To dream of a cherub represents feelings about some aspect of your life being perfectly innocent. Alternatively, cherub may reflect your feelings about some aspect of your life being perfect for your needs or perfectly helpful.
Negatively, a cherub may be a sign that you have naive, non-objective, misinformed beliefs about something you think is a perfect solution to your problems.
Consider the type of creature with the wings for additional symbolism.
Cheshire Cat From Disney
To dream of the Cheshire Cat from Alice in Wonderland represents feelings of uncertainty, mystery, and mischievousness about considering something intriguing when never believing in yourself enough to move on is the real problem. Unpredictable circumstances, situations that are hard to decipher, or people who are difficult to understand. A situation where you don't have to think of something at all if you don't want to as much as you are intrigued by the possibily of going through with it. A situation where you might be wasting your time respecting other people's feelings too much while being intrigued by a possibility that you can safely and legally move on from if you want to. When you're don't know what to do it's probably just best to believe in yourself moving on from a situaton just for safety. A family situation where everyone is irrational or impossible to understand so it's best to do whatever you want.
Negatively, the Cheshire Cat may represent feelings of confusion, frustration, or being led astray by someone or something. It could also signify that you are feeling deceived or manipulated by someone in your life who is not being honest or straightforward with you. Feeling that someone or something hasn't ruined you yet, while you safely consider it. Not knowing why you would want to think of something as safe when it never really wants you to think it is completely. Wasting time questioning why something might be safe when it wastes your time never proving that it is. Wasting your time believing that you have to think of something due to it's intrigue that might end up as a disaster.
Example: A man dreamed of the Cheshire Cat from Alice in Wonderland. In waking life, his father died while family members started to be jealous over property before a funeral could take place. He considered having a funeral, but eventually abandoned it because he felt jealous family would ruin it. He ignored people who were curious when the funeral would be and never had one. He wasted his time respecting the need for a funeral as important when it wasn't. In this case, the Cheshire Cat may have reflected his feelings of uncertainty, mystery, and mischievousness in navigating the family dynamics after his father's death. He was intrigued by the possibility of having a funeral but felt it might be a waste of time due to the jealousy among family members who might ruin the funeral. Like the scene of Alice In Wonderland, he has a moment of intrigue about the funeral before realizing he wasted his time not believing in himself from the beginning and abandoned the funeral plans.
To dream of playing chess represents carefully thinking through a situation before making a decision. Chess pieces reflect specific choices or situations that require careful thought.
To dream of losing at chess may represents meeting your match in love or in business. Failed strategies.
To dream of a male chest represents assertive or dominant power. You or someone else that's proving their powerful or showing power off. The size of the chest is indicative of how powerful you or some area of your life is.
A large sexually desirable male chest may represents how powerful or influential you feel. It may also reflect your difficulty resisting something powerful.
An Ugly or misshapen chest reflects the power of something you are experiencing that may not feel good. How strong an unpleasant aspect of your life is. Feeling yourself being powerful in a way that you don't like.
A flat chest symbolizes powerlessness. An area of your life that is ineffective or impotent. Feeling small in some way.
To have scars on a chest represents difficult events or life lessons that are hard to forget. Attaining power through great difficulties. Something unpleasant you had to endure to get where you are today. Difficult events or sacrifices made to gain power that are hard to forget.
To dream of a tattoo on a chest represents feelings about yourself or others being dangerous while showing off with power. It may also reflect your feelings about someone yo think is stupid to control their power or abuses power too much.
To dream of having a wound on your chest represents feelings about your ability to prove your powerful to others being negatively effected.
Dreams about your chest may also reflect medical problems with your breathing or lung disorders such as influenza, bronchitis, pneumonia, or severe colds.
Example: A young man dreamed of being shot in the chest by a gun he did not see. In waking life while asleep a friend's laptop was stolen and the friend attacked him for being be a terrible irresponsible person. He felt he couldn't prove his worthiness as a friend anymore.
