problems "just for now."
Negatively, a grocery store may be a sign that you are considering dishonest behavior as a method to temporarily keep a problem under control. Lies or deception in order to delay being honest. Feeling good not having to face your problems for a short while longer. A sign that long-term solutions to problems are not being considered or that you continually keep putting your problems off for later. Short-term solutions that cost you long-term happiness.
Alternatively, dreaming of a grocery store may reflect anxiety issues related to health issues with food sensitivities. Anxiety about not being able to buy the special food or health products you need.
Example: A woman dreamed of being in a grocery store parking lot. In waking life, she was delaying family gatherings to reunite with her step-sister because she felt her step-sister was dangerous due to her marijuana use. The grocery store in this case may have reflected her feelings about the potential to regularly have family gatherings to temporarily help prolong healthy family relationships.
Example 2: A woman dreamed of seeing a grocery store closing. In waking life, she was having anxiety that she wouldn't be able to buy certain food products during a family visit out of state because she was on a very special diet.
Example 3: A young woman dreamed of being in a grocery store with her parents. In waking life, she was impatiently trying to pass a training program at work to help her get a better job at her company. She was doing everything she could to persevere hoping to be told she finally passed. The grocery store in this case may have reflected her choice to keep enduring the difficult training by whatever means possible for the short term hoping she would pass the training test. The grocery store symbolism may have been a sign that she was more focused on passing the training than on being good at her job while believing that short-term perseverance was her only problem when the job might not have been good for her at all.
Example 4: A woman dreamed of being in a grocery store with her husband whom she was separated from. In waking life, she was regularly trying to do whatever she could to keep hope alive for a reconciliation with her husband. The supermarket in this case may be a reflection of her feelings about herself regularly trying to temporarily emotionally "hold herself over" from believing the relationship was over with whatever actions she believed might help.
*Please See Groceries
To dream of a store represents ideas or choices we are considering. The choice or opportunity to think differently. Considering making a lifestyle choice. Some area of your life where you serious about doing something different. "Talking to yourself" about a potential change or new idea. You may be "shopping" for various choices before making a final decision. Recognizing that a change may be needed in your life and making an effort to pursue that change.
Negatively, dreaming about being in a store may reflect feelings about making a change in your life being mandatory. Believing a change is needed when it really isn't. Not liking yourself enough they way you are. Allowing yourself to be influenced in ways that may not being helpful or good for you.
To dream of a salesperson trying to convince you to make a purchase in a store may reflect your own attempts to weigh the benefits of a choice. Your attempt to convince yourself or "sell" yourself on a choice or belief. It may also reflect someone in your life trying to influence you to change.
Example: A man dreamed of walking into a clothing store. In waking life he was considering making big changes to his personality believing it would improve his life if he tried it.
Example 2: A man dreamed of walking into a store to buy a book from an expert and discovered that they first book he picked up was red and unsuitable. In waking life he was considering getting very serious about his studies of a personal hobby and realized that the first few books he looked at for the topic were written by incompetent people.
Example 3: A woman dreamed about her mother taking her to a store. In waking life he brother had moved out of her home and she was considering ideas on how to change the relationship to strengthen it.
*Please See Department Store
*Please See Convenience Store
*Please See Book Store
*Please See Grocery Store
Adult Sex Store
To dream of an adult sex store represents feelings about considering making a choice that feels good for you, but may be seem inappropriate or childish to others. Uncomfortable feelings about enjoying too much freedom. Embarrassment that other people think are a total idiot who doesn't take life seriously. Feeling that other people will think you are a "giant jerkoff" who wastes their time having fun.
Alternatively, an adult sex shop could reflect feelings about enjoying experimenting with your life in new and exciting ways that others might feels is risky.
