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C - C2 - C3 - C4 - C5 - C6 - C7 - C8 - C9 - C10


To dream of celebration represents feeling of being pleased with a situation that has changed for the better. Happiness to see a goal achieved. Enjoying experiencing success, victory, or an accomplishment being realized. An emotional release. Situations where you are very happy to be away from troubling problems. Awareness of yourself being happier than you previously were. Feeling grateful to be away from conflict, arguments, or people that are starting to annoy you.

Enjoying a positive turning point in your life. Feeling good experiencing everything you care about working. A worry free attitude.

Negatively, celebrating in a dream may reflect imbalanced mood swings. Strong depression followed by extreme excitement. Feeling good for something arrogant or guilty. Hoping for something incredible to happen that might be impossible. Feeling silly having to be happy for something you don't think is incredible. Pretending to feel happy for others. A possible indicator that you are becoming aware of yourself being happier with someone out of your life. Bitter anger that is very happy to see others lose. Negatively, celebrations may also reflect feelings of embarrassment for having become too happy about something. Feeling stupid that you were excited about something that ended up being temporary. Sensitivity about witnessing any possible improvement in a problem situation. Repeat emotional swings.

To dream of seeing enemies or evil people celebrating may reflect feeling of embarrassment or humiliation at losing. Feeling that your competition is happy to see you fail. Feeling that people are happy to achieve their goals of defeating you. Anxiety about experiencing your competition or enemies defeating you. Anxiety about enjoying see you fail or laughing at your failures. Alternatively, seeing evil people celebrating may reflect your own arrogant happiness to witness others failing.

Example: A woman dreamed of experiencing a celebration. In waking life she felt that good things were finally starting to happen to her after a lot of hard work.

Example 2: A man dreamed of seeing a celebration. In waking life he was embarrassed at himself for having become excited that a small improvement with his business meant that a long term problem was finally correcting itself.

Example 3: A woman dreamed of celebrating with people. In waking life she had gotten free time away from her husband whom she had been arguing with and was having a pleasant dinner with other members of her family. The celebrating in the dream may have reflected her growing awareness of herself liking her life more without her husband around and enjoying time away from him.


To dream of a celebrity represents an aspect of your personality based on the most apparent qualities or traits that stand out the most about the celebrity. Ask yourself what feelings, behavior, or traits stands out the most about a celebrity when you think about them. A celebrity in a dream may also reflect an aspect of yourself that deserves recognition, success, or validation from others. A wish to be more influential or well-known, as well as the need to feel validated or acknowledged by others for your accomplishments. An incredible experience you are having that feels good deserving to talk about yourself to other people in a more prominent manner.

Celebrities in dreams can also represent your projection, thoughts and feelings about a celebrity. Perhaps, you are spending a lot of time thinking about a celebrity.

To dream of having having sex with a celebrity represents an enjoyable, exciting, or thrilling experience that embodies qualities mirroring your feelings about the celebrity. Fulfillment of your fantasies, ambitions, or desires that you may feel are normally unattainable. You may relish an experience that garners recognition or discussion about your accomplishments. Enjoyment in doing something uncommon or extraordinary, in a way that reflects a celebrity's most prominent qualities, while being acknowledged or praised by others. Enjoying getting away with something that other people recognize or talk about you for.

To dream about a celebrity that you have a crush on or are very attracted to may represent your desire for a certain life situation to occur. Consider how you feel when you think of them, and how those feelings or qualities may apply to a current life situation. Alternatively, it may be a sign that you need more realistic about your love life.

If you dream of a celebrity that you know little or nothing about, it's suggested you research that person's life to help form an opinion of them. Try to identify or feel the quality most apparent about them.

To dream of wearing a celebrity's clothes represents your personality matching up with the qualities you see in that celebrity the most. Your desire to adopt or emulate the qualities, traits, or characteristics of that celebrity. This could be an indication of your feelings of deserving recognition, success, or validation from others in your life, or simply to express yourself in a manner similar to that of the celebrity.

Example: A man dreamed of talking to Matt Damon. The quality of Matt Damon that stood out the most to him was being more concerned than someone else to see something unintelligent wasn't happening. In waking life, the man found himself surrounded by less experienced people than himself at work and had to use his intelligence to solve problems they couldn't. In this case, Matt Damon may have reflected the man's desire to be recognized for his intelligence and problem-solving skills while dealing with less experienced colleagues at work. The man may have felt that he deserved acknowledgment for being more competent and proactive in making sure unintelligent decisions or actions were avoided.

Example 2: A man dreamed of Jessica Alba. In waking life, he discovered an opportunity that he couldn't believe made money by trying it out once. In this case, Jessica Alba may have reflected his feelings about the surprising and attractive nature of the opportunity that presented itself to him. Just as Jessica Alba is perceived to be beautiful and successful, the opportunity he discovered seemed highly appealing, potentially rewarding, and almost too good to be true.

Example 3: A man dreamed of seeing a beautiful famous model that he was obsessed with when he was younger. In waking life, when he was younger he used to paste every single picture he could of this model on his wall. In his current life he was obsessed with a goal that never happened.

Example 4: A man dreamed of having sex with Oprah. In waking life, this man was a successful public speaker. Oprah to him represented excellent communication skills. In his case, Oprah reflected how he felt about himself being good at public speaking.

*Please See Famous

*Please See Paparazzi

*Please See Actors

Celebrity Endorsement

To dream of a celebrity endorsement may reflect your attempt to convince yourself to do something that you feel is more important than anything else in your life right now. You or someone else that is trying to convince others that something is more of a priority than anything else.

Example: A man dreamed of seeing a celebrity endorsement. In waking life he was telling himself that screwing his greedy deadbeat friend over in business the most important thing he needed to do in life in order to get money back that he generously gave him. He kept telling himself that it was single most important thing he had to do in order to get his life back to normal.


To dream of celery represents an open-minded attitude. Being open to new ideas or trying new things.

Example: A young man dreamed of a celery on a counter. In waking life he was slowly trying convince his very religious parents about converting his religion to Judaism. The celery reflected the openmindness he wish to sell his parents on about changing religions.


To dream that you are celibate represents a lack of interest or desire to feel good doing something you like. You may be purposely restricting yourself from something. Celibacy may also reflect bad habits that you are keeping away from. Noticing yourself not enjoying yourself or taking part in something.

Cell Phone Charger

To dream of a cellphone charger represents feelings about wishing to ensure the continuation of psychological closeness. Making sure that some area of your life will continue working in the manner that you would like. Feelings about things you are doing now that will ensure that an important area of you life functions perfect the next time you try. Patiently waiting for your next opportunity to connect closely to something important in your life.

Alternatively, a cell phone charger may reflect time off a relationship, project, or situation in order to better functioning and closeness at a later time.

Example: A woman dreamed of looking for her cell phone charger. In waking life she had exhausted all attempts to keep believing that she could restore a relationship with her ex-boyfriend and so she was looking for ways to renew her prospects of restarting the relationship.

Example 2: A woman dreamed of the batteries on her cell phone being totally drained and looking trying to find a charger. In waking life she felt that she had exhausted her ability to keep speaking to a man she liked and was patiently thinking up news ways to speak to him while fearing calling him back too soon.

Cell Phones

To dream of a cellphone represents an emotional or psychological connection (or closeness) to resources, feelings, or people that you feel are important to have or are always possible to access. Resources, emotions, or connections to other people that you always want available to you. Things you want to have, want to experience, or just think about a lot. Alternatively, a cell phone may have the ease of communicating or connecting to a relationship.

Negatively, dreaming about a cellphone represents an emotional or psychological connection (or closeness) to resources, feelings, or people that you are desperate or immoral about needing to stay connected to. Urgent feelings of needing something. Difficulty letting go of certain resources, feelings, or people. Depending on delusions or lying to yourself that everything is okay in order to keep believing in yourself.

To talk on a cell phone in a dream may represent your engagement or active participation in a situation that involves maintaining or seeking out emotional or psychological connections. It may indicate your efforts to reach out, communicate, or stay connected with someone or something that is important to you. Your focus on issues that are important to you or emotionally valuable. Feeling the importance of being connected to something, someone, or certain feelings. A strong interest in making something happen. Talking on a cell phone may also reflect emotional urgency. You feel you need something in order to function.

To dream of losing your cell phone represents an emotional disconnection from what's important to you. Difficulties that distract you or prevent you from thinking or feeling as you wish. Fears of losing touch with a part of your identity, missing out on important connections, or feeling isolated from those around you. It may represent anxiety about being out of the loop, losing access to valuable resources or support systems, or fears of being unable to communicate effectively.

To dream of finding a cellphone may represent new opportunities for connection, rediscovery of lost relationships, or the resolution of communication issues.

To dream of being unable to reach someone on your cellphone represents feelings of separation or being cut off from an aspect of your life that you feel is important to be connected to. You may be unable to communicate with someone you care about or feel cut off from something that is emotionally supportive. Family members who are separated from loved ones often dream of being unable to use their cellphone to contact that person.

To dream of a cracked cell phone represents feelings about formerly easy connections or access in life being compromised or ruined. Feeling that friendships or relationships you need have some kind of irrecoverable damage to them. Convenient relationships or access feels permanently compromised due to conflicts that are too difficult to overcome. Feeling cut off. Not liking an unpleasant overtone overshadowing a formerly easy thing to do in your life. Special treatment may feel lost. Difficulty letting go of someone or something because life is more difficult without them.