Example 2: A man dreamed of seeing his chest with scars on it. In waking life he had just endured a traumatizing initiation experience into a secret club that he would never forget. He felt more powerful as a man for having gone through the ordeal, but he was bit bitter about it.
Example 3: A young boy dreamed of a man standing on his chest holding the whole world in his hands. In waking life the young boy was suffering from pneumonia and while sick felt that he had the "weight of the world" on his chest.
*Please See Breasts
To dream of a chevron military decoration represents awareness of superior experience or power. It may also reflect an awareness of pecking order.
To dream of a repeating chevron pattern represents situations where you can never reach your goals directly. Always feeling that things have to get worse before they get better or you always need to stand up for yourself before your get what you wanted. Never getting a direct response or easy solution.
To dream of chewing something represents assimilation of knowledge, ideas, feelings, or a type of experience. Consider what is being chewed for additional meaning.
Alternatively, chewing may represent how you are thinking an issue over or determining what to do.
*Please See Chewing Gum
*Please See Bubblegum
Chewing Gum
To dream of chewing gum represents feelings about enjoying repeatedly thinking or talking about something happening over and over until it the subject gets old, bores you, or loses interest. Enjoying repeatedly thinking about the same idea until it loses its novelty.
Negatively, dreaming about chewing gum may represent feelings about yourself or others overdoing repeatedly thinking or talking about something happening over and over until the subject gets old, bores you, or loses interest. Repeatedly thinking or talking about something happening without ever seriously doing anything about it. Repeatedly thinking of talking about something you don't have the confidence to carry out for real. Feelings about enemies enjoying thinking about spreading rumors about you until the novelty of attacking you wears off.
To dream of chewing gum being stuck in your hair may represent how terrible it feels to be forced to think about other people enjoying gossiping negatively about you. Difficulty getting a rumor off your mind.
Example: A young woman dreamed of seeing evil people chewing gum and laughing at her. In waking life, she was experiencing people who hated her enjoying themselves spreading a rumor about her. In this case, the chewing gum may have reflected her feelings about the people who hated her finding it enjoyable to repeatedly spread rumors about her until they were bored with it, reveling in their cruelty without the dreamer being able to ever get back at them for it.
Example 2: A woman dreamed of having chewing gum in her mouth that she wanted to take out and throw away. When she tried it stuck to her teeth and fingers making it difficult to remove. In waking life, she was a single mom whose ex-boyfriend recently broke up with her. She wanted to change her life for the better, including finding a new relationship. In this case, the chewing gum that gets stuck to her teeth and is difficult to remove may have reflected her feelings about no longer enjoying thinking about a new relationship happening in her life because she felt stuck with the reality of being a single mom.
*Please See Bubblegum
Chex Mix
To dream of Chex Mix represents feelings about an experience or choice where there's nothing unusual about talking about yourself to other people about why there's nothing unhealthy about why something "mixed up "you're doing may not be traditionally considered "normal."
Example: A young woman dreamed of eating a bag of Chex Mix with a woman she felt drawn to. She was aware of herself being allergic to Chex Mix, but in the dream it didn't seem to matter this time. In waking life, due to religion, she felt it was difficult to embrace being or discussing being bisexual. In this case, the Chex Mix may have reflected her growing comfort with openly discussing her bisexuality with family and friends as though nothing was strange about it despite the challenges with her family's religious beliefs about homosexuality not being normal.
To dream of Chicago represents social interaction with others that's safe about not wasting it's time doing something that isn't realistic or the right way. Thoughtful about not having to repeat itself about doing something that isn't the right way. Realistic is what people have to see amongst each other no matter what. Not willing to be guilty for choosing wasting time or being unrealistic. A social encounter that feels totally safe, but doesn't respect you if you don't look realistic. A reminder that being honest, straightforward, and realistic is essential in navigating difficult social situations and maintaining healthy relationships. Feeling about being realistic about affording paying for things.
