To dream of a costume represents a false or deceptive persona you present to others in waking life. You might be putting on a show or pretending to be something you are not. A costume may also reflect bluffing or lying.
It may also reflect a temporary persona you display to others to fulfill a certain role (e.g. acting a certain way around only one person).
*Please See Halloween Costume
Costume Party
To dream of a costume party represents a situation where you or others are enjoying yourself "posing" as something you're not. A pleasant experience lying, bluffing, or not being yourself. You may be trying to escape from the demands of real life or make yourself feel better by living a lie.
To dream of a cot represents temporary measures to keep something in your life staying the same. Feeling that something in your life has to stay the way it is just for now. Purposely not being concerned with feeling good maintaining a decision to get through something difficult. Temporarily reducing your comfort level because there are bigger priorities at stake.
A cot may reflect emergency type thinking. Keeping strong for the short term.
To dream of a cottage represents your perspective on a situation being centered around escaping problems or responsibilities. You are taking a break from your problems or would prefer to not to deal with them right now. Feeling good or enjoying yourself while avoiding doing something that you know may be serious or important. There may be a need for quiet or simplicity during a difficult moment.
*Please See Cabin
Cotton Balls
To dream of cotton balls represents feelings about using something in your life as a temporary imperfect solution to a problem. Making a problem less serious while not being concerned with fully solving it.
Negatively, cotton balls may reflect your dislike of having to temporarily change some area of your life that doesn't perfectly resolve your problems.
Example: A woman dreamed of holding cotton balls in her hand. In waking life she was thinking of her options to leave her cheating husband. She felt that she could move away to a family members home to temporarily solve her living arrangement problems with her husband and start a new life after.
Cotton Candy
To dream of cotton candy represents feelings about an experience of liking thinking about yourself having fun as much as you can while it's fleeting. Not wanting to stop noticing yourself having as much fun as possible while it's fleeting.
Negatively, cotton candy may represent overdoing liking thinking about yourself having fun as much as you can being made to last because it's fleeting. Dishonestly liking having as much fun as you can while other people don't like it. Sensitivity about running out of time while having the most fun possible. Clinging to fun that can’t last. Having as much fun as possible in a way that disregards reality, responsibility, or the feelings of others. Lighthearted moments without concern for long-term consequences.
To dream of a cotton candy machine represents the ability to repeatedly experience yourself having as much fun as you can whenever you want to. Repeatedly having as much fun as you can that's fleeting in a manner that's unfeeling about anything except doing it. Repeatedly needing to hide something or disregard other feelings in secret in order to have as much fun as possible.
Example: A woman dreamed of her ex-fiance and his female "best friend" eating cotton candy and playing games. The woman asked for a cotton candy machine. In waking life, she had left her ex-fiance due to his refusal to give up his inappropriate "best friend" relationship with a woman. In this case, the cotton candy may have reflected her feelings about her ex-fiance and his female "best friend" inappropriately having as much fun as they could behind her back without thinking it was a problem when it was. It may have also reflected a sense of scheduled time limits for the inappropriate fun.
To dream of a couch represents total comfort with an issue or situation. You are comfortable, bored, or lazy about something. You may feel that nothing is wrong at all with a particular issue. A comfortable or laid back attitude about a situation you are experiencing. It may also reflect a relaxed attitude about accepting a particular situation as it is.
Negatively, a couch in a dream may be a sign that you are too comfortable with certain beliefs, ideas, or situations you are experiencing. A casually attitude about overlooking a serious or potentially dangerous problem A comfortable attitude about accepting a problem the way it is. Risking your integrity because you feel being proactive or taking action in some way is asking too much of you. So comfortable with an issue or problem that you don't think it's a problem.
To dream of sitting on a couch with another person represents total comfort with some aspect of your personality based on whatever qualities stand out the most about that person. It's common to dream of sitting on a couch with people that you feel are lazy or sleazy as it reflects your awareness of yourself being too casual or laid back with a problem that needs to be addressed.
To sit on a couch with a crush or romantic interest may symbolize a high degree of comfort with sexually desiring that person. A sign that you need to stop daydreaming about them and do something about initiating a real relationship.
Example: A woman dreamed of sitting on a couch with a man she thought was sleazy. In waking life she had an embarrassing lapse of judgement by too casually overlooking a problem that angered her neighbor.
Example 2: A man dreamed of seeing a person whom he felt was a really lazy person whom annoyed him. In waking life he was being pressured into working an excessive amount of overtime by his boss whom was making him feel like he was lazy if it didn't want to work too much.
Example 3: A woman dreamed of her friend keeping her deceased mother on a sofa while not expressing her feelings to the friend. The couch in this case may have reflected her feelings about the friend being so comfortable with discussing her dead mother or being depressed about it as though it wasn't a problem that it was starting to bother the dreamer.
Example 4: Albert Hoffmann, Ph.D (inventor of LSD), experienced a waking vision in which he saw himself dead on a couch. In his waking life, he had accidentally taken LSD for the first time, which overwhelmed him and led him to question whether he had damaged his brain from an overdose. In this case, the couch may have symbolized his comfort in not revealing his accidental overdose at work due to experimenting with drugs. His lifeless body represented his temporary belief that he had died or ruined his life, while simultaneously feeling comfortable with the decision to keep his LSD intoxication a secret by choosing to go home.
*Please See Living Room
To dream of a cougar represents intuitive aggression, ambition, or doing everything you can to realize a goals.
It's awareness, keen perception, paying very close attention to someone or something in your waking life. Often something or someone you don't trust. You may also be observing or hunting for weakness before you make a move.
Cough Drops
To dream of cough drops represents a need for coaxing in order to discuss an issue. There is something holding you back or making you hesitant to speak up. You or someone else needs to be pushed or convinced to speak or take action.
To dream of coughing represents dissatisfaction or irritation that you can't control something that may indicate that something is wrong. Feeling that something is wrong that can't be controlled. Unpleasant feelings about having to appear dangerously out of control to other people. Problems with appearances that something you're saying or being observed doing isn't safe. Embarrassment with an oversight that has to be noticed.
Positively, coughing that is controlled may reflect a wish to signal that something forgotten or wrong has been overlooked. Feeling that something that doesn't embarrass one person, but may embarrass another. Feelings about subtle obvious suggestions being made undetected.
To dream of seeing someone else coughing may mirror waking life feelings about wanting to distance yourself from a person or situation who has something wrong with them that can't be controlled.
To dream of coughing something out may represent unpleasant feelings about needing to confront or discuss things about yourself that you can't control. Whatever you cough out of your body may reflect a reversed choice or experience that feels dangerously out of control to other people. Feelings about everything you'd already told people looking stupid or dangerous uncontrollably.
To dream of a dead person coughing may reflect unexpected embarrassment that failure wasn't diagnosed properly or was spoken about too soon. Feeling silly for speaking about a situation being forever over or hopeless. Feeling that something is dangerously wrong with accepting something labelled as failure.
Example: A woman dreamed of coughing up an adult frog and then coughing up a young frog. In waking life she experienced two situations with her ex that made her believe she couldn't be with him anymore. First she felt her life was in danger and then later she felt he was playing mind games. Coughing up the frogs in this case may have reflected her feelings about being noticed by other people as having an embarrassingly dangerous relationship after discussing it like it to others as though it didn't matter.
Example 2: A woman dreamed of coughing up rocks. In waking life she was having difficulty getting a job and may have felt embarrassed for talking to other people about her education making certain job opportunities sounds "solid" and easy.
Example 3: A young woman dreamed of needing to turn in a report and then feeling the need to cough. In waking life she was considering guys she wanted to talk to other people about dating and then felt she might be embarrassed talking about them because they were taken. The need to cough without coughing might have reflected her feelings about thinking she might be noticed by other people as having something wrong with her if she discussed potential love interests that were already taken.