To dream of dropping a cell phone represents waking life situations where you feel that emotional or psychological closeness has been let go of. Accidental loss of access, connections, or feelings that are important to you. Feeling that access or connections have been "dropped." Choosing to intentionally let go of your cell phone may reflect feelings of intentionally disregarding or letting go of something stressful.

To dream of a broken cellphone represents feelings of frustration, communication breakdowns, or a disruption in your ability to connect with others or access important resources. Alternatively, it could signify feelings of inadequacy or limitations in emotional or psychological connection (or closeness) to resources, feelings, or people that you feel are important to have or are always possible to access. Feeling cut off from resources or power. Feeling unable to initiate a situation.

To dream of intentionally breaking your cell phone may represent feelings of wanting to disconnect or distance yourself from a source of stress, distraction, or unhealthy attachment. Frustrations with communication, the breakdown of relationships, or the desire to disconnect from stressful or negative influences. A desire to disconnect from certain responsibilities, relationships, or resources in your life. A desire to sever ties with someone or something that is causing you distress or discomfort.

To dream of a cellphone battery dying may represent concerns about losing the ability to maintain important connections or access resources that you rely on. Feelings of powerlessness or fear of missing out.

To dream of spying on someone using a cellphone may reflect feelings of curiosity, jealousy, or intrusion into someone's private matters.

To dream of losing the signal on your cellphone may represent feelings of frustration or isolation due to disruptions or a lack of understanding. A breakdown in relationships, difficulties in expressing yourself, or challenges in staying connected with important aspects of your life. A need to find alternative ways to connect or communicate more effectively with those around you.

Example: A young man dreamed of seeing an old friend talking on a cell phone with a girl he liked. This old friend was someone who never gives up. In waking life, the young man was rejected by the girl he liked and couldn't stop liking her. In this case, the old friend on the cellphone may have reflected his own feelings about not wanting to give up on his emotional connection to the girl he liked. It may also reflect his ongoing psychological connection and readiness to keep trying or hoping for a chance to be with her, despite the rejection. The old friend's characteristic of never giving up mirrored his own unwillingness to let go of his desirous feelings about the possibility of a relationship with the girl and his unwillingness to stop thinking of her.

Example 2: A woman dreamed of finding a cracked cell phone. In waking life, she kept having feelings about getting back with her ex-boyfriend after a very big argument that she felt may have made it impossible to reconcile their very good past relationship. She felt it was no longer easy to be friends with her ex. In this case, the cracked cellphone may have reflected her feelings about the damaged state of her emotional/relationship connection with her ex-boyfriend. She now felt a rift in her relationship with him and felt that easy access to emotional closeness and communication she once shared with him was now compromised.

Example 3: A young woman dreamed of smashing a woman's cell phone. In waking life, she was jealous of her boyfriend telling her about another woman he was interested in and gave him an ultimatum to choose between her and the other woman. In this case, smashing the woman's cell phone may have reflected her feelings of wanting to forcefully sever the emotional or psychological connection her boyfriend had with the other woman. It symbolized a drastic measure to eliminate the possibility of her boyfriend maintaining any form of communication or connection with the other woman.

*Please See Iphone

*Please See Telephone


To dream of a storage cellar represents ideas or situations that you are saving for a special occasion or moment.

*Please See Basement


To dream of a cello represents feeling that nobody cares about you. Alternatively, a chello may reflect annoyance at having to hear about someone else's problems.

Cellphone Camera

To dream of a cellphone camera represents your ability to take the time to notice something is important or interesting for yourself.

To dream of cellphone camera videos represents feelings about experiences that you feel are important to remember having or to want noticed by others as having had. An experience you felt was important to take the time to have.

To dream of a cellphone camera pictures represents feelings about memories that you feel are important to remember having or to want noticed by others as having had. A memory you felt was important to take the time to have.

Negatively, dreaming about cellphone camera photos or videos may reflect your tendency to allow something personal to happen. Allowing something personal to be remembered. Feelings about other people enjoying experiencing or showing off noticing something bad happening to you.

Example: A woman dreamed of a cellphone recording of a shark eating a dolphin. In waking life she was noticing all of her husband's cheating behavior before he left her without doing anything about it.

Example 2: A woman dreamed of being recorded on cellphone camera by a lot of people while she was in her underwear holding a box. In waking life he was embarrassed for being single and unemployed and thought that a number of people she knew thought that it was important to enjoy judging her for it.

Example 3: A teenage girl dreamed of people using cellphone camera to record a dangerous situation and not call for help. In waking life she didn't know for sure if her friends liked her. The cellphone camera in this case may have reflected her feelings about friends having the ability to enjoying watching bad things happen to her and not do anything about it.

Cellphone Games

To dream of playing a video game on your cellphone represents a challenge that is always on your mind. Something that feels important for you to try to overcome all the time.

Example: A man dreamed of playing cellphone games. In waking life he was spending a lot of time trying to see if he could get the city by-law officers to force each of his neighbors to make changes to their properties by writing them emails. The cellphone games reflected the challenge of writing the perfect letter to force a change to happen.

*Please See Video Games


*Please See Concrete

Cement Truck

To dream of a cement truck represents decision-making or a direction in life that is focused on creating permanence. Ideas or plans are being made "concrete."


*Please See Graveyard


To dream of a centaur represents feelings about something being wrong with getting ahead or using quicker advantages. The possibility or suspicion that using an advantage to get ahead is wrong. The combined characteristics of someone who is stubborn, aggressive. and intelligent about how to get ahead. People in your life that you feel don't care about anything except themselves in order to get ahead.

Negatively, a centaur may reflect behavior that is selfish driven to always want more for itself. A person that scares you that they never conform at all while trying to get ahead. Feeling that someone scares you that they would always prioritize winning before honesty. Feeling stuck in a relationship with someone that never wants to settle down. Money always coming before family because you or someone else is too busy enjoying success. Feelings about advantages or opportunities being immoral.

A centaur may also reflect people in your life that always have an excuse to not slow down. Someone you know is in love with themselves being a perfect winner before all else. Being too smart to ever have to do what you are told.

Example: A woman dreamed of herself and her boyfriend being chased by a centaur. In waking life she was afraid of having to accept her boyfriend as someone who refused to get married or go to church. She felt that her boyfriend was very driven to remain as someone who never conforms or settles down for a family. Running away from the centaur in this case may have reflected her feelings about wishing to avoid her boyfriend's wish to avoid church to work or enjoy himself. She may have felt that her boyfriend saw church as a waste of time that could be avoided to get life advantages of increased time for work and enjoyment.


To dream of a center represents feelings about being at the core or most important point of attention for a situation, relationship, or idea. A central idea, theme, or concept that is pivotal in your thoughts or discussions. The most important part of a situation with everything else happening around it. The most important aspect of something in your life. The focusing of your attention on what is most central, essential, or pivotal in your life at the moment. The heart of an issue, the source of power, or the focal point where everything else revolves.

Example: A man dreamed of seeing God as a blue energy ball in the center of his vision. In waking life, God had appeared to him while taking ayahuasca and changed his life forever. In this case, God as a blue energy ball in the center of his vision may have reflected his feelings about experiencing a profound spiritual revelation and the central role and focus of attention that God now played in his life.

*Please See Middle


To dream of a centipede represents feelings about annoying situations that are so scarily wacky that you'll do anything to avoid them. Annoying wackiness that you want to go away on its own. It may also reflect feelings about putting up with people you really don't like because they are too odd or unconventional for your comfort level. Feeling bothered by someone or something too unusual for comfort that is imposing itself on you. Feeling terrified of something ridiculous. Disbelief that something ridiculous likes itself the way it is and doesn't have to go away right away. Behavior that is scarily wacky which you feel doesn't need to do that right now. Scarily wacky behavior that has nothing else to say. Annoying behavior that doesn't think it makes a mistake while being creepy weird. Annoying behavior that creeps you out with wackiness that it thinks it matters. Annoying emptiness that thinks it looks good when it doesn't. Behavior that does't bother to think anything is wrong when it is and doesn't want to go away. Wacky behavior that thinks it's family when it isn't at all.

Example: A woman dreamed of seeing dead and half-dead centipedes in a sink of water as she washed lettuce. In waking life she had an unwanted pregnancy which motivated her to get an abortion. The dream may have reflected her mixed feelings about thinking an abortion would make her look scarily wacky to friends and family.

Example 2: A young girl dreamed of an centipede that needed to be killed. In waking life her boyfriend broke up with her and told her that he never wanted to discuss getting back together again, but then later told her he may want to at a much later date. The centipede in this case may have reflected the girl feelings about her boyfriend's idea of getting back together being an annoyingly creepy ridiculous idea when she didn't think it was a good idea at all because she was completely over him.

Example 3: A woman dreamed of seeing an enormous monster centipede that would charge at her, and then back off. In waking life she was having issues preparing to tell her parents about a marriage to a new man after having been previously married and divorced. In this case the centipede may have reflected her annoyed feelings about her parents overreacting to her getting married because she thought their reaction might be empty while she kept telling herself that she didn't need to tell them right this minute.