Negatively, dreaming about Chicago may represent social interaction that overdoes being safe not wasting it's time doing something the right way. Anxiety about whether you are wasting your time being realistic doing something the right way or not. Safe straightforwardness that's ignorant about how mean it feels to other people telling someone else they aren't realistic. Behavior that is aware of itself safe telling someone the truth that doesn't even think of how mean it felt. Safety that doesn't even worry it just told you that you look stupid never being successful. Not willing to look desperate about wasting your time. Criminality that is desperate to avoid being laughed at looking like it wastes other people's time being unrealistic. Corruption that doesn't want to be laughed at for needing to stay looking realistic or not wasting time. Feeling that having to talk about yourself as realistic is more important than morality.
Chicago dreams appear to be common to people with employment issues or affording things.
Example: A man dreamed of trying to get to the Chicago airport. In waking life, he was giving himself a time limit to finish writing his book. In this case, the Chicago airport may have reflected his feelings about social interaction with others, such as publishers or readers, that he would face once his book was completed. These interactions would be focused on ensuring that his work was done in the right way and not wasting time on ineffective approaches. The dreamer may have been cautious about setting a safe realistic deadline for writing his book so he didn't waste any time.
Example 2: A young man dreamed of his cousin considering studying at a Chicago University and wanting the cousin to live with him if he did. In waking life, he was considering whether he wanted to pursue a masters degree, but wasn't sure if it was the right choice for him. In this case, the Chicago University may have reflected his feelings about the social interactions and expectations he would face if he pursued a master's degree. The dream may highlight his concerns about the realistic aspects of pursuing the degree, such as the time commitment and financial considerations, and whether it would be a worthwhile investment.
Example 3: A young man dreamed of walking into a room and deciding to eat Chicago-style pizza. In waking life, he was stressing out about a work project that required a lot of revising other people's work. When he told the people about the revisions they easily accepted it. In this case, the Chicago-style pizza may have reflected his his initial concerns about the realistic aspects of making these revisions, such as the time and effort required, but the ease with which his coworkers accepted the changes highlights the importance of being straightforward and realistic in his approach.
Example 4: A woman dreamed of her mother dying and that the funeral would be held in Chicago. In waking life, she felt guilty about not talking to her mother during Thanksgiving and not having enough money to buy her a christmas gift. In this case, Chicago may have reflected her concerns about not wasting time in mending her relationship with her mother because it wasn't realistic financially to buy her a gift yet.
To dream of a chickadee represents fragility. There may be something special or unique occurring in your life that requires careful attention.
Chicken (Food)
To dream of eating chicken represents a situation in your life that gives you confidence. You may be overcoming a fear or anxiety you had. Overcoming cowardice. Pride in yourself for having stood up to something that scares you.
To dream of fried chicken represents confidence gained in situations that you overcome by perfectly humiliating someone. Confidence that is regained easily. Laughing at problems or bullies after humiliating them. Feeling good being a confident jerk with ease. Standing up to a problem that leaves you feeling confident that the problem is noticeably impossible to become a problem again. Confidence in being able to eat whatever you want without gaining weight.
Negatively, fried chicken in a dream may reflect feelings about enemies or competition in your life gaining advantages over you with stunning ease. Awareness of yourself being confident while being excessively mean to people. Respecting yourself too much. Confidently resting on your laurels or passed accomplishments that may eventually cause a problem. Naively believing you deserve to be overconfident. Too much confidence in being rich being able to solve all your problems. Delusions or misguided beliefs about how easy something is.
To dream of raw chicken feelings of confidence about situations that are dangerous, careless, or unpleasant. Confidence about situations that don't need to look good. Overcoming a fear or bully in a reckless manner. Overcoming cowardice in an ugly or
pleasant manner.
To dream of enemies or evil people eating chicken in a dream may reflect jealousy of your enemies becoming more confident than you. Feelings about losing confidence in being able to overcome problems or challenges. Feeling that other people are becoming confident about never needing to respect you. Certainty in why you deserve to lose confidence. Fear of your enemies or competition becoming better than you.
Alternatively, dreaming of evil people in a dream eating chicken may reflect awareness of yourself becoming confident in a very dishonest, immoral, or arrogant manner. Awareness of yourself being enjoying being a jerk to someone. Confidence that you feel while being mean to people.
