To dream of a wild mushroom represents feelings about choice or option that you prefer to think about as safe because it's careless to not consider it once. Hoping to see why a choice is perfectly safe it when it doesn't say whether or not it's perfectly safe. Concern that you are making a bad choice. Preoccupation with how dangerous something you want to do might be. A lack of confidence with something you feel you are risking. Asking yourself "is this good for me or not?" Struggling with values, morality, or the prospect of making a dangerous choice you don't feel good risking.
To dream of a store bought mushrooms represents confidence a choice is safe when you might have ever thought it wasn't in the past. A choice that believes in itself safe no matter what you think about it.
Example: A woman dreamed of a mushroom growing out of her foot. In waking life, she had decided to make a change with the location of her sales booth at a market to see if it would make her more money. In this case, the mushrooms may have reflected the concern that her choice may not be safe and end up making sales worse while hoping it was good for business.
Example 2: A woman dreamed of seeing her dead grandmother's body covered in mushrooms. In waking life, she was very close to her grandmother and was now struggling to sort out through the valuables her grandmother left behind after death. In this case, the mushrooms may have reflected her feelings of uncertainty about how to safely handle her grandmother's possessions without making other people think she was greedy or have the government question her for financially gaining.