*Please See Millipedes


To dream of a CEO represents power, success, and control over every single thing that is happening making sure nothing goes wrong. Combined qualities of power, control, and authority that's more important than other people with a focus on winning. Feelings about making decisions that matter or come with risk. Feeling about everyone talking to you or someone else about whatever is happening in a situation. Ambition and leadership. Concerns about their own leadership abilities, and their desire to be seen as powerful and respected in their personal and professional life.

Negatively, dreaming about an CEO may represent fear of failure or inadequacy, as well as a fear of being dominated by someone in a position of power. Feelings about having to accept or live with the worst mistakes you ever made. It could also suggest a need to be more assertive and take charge of one's life. Additionally, it may represent the dreamer's belief that success and power are the only important things in life, potentially leading to neglect of personal relationships and other important aspects of life. Jealousy that someone else is a "rockstar" of everyone talking to them about whatever is happening in a situation. The dreamer's belief in the importance of hierarchy and structure in achieving success, as well as the pressure to conform to societal expectations of success and power. Feelings about abuse of power, control, and authority that thinks it's more important than other people about winning. Ignorance about being more important than other people to ensure nothing goes wrong.

Example: A man dreamed of the woman he was in love with getting ready to go on a date with the CEO from her work instead of him. In waking life he was unemployed and talking to the woman everyday. In this case, the CEO may have reflected the man's feelings of inferiority and insecurity in regards to the woman he was interested in. The CEO may have represented the man's perceived idea of the ideal man or the type of man he felt the woman would prefer over him. Feeling that someone is better than you at what you are doing.

Example 2: A woman dreamed of arguing with the CEO of record label company during a job interview and fighting to not get pushed off the roof of the building. In waking life, she had recently graduated and was experiencing anxiety about leaving her part time job so she could get a real full time job. In this case, the CEO of the record label she argues with may have reflected her feelings about arguing with the part of herself that is professional about everything happening in her life having to operate without a problem so that everyone she knows respects her and feels good about it. The argument with the CEO may also reflect her inner conflict about leaving her job being a mistake and the fear not being good enough in a new job. The CEO may also represent the pressure to prove herself and succeed in her career. The fighting to not get pushed off the roof may symbolize her fighting against the fear of failure and the pressure to perform.

Example 3: A young woman dreamed of a big CEO man with a serious anger problem that was yelling at her for not doing her job. In waking life she felt needed to stop giving her ex-boyfriend any more chances because he would never change his temper problem. In this case, the CEO may have reflected the dreamer's perception of her ex-boyfriend as someone in a position of power and authority, who may have acted in a controlling or emotionally abusive manner towards her.


To dream of breakfast cereal represents your readiness to start a new situation that is better than other options about ease, convenience, and being quicker. Beginning a situation with minimal effort. You may feel the need for something familiar and uncomplicated to help you get started with a goal, responsibility, or task.

Negatively, dreaming of eating breakfast cereal may represent feelings about an excessive need to start a new situation that is better than other options about ease, convenience, and being quicker. A lack of sophistication in starting a new situation. Excepting starting a new situation with ease, convenience, and being quicker when you don't really when you don't like it.

Consider the type of cereal and how it feels for additional meaning.

A children's cereal may reflect feelings about childishness, time spent with children, or liking thinking about yourself being younger than other people.

Example: A man dreamed of seeing the actor Hunter Parrish eating Cap'n Crunch cereal at his Grandmother's kitchen table. In waking life, he was trying to start a new business after going bankrupt while money was tight. A family member who was controlling and cheap with him suddenly changed their mind and began to pay off all the dreamer's bills without any arguments. In this case, the Cap'n Crunch cereal may have reflected the dreamer's feelings of readiness to start a new business like it was easier, more convenient, and being quicker to accept it under the family member's control paying all his bill than other options (like moving away).

Example 2: A woman dreamed that it was about to rain hard, but then it began to rain breakfast cereal. In waking life, she had a small argument with her boss the day before, but they were fine the next day. In this case, the raining cereal may have reflected her feelings of how disappointment (rain) with needing to listen to her angry boss correct her with needing to start working (cereal) on the resolution of the argument which may have felt easier, more convenient, and quicker than arguing with her boss any further.

*Please See Cheerios Cereal

*Please See Frosted Flakes

*Please See Froot Loops Cereal

*Please See Corn Pops Cereal

*Please See Lucky Charms Cereal

*Please See Captain Crunch

*Please See Special K

Cereal Bars

To dream of a breakfast cereal bar represents feelings about an easy approach to starting a situation on your own without wasting anyone else's time.

Example: A person dreamed of a cereal breakfast bar. In waking life, they were on a return flight to their home country from a trip to London and Paris. In this case, the cereal breakfast bar may have reflected their thoughts about finding an easy approach to start dealing with responsibilities they had left behind while on vacation without unnecessary delay to other people waiting for them to be completed.


To dream of a ceremony represents sensitivity about never wanting to embarrass yourself doing a single thing wrong for special or unusual events in your life. Feeling that positive behavior or fulfilling an expected role is of utmost importance. Feelings about an unusual transition being important and requiring perfect attention to detail or policies. Feelings about a situation being so dangerous that you must do every single thing perfect to complete it.

Negatively, a ceremony may reflect giving way too much importance to a special or unusual event. Wasting your time thinking that a change in your life is all important. Anxiety that you will become a total embarrassment or lose something for good if you don't act perfectly during a special moment or transition. Excessively requiring attention to every little detail in order to make a transition that might not be as big of a deal as you believe it to be. Being perfectly concerned with every single little thing you say being listened to.

Alternatively, a ceremony in a negative context may reflect a complete lack of concern for having to care about someone else's feelings during a special moment or transition.

To dream of a water ceremony may reflect your wish to perfectly maintain an uncertain situation in your life so that you never have to experience something unpleasant for real.

Example: A father dreamed of attending a water ceremony. In waking life he was experiencing difficulty giving his son a large sum of money so that his son could move away to another country to start a new life. He wanted his son to perfectly follow his banking and legal advice before getting the money when it was irrelevant advice. The ceremony reflected his need to feel good being perfectly respected and listened to like an expert before giving the money away to his son. He was having difficulty watching his son growing up and moving away and being his own person.


To dream of a certificate represents feelings of accomplishment based on your hard work or past experience. Feelings of deserving to be respected or validated. Feelings about yourself qualifying or proving your qualified. Feeling accepted.

Negatively, a certificate dream may reflecting feelings about yourself being unqualified. Feeling like a loser who isn't good enough. Feeling unable to prove yourself. A desire to be accepted. Feeling that you will always be a "little person" who is unimportant. Jealousy of someone else's proven achievements. Too much concern with needing to prove yourself or validate yourself for something that may not very important. Frustrating yourself or taking risks to prove yourself for no other purpose other than to impress others.

*Please See Diploma

*Please See Degree (University).


To dream of a cesspool represents excessive negativity or an accumulation of unresolved issues. A cesspool may be a sign that you need to begin a cleansing process in your life or that you need to learn to let go of problems that are holding you back.

Chainlink Fence

To dream of a chainlink fence represents emotional or physical boundaries that allow you to see what you are restricted from without seeing it as a problem. Feelings of restraint, limitations, or barriers in your life with a sense of transparency. Awareness of what you are restricted from something and not liking being unable to do anything about it. Awareness of what boundaries are while needing to respect them on your own free will. Feeling "fenced in", restricted in what you can do, while being aware of what it is you're restricted from. Feeling restricted from personal growth that's aware of what it is you are not allowed to do anything about. A clear understanding of what kind of behavior is inappropriate that doesn't need explaining. A clear understanding of what you know you aren't supposed to do. Feelings about established territory in a relationship. A transparent restriction that tells you to think for yourself about not bothering overstepping it. Being professional about being aware of something while staying away from what it is.

Positively, dreaming about a chainlink fence may represent your ability to maintain a level of visibility and openness even when you encounter obstacles or challenges. Your capacity to assess a situation and gather information, even when you're dealing with restrictions. Awareness of the need for boundaries and protection, but you don't want to completely isolate yourself from the outside world. A sense of boundaries or restriction that doesn't stop you from being aware of what's happening while it wants you to respect it. Friendliness that sees what boundaries are and believes people should understand it on their own.

Negatively, dreaming about a chainlink fence may represent feelings of frustration or limitation, being able to see opportunities or possibilities but feeling unable to reach them. Perceived barriers that are transparent yet frustratingly insurmountable, or a sense of being trapped in your current situation. Feeling restricted by certain rules or societal expectations, or you might be struggling with the feeling of being so close yet so far from achieving your goals or desires. Exposure to something awesome or dangerous not meant to be experienced. A yearning for freedom that comes from being aware of the limitations you face.

The contrast to a solid wood or metal fence in a dream could suggest a difference in perception of the barriers you face. Where a solid fence implies a complete barrier to vision and understanding, a chainlink fence allows visibility and a clearer understanding of what you are being separated from.

To dream of a broken chainlink fence represents a weakening, vulnerability, or breach of the boundaries in your life where there was once a sense of transparency. Feelings that people can see what you are restricting and don't want to respect your boundaries. An opportunity to move beyond a boundary or restriction you face that's kept you jealously aware of the boundary or restriction.