Negatively, an adult sex shop may reflect feelings about choosing to give up on serious choices for your life to pursue happiness in ways others might find. Enjoying being a school dropout. Preferring to enjoy life as a simple person with no desire to conform to society's norms. Feeling good pretending or orchestrating a giant lie that might have serious consequences for your future. Fear of yourself preferring to choose to enjoy wasting your life in ways others think is stupid or
Example: A young girl dreamed of going into an adult sex ship for the very first time in her life and seeing all kinds of sex toys. In waking life she was considering dropping out of college to experiment with becoming an yoga instructor and felt that all her friends and family might think it's a childish idea to enjoy too much freedom when should should be preparing seriously for her future.
Best Buy Store
To dream of the store Best Buy represents a situation that noticeably doesn't want to waste your time or resources becoming as sophisticated as currently possible. Surviving never being behind or less sophisticated than other people. Feeling that you are back "with it" because you talked to someone that made sure you aren't a loser lagging behind anymore. Options or friend that feel protective of easily making a decision to do something more intelligent than before. Your easiest option to help you easily catch up with your level of sophistication.
Family life that that always wants you to easily advance or live more intelligently, but doesn't pressure you. Feeling that someone is listening to every single thing you are feeling about smarter options, but never telling you that you have to do anything. Feeling that nothing scares you about why you can easily do something more intelligent if you want to. Confidently ignoring people making you feel you can't "catch up" with sophistication if you want to. Awareness that you are not a genius at something new, but you can easily ask someone more intelligent and experienced how to be good enough.
Example: A woman dreamed of getting a Best Buy gift card from her mother to buy an iPhone. In waking life she was worried about someone breaking into her home to hurt her and her family. In this case the Best Buy gift card symbolism may have reflected her feelings about respecting herself easily talking to someone about improving her home security technology to feel safer upgraded at a later time if she wanted to.
Book Store
To dream of being in a book store represents your interest in trying something new for yourself. New talents, skills, or lifestyle choices you are considering integrating into your life. You may be interested in learning something new or improving yourself. A bookstore may be a sign that you want to increase your talents or skills in some way.
To dream of a school book store may represent your interest or drive to know absolutely everything in a particular area. A sign that you wish to be fully prepared or always have all the answers to potential problems.
Comic Book Store
To dream of a comic book store represents your attempt to decide how best to impress others with a incredible story of power or odds defying achievement.
*Please See Comic Books
Convenience Store
To dream of a convenience store represents your attempt to find easy solutions to a problem. A resource, person, or habit that makes problem solving easier. Spontaneous ideas, decisions, or interests.
Negatively, a convenience store may symbolize an unwillingness to try anything new or difficult. Always reaching for the easiest solution. Spontaneous interests that are not well thought out before hand.
To dream of having to cross a street to go to a convenience store may reflect a need try something new, difficult, or what other people aren't doing in order to try getting an easy solution to your problem.
To dream of convenience stores that are closed or not in business may reflect feelings about easy solutions to problems not being available to you.
Example: A young man dreamed of going to a convenience store that required crossing the street. In waking life he got a spontaneous idea to buy a large number of books to help him change the way he studied a hobby.
Example 2: A man dreamed of seeing two convenience stores where one was close and one was across the street. In waking life he was deciding whether it was best to solve a problem easy the usual way or to make an effort to solve it easily with a newer option.
Example 3: A man dreamed of knowing the owner of a convenience store that rushed to get him a product. In waking life someone had offered to help him fix a problem easily multiple times without any serious need until finally a serious presented itself.
Corner Store
*Please See Convenience Store
Department Store
To dream of a department store represents intelligent fulfillment of goals, needs, or wishes that you have. Asking questions, doing research, or negotiating what you want. Not feeling any pressure about a choice you are considering.
Example: A man dreamed of standing outside a department store that he was about to enter. In waking life he was about to begin negotiations with a radio station to get an ad placed on the air. He was asking a lot of questions about price options before ever making a serious choice and didn't feel pressured into having to do anything just yet.
Example 2: A woman dreamed of shopping at a department store with her husband. In waking life her husband wanted a divorce when she didn't. Shopping at the department store reflected her wish to take her time or keep considering any options possible to save the marriage. Wanting to feel no pressure while they considered reconciling.