To dream of chicken wings represents feelings about enjoying confidence in a situation with a challenge being too easy. Enjoying confidence with something that is easier than you thought. Confidently having a good time.
To dream of hotwings or chicken wings with hotsauce represents feeling of enjoying confidence with a dangerous situation being too easy. Confidently having a good time getting away with something dangerous or risky.
Example: A young girl dreamed of sleeping on a giant piece of friend chicken and then falling off of it and breaking her legs. In waking life she was too confident in being able to eat whatever she wanted without gaining weight and then when she gained weight she didn't like having to go on a diet and exercise regularly.
Example 2: A teenage girl dreamed of seeing her grandfather making fried chicken. In waking life she had done very poorly on a school exam and felt that she had to study perfect from that point on so she could be perfectly confident about her future school performance. The fried chicken in this case may have reflected her confident beliefs about getting perfect grades if she pushed herself harder at school...something she may not have genuinely had the motivation to do.
Example 3: A man dreamed of eating chicken wings with hot sauce. In waking life he was running an illegal pornography business and never got caught. He felt felt good being confident making lots of money without worrying about how dangerously illegal what he was doing was. He was shocked at how easy it was to run his illegal business.
Chicken Coop
To dream of a chicken coop represents something you know you can always rely on or use whenever you want. A person or situation that always provides confidence when you are insecure.
Example: A woman dreamed of seeing chicken coops she didn't trust. In waking life she just had a baby and didn't feel comfortable calling anyone to babysit for here.
Chicken Nuggets
To dream of Chicken Nuggets represents feelings about an experience that's confident about safely not being in trouble for liking doing things for yourself.
Example: A young man dreamed of having 10 chicken nuggets. In waking life, he was studying for 2 exams. In this case, the chicken nuggets may have reflected his feelings about confidently preparing for his exams on his own without needing anyone else's help or distractions (such as picking up the phone).
Example 2: A man dreamed of wanting to shoot a chicken nugget man with a gun that the chicken nugget man gave him. In waking life, he was seeing a therapist. In this case, chicken nugget man may have reflected his feelings about seeing his therapist making him feel safe and confident about avoiding psychological or emotional trouble by getting professional advice. Wanting to shoot the chicken nugget man may have reflected his wish to fire his therapist after getting the advice.
Chicken Pox
To dream of chicken pox represents a problem you are experiencing that can only be solved with inaction or patience. You may be experiencing a negative situation where you have to "bite your tongue", sit it out, or impotently experience a problem from beginning to end without being able to act against it lest you aggravate it. Chicken pox may be a sign that you need to put priorities first or that enjoyment needs to be placed on hold for more serious matters.
Alternatively, chicken pox may reflect a serious problem you believe only has to be confronted once.
Chicken Salad
To dream of chicken salad represents feelings about an experience that's comfortable about deserving to easily help yourself to doing something confident as much as you want without anything getting back at you. Easily feeling confident as much as you want to because someone wants you to.
Chicken Sandwich
To dream of a chicken sandwich represents feelings about an experience or choice of confidently getting through a difficult situation without thinking it's serious.
To dream of a breaded chicken sandwich (e.g. McChicken) represents feelings about an experience or choice that likes you being confident about not making any mistakes without having to explain yourself to anyone.
Chicken Souvlaki
To dream of chicken souvlaki represents feelings about an experience of confidence that you are already supported with perfect listening while keeping a situation easily under control.
*Please See Shish Kabob
To dream of a chicken represents insecurity, cowardice, or a lack of confidence. There is something that makes you insecure or unsure of yourself. You may also have a lack of willpower. Situations in waking life where you are aware of yourself being easily frightened away from something.
Chickens in a dream may be a sign that you are aware of your own fear of standing up for yourself. A fear of confronting your problems. Choosing to run away or allow others to easily scare you. Allowing yourself to believe that you don't matter as much as other people. Allowing people to get away with intimidating you with ignorance or total arrogance. You may benefit from speaking up or trying to gather friends to take a stand with you.