Example: A woman dreamed of seeing a chainlink fence and driving her bike into 3 separate chainlink fences causing them to fall down. In waking life, her father was hospitalized and she didn't like how people were disrespecting his home. In this case, the chainlink fences may have reflected her feelings about seeing family members disrespecting her father's home who thought she couldn't do anything or talk back to them about it because of family relation boundaries.

Example 2: A woman dreamed of seeing strange white, pasty, sickly fleshed, completely hairless men inside round chainlink fences. In waking life, she had a fear of sick people. In this case, the chainlink fences may have reflected her awareness of people who were sick while respecting boundaries to avoid them. Her dream was also months before COVID-19 began.

*Please See Fences


To dream of chains represents feelings of bondage, confinement, or restriction. Feeling controlled or unable to escape something in your waking life. Feeling intentionally held back from your true potential. Feeling limited. Feeling like a victim, feeling used, hating your job, or disliking having decisions made for you. Difficulty freeing yourself from a responsibility.

Alternatively, chains may reflect your own attempt to confine or restrict someone else.

Positively, a chain may reflect solidarity or group support to get through serious problems. Strong bonds, friendship, or family ties.

To dream of a chainlink breaking represents feelings of liberation, freedom, or breaking free from constraints. A sudden release from restriction, confinement, or barriers in some aspect of your life that was holding you back. A significant change in your life where you feel released from a situation, relationship, or mindset that was restricting your growth or happiness. Breakthroughs, newfound independence, or the courage to move forward in a new direction. It could also signify the end of a difficult period, allowing for new opportunities to arise.

Negatively, breaking a chainlink could represent feelings of instability, loss of security, or fear that something can't be controlled. The breaking apart of a relationship or support system that you depended on.

Example: A woman dreamed of seeing a "human chain" being made by a group of people who were all lost in the ocean not knowing how to swim. In waking life, she joined a support group for cancer victims.

Example 2: A man dreamed of his hands being chained and then a dark figure tugging on it telling him to get help. In waking life, he was alone, experiencing serious health complications, and hoping for death to come. In this case, the dark figure tugging on the chain reflected his fear of death making him choose to live even though he didn't want to. The chain in this case would reflect his fear of death "chaining him" to life.


To dream of a chainsaw represents wanton, complete disregard for feelings, no remorse, or little concern for consequences. A chainsaw may also reflect total insensitivity to others feelings. Uncaring forcefulness.

A chainsaw used by someone else to harm you or scare you symbolizes your feelings about some issue in your life that's completely insensitive to your feelings, wishes, or life situation.

Example: A man dreamed of seeing a scary looking man with a chainsaw. In waking life his business partner totally screwed him over and left him with nothing as though it didn't even matter.


To dream of a chair represents taking a position in life and "staying put" with a decision. Situations where you are aware of yourself not wanting to take action at all yet. Waiting or "sitting a situation out." Inactivity, preferring to relax, or passivity. Behavior you are comfortable with. An attitude that is stubbornly refusing to cooperate or accept insulting behavior anymore. Alternatively, a chair may reflect how you are taking time out to contemplate a situation before proceeding. The ability to take a break from a situation.

Negatively, dreaming about chairs may reflect feelings about not needing to accept a situation if you don't want to. Overdoing taking a position in life and "staying put" with a decision.

To dream of a red chair may reflect a negative or dangerous situation you are choosing to stick with. Awareness of yourself stubbornly or dangerously "sitting" on an issue. Feeling passionate about comfortably waiting for something.

To dream of no chairs may represent feelings about having no ability to secure or stabilize a situation. Feeling that there is no way relax or be comfortable with a decision. Anxiety or stress will not stop. Resting or taking break are not possible.

To dream of broken or unstable chairs may indicate a lack of stability or security in one's life or situation where comfortably taking a position or "staying put" doesn't work.

To dream of chairs arranged in a circle may represent a need for cooperation or group consensus.

To dream of empty chairs represents a sense of absence or a lack of seriousness about comfortably accepting a situation. A need for connection or community, as the empty chairs suggest that there is room for others to join you with an experience. People are not thinking of committing to accepting a situation or experience yet.

Example: A woman dreamed of two dogs attacking her dog and then being ready to kill both dogs by hitting them with a chair. In waking life she had been putting up with her fiance's vicious verbal attacks and was very close to lashing out at him to permanently stop him. In this case the using the chair to attack her fiance may have reflected the woman's feelings about fighting back against her fiance with threats of calling off the wedding. The chair reflects her willingness to comfortably remain engaged to her fiance until the wedding date.

Example 2: A young woman dreamed of falling down a hill into chairs. In waking life she was worried that all her efforts to buy a house with her husband would fail. In this case, the chairs she landed on may represent the support of her friends and family who had not yet heard about her succeeding in buying a new home. The potential for friends and family to enjoy comfortably waiting for her to move in to her new home.

*Please See Seats


To dream of chakras represents emotional alignment or centeredness that makes you feel completely balanced as a person. Feelings about everything in your life being in balance because you don't worry all the time. Protectiveness of balance in every aspect of your thinking or being never being blocked or disconnected. Your search for understanding and restoring balance in your life.

Positively, it may reflect feelings of being more emotionally or spiritually connected.

Negatively, it may reflect some area of your life that feels emotionally or spiritually blocked or disconnected. Having a bad day because you feel blocked or disconnected from your usual self. Experiencing a lack of balance or harmony in her physical health.

Dreams of Chakras may be common to people who meditate or who are creative artists.

Example: A young woman dreamed of a silver light that came out of her mouth and she knew it was her throat chakra. In waking life, she was having a terrible time with her art. She didn't want to draw and hated everything. In this case, the throat chakra may have reflected her feelings about being disconnected from confidently speaking about herself due to her creative abilities feeling blocked.

Example 2: A woman dreamed of seeing chakras explained. In waking life, she became very ill with hot and cold spells all night long with restless sleep. In this case, the chakras may have reflected her feelings of experiencing a lack of balance or harmony in her physical health. The explanation of chakras in the dream might symbolize her search for understanding and restoring balance in her life during her illness.


To dream of a chalk represents safely expressing new ideas, brainstorming, or noticing new ways to tackle a problem or challenge. An open or receptive attitude to trying new ideas, brainstorming, or figuring something out. The dreamer may be considering options, theorizing, experimenting, or trying to come up with creative solutions to problems. A desire or need for creativity, problem-solving, and open-mindedness. A sign that the dreamer is open to growth, change, and exploration. A willingness to learn and experiment with new concepts or approaches. Working towards finding an answer or solution, and being open to various possibilities. Safely not making other people angry for your new ideas or brainstorming. Safely talking to yourself about why something new might work or safely exploring new ideas without making others angry or frustrated.

Negatively, dreaming about chalk represents overdoing expressing new ideas, brainstorming or noticing new ways to tackle a problem or challenge. Believing that no new ideas you express are stupid when they might be.

Example: A man dreamed of himself using chalk on a chalkboard. In waking life, he thought he found a new way to predict lottery numbers. In this case, the chalk may have reflected his feelings about safely talking to himself about why his new system of lottery number prediction might work.


To dream of a chalkboard represents an open or receptive attitude to new ideas, brainstorming, or figuring something out. You may be considering options, theorizing, experimenting, or trying to come up with creative solutions to problems. A formal approach to learning or problem-solving. Seeking clarity and understanding in a particular situation, or that you are ready to impart your knowledge or ideas to others. A chalkboard is a sign that you're working towards an answer, or that you're open to a number of possibilities. Seeking a solution that would allow you to manage a sitution effectively. Efforts to weigh the pros and cons of different choices and brainstorm the best path forward.

Negatively, dreaming about a chalkboard may represent brainstorming or presenting ideas that you feel you have to think about or worry about. It may also reflect a selfish or jealous concern for brainstorming a problem. The need to be open to change, adaptable, and not to get too attached to specific outcomes or ideas.

To dream of a teacher that asks you to read something off a chalkboard may represent your feelings about seeing a problem directly in order to understand it, interest in solving a problem, or your sense of intuition that wants to you consider or reconsider options. Feeling of pressure to perform or meet expectations, as if being tested or evaluated by others. Learning or acquiring knowledge from someone who is experienced or knowledgeable in a certain field. Negatively, it could reflect a fear of being publicly called out for not knowing something or not being able to perform as expected.

To dream of a teacher that asks you write on a chalkboard represents your interest in solving a problem or your sense of intuition that wants to you begin brainstorming or working on solving a problem. Your need to demonstrate your knowledge or understanding to others. You may be put on the spot or feel pressured to perform in front of others.

To dream of a doctor writing on a chalkboard may represent an interest or your sense of intuition that is focused on figuring out a method of healing.

To dream of an chalkboard menu in a restaurant represents an experimental attitude or open-minded approach to options or choices available to you in a particular situation or relationship. Flexibility and changeability of choices in the current moment that won't last forever. Alternatively, the chalkboard menu may reflect your desire for something new or exciting, or your willingness to try something different. It may also indicate that you need to be more flexible in your thinking or approach to a situation.

To dream of green chalkboard represents your attempts to brainstorm, or experiment with problems that have to do with growth, new beginnings, or fresh ideas. It could also indicate a desire for a new approach to an existing problem or situation. Alternatively, the dream may represent your willingness to learn and try new things, or your receptivity to alternative ideas and perspectives.

