Train Station
To dream of a train station represents feelings about transitional moments in your life, where you are waiting for something significant to happen or preparing to embark on a new journey. A time in your life that feels like a hub of activity, connectivity, and change with a goal that takes time to "arrive" at. Thoughts about looking forward to embarking on a new journey, whether it's a job, relationship, or personal endeavor while being aware that it may take a long time to achieve.
To dream of a train station platform represents feelings about confidently waiting for a new opportunity or journey in life to start. Trusting that a new opportunity or different possibility will come if you wait. Feeling ready to seize the right opportunity as soon as it "arrives" in your life.
Negatively, a train station in a dream could indicate feelings of uncertainty, being stuck, or not knowing how long a long-term goal will take to achieve. Annoyance with starting a long-term goal with no idea when it will conclude, how much work it will take to finish, or how many people you will need to talk to to complete it.
Example: A woman dreamed of standing on a train station platform. In waking life, she was searching for a job. In this case, the train station platform may have reflected her sense of anticipation and readiness for new employment as she expected a months-long journey to find the right employment. She was in a transitional phase, much like the platform serves as a transitional space between different journeys. The dream captured her state of preparedness and confidence that a suitable job opportunity would eventually come her way if she continued to search and wait. In essence, the platform represented her own state of readiness to board the 'train' to a new professional destination as soon as it arrived.