To dream of a Counselor represents a need for support and direction. You or someone else in your life may be inexperienced or looking for reassurance. Wanting or giving actionable answers. Wanting to feel that everything will be alright. Positively, a counselor may be a good sign that you are finally willing to seek help with a difficult problem you have been hiding.
Negatively, a counselor may be a sign that you are uncomfortable talking about your problems. Experiencing anxiety or hesitance about having to confront a problem. Not liking the advice you are being given.
To dream of things sitting on a counter represents possibilities or experiences that are always available to you. It may also represent an experience that is being offered to you. Alternatively, it may reflect beliefs or experiences that you feel are more important than anything else.
To dream of putting something on a counter represents an interest in experiencing something right now. It may also reflect beliefs, feelings, or experiences that you are currently choosing for yourself.
To dream of an empty counter represents a lack of interest or lack of options. You may not be interested in doing something or are having a hard time being convinced that something is important.
To dream of a counterclockwise direction represents your feelings about a situation proceedings as you would expect it to. Significant accomplishment reversing.
Positively a counterclockwise direction may reflect a reversal of bad expectations. Getting a second chance to correct something you thought you lost.
To dream of counterfeit money represents feelings about you or someone else pretending to be something they are not in order to achieve a goal. Faking abilities to convince others to agree with you or give you access to resources. An intentional intelligent attempt to fake something in your waking life. Fooling others or feeling fooled by imitations. A lack of genuine intentions. Pretending to be something you are not in order to achieve goals. Not respecting the spirit of rules or intentions. Feeling that you can skip over some rules or regulations in order to get what you want.
Negatively, using counterfeit money in a dream may reflect an dishonest arrogant belief that other people are stupid. Exploiting others preoccupation with appearances to help yourself. Cheating. Feeling that you are unworthy to achieve a goal honestly. Laziness or sloth that motivates you to deceive others. Feeling that it's not important to perfectly keep your end of a bargain in order to complete a deal. The power to easily fool people by dishonest means. Guile.
To dream of being caught with counterfeit money may reflect feelings of embarrassment or shame of your dishonesty. Rejection for not perfectly complying with rules or expectations while trying to access a resource. Embarrassment for not trying hard to keep your end of a bargain. Feeling caught for trying to disregard your flaws.
To dream of counting objects represents feelings accountability. It may also reflect an attempt to gain certainty about how difficult or easy a problem is.
To dream of a countdown represents feelings about limited time and a possible inevitable closure event. Sensitivity about time running out or losing out on an opportunity. Desperation to complete something in your life. Feeling of pending disaster or crisis. Concerns about losing out on a short lived opportunity.
To dream of counting numbers in increasing order represents feelings of attentiveness to each and every moment mattering as a situation increases in intensity. It may also reflect feelings of attentiveness to the slow worsening of of a problem. Attentiveness to the increasing level of danger in a situation. Experiencing an inevitable increase of some kind. Feeling that a situation is hopelessly getting worse. Observing problems getting worse.
To dream of counting numbers in decreasing order represents attentiveness to each and ever moment mattering as a situation decreases in intensity. It may also reflect attentiveness to each and every moment mattering as you experience a decreasing level of danger in a situation. Experiencing an inevitable reduction. Feeling that time is hopelessly running out. Feeling that a situation is hopelessly losing power or leverage. Experiencing a lessening or worsening of some area of your life. Observing problems slowly being reduced.
Countries in dreams symbolize a state of mind based on stereotypes or the generally perceived personality of the country. A specific mindset.
Refer to the themes section for countries for a more in depth look at country symbolism.
Country Club
To dream of being in a country club represents your status or belonging to a special group. Feeling good noticing yourself around important or powerfuller people. Being a part of the "in crowd." Alternatively, it may reflect a sense of exclusivity you feel.
Country Music
To dream of country music represents emotions being expressed that feel down-to-earth, traditional, and straightforward about approaching life while not being alone. Feeling good staying grounded, valuing hard work, or finding comfort in familiar routines, relationships, or settings. Feeling good not being better than other people while other people like it with you. Feeling good that nothing in life is for free while feeling good that nothing is wrong with that. Emotions of contentment and acceptance of life's challenges and obstacles with a belief in finding happiness amidst difficulties.
Negatively, dreaming about country music represents overdoing feeling good being down-to-earth, traditional, and straightforward about approaching to life while not being alone to the point that might be annoying.
Example: A man dreamed of talking to a country musician who was frustrated with his career. In walking life, he was trying to get a better job either through a promotion or a new job elsewhere. In this case, the country music musician may have reflected his feelings of being down to earth about himself as a professional provider for his family that despite all life's difficulties or shortness of money he wanted his family to like their life anyway while wanting them to feel good about him doing that for them as his job.
Example 2: A man dreamed of hearing a country music song. In waking life, he was making progress working on himself to become a more moral person who was closer to Jesus with the hopes that a prophecy that a missionary gave them about a woman coming into his life would come true. In this case, the country music may have reflected his emotional state of feeling good being down-to-earth, traditional, and straightforward about approaching personal growth and faith while embracing traditional religious values and the belief that hard work and patience would eventually bring the happiness he was seeking by bringing a woman into his life.
To dream of the countryside represents your awareness of social interaction with someone not being important anymore.
Example: A young man dreamed of being in the countryside. In waking life he was having trouble getting over his ex-girlfriend whom he was no longer speaking to.
To dream of a couple represents the solidity of a decision or situation. How happy a couple is reflects how content you are with something happening in your life. The relationship of the couple reflects your psychological or emotional connection to a habit or situation. How you feel or act as you experience something or notice yourself behaving in a certain way.
*Please See Marriage
*Please See Boyfriend
*Please See Girlfriend
To dream of coupons represents feelings of saving something by using something. Using something that will allow you to reduce a personal cost or burden. A mindset that is frugal, maximizing resources, or focused on conserving resources. Feelings about a free advantage. Exploitable advantages that are time sensitive or require something of you. Feelings of being responsible about never wasting time or resources.
Negatively, dreaming about coupons may reflect feelings about yourself being poor or needing other people's help in order to afford a burden. Feelings about depending on handouts to survive a situation. Feelings about yourself being a needy or desperate person. Using people to make a situation easier. Wanting or hoping to get something for free without caring about the cost to someone else.
To dream of an expired coupon represents feelings about the ability to use something to save something no longer being viable. Wasted opportunities to reduce personal costs.
To dream of a expired coupon that you want to use anyway represents feelings about wasted opportunities that you want to take advantage anyway. Tricking someone or asserting yourself in order to save yourself something.
Example: A young woman dreamed of seeing coupons. In waking life she was interested in going to college or university, but was concerned about not being able to afford it. The coupons in this case may have reflected her desire to have a scholarship to help her reduce the total cost of a higher education.
To dream of having great courage represents your confidence or willingness to confront problems head on. You may know that something will be difficult or scary and are going through with it anyway.
Alternatively, you may be very secure as you accept the worst in yourself or face fears. Telling yourself that it's better to face your problems then put up with them.
Court House
*Please See Court Room
Court Room
To dream of a court room represents an issue in your life where you are concerned about fairness or being judged. Feelings of accountability for your actions.
To dream of being in court facing charges against you represents issues with guilt. A situation in your life where you feel that you're being judged in some way and need to defend yourself. Alternatively, you may have been accused or feel responsible for a problem.
To dream of walking towards a court house building represents your expectation of justice or being judged.
To dream of walking out of a court house building represents feeling vindication, guilt, that you have to take responsibility for something.
*Please See Trial
*Please See Verdict
*Please See Judge
To dream of a court-martial represents feelings of consequences for disloyalty or getting off track. Fallout, embarrassment, or feeling you will be hated if you don't keep certain ideas, values, or goals.
Example: A man dreamed of fearing being court-martialed for a murder. In waking life he was thinking about leaving a real estate business he had built with his brother.