To dream of a black chalkboard represents your attempts to brainstorm, or experiment with problems that are challenging, serious, or require a formal approach. Brainstorming new ideas for problems that are more serious, all important, personal, embarrassing, and difficult to accept.

Example: A man dreamed of a University professor writing lottery numbers on a chalkboard. In waking life, he had a hobby of trying to predict patterns with the lottery numbers and after talking to his son about dream symbolism for a strange dream, he had a renewed interest in trying to predict lottery number patterns. In this case, the chalkboard may have reflected his attempt to brainstorm ideas about winning the lottery by understanding his strange dream combined with his number pattern studies.

Example 2: A young woman dreamed of seeing the names of several religions written down on the chalkboard, where most of them look faked. She says she's Catholic out loud in class and "Catholic" appeared on the chalkboard. In waking life, she's recently realized that science is better than religion. In this case, religions names being written on the chalkboard may have reflected her attempt to brainstorm and evaluate different religious beliefs and ideas in order to make sense of her new perspective on faith and science.

*Please See Whiteboard


To dream of a challenge represents feelings about confronting obstacles, difficulties, or situations that test your abilities, determination, or resilience. The pressure to prove yourself, to overcome adversity, or to achieve success despite difficulties. Thoughts about personal growth, the pursuit of goals, or the need to push yourself beyond your limits to achieve something significant. The thrill of taking on something difficult. A time in your life when you are motivated, driven, and ready to overcome any hurdles in your path. The mental, emotional, or physical trials you are facing in your waking life that require resilience, strategy, and determination to overcome. Your thoughts about the importance of pushing yourself beyond your comfort zone and testing your limits.

Negatively, dreaming about a challenge may represent feelings of being overwhelmed, stressed, or anxious about the difficulties you are facing. Self-doubt, fear of failure, or the pressure of high expectations. Perhaps you feel that you are being tested beyond your capabilities, or that the obstacles in your life are too great to overcome. A sense of being stuck or struggling with a situation that seems insurmountable.

Consider how the challenge affects the dreamer’s confidence or self-esteem. Are they feeling empowered or defeated by the challenge?


To dream of a chameleon represents behavior that is focused on adapting or being versatile. It may also reflect the need to change your intentions or opinions around others in order to keep fitting in.

Alternatively, a chameleon may reflect your wish to be ignored or divert unwanted attention.


*Please See Wine


To dream of a chandelier represents feelings of impressiveness as though it were a normal state. Awareness of yourself or someone else that is being noticed by others as making perfectly impressive decisions as though it were normal. Feeling like a perfect winner that is always noticed by others that way. Feelings of yourself having high rank or high social importance. Projecting an impressive image to others that is unquestionable. Projecting an image of wealth to others. Projecting an image of the ease with which you can purchase something expensive. Feelings about your family being rich or successful. Feelings of grandeur or greatness. Confidence that you can never be embarrassed. Feelings of never being desperate.

Negatively, a chandelier may reflect self-absorption with how amazing you are. Alternatively, it may reflect feelings of being impressive to others when given power you are not used to. A sign that you may have issues with feeling little or small that switches to an over-inflated sense of being impressive when you're given power you are not accustomed to. Enjoying feelings of being richer than other people. An over-inflated ego about being better looking than others. Faking wealth to others. Delusions of grandeur or greatness.

Example: A woman dreamed feeling uncomfortable staying too long in a huge house with a beautiful chandelier because she didn't own the house. In waking life her husband was on duty in the army and left her with to make all the decisions regarding buying a car. The chandelier may have reflected her tendency to be too amazed with herself looking impressive to others while shopping for a car since buying a car was more expensive that anything else she had purchased.

Change Room

*Please See Dressing Room


To dream of chanting represents positive reinforcement. Feeling good know that what you're doing is working. It may also reflect an opportunity that lets you keep repeating it to succeed. Motivation to keep moving forward.

Example: A man dreamed of noticing nobody chanting for him. In waking life he was looking for a business opportunity that would allow him to keep reinvesting in his business to grow it and couldn't find any.


To dream of chaos represents feelings of being overwhelmed by confusion or instability. Not feeling certain about the outcome of a situation. Feelings about lacking organization or harmony. Lacking calm or "peace of mind" in a situation. A lack of leadership. Pandemonium. A lack of certainty following the end of a stable relationship.

Negatively, chaos may reflect feelings about the possibility of risky choices you've made not working out. Fearing that your enemies will succeed "when the dust settles." Feeling that you life is on the line. Feeling that potential to experience a major loss with no way to assert control in the current moment.

Paranoia or nonobjective worrying about events getting out of control for which you have no ability to control.

Example: A woman dreamed of experiencing chaos in a dream. In waking life she had just broken up with her boyfriend.

Example 2: A woman dreamed of watching tv and seeing chaos all over the world. In waking she was paranoid about the blood moon she had witnessed in the evening sky being a sign that Jesus had returned and the end of the world had arrived.


*Please See Church


To dream of charcoal remains from a fire represents your awareness or feelings about a situation being lost forever. A permanent destruction or loss. Feelings about yourself being too late to stop something terrible. Shock or surprise at how much of an jerk something was.

To dream of bbq charcoal represents a wish to keep an enjoyable or carefree situation going. Efforts to make sure that something you like doesn't stop. Negatively, bbq charcoal may reflect ignoring being told what to do so you can keep enjoying yourself.

Example: A young girl dreamed of seeing a city where there was nothing left except charcoal and ash. In waking life her grandparent had died and she felt sad that she could never talk to them again.

Example 2: A young man dreamed of quickly picking up a bible up from a barbecue and noticed it had charcoal on the cover. In waking life he was fearing getting caught having lied to his parents about something they told him to stop doing. He never got caught, but had to live the memory of having lied and gone behind their backs to enjoy himself.

*Please See Coal

*Please See Ashes


To dream of a chariot represents decision making that is focused on having others do everything for you. Control that is focused on delegating responsibilities or having everything you need brought to you. Using someone or something to get what you want as fast as you can.

Negatively, a chariot may be a sign that you are too controlling or too focused on letting others do everything for you. An arrogant controlling or "slave driving" mentality.


To dream of a charity represents feelings about making an selfless effort to help someone else. Extra efforts made to help someone else feel better about themselves. Feeling that helping someone is a good cause. Helping others making their lives easier. Generous gestures. Feelings about accepting help from people. An altruistic or selfless attitude. A willingness to help others as your own expense. A good cause. Sympathy to others misfortunes or hardship. Generous contributions.

Negatively, dreaming about charity may reflect feeling good helping someone that is never realistically going to help themselves. Feeling that someone else deserves to be more self-reliant. Not feeling good being pressured into helping someone. Not feeling good accepting help from others. Consider the term "charity case." Your preference to be self-reliant when other people are trying to help you. Feelings about yourself or someone else being a victim in need. Second-hand gestures to make life easier.

Example: A woman dreamed of giving old clothes to charity. In waking life she was concerned with avoiding or discontinuing discussing a recent death of a mother-in-law with other family members during Christmas holidays to make them feel better about themselves.

Example 2: A woman dreamed of running a charity. In waking life she was trying to help family members after her sister died, but the family members didn't want anything to do with her. The charity symbolism in this case may have reflected her eagerness or desperation to help her family out after the death.

*Please See Donation

Charlie Brown Cartoon

To dream of Charlie Brown represents feelings about an aspect of your personality that is ridiculous about repeatedly seeing itself being well-intentioned about everything working out, but often unsuccessful or unfortunate because other people don't think about it until nothing is happening for themselves. A sense of perseverance in the face of repeated failures or a feeling of being the underdog in certain situations. Your thoughts about the importance of maintaining optimism and resilience even when things don't go as planned. Situations that are ridiculous about being well-intentioned while suffering from disappointment that causes anxiety or a lack of self-confidence because other people haven't thought of what you want as well yet. You or someone else who is treated like a loveable loser who feels unimportant until other people feel confront nothing happening for themselves and finally do something about it. The ridiculousness of believing you are a perpetual loser because other people will eventually have to think about you in order to think of themself.

Positively, dreaming about Charlie Brown may represent a strong sense of hope and determination. Your ability to remain optimistic and keep trying despite setbacks or disappointments. This character could also indicate a humble, honest, and good-hearted nature, emphasizing the importance of character over success. Confidence or laughter at how ridiculous other people are about only supporting you unless nothing is happening for themselves. Feelings about yourself not being dope that other people will think about you once they need to think of themselves.

Negatively, dreaming about Charlie Brown could represent feelings of inadequacy, chronic failure, or a sense of being jinxed or unlucky because other people aren't speaking to you about what you want yet. A tendency to get involved in situations where you feel outmatched or where success seems unattainable. Perhaps you feel overlooked, underestimated, or undervalued in some aspect of your life. A fear of being ridiculed or not taken seriously by others. The dream might be highlighting an internal struggle to maintain own optimism and determination in the face of discouragement or feelings of inadequacy that is ultimately childish. It may symbolize experiences of frustration, disappointment, or a sense of not being able to catch a break because other people have to be selfish until the last moment.