Positively, dreaming chickens may reflect your ability to intelligently attack your enemies without ever having to confront them directly in person. An intelligent fear of people who may be too dangerous or arrogant to bother taking risks with.
To dream of chicks or baby chickens represents feelings about childish insecurity. Childish shyness or fear. Helplessness to stand up for yourself. The possibility for a problem to make you look like a coward at a later time if you don't address it immediately.
Negatively, baby chicks in a dream may reflect problems with standing up for yourself that are creating additional situations for you to fear or shy away from. Accepting fear as something you will never stand up to. Alternatively, it may reflect situations where you are overbearing with control over a younger or less experienced person than you. Controlling parenting that doesn't allow children to build confidence.
Example: A man dreamed of a coin with a chicken on it. In waking life he discovered an incredible idea about how to totally embarrass dangerous criminal people who humiliated him and to do it without them ever knowing that he was behind it. He feared any confrontation with these people directly because one of them was previously charged with attempted murder.
Example 2: A woman dreamed of seeing her brother get into a car accident, have his head severed, and then see his head turn into a chicken head. In waking life the woman was fearing getting a coronary bypass operation. She believed that it was her bad habits that caused this health problem while she also fearing the necessary operation.
Example 3: A woman dreamed of being called a chicken. In waking life she was experiencing nausea from her pregnancy and didn't want to leave work yet. Her husband told her that he could easily afford to financially support her and that the only reason she doesn't leave work is because she was too scared to.
To dream of chickpeas represents situations in waking life that feel good noticing a change occurring. Boredom driving you to do something else or an interest in trying something new.
To dream of baby birds may reflect feelings about new confidence in overcoming problems or overcoming unwanted control in your life. New ideas that encourage you to stand up for yourself. Confidence developing that encourages you to stop listening to people who want to control you or stop you.
Negatively, baby birds in a dream may reflect feelings of jealousy that someone else is starting to overcome challenges that you don't want them to overcome. Enemies getting new ideas or starting to free themselves from restraints.
Consider the type of bird for additional meaning.
*Please See Chickens
To dream of a chief represents feelings about leadership, authority, decision-making power, and the importance of being respected and looked up to first. Respect for or the challenges with authority figures, or your own role as a leader or decision-maker. Feelings about authority that must be looked up to with a sense of being in trouble if you don't. Feelings about authority figures or decision-makers in your life. Feelings about authority, leadership, and importance over a small group of people with a role. Feelings about mistakes not being allowed while you are the authority of something in order to continue being respected.
Positively, dreaming about a chief may represent confidence in your leadership abilities or admiration for someone who effectively guides and protects others. It may reflect a period in your life where you feel in control, respected, and capable of making important decisions. This could also represent a desire to be a leader or to take on more responsibility in some aspect of your life.
Negatively, dreaming about a chief may represent feelings about not being respected for leadership, authority, or decision-making power. Feelings about needing to be respected with authority, leadership, and importance in a role that has limits. Incompetence or dangerous leadership that made you feel it's important to respect it or look up to it. Feeling pressured by the expectations of others or struggling with the demands of a leadership position. Feelings of being overwhelmed by responsibility or by an authoritative figure in your life. A betrayal of trust in authority or leadership. Issues with authority figures in your life or a desire to challenge the status quo.
Example: A man dreamed of being questioned about what he was doing with his role as a "security chief" because he had said he was chief was his job. In waking life, he was an unemployed transsexual who didn't like being questioned by his father about making his own decisions. In this case, the role of "security chief" may have reflected his feelings of needing to assert his own authority and decision-making power in his personal life. The questioning about his role as a 'security chief' may have symbolized the challenge he felt in justifying his choices and maintaining his sense of control and independence in the face of his father's questioning or doubts.