To dream of a courtyard represents feelings of waiting for something else to happen in your life with a sense of openness, relaxation, and space. Feelings of never being in trouble or embarrassed with looking like anything wrong is happening in your life while waiting for something else to happen. A sense of anticipation or preparation, combined with a relaxed and open attitude. Your thoughts about being in a transitional phase, comfortably poised between action and inaction, or between public exposure and private retreat. Respecting yourself never being told you're stupid while you wait for something else to happen in your life. Finding a harmonious middle ground between nothing happening and something happening. A tranquil moment in life where you can patiently await developments or changes.
Positively, dreaming about a courtyard may represent comfort, tranquility, and a sense of balance during periods of waiting or anticipation. A conscious choice to embrace a calm and open mindset while preparing for future events or changes. Successfully finding a peaceful middle ground in life, where you feel at ease while awaiting new developments or opportunities. A patient and balanced approach to life. Your ability to appreciate the present moment without rushing or feeling anxious about the future. Your desire for a peaceful space where you can gather your thoughts and recharge. A positive attitude and a sense of openness to new experiences and opportunities.
Negatively, dreaming about a courtyard may represent feelings of stagnation or unfulfilled expectations. A period of inactivity or a sense of being stuck in a waiting period in your life, possibly causing frustration or impatience. Times of uncertainty or transition. You may be longing for something to happen but feel like you're in a state of limbo. A reluctance to take action or a fear of making changes, leading to missed opportunities or frustration.
Courtyard dreams may be common to people looking for a job.
Example: A woman dreamed of being in a courtyard on a beautiful sunny day. In waking life, she was packing and preparing to move homes to a different US State. In this case, the courtyard may have reflected her sense of comfort and openness during this transitional phase, where she was patiently awaiting the change while feeling at ease with the process.
Example 2: A woman dreamed of being in a courtyard. In waking life, she felt that her life was in a period of learning and exploration as she tried to figure out her purpose in life. She had no real fears or frustrations in life. In this case, the courtyard may have reflected a comfortable state of mind as she navigated through this exploratory phase of her life, without the pressure of immediate decisions or actions. This dream might have highlighted her balanced approach to life's journey, appreciating the present while being open to future possibilities and learning opportunities.
Example 3: A young woman dreamed of walking through a courtyard. In waking life, she was trying to decide whether or not to move on from a guy she liked due to mixed signals. In this case, the courtyard may have reflected her feelings of being in a state of contemplation and reflection about her romantic situation. The courtyard symbolized a space where she was weighing her options, feeling the openness and freedom to consider different paths, yet still experiencing a sense of uncertainty and anticipation about what decision to make.
Example 4: A woman dreamed of running across a courtyard. In waking life, she started a part-time job in a city several hours from her home. She had to travel to her job for her shifts several times a week. In this case, walking through the courtyard may have reflected her feelings about her new job as being comfortable and temporary with providing financial security while she waited for a better or more full-time job.
To dream of couscous represents feelings about an experience feels nice that it's easy to talk about yourself however you need to without anyone having a problem with it.
To dream of a cousin represents a quality in yourself based on your most honest feelings about them. Ask yourself what memories or feelings stand out the most about them and see how that quality may apply to your own life.
To dream of someone being your cousin who isn't really your cousin represents situations, realities, or problems that are difficult to detach yourself from. Feeling that you can't do anything about something having to be acknowledged or accepted.
Positively, cousins you aren't really related to may reflect mandatory respect, acknowledgment, or acceptance being given to you. Having your "foot in the door" or a minimum requirement met that gives you the right to deserve something or be listened to at all.
Example: A man dreamed of seeing his cousin. The quality that stood out the most about this cousin was her courage to confront problems. In waking life he finally built up the courage to yell at a greedy family member who was not returning a favor when he needed it the most.
Example 2: A woman dreamed of taking a pregnancy test with her cousin. In waking life she was fearing being judged for taking a pregnancy test. Her cousin was someone she felt was judgmental.
Example 3: A young woman dreamed of dating her cousin. In waking life she was a lesbian. The cousin symbolism may have reflected her feelings about feeling required to acknowledge being gay as though it were normal in a waking life situation.
To dream of covering something represents thoughts of concealment or a coverup. Not wanting others to know the truth of something. Not wanting others to know the extent of how bad something is. Not needing to know the truth. Not wanting others to know what you are doing that's wrong. Hiding problems. Using a nicer lie to cover up a less appealing truth. Not wanting others to think you are stupid, dirty, or not good at what you're doing. Thoughts of something interfering with being allowed to think of something "right this minute." Not being allowed to think of something because another issue is not letting you. Safety.
To dream of something being completely covered in something else represents of embarrassment that you can't do anything about it. Feelings that situation has done too much of something. Looking stupid not doing something about about an excess of some sort. An embarrassment that ruins a situation. Not noticing the truth at all because someone won't let you.
To dream of covering up your naked body represents represent attempting to conceal the truth of who you are. Not liking anyone knowing something very personal about you. A situation may feel intrusive. Feeling vulnerable.
To dream of being covered with a bed sheet or a bed covering represents being comfortable with a decision you've made privately. Nobody can see anything wrong with your private thoughts or decisions. Being perfectly fine the way you are and not letting anyone see or think anything is wrong with it.
Example: A woman dreamed of covering up her attempt to poison her sister. In waking life she was very concerned with denying the truth.
Example 2: A young man dreamed of exiting a forest to see the grass of a meadow covered in snow. In waking the life dreamer had to go to work after 2 weeks of unemployment. In this case the snow covering the meadow might have reflected the empty feelings of having to start his job not letting him think of how much money he has from working.
Example 3: A man dreamed of seeing his mother cover herself in a bedsheet completely and lay down. In waking life he made a final decision to legally end life support for his father and had no intentions of discussing his decision with his overly emotional aunt. In this case the mother covering herself in a bedsheet may have reflected the dreamers private thoughts of using not talking to his aunt to finalize his decision for his dying father. Not talking to his aunt may have allowed him to "coverup or feel safe" with his final decision.
Example 4: A woman dreamed of covering up her naked breasts at church. In waking life she was discouraged from going to church while fearing losing her fiance. In this case the covering up of breasts while inside the church may have reflected the dreamer's embarrassment to people thinking God didn't protect her life while at church due to family problems. The covering of naked breasts may have reflected embarrassment of not allowing others to see her not being powerful with ease with God.
*Please See Bedspread
*Please See Sheets
*Please See Naked
To dream of the covid-19 virus represents feelings of contagious collective imprisonment, isolation, and restriction from engaging in normal activities. Feeling that everything is ruined and that nobody else seems to do anything except put up with it as well. An experience that nobody wants to have ever again and can never stop experiencing. A sense of loss of freedom and control. An unpleasant or unbearable need to protect yourself.
From a positive perspective, the metaphor could suggest a heightened awareness of the need for caution and precautions to be taken in order to protect oneself and others. It could also symbolize the collective effort of a community to work together to overcome a common challenge.
From a negative perspective, the metaphor could represent feelings of frustration, anger, and resentment towards the restrictions imposed by the virus. It could also reflect feelings of isolation, boredom, and depression that result from the limitations placed on daily life. Annoyance with people that are overly concerned with being safe that limits or restricts you.
Alternatively, dreams about covid may reflect your waking life fears or frustrations with putting up with the virus. Fears or anxieties about being infected. Mask wearing frustrations. Feelings about yourself or other people catching multiple infections.
To dream of going to school while dealing with covid may reflect your feelings about having to learn to deal with covid. Caring about every detail about covid in order to fight it.
Most dreams about Covid-19 reflect the real life problems of dealing with covid and are less likely to be symbolic.
Consider the number 19 as additional meaning for "confronting the end" that never happens or confronting the end of the world.
Example: A woman dream of being at church and being surprised people weren't noticing restrictions for covid-19. In waking life she was dealing with a funeral for a church minister and restrictions were being talked about being lifted.