Example: A woman dreamed of being back at University after a lot of work and planning. She thought that her teachers all sounded like they were from a Charlie Brown episode. In waking life, she was planning to return to University after time off and met someone who told her that they felt too dumb to go back to university. The person's lack of ambition and confidence really affected her own. She questioned her own ambition and whether she was realistic about attending University. In this case, the Charlie Brown theme of the teachers may have reflected her feelings about how ridiculous it felt to be taught by another person to be so insecure or to doubt her ability to be eligible for a good university because other friends, family, or academic professionals were more assertive about supporting her once she talked about reenrolling being hopeless.

Example 2: A man dreamed of being King Kong and being chased out of town. He then met up with Charlie Brown who was taken away from him by a man on a motorcycle. In waking life, he was very self-conscious about being overweight and had lost a number of friends because of it. In this case, Charlie Brown being taken away may have reflected his initial feelings of about himself being a well-intentioned optimistic "loveable loser" to his friends who believed it was ridiculous to think that his friends wouldn't return once he was out of their life for too long.


To dream that you are being chased represents issues or situations that you are avoiding facing, or confronting. Something you may feel is impossible to overcome or defeat. You may feel stressed or threatened. It may also reflect something you don't want to acknowledge. You may have anxiety, strong fears, insecurities, or guilt. Situations you find emotionally dangerous.

Your actions in a chase dream parallel your waking life reactions to pressure, fear, or stress. Instead of confronting the situation, you are running away from the issue. Less serious dreams of being chased may reflect waking life situations where you are avoiding problems with friends, family, or colleagues.

Alternatively, being chased in a dream may be a sign that you feel pressured or driven by a sense of fear or failure. Avoiding embarrassment at all costs. It also reflect your desperation to avoid a serious illness.

To dream of being chased by your father may represent your inability to come to terms with doing what you know is right. It may also be a sign that you are avoiding a bad decision you've made.

To dream of being chased by an elephant represents your wish to avoid a person or situation that has the potential to become very upset with you. Doing everything you can to avoid anger, yelling, being fired, or being broken up with because you didn't do something. It may also reflect your desperation to cover something up that you know will upset someone.

To dream of being chased by a raccoon may represent you wish to avoid the consequences of bad behavior. You may have arrogantly broken rules you knew you weren't supposed to break and now wish to avoid getting caught. It may also reflect your wish to avoid someone who you know is breaking the rules or threatening you with something illegal.

To dream of being chased by a snake may represent your wish to total loss, total failure, or total embarrassment at all costs. It may also represent your wish to avoid someone you can't trust at all.

If you dream of being chased by a person , ask yourself what characteristics stand out the most about them. Hair, height, race, facial features, clothing, holding something? Do they subtlety remind you of something?

For a list of other animals see our animals themes section.

To dream that you are chasing someone or something else represents your attempt to get a hold on something. A goal that is eluding you or a difficult problem that you trying your hardest to get control over.

To dream of something vague chasing you may reflect anxiety about issues that are not yet clear to you that you are avoiding.

To dream of being chased by something big or enormous may reflect your avoidance of issues you feel are too powerful or overwhelming to confront.

To dream of being chased by something hairy may represent your avoidance of something unpopular, unsavory, or not to your personal tastes. Avoiding something that is excessive in some manner or not considerate of your preferences.

Example: A young man dreamed of being chased by a man with an alligator head. In waking life he was losing his hair due to an illness and was avoiding telling anyone at all costs because he feared they would laugh at him.

Example 2: A woman dreamed of being chased by someone. In waking life she felt that she was avoiding her ex. She had promised to meet with him again giving him the impression that they might be able to date again when she had no interest in him anymore. She felt the need to avoid him with his constant calls.

Example 3: A woman dreamed of being chased by monsters. In waking life she felt unable to escape unemployment after deciding to leave her old company due to hating her boss.

Example 4: A man dreamed of being chased like it was a game of tag. In waking life he quit his stable job and had to take a freelance job which required regulars fees. In this case being chased may have reflected his attempts to avoid his fees as long as possible before being required to keep up with them.


To dream of standing above a chasm may represent feelings about a challenge being too dangerous or too difficult to overcome. It may also reflect feelings about a dangerous "leap of faith" you need to take. Fear of getting too close to a situation with the potential to cause an enormous problem for you.

To dream of moving through a rocky chasm represents feelings about difficult moments where time and carefulness are important. Feelings about a situation being very critical to not make a mistake with. Difficult or dangerous situations that you can only carefully move forward with. Having no choice, but to move forward with a situation on terms that aren't decided by you at all.

To dream of having a house overlooking a chasm may reflect feelings about your life being stuck with a dangerous challenge or risk. Permanently living in fear of having to take a big risk to achieve your goals. Feeling that it's too hard or dangerous to move on with your life.

Example: A woman dreamed of carefully walking past a rocky chasm. In waking life she was in the late stages of pregnancy. The rocky chasm most likely reflected her feelings about how dangerous late term pregnancy could be and her wish to get through it without any mistakes at all.

Example 2: A woman dreamed of seeing her recently deceased son throwing heavy rocks into a frozen river inside a chasm which her home overlooked to break the ice. In waking life she was trying hard to recover from the loss of her son and "break the ice" of her "frozen heart."

Chastity Belt

To see or wear a chastity belt in a dream represents an over-protective attitude. Waiting for the right time or the perfect conditions before pursuing goals. The dream may also indicate that your thinking is outdated.

Alternatively, the dream may reflect a conservative or abstinent attitude towards sex.


To dream of a chauffeur represents you or someone else that is catering to someone else's goals. Helping others achieve their goals without them having to concern or frustrate themselves with anything except the outcome. An aspect of yourself that does all the legwork.

To dream of being driven around by a chauffeur represents your predominant focus on outcomes. Feeling that the leg work is being taking care of for you. Being more focused on the end result of a situation.

Negatively, a chauffeur may represent a sense of entitlement or dependency. Not feeling that you should have to do anything except win or get what you want. Feeling that others should do all the hard work or menial tasks.


To dream of cheating on your partner romantically represents impulsive choices, or doing something that you can't resist. Dreaming of yourself cheating on a partner can also represent a change of current beliefs or having different opinions that your partner. Feeling ashamed of yourself.

To dream of a partner cheating on you romantically represents bad choices that have consequences or dire repercussions. Turning your back on principles, integrity, or sacrifices you are making.

A partner cheating on you may also symbolize your feelings about your partner having different beliefs or goals from your own. Feelings about them no longer liking you after an argument. It may also reflect a sense of emotional abandonment as your partner pays more attention to a hobby or their job than they do to you. Paranoia, trust issues, expecting the worst, or suspicions you have. A lack of confidence.

Alternatively, cheating can reflect trust issues or anxiety about your partner who has cheated in the past cheating again.

Pregnant women often dream of their husbands cheating on them romantically. This is most likely a reflection of their insecurity about keeping their husbands interested in them sexually while they their bodies change during the pregnancy. Men with pregnant wives often dream of their wives cheating on them as well. This is probably a reflection of their expectations of unpleasant lifestyle changes when the baby comes as their wife cares for the child or feels that they baby is more important to them they are.

To dream of cheating (non-relationship) may reflect an awareness of lack of ethics, low standards, or behavior focused on "short cuts." Awareness of injustice. Feelings about yourself or others "having no shame" about how a goal achieved. Impulsive choices. Feeling ashamed or guilty of not being perfectly honest in your life.

Negatively, cheating (non-relationship) may reflect a lack of respect for rules or that you are better than others. Desperation to get achieve something by any means. A complete lack of concern for anything except getting what you want. Awareness of yourself not being good enough to achieve your goals or prove yourself honestly. A fear of be perceived as little or childish by others if you reveal incompetence or weakness. Violated trust with something you depended on.

Example: A woman dreamed of her husband cheating on her. In waking life she was jealous of her husband having a hobby that he wanted to enjoy on his own time..

Example 2: A woman dreamed of her husband cheating on her. In waking life she felt that her boss was intentionally embarrassing her with giving special treatment to other people at work that she felt didn't deserve it. The cheating husband in this case may have reflected her feelings about her job security.

Example 3: A young woman dreamed about her boyfriend cheating on her. In waking life she caught her boyfriend lying to her.

Example 4: A woman dreamed of seeing her husband cheating on her. In waking life she relapsed after 7 years and took crystal meth again. The cheating may reflect her feelings about her impulsive choice to take drugs again causing her emotional pain. She was metaphorically cheating on herself.

Example 5: A man dreamed of seeing his girlfriend having sex with another man in his kitchen. In waking life his girlfriend was having thoughts of leaving him for a number of different reasons.

*Please See Tests

Checkerboard Patterns

To dream of a checkerboard pattern represents imbalance, insecurity, or instability. Never knowing what is going to happen next. Feeling of unpredictability or conflict that are ongoing. Experiencing an inability to maintain a normal or stable situation.

Example: A man dreamed of seeing checkerboard patterns. In waking life he was going blind and treatments never seemed work for very long. He lived never knowing when he might go totally blind.

*Please See Checkered Floors

Checkered Floors

To dream of a black and white checkered floor may represent the overall feeling about how you conduct or manage yourself in a situation being under a theme that is dualistic, imbalanced, or requires a persistent professional attitude to avoid embarrassing yourself. You may be experiencing a situation that requires you to maintain professionalism or control yourself while dealing with a situation that feels imbalanced, unpredictable, or chaotic. Feeling that there is always a new situation happening requiring you to manage it. Ongoing business operations that always require solving a new problem. Feeling unable to trust people with the path in life you are taking. Competition or conflict that never seems to stop. Dualistic intentions or conflict in your life.

