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To dream of a chainsaw represents wanton, complete disregard for feelings, no remorse, or little concern for consequences. A chainsaw may also reflect total insensitivity to others feelings. Uncaring forcefulness.

A chainsaw used by someone else to harm you or scare you symbolizes your feelings about some issue in your life that's completely insensitive to your feelings, wishes, or life situation.

Example: A man dreamed of seeing a scary looking man with a chainsaw. In waking life his business partner totally screwed him over and left him with nothing as though it didn't even matter.


To dream of having a cut represents feelings of being undermined, scorned, ill-treated, or let down. A reduction in your sense of importance or impact. Feelings about a person being insensitive towards you.

To dream of cutting another person may represent feelings of having given another person a problem, whether intentional or unintentional. Bitter opposition or rejection. Intentionally undermining, giving ill-treatment, or trying to make others hurt. Negatively, it may reflect self-harm.

Consider the location on the body where the cut was made. Cuts to hands may reflect your sense of capability being undermined. Cuts to legs may reflect your sense of independence being undermined.

To dream of cutting something in half represents reducing a problem. It may also reflect a relationship you are severing.

To dream cutting a wire may reflects relationships or connections in your life being severed. It may also reflect an attempt to completely cut off links or power to some area of your life.

To dream of cutting a person or animal with no blood may reflect feelings about how safe it is to cause harm or conflict. Feeling that there is no danger in hurting yourself. Causing pain to others without conscience. Underestimating how serious or dangerous your actions are. No guilt for what you do. Feeling that because you can't see or feel others pain that your actions are acceptable. Feeling that someone is not angry for something negative you have done to them. Awareness of yourself not getting angry about something negative that has been inflicted on you.

Example: A woman dreamed of being chased by a man who ended up cutting pieces out of her arm. In waking life she was getting divorced and feared the financial and property divisions would have a serious negative impact on her ability to live the life she had become accustomed to.

Example 2: A man dreamed about his hands being cut off. In waking life he was fired from his job.

Example 3: A man dreamed of cutting a wolf's throat. In waking life he was bitterly opposed to his family pressuring him to have an arranged marriage and wished for them to stop talking about it completely.

Example 4: A woman dreamed of a demon trying to cut her with a knife. In waking life her husband was being deported while she was also pregnant. The demon trying to cut her may have reflected her feelings about how evil the government felt for trying to separate her from her family.

Example 5: A man dreamed of cutting himself on a piece of broken glass. In waking life he had just broken up with his girlfriend. She had gotten quite angry at him.


To dream of a saw tool represents feelings about the ability to remove obstacles or unwanted aspects of your life with determination and effort in order to reach a goal. The power to cut through problems, make significant changes, or sever ties with something or someone that's no longer desired. A saw in dreams can indicate your readiness to confront issues, make tough decisions, or take action to shape your own path. Cutting off some area of your life or a specific situation. A conscious decision to cut out negative influences, habits, or relationships from your life for personal growth or improvement.

Negatively, a saw may represent feelings of discomfort or unease about the sacrifices or hardships involved in making the necessary changes. A sense of urgency or pressure to address problems or conflicts that have arisen. The harsh or painful process of removing something from your life. The fear of irreversible changes.

Example: A woman dreamed of seeing a small boy having his arm sawed off, but there was no sound or blood. In waking life, she was making changes in her life to ensure that she could afford to pay her bills. In this case, the small boy having his arm sawed off may have reflected her feelings of discomfort or unease about the sacrifices or hardships involved in making the necessary changes to improve her financial situation.

*Please See Tools


To dream of a shotgun represents the power to make a decision that is significant, powerful, or has lasting consequences. A shotgun symbolizes choices that are dramatic. Dealing with a problem with one final shot.

If bad people in a dream hold a shotgun it represents negative personality traits with the power to make dramatic choices that could sabotage you, or "burn bridges." It may also reflect your own wish to get back at someone powerfully.

To dream of a sawed-off shotgun symbolizes you or some aspect of your personality that can make very powerful quick decisions. Big choices made on the spot. If a bad or evil person in a dream has a sawed-off shot gun this can symbolize very powerful short term rash decisions.

Example: A very young girl dreamed of seeing her father shooting her with a shotgun. In waking life her parents were getting divorced and she feared deciding which parents to live with because she felt that one of them would stop loving her. The shotgun in this case may have reflected how powerful and dangerous she felt deciding which parent to live with was.

Example 2: A man dreamed picking up a double barrel shotgun. In waking life he was threatening to sue someone for injuries while demanding a settlement as a faster option to resolve the legal conflict.

*Please See Guns


To dream of a swamp represents issues or situations that feel stagnated, or impossible to escape. There may be something in your life that makes you feel trapped or in over your head. Unbearable feelings of never getting to make progress that you are permanently stuck. Feeling stuck in situation you don't like. Feeling stuck in a job you don't like. Difficulty with getting through a problem that feels like it won't ever let go. The unbearableness of wondering if you are ever going to get through a problem while you keep trying your best anyway.

Alternatively, a swamp may reflect a risky problem that feels like you will never get away from it if you get too involved with it. Feeling stupid for having gotten involved with a problem that is hopeless.

Example: A young man dreamed of being stuck in a swamp. In waking life he was "bogged down" and unable to make progress.

Example 2: A woman dreamed of walking through a swampy river with her husband. In waking life she was experiencing some tension within her marriage as she and her husband dealt with a problem. The swampy feeling of the river may have reflected her feelings about the unbearable stagnation she felt her marriage was being tested with during the problem.

*Please See Bog



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