Example 2: A man dreamed of a phone conversation where he was told his brother caught covid-19 for the third time. In waking life the dreamer's brother had already caught covid twice. He felt that his brother had become hate filled so the dreamer limited contact.
To dream of a cowboy represents an aspect of yourself that is adventurous, and involved in risks, or taking chances.
Example: A man dreamed of seeing a cowboy. In waking life he was about to try a new medication that came with big risks.
*Please See Lasso
Cowboy Hat
To dream of a cowboy hat represents feelings of readiness for bravery, freedom, risk-taking, and a pioneering spirit. You may be in the mood for taking a chance. An attitude of boldness and fearlessness, willing to embrace uncertainty or danger. A more audacious non-conformist approach to situations in your life. Your readiness to break from convention and chart your own path, valuing independence and self-reliance over societal norms. This dream could reflect your thoughts about the importance of individuality, courage, and self-reliance. Self-reliance, resilience, and the desire to forge your own path, no matter the odds or potential dangers. The thrill of taking risks and stepping out of your comfort zone, demonstrating your personal power and daring spirit. An attitude that is comfortable being a risk-taking hero the second it needs to.
Positively, dreaming about a cowboy hat might symbolize confidence, determination, and resilience in the face of challenges. It may reflect a conscious choice to step out of your comfort zone and embrace risk or uncertainty because of potential rewards or personal growth. It could also be indicative of a sense of freedom, non-conformity, and a desire to chart your own course.
Negatively, dreaming about a cowboy hat could represent feelings of recklessness, overconfidence, or disregard for potential risks. A lack of caution or forethought, potentially leading to harmful or destructive outcomes. An exaggerated need for independence. Perhaps you feel pressured to take risks that are beyond your comfort zone, or you might be struggling with an impulsive or foolhardy attitude that disregards the consequences of your actions. Stubbornly resisting guidance or support from others due to an overemphasis on self-reliance. Witnessing someone else stupidly show off trying to be a hero that's taking bigger risks than other people. Bravery, freedom, and risk-taking that is all in your head while being completely unrealistic about choosing to behave that way.
Example: A man dreamed of seeing a corrupt cop wearing a cowboy hat. In waking life, the man was experiencing police corruption that was criminally attempting to project itself as a bigger hero than the victim. In this case, the cowboy hat may have reflected the man's perception of the corrupt cop's attitude, embodying a false sense of bravery or heroism. The cowboy hat symbolized a pretense of fearlessness and audacity, masking underlying corruption and dishonesty.
To dream of a coworker that you actually know in real life represents an aspect of yourself based on your most honest feelings about that person. Ask yourself what quality, feeling, or memory stands out the most about that person and how that quality may apply to your life.
To dream of a coworker that doesn't actually work with you may reflect people in waking life with similar goals or interests as you. Someone that is always doing the same thing that you are doing.
Example: A woman dreamed of helping her coworker move. In waking life she was trying to help her fiancee make an important decision. The coworker in this case may have reflected the dreamer's feelings about fiancee having similar goals with family fiances.
To dream of a cow symbolizes mothering, nurturing feelings, or a desire to be cared for. It can also reflect your nurturing instincts or mothering of others. Someone in your life that you feel is wonderful or extra supportive of you emotionally. A loving family life.
Negatively, a cow may be a sign that you are too needy emotionally. Jealousy of yourself for having to be perfectly supportive and loving to others without getting anything in return.
To dream of a red cow may represent dependency issues with someone who makes you feel good or who cares about you. You may have "mommy" issues. An imbalanced need to be nurtured. Arrogant women who pretend to care about you to feel sexual power.
To dream of a brown cow represents feelings of nurturing to relieve problems. Help, love, and concern for your well-being that helps to solve or heal problems. Feeling that someone is so amazing that they care about everything you are feeling in a way that helps you. Mothering that instills confidence and security.
Example: A young man dreamed of seeing a red cow nursing a baby cow. In waking life, he had serious dependency issues daydreaming about an ex-girlfriend loving and nurturing him even after he had long broken up with her.
Example 2: A young woman dreamed of seeing a cow hit by a car in an accident. In waking life, her mother was diagnosed with breast cancer. In this case, the dead cow may have reflected her feelings of losing a significant source of nurturing, support, and emotional care due to her mother's illness being a distraction to caring about the dreamer.
To dream of a coyote represents feelings about behavior that is cunning and adaptable about surviving without wanting to say what it's up to. Cunning adaptability, opportunism, and a hidden agenda. Resourcefulness and ability to adapt to different circumstances with agility and intelligence that isn't talking about it. You or someone else who is taking an opportunistic approach to a situation in your life.
Positively, dreaming about a coyote may represent successfully navigating and adapting through the complexities of a situation using your wit and resourcefulness to get around a problem while not talking about yourself too much. You might be skillfully avoiding or mitigating problems, potentially taking a non-traditional or unconventional approach to achieving your goals while surviving is more important than what people think about you. Emotional protection that doesn't care about what anyone else thinks of you deserving to survive. Taking things without asking to survive. A willingness to lower standards to survive at all costs. A willingness to put your own needs first to survive while being aware of how much people don't trust you.
Negatively, seeing a coyote in your dream may represent deceit, trickery, or manipulation either by you or directed toward you. You could be wary of someone in your waking life who seems untrustworthy about a sleazy truth being revealed. Alternatively, the coyote could symbolize aspects of yourself that you view as deceitful or unreliable. This might be a wake-up call to assess the actions and intentions of people you are beginning to lose trust in. Behavior that doesn't say what it's up to because it's planning to steal. Feelings about "scumbags" who will take anything they can get. Behavior that is quiet about taking things without asking.
Example: A woman dreamed of seeing baby coyotes grow into adults. In waking life, she overheard a woman saying that wished her boyfriend would dump his kid so she could have him all to herself. In this case, the coyotes may have reflected the woman's perception of the other woman's cunning and self-serving intentions. The transformation of baby coyotes into adults could symbolize her realization that what initially seemed like a minor or naive wish was actually a calculated and adaptable strategy to monopolize her boyfriend's attention. The dream captures the essence of cunning adaptability, opportunism, and a hidden agenda.
Example 2: A woman dreamed of staring at a coyote. In waking life, she witnessed a vicious argument on the Internet where one person said things that she thought were extremely cruel and ignorant. This person never returned to the message board where the argument took place after making her final comments. In this case, the coyote may have reflected the woman's feelings about the cunning adaptability, opportunism, and hidden agenda of the person making the cruel ignorant comments and how they may be planning to get the victim back with violence without saying they were.
Example 3: A woman dreamed of seeing coyotes playfully walking around her. In waking life, she suspected that her husband was enjoying cheating on her and feeling good getting away with it. In this case, the coyotes may have reflected the cunning adaptability, opportunism, and hidden agenda that she believes her husband possesses, as he seems to be navigating the marital betrayal with a certain level of enjoyment and ease.
Example 4: A woman dreamed of seeing coyotes. In waking life, she felt that her boss liked to lie to her face and get away with it. In this case, the coyotes may have reflected her perception of her boss's cunning, deceptive, and opportunistic behavior. She may believe that her boss is not only lying but also feels confident and smug about not getting caught or held accountable. The dream captures the essence of cunning adaptability, opportunism, and a hidden agenda that she feels her boss maintains, successfully maneuvering through professional relationships without revealing his true intentions or facing consequences.
To dream of performing CPR represents an urgent or last ditch attempt to resolve something. Eagerness to not lose something. A friendship, job, or situation may be close to failing and you are doing what you can to keep it going. Desperation to revive something in your life. Taking urgent action or listening to everything thing you are told in order to restore stability to a situation.
Positively, dreaming about performing CPR may reflect experience with crisis or urgent situations. Feelings about yourself or someone else being adept at mitigating loss. Last minute attempts to preserve your will power while struggling with addictions.