Example 3: A woman dreamed of shopping in a department store for a baby thermometer. In waking life she was deciding whether or not it was a good idea to keep her baby after she discovered she got pregnant.
Dollar Store
To dream of a dollar store represents feeling that a person or situation intentionally gives you a lot of easy options. Intentionally being given easy options to confront problems. Not feeling any sense of urgency or pressure to make a choice because it's easy. Something being so easy to have it's almost pathetic to you.
Negatively, a dollar store may reflect a feelings that something in your life has no significant value or will always be easy. Exploiting someone else's good nature because it's easy to do so. Feeling that you are intentionally being given too many cheap or easy solutions to a problems when you need a more serious solution.
Example: A man dreamed of being in a dollar store. In waking life he was running 3 web businesses that required only a small amount of work each day to update.
Example 2: A young man dreamed of being in a dollar store with a mirror sitting on a table with jewelry. Someone in the dream was pressuring him to buy the mirror, but he didn't want to. In waking life he was being pressured into having regular casual sex with an easy girl by a showoff friend and he didn't feel it was good idea. The dollar store represented his feelings about having sex with the girl being something easy that was always available if he wanted it.
Example 3: A man dreamed of shopping in a dollar store. In waking life he was required to do something he didn't want to do in order to solve a problem quickly and instead choose to get involved in a number of smaller side projects to wait out the bigger problem.
Furniture Store
To dream of a furniture store represents feelings about exploring new options or choices to establish or enhance how you identify and think about yourself as a person with a sense of structure, stability, or comfort. Choices related to being comfortable with the way your life is working that resonates with your identity. Choices or options related to how comfortably you perceive yourself as a person in a particular situation. Your attempt to decide how you want to feel about yourself and your life. Your thoughts about choosing qualities, behaviors, or habits that define who you are. It may also reflect trying to discover what attitudes, ideas, or personality traits would be accepted best by others.
Example: A young man dreamed of walking around a furniture store where there was no furniture he was interested in buying. In waking life, he was having problems deciding what to say to his father while he felt it was important to remember himself confronting his father who had abused him for years. In this case, the furniture store may have reflected his feelings about choosing a new way to confront his father that he would be comfortable identifying himself with for the rest of his life while being acceptable to others.
Grocery Cart
*Please See Shopping Cart
Hardware Store
To dream of a hardware store represents choices that are more serious than you first thought. Making the decision to get something over with. Self-improvement or attitude adjustments that you realize need more effort or resources. Noticing yourself having to do more than expected to get something done. You may be looking around for more powerful or serious solution to a nagging problem.
Negatively, a hardware store may be a warning to be cautious about being too hasty or allowing a problem to get out of hand.
Lingerie Store
To dream of a lingerie store represents your attempt to become a more enticing, interesting, or desirable person to others. You want to be more attractive or difficult to resist. You may be trying to figure out a way to make yourself stand out or win someone over.
A lingerie store may also reflect your wish to have your ideas, beliefs, or choices become more desirable to others. You may want to make "your side" or "your plans" difficult to resist.
Alternatively, a lingerie store may reflect your wish to decide how to best sexually attract someone.
*Please See Lingerie
Second-Hand Store
To dream of a second-hand store may reflect your consideration of old ideas, ideas others are bored with, or getting involved in a relationship with someone that someone you know has already been in a relationship with. Considering making a choice to try someone else's idea or a "second hand" idea. Considering trying an idea that someone else doesn't have time for.
Negatively, second-hand store may reflect your dislike for having to do something unoriginal. Feeling like a loser because you have acknowledge someone else as the source of your accomplishment. Feeling that an old idea isn't an interesting as a new idea that you are considering.
Example: A woman dreamed that she was shopping in a second-hand store. In waking life she was considering a business idea that she had gotten from someone else whom didn't have the time or resources to try the idea themselves.