To dream of a chihuahua represents emotional protection that isn't crazy while enjoying feeling good about itself. Emotional protection that feels good deserving to safely like itself the way it is. Enjoying independence as a good person or good girl. Emotional protection that notices nothing is wrong with being small while looking around to enjoy doing something else. Feeling good being a nice person all the time when other people might not be. Nothing scares you that you are liking yourself the way you are. An protective attitude that feels it's not your job to do anything except like yourself the way you are. Emotional protection that feels that its responsibility is to do nothing except like itself the way it is. Protectiveness of being adorable. Defensiveness of children's behavior.
Negatively, dreaming about a chihuahua represents emotional protection that is excessive concerned with feeling good about itself while little. Enjoying thinking of enjoying doing something different in your life while feeling too small to do anything powerful. Emotional protection that confidently gets away with dishonesty by claiming the behavior is just adorable and walking away. Emotional protection that feels good liking itself the way it is while rich or spoiled. Behavior that may like itself the way it is without concern for serious responsibility. Emotional protection that feels good being a good person never having to listen to anyone else ever. Enjoying independence as a good person or good girl that may always be at risk of others bad influences.
Example: A woman dreamed of seeing a dirty man holding a chihuahua. In waking life she was frustrated with her roommate on an issue regarding her children. She felt that sometimes her roommate was not in agreement about issues related to her children.
Example 2: A teenage girl dreamed of picking up her Chihuahua, enduring police attacking a criminal, and then trying to protect her dog. In waking life she was very disappointed with her life and resented her boyfriend for not going to school or having a job for 10 months. In this case the Chihuahua may have represented her wish to emotionally protect herself thinking of safely enjoying doing something different in life without her boyfriend as though it wasn't a problem. The final dream scene with the criminal and trying to protect her dog may have reflected her feelings about trying to protect her independent choices from the bad influence of her boyfriend.
*Please See Dogs
*Please See Birth
To dream of experiencing your childhood may reflect feelings about being inexperienced with new situations. Enthusiasm for new opportunities or changes that you have never experienced before. Innocence.
Negatively, dreaming of your childhood may reflect feelings of being treated little, patronized, or overlooked. Feeling that people are arrogantly not respecting you. Feeling weak, powerless, or helpless to take care of yourself. Allowing enjoyable situations to become distractions. Too much dependence on others taking care of you or your problems. Anxiety about having your inexperience exposed to others. Risky behavior when you are inexperienced. Anxiety about losing at something new that is happening. Anxiety about people laughing at you. Jealousy that you aren't getting support from others.
To dream of a childhood home may reflect feelings about your outlook on a situation based on your most honest feelings or memories about the home. Ask yourself how you felt living in the childhood home and how those feelings may apply to your current life situation.
Negatively, dreaming about a childhood home may reflect situations where you feel overwhelmed with your inability to take care of yourself. Powerful illness that is making caring for yourself difficult. Feeling that nobody will listen to you.
Alternatively, dreaming of scenes from your childhood may reflect issues with unpleasant memories about your past.
Example: A young man dreamed of seeing a picture of his family home when from when he was little. In waking life he was undergoing therapy and beginning to realize how empty and unloving his family life was when he was younger and how influential it was on his adult behavior in the current time.
Example 2: A woman dreamed of her childhood home. In waking life she was very ill and felt helpless to take care of herself.
Example 3: A woman dreamed of moving into their childhood home. In waking life she felt that no matter how hard she tried she couldn't get any support from anyone.
Example 4: A woman dreamed of seeing children being raped. In waking life she felt hopeless about the future potential for the world.
*Please See Children
To see your real life children in a dream represents ideas, habits, or developments that have potential. An area of your life that you are encouraging or feel supportive of. Situations or aspects of your life that you want to see powerful or flourish. It may also reflect an aspect of yourself based on the one thing that stands out the most about that child.
If you have more than one child in real life then each child will represent a different aspect of your life based on your most honest feelings about then or their most prominent personality traits.
To dream of children that aren't your children in waking life may reflect developing aspects of your life. Situations in life that are brand new or that you have renewed enthusiasm for. Creativity or "young minded" ideas.