Negatively, CPR in a dream reflect waking life situations where you there is a risk of panicking. Panicking about inevitable losses. Alternatively, it may reflect taking risks or making unusual efforts to keep a problem alive. Desperation to never let go of something negative or dangerous. Allowing your concern for other people's problems to distract you. If a relationship has failed in waking life you may have tried apologizing, telling the truth, or a bribe in a final attempt to restore the relationship.
To dream of giving CPR to a dog may reflect your fear of losing something that gives you a lot of confidence. Desperation to keep others believing in themselves.
To dream of not wanting to perform CPR on someone may reflect feelings about a waking life choice where you are choosing someone else's failure. Feeling that person deserves to fail or that something you don't like deserves to lost. Alternatively, it may reflect a concerns about being noticed by others caring about something that socially unacceptable or embarrassing. A fear or discomfort of being supportive of something.
To dream of CPR training represents learning to mitigate loss. Negatively, it may be a sign that you are worry to much about dangerous possibilities.
To dream of giving yourself CPR represents the need for self-rescue or the willingness to take extraordinary measures to save yourself from a negative situation. A situation in waking life where you are relying on yourself to solve a crisis or urgent matter because you don't believe anyone else can help you. Self-reliance or self-motivation in difficult situations. It may reflect a desire to revive or energize yourself in the face of a challenging problem or obstacle. Terrifying yourself that you don't count in a situation and trying to fix it. Feeling that you were perceived as an uncaring person by others and making a last minute attempt to correct it. Alternatively, it may indicate a need to take control of your own health or well-being, both physically and emotionally.
Example: A man dreamed of seeing his grandfather collapsing and then having to perform CPR. In waking life the man was struggling to keep his will power strong while trying to quit smoking. He was having a hard time resisting his cravings and desperately trying to stop himself from giving up trying to quit. In this case the CPR may have reflected his last-ditch effort to restore his willpower and resist giving in to his addiction. It may also represent the urgency he feels to revive his resolve to quit smoking.
Example 2: A woman dreamed of performing CPR on someone else's baby. In waking life she was having an assortment of problems and felt it was more urgent to deal with someone else's problem to her own detriment. In this case the CPR may have reflected her desperate efforts to help others even at the expense of her own well-being.
To dream of a crab represents am irritable or pessimistic attitude. A "crabby" personality. You or someone else that is in bad mood or talking down about everything. Feelings about yourself or someone else being a choosing to never respect anything positive or uplifting. An attitude that ruins other people's good mood. Feeling that someone is makes you jealous that you can't enjoy yourself with a positive attitude.
Example: A woman dreamed of seeing a crab in her hair. In waking life she was trying to emotionally deal with multiple deaths in her family with a positive attitude and one family member kept annoying her with a pessimistic attitude.
Example 2: A little girl dreamed of a crab. In waking life she didn't like someone being pessimistic to her and embarrassing her that she is little for a mistake.
To dream of a crack represents a flaw or imperfection in some area of your life. Once stable beliefs or relationships are beginning reveal problems. Cracks may also reflect situations that were perceived to be safe or balanced and are now unable to maintain composure or "keep it together."
Cracking in a dream may also represent you or someone else that is "cracking under pressure."
Alternatively, a crack in a dream may symbolize a possibility or weak spot in a problem you have. It may also point to a weakness in your defense.
Crack Cocaine
To dream of crack cocaine represents feelings of dependency and distress that is all-consuming. Dependency that brings self-destruction. A dependency on something that brings temporary pleasure but ultimately leads to the destruction of oneself. Dangerous allure to a dependency that first makes you believe nothing you do can be a problem. A dangerous attraction or bad habit that one continues to indulge in despite knowing the negative consequences it may bring. Feelings about yourself or someone being pathetic about having difficulty getting over something. Lust, attraction, or bad habits that you destroy yourself with to keep feeling good. An addiction to pleasure that ultimately makes one feel like a loser. Desperation, failure, or inadequacy over one's inability to overcome an addiction or move past a troubling issue. A dependency on something that feels horrible having to give up because you feel you have nothing better to do. Having a really hard time getting over someone you you have romantic interest in. Feelings of awareness of your self-destructive habit that doesn't bother you.
To dream of a crack house may represent a perspective on a situation that feels overwhelming with hopelessness, dependency, and distress. Hopeless addiction to needing to feel something destroys you. An awareness of engaging in or witnessing behaviors that could lead to serious addiction or self-destructive outcomes. Feeling that you are surrounded by people who can't overcome their need for dependency even if it ruins them or humiliates them. Feeling trapped in a cycle of harmful habits or destructive environments, where the pursuit of fleeting pleasure leads to long-term damage. A situation that feels that you have nothing better to do than to give in to your self-destructive habit. Situations where giving up all you power to an addictive pleasure is dangerously easy. A choice to accept yourself being permanently addicted to something that makes you feel like a loser. Witnessing yourself not feeling safe with feeling overwhelming by a self-destructive habit. Feelings about other people seeing you as someone that has a self-destructive habit that doesn't bother you.
Crack cocaine in dreams commonly reflect addiction to pornography or sex that destroys your interest to having a healthy relationship. Allowing your sex addiction to destroy other areas of your life. Choosing to masturbate watching pornography before ever wanting a relationship.
Example: A man dreamed of police raiding a crack house. In waking life, he was trying his hardest to get over a ex-girlfriend that he felt was too beautiful to let go of. In this case, his inner struggle to detach himself from the addictive allure of his ex-girlfriend.
Example 2: A woman dreamed of being in a crack house. In waking life, he was taking a lot of cancer drugs that she felt totally dependent on while feeling that other medical symptoms were ruining her life. In this case, her feelings of dependency on her cancer medications, and the distressing and all-consuming nature of her illness. Additionally, the dream might reflect her fears about her health deteriorating or her concerns about becoming too reliant on her medication.
Crack House
*Please See Crack Cocaine
To dream of crackers represents feelings about an experience or choice that is safe, simple, and polite about having to make something happen at all when nothing else is happening. A mindset that is cordial, friendly, and approachable about the possibility of something happening when nothing is happening at all. Minimal non-threatening effort put into social interaction about something better happening when nothing is happening.
Negatively, dreaming of crackers may represent overdoing an experience or choice that is safe, simple, and polite about having to make something happen at all when nothing else is happening. Wasting your time thinking a lover who has left you will come back. Wasting your time hoping that being safe, simple, polite, or patient about making something happen at all when nothing is happening will ever work.
Example: A woman dreamed of seeing her boyfriend feed crackers to tigers. In waking life, her boyfriend was speaking to employers about a very unique job opportunity, but he wasn't eager to take the job. He was just politely discussing the job opportunity with the employers in a no-pressure social setting. In this case, the crackers may have reflected her feelings about her boyfriend socially engaging in a safe, simple, and polite way with the employers about the potential job opportunity without committing to anything serious.
Example 2: A woman dreamed of throwing crackers onto the ocean and seeing birds eat the crackers. In waking life, she was desperately hoping her ex-boyfriend would return home to her after he broke up with her. She hoped that if she was patient and didn't date anyone else he would return. He never did. In this case, the crackers may have reflected her feelings about being socially safe, simple, and polite to men other than her ex-boyfriend about the possibility of dating later on without committing to or pursuing anyone seriously until she was absolutely sure her relationship with her ex-boyfriend was over with.
To dream of a cradle represents a need for nurturing, caring, and protection. It may represent a desire for security and comfort, or a longing for a return to a state of innocence and dependence. The dream may also be symbolic of the birth of a new idea, project, or aspect of the self that requires nurturing and support to grow and develop.
Additionally, the cradle may represent motherhood, family, or childhood memories. Concerns about how to take care of your child.
