To dream of a wallet represents identity and social effectiveness. How you see yourself, or identify someone else in regards to using power to achieve goals or do what you want in life. A wallet may also reflect how well you or someone else is at carrying out promises. Potential power or capability. A reflection of your self-respect.
While money in dreams is more about the power to attain goals, a wallet reflects how powerful you see yourself or others in their potential to achieve goals.
To dream of getting a new wallet represents a renewed sense of power, or changes that make you feel more in control. You may be experiencing momentum, or seeing more goals being realized than usual. A problem you have may be improving. You may have more confidence in what you are able to do.
To dream of someone trying to steal your wallet or "pick pocket" you may reflect feelings about the potential to be taken advantage of. Your self-respect, reputation, or status may feel threatened or lost.
To dream of losing your wallet may reflect how you are feeling worthless or suffering from depression. Feeling embarrassed by low status or low social standing. Feeling that your life is in chaos.
Alternatively, wallets in dreams may reflect your honest feelings about your personal worth due to your financial status.
Example: A man dreamed of seeing his friend lose his wallet. In waking life the man noticed a friend breaking a promise. The missing wallet reflected his view of his friend being unable to deliver on his promise.
Example 2: A young boy dreamed of his father's wallet being stolen. In waking life he felt that his self-respect had been taken away.
Example 3: A man dreamed of holding on to his wallet tightly. In waking life he didn't trust someone whom he felt was trying to con him.
Example 4: A woman dreamed of losing her wallet and not being able to get on a train. In waking life she had a low opinion of herself because she was always financially broke and witnessed her friends having better lives while working less than her.
Example 5: A woman dreamed of seeing people getting their wallets out and being ready to pay for something. In waking life she was uneasy about advice she had given to someone who was acting on it because she felt the advice was too serious and may risk the person's reputation if they decided to follow her advice.
*Please See Money