Negatively, dreaming of children may reflect feelings about yourself or others being helpless. Powerlessness to overcome big challenges. Inexperience that prevents you from facing difficulties because problems are too big. Alternatively, from a negative perspective children may reflect problems that are out of control. New developments that are becoming frustrating. Feeling like an innocent victim. Vulnerability.
To dream of losing a child represents feelings of being overloaded or stretched beyond your limits. Juggling too much at once or "dropping the ball" with something because you are too involved with something else. Getting so caught up in minor details that you forget what's most important.
To dream of a child dying represents a loss or unpleasant change to some area of your life that had potential. Positively, a child death may reflect a growing problem that has finally been dealt with.
If you dream of children that you don't recognize it represents new ideas, or situations that are being encouraged. Something not thought of before. Negatively, it may reflect burdens, responsibilities, or problems that have to be looked after.
Evil children symbolize negative or corrupted aspects of your personality that are being encouraged. It may also point to a bad situation or problem that feels like it's getting out of control or scares you. Evil children may also reflect childish beliefs or habits that are getting out of hand. Frustrations with someone else's immaturity or misbehaving. Alternatively, children may reflect aspects of your personality that are playful, young at heart, or childish in intention. You don't want to be involved with anything too serious.
Example: A woman dreamed of a child driving her car. In waking life she felt that she had allowed her selfishness and childishness to control her decision-making.
Example 2: A man dreamed of trying to protect 2 children. In waking life he was trying to protect his 2 growing businesses from being overrun and controlled by his jealous abusive father.
Example 3: A woman dreamed of seeing children. In waking life she was working on a project for her job that she felt required a lot of creativity and youthful ideas.
*Please See Son
*Please See Daughter
*Please See Quadruplets
To dream of chili con carne represents feelings about being reckless about why something needs to be enjoyed. Recklessness with why everyone needs to enjoy something. Safely enjoying something dangerous. Never nervous about enjoying something a little bit reckless or dangerous. Enjoying not needing to be vague about being reckless. Acceptable recklessness, risk, or danger. Nothing special about why nothing need to stops you.
Example: A woman dreamed of stirring chili waiting to serve it to other people. In waking life she was preparing for her birthday party while unemployed.
*Please See Cold
To dream of a chimney represents feeling good or enjoying yourself without having to notice problems. A situation where all that you don't like is easily dealt with. Pleasure, entertainment, or enjoying one's self "without a hitch." Not bothering yourself with the hassles of maintenance or upkeep. Comfort knowing that what you like is always working.
A chimney may also reflect enjoying power that is unchallenged or never embarrassed. Never caring about what you don't like at all.
Alternatively, a chimney may reflect you or someone else being viewed by others as comfortable with power. The projection of your dignity and status to others.
Negatively, a chimney may reflect enemies you feel "have it all" or feel good knowing they can't be stopped.
To dream of a blocked chimney represents delays or problems that keep ruining your ability to enjoy yourself. You can't sit back and relax. The inability to effortlessly notice yourself with respect, power, or dignity.
To dream of a chimpanzee represents behavior that is intentionally embarrassing other people that they are not important. It may also reflect people that are purposely undermining your relevance or authority. Purposely noticing every single other thing besides what someone really wants. You or someone else that enjoys rejecting others. Spitefully withholding.
To dream of China represents feelings about being immersed in a challenging or surprising situation with a mindset that is conservative about safety that doesn't overlook a mistake. Feelings of being surrounded by people or situations that are conservatively safe about prioritizing working hard, never risking a single thing, saving, biding time, or are strong about not needing fun or leisure. Learning with lots of hard work, studying, and discipline.
Positively, China may represent feelings about being immersed in a challenging or surprising situation with a mindset that is conservative about honesty that safely doesn't overlook a mistake. Feeling good being surrounded by people that want to work as hard as you do.
Negatively, China may represent feelings about encountering people or situations that lack your desire or enthusiasm. Feeling that you have to work all the time and that nobody wants to have a good time. Feeling that working hard is all you'll ever get to do for the rest of your life. Encountering dishonesty or criminality that is safer than you like about conservatively never overlooking a mistake to avoid getting caught. Experiencing people or situations that don't believe that fun and leisure are a priority. Experiencing people or situations that are so unbiased or risk-averse that it feels unbearable.