To dream of cradling someone in your arms represents a desire to comfort and care for someone it during a difficult time. It may also reflect a desire to comfort and care for yourself during a difficult time. It may also reflect a need for self-nurturing. Nurturing , caring, and protecting an aspect of yourself that you don't want to give up on. The dream may also indicate a desire for emotional connection and bonding with another person.
Example: A man dreamed of yelling at his wife for committing adultery and then cradling her in his arms. In waking life he was experiencing marital problems and was living separated from his wife. He loved his wife, but felt discouraged by heer cheating on him. In this case the cradling of the wife's body may have reflected his underlying desire to forgive his wife and keep nurturing the idea of reconciliation despite the hurt and betrayal he felt. The cradling symbolizes a sense of protection and nurturing, suggesting that even though he was angry and hurt, he still had feelings of love and tenderness for his wife and wanted to be keep the thought of love alive with her. The dream may have also indicated his willingness to work through the marital problems and to rebuild the relationship with his wife.
Example 2: A woman dreamed of her newborn daughter not wanting to go to sleep in her cradle until 5am. In waking life she gave birth to a girl 4 weeks earlier. In this case the cradle may have reflected her sense of responsibility and protectiveness towards her newborn daughter. The cradle may also symbolize the transition to motherhood and the nurturing aspect of her personality.
Example 3: A young woman dreamed of having a cradle ready and was frustrated it was setup for a boy and not a girl. In waking life she was trying to have a baby with her husband. In this case the cradle may have reflected her desire to prepare and be ready for motherhood, but feeling uncertain about the details or specifics of what's to come.
Example 4: A woman dreamed of seeing her daughter in a cradle. In waking life she had no children and was worried about how difficult it would be to have children if she went to medical school. In this case the daughter in the cradle may have reflected her desire to nurture and care for a child, even though she was facing uncertainty about the future and the potential challenges of balancing a career in medicine with motherhood. The cradle in the dream may symbolize her hopes and aspirations for a future where she can provide a loving and secure environment for a child.
Example 5: A young woman dreamed of cradling her dog in her arms. In waking life her dog need to get treatment at the vet for heartworms which caused the dog to experience loss of appetite and weightloss. In this case the cradling of the dog may have reflected her love and concern for her dog, as well as a desire to comfort and care for it during a difficult time.
To dream of feeling cramped in a small room represents feelings of lacking choices or having mental room to be yourself. You may also be using a coping strategy in a situation that you are trying to fit into that is not working. Poor circumstances that feel intolerable. Feeling limited.
To dream of having cramps in your body represents significant feelings of discomfort that doesn't allow you to do what you really want. Unpleasant feelings about having to wait for a problem to pass before you can make progress. Feeling frustrated by the consequences of being overworked or doing something too much. Feeling that someone is "cramping your style."
Consider the body part that is cramping for additional meaning.
To dream of cranberries represents enjoyment of a situation being difficult. Negatively, cranberry in a dream may reflect a wish to hide or avoid a situation by using a conveniently available problems. Enjoying avoiding something you don't like using hard work or a serious situation as an excuse.
Cranberry Juice
To dream of cranberry juice represents pleasant feelings about enjoying a difficult experience easily or "all at once." Feeling that good noticing a difficult experience being too easy.
Cranberry Sauce
To dream of cranberry sauce represents feeling good experiencing something difficult that is being done for you.
Example: A man dreamed of eating cranberry sauce. In waking life he had solved a difficult work problem that was going to take months to slowly clear up. The cranberry sauce may have reflected his enjoyment of experiencing the difficulty.
To dream of a crane represents elegance, gracefulness, or gestures of good will. A crane may also symbolize behavior that is "intelligently wonderful", caring, patient, or peaceful.
Crank Call
To dream of receiving a crank call represents frustrations with not being taken seriously. You may feel that someone has embarrassed you or stood you up.
To dream of making a crank call represents your attempt to embarrass someone in waking life. You may be organizing payback or getting other people involved to embarrass someone. Making plans with someone and standing them up.
*Please See Accident
*Please See Airplane Crash
Crash Test Dummy
To dream of a crash test dummy represents an aspect of yourself that fails or takes a fall for someone else. You or someone else that expendable. You or someone else that can be used without any regard. Doing all the hard or dangerous work for someone else with nothing in return.
Example: A man dreamed of seeing a crash test dummy. In waking life he was using a competitors business model with plans to put him out of business after he finished building it.
To dream of a crater represents lingering reminder of something bad that happened. Danger or disaster from your past that is impossible to forget. It may also reflect the impact of a relationship or conflict that has never been recovered from.
Positively, a crater may reflect a standing reminder of a big impact you made in your career, community, or someone else's life.
To dream of crawfish represents tenacity or determination. A very persistent serious woman or child. Feeling that someone is clearly angry, but not physically dangerous. A persistent attempt to demand something. Feeling angry or annoyed that you need to respect your right to own something. You or someone else that has no respect for anyone else until you have been respected first. Family feuding over sharing or property.
Negatively, a crawfish may reflect a determined attitude to achieve a goal that is annoying or off-putting to others. Feeling like a jerk if you ask or demand for something too much. Feeling annoyed by needing to defend your right to deserve something.
Crawfish may also share the same symbolism as lobsters, but with a slightly more passive or less dangerous feeling.
*Please See Lobsters
To dream of a crawling represents goals that are challenging your ability to complete them. Being forced to take your time or be careful about every single detail of a problem. It may also reflect a situation that is subjecting you to agonizing amounts of patience or "red tape."
Alternatively, crawling represents feelings of lowering yourself, subordination, or not being able to perform at your best.
Example: A man dreamed of crawling along a dirty floor in an attempt to escape to freedom. In waking life he had a terminal illness that was close to death. The crawling reflected his struggle to get through the final moments of his life.
To dream of crayons represents issues that you want no responsibility or obligations with. A desire to be carefree. You may want the freedom to do as you please, make mistakes, or experiment without consequences. Crayons may also reflect a lack of concern for what other people think.
Positively, crayons symbolize a carefree attitude, open-mindedness, or being imaginative. Negatively, crayons may represent a lack of seriousness, commitment, or sloppiness.
To dream of cream (desert food) represents feelings about deserving to enjoy the best part of a situation or experience with ease and simplicity that doesn't waste your time. Deserving to enjoy the "cream of the crop" or best there is with ease without feeling burdened by challenges or difficulties. Enjoying "being on top" like it's simple. The benefits or perks of a top position. The desire to attain the highest possible status or results with minimal complications.
Negatively, dreaming about cream could represent feelings of overdoing deserving to enjoy the best part of a situation or experience with ease without having to work for it. Feelings of excess, overindulgence, or entitlement with the best part of a situation or experience. A tendency to overdo the desire for the best parts or to take advantage of pleasurable benefits or perks without considering the need to balance enjoyment with effort. Imbalances in relationships or situations, where people expect to enjoy only the best with ease without reciprocating effort or consideration. A sense of entitlement or arrogance, where you feel you deserve the best in life without having to work for it.
To dream of cream in coffee represents feelings about making getting acquainted with something or someone more enjoyable, comfortable, or easier to accept without having to be excessive. Your attempts to improve an introductory experience of getting to know something or someone new by adding ease, comfort, or indulgence without being excessive. Making social engagements more palatable, or enhancing relationships with a touch of kindness and warmth. Making an introductory situation less intense or intimidating.
Example: A young man dreamed of vomiting up a cream-like substance. In waking life, he was frustrated with his friends who ditched him. He was regretting his relationship with his friends because they always took advantage of him. In this case, the cream-like substance he vomited up may have reflected his feelings about deserving to enjoy having the best fun experience with his friends before realizing that they were fake.
*Please See Skin Cream
*Please See Whipped Cream
Cream Cheese
To dream of cream cheese represents feelings about enjoying accepting yourself the way you are. Feeling good being better than other people like it's easy. Enjoying not having to change. Feeling good having avoided an unpleasant change. Enjoying situations where you never have to do what you are told by others. Enjoying an area of your life running smoothly. Feeling of permanent stable success.