Example: A young man dreamed of walking on checkered floors down a hallway. In waking life, he was trying to cure a serious health condition that would never go away. The state of his life always felt insecure and his health could get worse at any moment.

Example 2: A man dreamed of walking down a checkered hallway. In waking life, he was experiencing a spiritual transformation during a stressful time that required him to make a serious effort to maintain his morality and patience. In this case, the checkered floor may have reflected his feelings about navigating a challenging and unpredictable situation where he needed to balance his actions carefully despite the ongoing imbalance and uncertainty in his life.

*Please See Floor


To dream of a checkpoint represents feelings about needing to qualify to continue on with something in your life. Needing to prove yourself or meet certain requirements before your can move on. Feeling that you need to be perfectly meet others expectations to proceed with a transition stage.

Negatively, dreaming about a checkpoint may represent feelings of fear of not meeting expectations or qualifying. A test or challenge you may feel you can't overcome.

To dream of abandoning or choosing to turn away from a checkpoint may reflect feelings about giving up on your plans because you don't believe you will ever meet demands that you feel are too difficult for you. Not believing in yourself enough or giving up too easy. Not trying hard enough to prove yourself.


To dream of a check written out to you represents feelings about opportunities, progress, or power that is available whenever you're ready for them. Taking your time with opportunities, progress, or power available to you that you may not be ready for right this minute. A chance to do something else. Feelings about someone telling you that something will work out when you're ready for it.

Negatively, a check written out to you may represent feelings of not liking having to wait for opportunities, progress, or power to be available to you because they're on hold. Deserving to say you're going to do something else that you never will. Not liking opportunities, progress, or power available to you when you're ready because you might get in trouble. Not liking having to respect an opportunity, progress, or power available to you when you're ready because it doesn't do anything significant. Not taking advantage of an opportunity, progress, or power available to you because you don't really care about it. Lies being told to make it appear that an opportunity or power to do something else is serious. A chance to do something else when you're ready that you're afraid of, lying to yourself about, or that's fake.

To dream of a bounced check represents failed promises, plans, rewards, or expectations. Something that was supposed to happen didn't. Feeling that someone said something will work out and it didn't. Feeling that someone has failed to meet certain obligations or make good on a serious promise. Embarrassment that you or someone else has lied about a serious claim. A confident lie may have been exposed. Embarrassment that you or someone else has agreed to more than they can afford to.

To dream of a blank check represents big promises of unlimited support. Feelings of getting unlimited support to make something work whenever you're ready for it. A serious show of support that tells someone else to do whatever they think is best to make something successful. It may also reflect a powerful act of trust being placed in others to act independently. A lack of concern for anything except getting something done.

To dream of a check being lost may reflect feelings about careless actions or mistakes making someone else not want to fulfill a promise they made. Feeling that you don't get to do something again because someone won't let you. Feelings of having to talk to someone again in order restart or renew and opportunity, progress, or power.

The value of the check uses numerology to reflect what will soon happen.

Example: A man dreamed of a blank check being handed to him and being told to write in whatever cash amount he wanted while also being told the bank account had a $10 million dollar limit. In waking life the man was told by his bosses wife to start his own business since he isn't able to sit with pain at his workplace. In this case the blank check may represent the dreamer's feelings of a power opportunity with his bosses wife's support to start his own company available to him whenever he is ready for it himself.

*Please See Bills


To dream of a cheek represents awareness of how sensitive or insensitive you feel. Cheeks may also reflect your feelings about how caring or uncaring a situation feels all the time. How nice or awful a situation always feels to you. Consider how adorable, withdrawn, or ugly the cheeks are to determine the degree of sensitivity being felt.

To dream of red cheeks represents embarrassment that your true feelings or thoughts are on display to others.

Gentle cheeks represent innocence or high degree of sensitivity. Sculpted cheeks represent an unwillingness to be a treated like a loser, talked down to, or feelings of never being desperate. Withdrawn cheeks represent some aspect of yourself that doesn't care about feeling good again. Chubby cheeks may reflect sensitivity about always needing a lot of something.

To dream of a hole in a cheek represents a problem with maintaining a comfortable feeling about yourself. Feeling forced to be sensitive about a problem that is out of control. Feeling forced to feel losing.

To dream of being kissed on the cheek represents admiration, reverence, or respect. It may also reflect approval for one's actions.


To dream of cheering represents feelings of enthusiasm or encouragement. Someone or something that makes you feel that you are moving in the right direction or motivates to you achieve your goals. Feeling more self confidence or a stronger belief in yourself. Feeling that you can't lose.

Alternatively, cheering in a dream may reflect support you feel from friends or family.

Cheerios Cereal

To dream of Cheerios Cereal represents your readiness to start a new situation that is easy, convenient, and quick about simply believing in yourself being yourself without being guilty to begin with, liking your life working out, and knowing what you are doing. Easily initiating a situation where you feel that being yourself is uncomplicated and straightforward. Beginning a situation where there's no pretense required, and you can comfortably and effortlessly exist in your truth being yourself. Beginning to talk to people who make you feel it's simple to believe in yourself being yourself.

To dream of Honey Nut Cheerios Cereal represents your readiness to start a new situation that is easy, convenient, and quick about not being as serious as usual about simply believing yourself being yourself without being guilty to begin with, liking your life working out, and feeling perfect safety that nothing is stopping you from liking new things.

Example: A woman dreamed of craving Honeynut Cheerios and a male friend she talked to all the time went and got her a bowl. In waking life, she didn't like that her male friend was reducing the frequency of his phone calls from daily to a few times a week. She felt that this male friend was the only real person she could be 100% herself with. She also felt she lacked a personal life while thinking a lot about finding love. In this case, the male friend getting her a bowl of Honey Nut Cheerios may have reflected her feelings about the male friend distancing himself encouraging her to begin to find it easier to think of liking the idea of meeting new friends or love interests elsewhere in order to simply believe in herself being herself while liking her life without needing the male friend.

*Please See Cereal


To dream of a cheerleader represents an aspect of your personality that is encouraging or motivational. You or someone else that is supportive of others goals. It may also reflect being happy for someone else success.

Alternatively, a cheerleader may represent self-encouragement or self-motivation. A sign that you are optimistic and confident. You are telling yourself that success is possible.

Example: A girl dreamed of a cheerleader at a sleepover. In real life her friend abandoned her when she got a boyfriend. The cheerleader at the sleep over reflected her attempt to be happy for her friend while being forced to notice her own single life.


To dream of cheese represents feelings about an experience that's easy about deserving to be more interesting than you usually have. Feelings of ease and deserving of an experience being more interesting than usual as long as you control yourself or don't go overboard. The feeling of being a little bit better off than you already were with comfort or ease. Feelings about gains or profit. Ease and comfort that acknowledges the importance of moderation. Feeling comfortably better off than normal. Feelings of being better off because something more interesting has happened.

Negatively, dreaming about cheese may represent feelings about an experience that overdoes being easy about deserving to be more interesting than normal to the point of trying too hard, being over-the-top, or lame. Excessive easiness that feels "cheesy" about thinking it's the best. Unwanted romantic advances that felt too comfortable and easy trying to talk to you. Embarrassing yourself thinking you're more interesting when nobody else does.

To dream of refined cheeses may represent feelings about an experience that's easy and more interesting due to a heightened sense of sophistication, knowledge, or experience. Feeling comfortably better off that's easy because you are professional about controlling yourself or experienced about not going overboard. A sense of professionalism or experience in balancing easiness of being better off with responsibility. An appreciation for quality, subtlety, and the finer things in life while still recognizing the importance of self-control and restraint.

Negatively, dreaming of refined cheeses may represent feelings of elitism, snobbery, or sophistication that doesn't have to be that important when it says it is.

To dream of feta cheese represents feelings about an experience that's easy about deserving to be more interesting than you usually have in a manner that supports you with liking what you are doing (or saying) without anything embarrassing you with needing to be perfect.

To dream of cheddar cheese represents feelings about an experience that's easy about deserving to be more interesting than you usually have in a manner that's reliable all the time without thinking of stopping.

To dream of mozzarella cheese represents feelings about an experience that's easy about deserving to be more interesting than you usually have in a manner where liking what you are doing is the most important part.

To dream of swiss cheese represents feelings about an experience that's easy about deserving to be more interesting than you usually have in a manner that's reliable about listening to you as long as you aren't thinking about it long-term.

Cheese may be a sign that you are experiencing financial gain, good luck, or benefiting from an investment.

Example: A young woman dreamed of leaving a house where a man who wasn't her boyfriend was inappropriately flirting with her. She then saw holes in the ground filled with macaroni and cheese which she had to walk past. In waking life, she didn't like feeling that her boyfriend's friend was hitting on her or sending signals that he liked her even though she had a boyfriend. In this case, the cheese on the macaroni may have reflected her feelings about her boyfriend's friend overdoing (or looking lame) thinking it was easy to be more interesting to date than her boyfriend with his inappropriate flirting.