Example: A man dreamed of getting fat eating cream cheese bagels. In waking life he was running a very successful home business that allowed him to stay home and be rich, but he did this to the point of having nothing else happening in his life.
Cream Color
To dream of a cream color represents feelings of deserving to feel supported and comfortable without problems with little effort in some area of your life. Feeling acceptance about never being in trouble or never needing to talk about having a problem. Deserving to feel supported and comfortable about not having to think of problems or anything dangerous. Feelings of being safe, professional, and comfortable while easily believing in yourself the way you want to without any problems. Feeling untroubled. A situation with balance and neutrality. Subtlety, gentleness, and a non-confrontational approach. Avoidance of conflict or difficulty.
Negatively, dreaming about cream could represent feelings of overdoing deserving to feel supported and comfortable without problems with little effort in some area of your life. Feelings of boredom, monotony, or a lack of excitement or stimulation. Playing it too safe in life.
Example: A young woman dreamed of being in a hotel with a huge plush cream-colored bed. In waking life, she had been cooped up at home while being ill and was only beginning to get back to work. In this case, the cream-colored bed may have reflected her feelings of deserving comfort and support during a period of illness.
Example 2: A man dreamed of seeing a woman wearing a cream-colored sundress. He made love to her on the grass. In waking life, he was waiting to hear back from a job he had applied for. In this case, the cream-colored sundress may have been intuitive about future good news regarding the job he applied leading to feelings of support, comfort, and ease with no longer needing his old job.
To dream of creatine supplements represents feelings about having an advantage to noticeably help yourself increase your power. Certainty about choices or advantages that will make you stronger or less likely to be ignored. Strength that you feel is easily attained if you make use of a certain advantage. A wiser attitude about how to make yourself stronger in some way. Awareness of your enemies weakening if you keep trying something. Awareness of something that helps you become stronger.
Negatively, creatine in a dream may be a sign that you are too concerned with showing off to proving yourself to others that you could become noticeably stronger than them if you take advantage of a certain option. Scaring or threatening others that they may will watch you become easily stronger than them if you make a certain choice. Arrogant insights in how to make yourself stronger in some way. Insulting other people that you would take advantage of an immoral opportunity to make yourself stronger then them. Awareness of yourself talking to people about how to get stronger in a way that doesn't respect other people's feelings. Awareness of people that are blocking you in life easily getting weaker if you keep using an advantage you've discovered.
Example: A man dreamed of being in a cafeteria with creatine pills on the table. In waking life he was telling people about an idea he had to give himself a more powerful advantage over others when the people he was telling felt it was arrogant of him to think that way.
To dream of creativity represents waking life situations that foster freedom of choice at all times. Always being able to do what you want or change something at will. No restrictions.
Negatively, creativity may represent people in your life with too much power or freedom of choice. A lack of restriction that is repressive or controlling of others. A sign that you or someone else is arrogantly enjoying making choices without considering someone else's feelings ever. A sign that you need to speak up or that boundaries need to be made. Too much leeway may have been given.
To dream of strange creatures may represent fears or insecurities.
To dream of a faceless creature may reflect fears or insecurities that are ambiguous. Fear or insecurity about something you can't define or be totally sure of.
*Please See Monsters
Credit Cards
To dream of credit cards feelings of undisrupted power or ability to do whatever you want without needing permission or feeling restricted. An undisrupted ability to do whatever you want without asking, needing to save him, or feeling behind. Your ability to attain or experience what you want in life without disruption. Never being in trouble or looking stupid not affording to handle a situation because you can be trusted to pay a personal cost later. Smooth experiences with no disruptions to waste your time. Experiences without the disruption of personal cost or feeling being behind. The smooth professional operation or function of your life. Feelings of convenient access to resources or having experiences without problems. It reflects your level of ease having power, opportunity, or pleasure. Feeling that nothing stops you because you can be trusted to pay something back later. Confidence that comes with being successful and never experiencing being poor. Your ability to "make it up" to someone at a later time to enjoy the current moment.
Negatively, dreaming about a credit card represents feelings of carelessness or recklessness with resources or opportunities in order to keep them undisrupted. Overindulgence, living beyond your means, or accumulating debt with little thought to repayment. Overdoing experiencing undisrupted power or the ability to do whatever you want without permission or feeling restricted. A debt, obligation, or emotional deficit that you may be ignoring or downplaying. A lack of consideration for future consequences and a tendency to postpone dealing with issues, assuming that problems can always be solved later. It could also signify dependency on financial security and a fear of losing that security. Avoiding looking stupid in the short-term without thinking of long-term personal costs. Smooth function of your life as long as you do what someone else wants you to do, such as a woman keeping a richer husband happy. Short-term function, access, or pleasure that will have difficult long-term personal costs. Getting something you want without any idea of how to pay for them.
Alternatively, dreaming about credit cards may represent your feelings about money and the satisfaction, pleasure, and security it can bring. Uncertainty about money. Feelings about your ease of making money. Feelings about not needing to worry about money because you have a job or business you rely on to ensure you never do. People who lose jobs or businesses may dream of losing their credit cards. Confidence that you don't have to worry about needing money. A sense of financial security and the ease of making purchases without worrying about payment or debt.
To dream of credit card debt represents feelings of obligation, burden, or an imbalance in your life. A situation where you feel you have overextended yourself, made too many compromises, or given too much of yourself to others. Recklessly enjoying yourself while ignoring personal costs. A disregard for consequences and a lack of responsibility. Feeling trapped by seemingly insurmountable personal costs due to a need for acceptance or maintaining appearances. Positively dreaming of credit card debt represents responsibly carrying a burden to help someone else. Maintaining stability knowing it will have personal costs later. Accepting long-term personal costs for investing in yourself in the present. Anxiety about money problems or getting out of debt.
Alternatively, credit card debt may represent a sense of being overwhelmed by your financial responsibilities, or a fear of facing the consequences of overspending. It could suggest that you are feeling strained or burdened by the weight of your financial obligations and are uncertain about how to fulfill them. The dream may serve as a warning to reassess your spending habits, take control of your finances, or address any financial worries that have been causing you stress."
To dream of evil people with a credit card may reflect feelings about being unable to control short-term enjoyment with lingering personal costs. Spending addiction. Feeling unable to stop someone else from spending your money. Feeling trapped in debt and that you can't do anything about it. Feelings about enemies or competition that doesn't have to waste time because they have easier access to money or resources than you do. Feelings about your own inability to control yourself with resources or opportunities without considering the long-term consequences. Fear or anxiety about your own lack of self-control, especially in regards to finances or personal indulgences. The dream could be a reminder that you need to exert more self-control.
To dream of losing your credit card represents feeling unable to do what you want without restriction, or experiencing barriers to your current lifestyle. Feeling hampered by disruptions. Feelings about money or business problems holding you back. Feeling cut off from a successful life. Uncertainty about your financial future and stress about financial difficulties. Feeling unable to overlook a problem or difficult situation because they are is serious. Feeling unable to "make it up" to someone at a later time to enjoy the current moment. A fear of financial instability or losing the ability to easily navigate through life's challenges financially. A fear of debt, loss of financial security, or loss of autonomy. Positively, dreaming about losing your credit card may represent a conscious decision to limit your spending, reduce your debt, or simplify your lifestyle.
Example: A man dreamed of having to give up his credit card. In waking life, he was experiencing financial difficulties that necessitated more cautious spending. In this case, the credit card may have reflected his confidence in making uninterrupted purchases, with the assumption that his future income would always suffice to settle his debts. Surrendering the credit card signifies a real-life need to curb his spending and live within his means, as his future paychecks were insufficient to cover larger purchases.
Example 2: A woman dreamed of someone handing back her wallet, but keeping her credit card. In waking life, she was living in an unstable marriage and felt unable to overlook a fight with her husband because the fight was too serious. In this case, the credit card being kept from her may have reflected her feelings about losing her confidence in being able to do whatever she wanted without asking her husband due to the ongoing conflict with him.
To dream of a creek represents uncertainty or a negative situation that you are noticing, but don't feel any urgency with. Seeing your problem, but not feeling threatened by it. Issues you can take your time with.
To dream of something being creepy represents feelings about behavior or situations being unnervingly strange. Feeling "irked" by something. Fear or anxiety about something weird, suspicious, misunderstood, or odd. Fear of something you are not used to or have never experienced before. Fear of strange behavior you can't explain. Disliking seeing people who are normal or good suddenly changing with bad habits. Something in your life that "comes across as quite weird." Feeling scared that a situation could get very dangerous when it hasn't yet. Fear of the potential for violence, losses, dangerous neglect, or abandonment. Annoyance by jealousy of someone you've never met.
Alternatively, dreaming about something creepy could reflect feelings about qualities in yourself that are loathsome. Self-judgement about things that disgust you or make you think other people don't accept you. Feelings about other people lying about you in ways that are deemed pathetic.
To dream of people thinking you are creepy may represents feelings of not caring that other people think you are odd or strange. Issues with being accepted. Not caring that others think you are odd. Feeling totally misunderstood.
Example: A woman dreamed of a creepy invisible demon. In waking life he was worried about new unusual bad habits she witnessed her son having.
Example 2: A woman dreamed of being in a creepy prison. In waking life she was experiencing unnervingly strange behavior from her boss.
Example 3: A woman dreamed of running away from someone and then feeling creeped out by it. In waking life she left her boyfriend and found the idea of moving on with her life without her boyfriend unnervingly strange.
Example 4: A woman dreamed of seeing creepy wolf eyes looking at her. In waking life a lot was going wrong in her family life with drugs and abuse. She felt scared that her problems might grow out of control and leave her completely neglected and abandoned.
To dream of cremation of a dead body represents life situations where you wish to quickly erase any signs of failure or losses. Not wanting to allow failure or losses to drag out or linger unpleasantly.
Alternatively, cremation may reflect a wish to quickly and cleanly reduce the impact of a loss or failure. Not wanting a loss or failure to causes more problems than it has to.
To dream of crepes represents zero tolerance for unpleasantness as you begin anew. Wanting everything perfect or beautiful as you begin something. Feeling that no one else matters while you like yourself. Enjoying yourself having "your moment." Feeling good with no interruptions or distractions.
Example: A girl dreamed of her ex-boyfriend wanting crepes for breakfast. In waking life her ex left her with a child to have a sexual relationship with someone younger.
To dream of a crevice represents feelings about a small opportunity that is barely available to you, but possible. A small or narrow opportunity that is easily overlooked, but holds potential. Feelings about small opening or opportunity that requires taking a risk or effort to pursue. Feeling that a situation allows you to barely do something on your own or barely reach your goal by yourself. A small opening in a situation. A need to pay closer attention to small details or subtle clues in order to uncover and address the underlying issue. An opportunity or problem that you are reluctant to explore.
Positively, a crevice may reflect a dangerous situation that provides an excellent opportunity or excuse to address it. Feeling that a new problem or crises has created an opening for you. Feelings that something difficult is possible, but won't be easy. Learning to deal with difficult situations and are growing stronger as a result.
Negatively, a crevice may reflect feelings about a opportunity that is barely available, but dangerous to pursue. Feelings about a dangerous opportunity or risky goal that is best left alone. Awareness of yourself taking a risk to explore something or pursue a goal. Fear or anxiety about what lies ahead. A challenge or obstacle that you're afraid to confront. Feeling out of control about a possibility to lose. Unresolved issues or tensions. A fear of falling into a situation that feels uncontrollable, uncertain, or never-ending. Feelings of isolation, sadness, and fear and a strong need to escape.
To dream of something negative crawling or coming out of a crevice may represent problems that you've been trying to ignore.
To dream of an insect hiding in a crevice represents an irritation, annoyance, or challenge that is hard to pinpoint or eradicate. An annoyance that's elusive, difficult to handle, constantly slipping out of your grasp. This dream might be signaling that you need to pay closer attention to what is bothering you and find a way to handle it effectively.
To dream of hiding inside a crevice may represents limited protection as you retreat from the difficulties or challenges in waking life. Attempting to avoid confronting an issue, possibly due to fear or a feeling of being overwhelmed. The dreamer may feel threatened or vulnerable in their current situation. Seeking a temporary safe haven from problems or frustrations.
To dream of a crevice formed between 2 people in a dream may represent a small rift or distance that has formed in a relationship or communication.
Example: A man dreamed of pulling himself up out of a crevice. In waking life, he was experiencing unusual pain all day long, and when he ate something, his headache went away almost instantly. In this case, pulling himself up out of the crevice may have reflected his determination and effort to overcome this easily overlooked pain that nobody else understood and restore his well-being by forcing himself to eat when he didn't want to.
To dream of a baby's crib represents concerned feelings about nothing dangerous being allowed to happen to something new in your life. Perfectly nurturing, caring, or being protective of something. Sexual relations to keep a relationship happy. Carefully watching over others so they are ensured success or kept away from trouble until they are ready to succeed on their own. Feeling a need to secure a burgeoning situation so that nothing else can interfere with it.
Negatively, dreaming about a crib may reflect anxiety or insecurity about keeping a sensitive new development or relationship strong. Feeling that you can't fully trust someone for the long-term.
Example: A woman dreamed of keeping her baby in a crib. In waking life he felt the need to keep her husband happy with a good sex life after they had a child together.
Cricket Sport
To dream of playing cricket represents feelings of competing or struggling to avoid being embarrassed being wrong. Trying hard to main your integrity or professional appearance over the long term. Feeling that you need to defend your integrity or ideas from potentially embarrassing scrutiny. Feeling the need to consistently prove that you are a more respectable person than someone else. Feeling the need to consistently prove yourself as more dignified responsible winner in life. Feeling the need to defend your right to be a confident secure person.
Negatively, dreaming of playing cricket may reflect feelings of needing to defend your ability to brag about yourself as always being right. Scaring yourself that you will never get to relax at all. Alternatively, cricket in a dream may be a sign that you are sensitive about proving that you are not a loser in life to other people.
Dreaming of losing at cricket may reflect feelings of being unable to defend your integrity over the long-term. People with addiction problems may dream of losing a cricket match to reflect their feelings about themselves losing to their addictions over the long term.
To dream of watching a cricket match may be a sign that you are aware of yourself allowing other people to prove themselves more deserving of status or respect than you. Allowing co-workers or competition to get ahead of you with long term projects while you idly sit by. Allowing problems to consistently stop you from getting ahead. Long term plans to look good in business that never happen.
Example: A man dreamed of watching a cricket match on TV. In waking life he was consistently feeling that problems at work kept getting in his way of making serious progress at work. He felt he was aware of himself wasting his time trying to get ahead at work.
Example 2: A man dreamed of watching a cricket match. In waking life he was concerned that taking time off a very serious work project would embarrass him with not having worked hard enough.
Example 3: A man dreamed of playing a soccer match that turned into cricket match. The opposing cricket team was winning by over a 1000 points. In waking life he was battling a serious drug addiction and felt that he couldn't maintain his will power over the long term.
To dream of crickets represents a situation where you feel that nothing is happening or that's leading nowhere.
Example: A woman dreamed of hearing crickets. In real life she wasn't sure if a relationship she was in for 3 months was going anywhere.
Crime Scene Investigator
To dream of a crime scene investigator represents you or someone else that is trying to seize up how stupid or negative someone else's actions were. Knowing someone is guilty or did something wrong and trying to decide how bad it really is.
Example: A woman dreamed of being a crime scene investigator. In waking life she was trying to decide if her boyfriends behavior was bad enough to leave him.