Example 2: A young woman dreamed of reaching into a microwave to scoop out and eat ruined feta cheese that was on top of spinach. In waking life, her boss told her that the company was considering not renewing her contract next year. In this case, the feta cheese may have reflected her initial feelings about how easily supported she would be when talking to her bosses about getting her contract renewed with a few adjustments for more money before her boss had to be realistic with her.

Example 3: An elderly woman dreamed of snacking on cheese with a group of people. In waking life, she was enjoying talking to a preacher over breakfast at a restaurant about faith or God. In this case, the cheese may have reflected her feelings about her informal social interaction with the preacher being slightly better or more interesting than a typical church interaction because she felt good knowing him as a person.

Example 4: A teenage girl dreamed of giving her friend a piece of cheese to put on a hamburger to make it a cheeseburger. In waking life, she bought her friend a skateboard for her birthday. In this case, the piece of cheese used to transform the hamburger into a cheeseburger may have reflected her feeling about giving her friend a gift to make her feel good that she was more than a regular friend at her birthday party.

Cheese Strings

To dream of cheese strings represents an experience that feels easy about being comfortably better off than normal without being serious about letting you enjoy taking your time delaying it as long as possible to savor it. A situation that can be enjoyable about controlling taking your time delaying finishing it as long as possible. Savoring taking your time feeling comfortably better off than normal while enjoying yourself never thinking anything is wrong with it.

Example: A teenage girl dreamed of a boy she had a crush on in high school bringing her white cheese strings that were broken into pieces. She took some pieces while feeling unsure if she was allowed to take any. In waking life, she felt unable to get close to her high school crush, but did on a rare occasion for short class assignment. In this case, the cheese string bits may have reflected her desire for more substantial interaction with her crush, but also the bittersweet nature of her longing to savor an easier experience of being close to her crush with a more serious class assignment where she could prolong and enjoy the moment.


To dream of cheesecake represents feelings about a special occasion for having a good time deserving to feel comfortable and safe with whoever you are with. A situation in your life where you are indulging in deserving to feel good being safe and comfortable with other people.

Example: A man dreamed of not being able to eat a cheesecake. In waking life, he was a captive prisoner who failed his escape from prison. In this case, the cheesecake that eluded him may have reflected his feelings about the relief from prison life that eluded him, symbolizing a yearning to deserve comfort, safety, and freedom with other people outside prison who remained just out of reach because his escape wasn't successful.

Example 2: A woman dreamed of wearing a business suit skirt while sitting at a table with people where small cakes, truffles, cheesecakes, chocolate, and whipped cream were available. She got full from eating them. In waking life, she was very busy at work but had concerns about keeping business contracts with clients. In this case, the cheesecakes may have reflected a sense of deserving comfort and safety with renewed client contracts for another year.


To dream of a cheetah represents problems or situations that can't be outrun. Issues that you're forced to think about or that you can't escape a confrontation with. It's often a recurring issue that bothers you or that you can't help but be reminded of.

Negatively, a cheetah may reflect a fear of being unable to "outrun" or get away from your problems. Feeling that your enemies or problems are too quick for you. A fear of enemies gaining on you too quickly.

A cheetah may appear in a dream when you are trying to move on in life and something keeps bringing you back to the problem.

Example: A man dreamed of a cheetah. In waking life she was going bankrupt and feared that his new business venture wouldn't take off quickly enough to stop him from losing everything he had. He feared being unable to "outrun" bankruptcy.

Example 2: A woman dreamed of a cheetah in her house. In waking life he was in the middle of a lawsuit and felt that because of her lawyer's unwillingness to do what she wanted she couldn't escape serious financial losses that may occur id the person who was suing her wasn't stopped.

*Please See Tigers

*Please See Lions


To dream of Cheetos represents feeling good deserving to think nothing is as serious or important as it claims to be. Feeling good deserving to think that an issue is stupid and unimportant over and over.

Negatively, dreaming of Cheetos may represent overdoing feeling good deserving to think nothing is as serious or important as it claims to be without thinking it has to stop when that might have consequences, makes someone angry, or make you look like a loser.

Example: A woman dreamed of President Donald Trump choking to death on a single Cheeto and that Kamala Harris won the election by default and not voting. In waking life, this dream occurred during the end of the 2024 US Presidential election. In this case, the Cheeto may have reflected her feelings that Kamala Harris deserved to win the election due to a single stupid mistake made by Donald Trump while speaking. The dreamer may have felt that Trump hurt himself with a statement he felt he could brush off as unimportant when the dreamer thought he chances to win were over.


To dream of a chef represents an aspect of yourself or someone else that is skilled, confident, talented, and experienced in their abilities to create, and control satisfying outcomes. Expertise in preparing or planning satisfying experiences. Mastery, skill, or self-assurance in handling complex preparations that must satisfy other people.

Positively, dreaming about a chef may represent confidence in taking risks, experimenting, or managing different aspects of your life to achieve a desired outcome. A desire to impress or please others through your competence and expertise.

Negatively, dreaming about a chef may represent feelings of pressure to plan, create, and control satisfying experiences for others. Feeling pressured to create something perfect without knowing how. An overreliance on external sources to provide an enjoyable or satisfying experience.

Example: A woman dreamed of being in a hotel with a chef and butler that set up her room for dinner service. She found the chef rude. In waking life, she was having an affair with a married man. In this case, the chef may have reflected her feelings about the married man she was having an affair with making private plans for their secret relationship that she found distasteful or poorly executed. She may have felt that the affair was being conducted in a manner that was not to her liking or that lacked finesse, reflecting her desire for more control, discretion, or respect within the relationship.

*Please See Chef's Hat

Chef's Hat

To dream of a chef's hat represents a mood or attitude that is adept, powerful or confident in your abilities. An aspect of your personality feels knowledgeable and talented enough to totally control a situation or direct outcomes.

Alternatively, a chef's hat may represent your projection of someone else that you feel is adept, experienced, and confident.


*Please See Cello

Chemical Weapons

To dream of chemical weapons represents a wish to sterilize competition beyond recovery. An unrelenting or shocking use of your opposition's weakness against them. A wish to make someone else lose no matter what. A calculated attempt to completely "poison" the success of competition without remorse.

Fighting or conflict in your waking life that is empty, lacks any concern for negotiations, or wishes to see permanent failure without sympathy. A cold-hearted wish to forcefully eradicate competition as though they were worthless.

Chemical weapons may also reflect uncomfortable feelings knowing that someone wants to unsympathetically permanently ruin you or embarrass you. Feelings about your enemies thinking you are worthless and wanting to perfectly sabotage forever.


To dream of a chemical represents a forced or guaranteed reaction. Feeling that if you do something or saying something to someone that a certain outcome is absolutely insured to occur. Perfect manipulation of a person or situation.

Negatively, a chemical in a dream may be a sign that you are risking going overboard or hurting yourself to make something happen.

To dream of mixing or combining chemicals represents a collaboration of ideas to insure a desired reaction from a person or situation. Creativity or intelligent manipulation. Negatively, mixing chemicals may reflect risky manipulation with things you are not experienced or prepared enough for. Being completely unprepared for the type of reactions you may get from people you are toying with.

Example: A woman dreamed of putting a chemical into a fire extinguisher to put out a fire and then realized afterwards that some people use this chemical to commit suicide. In waking life the woman had a fight with her boyfriend and wanted to fix it. She mentioned marriage to him to show how serious she was about fixing their relationship. She later realized that mentioning her wish to marry him was a bit dangerous because some people mention marriage to partners when they want the other person to feel uncomfortable with their neediness and break up with them.


To dream of chemistry represents feelings experimenting with forcing reactions from people or situations. Social experimenting. Emotional experimenting. Testing people reactions to learn.

Negatively chemistry may reflect knowledge or previous experience that allows to you easily manipulate people with forced reactions. Learning to manipulate people. Experimenting with people's emotions or jealousy. Testing people's reactions to understand how to better manipulate them. An insensitive or arrogant attitude how to intelligently make people do what you want. Social experiments with no concerns for the consequences.


To dream of chemotherapy represents a powerfully unpleasant ordeal that you must endure in order to free yourself from a difficult problem. Feeling subjected to a situation where nothing you like or want can happen at all in order to move on. It may also reflect a dangerous or humiliating risk you are taking to separate yourself from an ingrained problem.

Chemotherapy may reflect feelings about your life becoming a disaster in order to escape a problem like addiction or a troubling relationship. Having to grow up harder and faster than ever before. Knowing you could "lose it all" trying to get rid of a degenerating problem.

*Please See Skin Cancer


*Please See Checks


To dream of cherries represents self-indulgence. Helping yourself to a pleasurable experience. Cherries sometimes appear in dreams to reflect the occasional occurrence of sex.

Example: A woman dreamed of handing a cake to her boss that had cherries on it. In waking life she was offering sex to him. The cherries reflected her wish to offer sex that her boss could help himself to at any time.

Cherry Blossom Trees

To dream of cherry blossom tree represents situations in your life that are perfectly aligned to let you feel good. A perfect opportunity to be close to someone or spend personal time with someone special. An event in your life that allows you to have your perfect moment.

Example: A young girl dreamed of walking along a path of cherry blossom trees. In waking life she was having trouble with her siblings and was using it as a chance to spend personal time with her ex-boyfriend.

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