Example: A young woman dreamed of being in China. In waking life, she was "on the fence" about whether or not she wanted to keep her Boyfriend. In this case, being in China may have reflected her feelings about constantly being immersed in social situations with her boyfriend that didn't feel good, lacked excitement, and felt like hard work pretending she still liked him while still being undecided about whether she wanted to break up with him.
Example 2: A man had recurring dreams for years of missing flights to go to China. In waking life, he felt he was putting off his education to become a doctor. In this case, China may have reflected his feelings about medical school because very focused on hard work, studying, and discipline without a lot of fun. He may have felt immersed in a mindset and lifestyle that was surrounded by conservative people who respected themselves being more serious about school than he was.
*Please See Chinese People
Chinese Food
To dream of Chinese food represents situations in your life that make you feel good being unbiased, unconcerned, or liking not needing excitement. An experience that feels good that nothing is more important than what you are presently doing. A experience that isn't fantastic as the reason you like it all the time. Enjoying taking your time all the time. An experience that is interesting because you aren't worrying about anything. Liking not being worried or concerned with anything being more important than it needs to be. Enjoying letting go or not having to worry about anything. Enjoying that a problem isn't your concern. Surprised to know that something you thought was important isn't at all. An experience where happiness is about not needing excitement. An experience that isn't important all the time is the reason you should like it.
To dream of Chinese food takeout or fast food represents the quality of an experience that make you feel good being unbiased, unconcerned, or liking not needing excitement that someone did for you and not having to talk to them about it.
Example: A man dreamed of smelling Chinese takeout. In waking life he was terminally ill and knew death was close at hand. He died shortly the next day. The Chinese takeout reflected his feelings about the hospital having deaths regularly while the certainty of death made him feel good not worrying and feeling it was unimportant since he had suffered too much already. He may have liked his life ending without having to think about scaring him. Alternatively, the Chinese food he smelled may have reflected his feelings about enjoying not having to think that his funeral plans or worldly possessions were important while he prepared to die because other people were taking care of it.
Chinese People
To dream of Chinese people represents aspects of your personality with a mindset that respects itself being conservative about safety that doesn't overlook a mistake. Withholding needing to feel good to achieve goals. Intelligence about avoiding risky behavior in order to stay safe or achieve goals. Prioritizing working hard, never risking a single thing, saving, biding time, patience, or being strong about not needing fun or leisure. Learning with lots of hard work, studying, and discipline. Decision-making that is not easily swayed by emotions. A conservative focus on achieving goals. Situations or people in your life that are not very exciting or enjoyable because they are more focused on hard work and discipline than you'd like. Being uninterested or unbiased because patience is more intelligent. Low-risk decisions over the long term that make your life or a situation work.
Positively, dreaming about Chinese people represents behavior that respects itself with being conservative about honesty that never overlooks a mistake when other when other people might not. Wiser thinking in patience, discipline, hard work, or being risk averse. Long-term strategies that are more intelligent about foregoing the need to temporarily feel good. Carefulness that is intelligent about why other people aren't careful. A willingness to take the hard long road to achieve your goals. Boring behavior that saves your life. Long-term thinking that outsmarts enemies without being figured out. Intelligence in not having to do anything. Strength from resisting desire, pleasure, or temptation.
Negatively, dreaming about Chinese people represents feelings about excessive safety, risk-averse behavior, boredom, a prolonged disregard for feelings, or patience. Behavior that scares you that feeling good has to stop. Behavior that doesn't believe in anything except being safe. An area of your life where working, discipline, or avoiding fun is all you get to do. Overdoing needing to never make mistakes that feels mean. Meanness about being older as the sole reason new ideas aren't listened to. Safety with conformity or status quo. Arrogance about being wiser than someone else. Not enough risk-taking or creativity in a particular life situation that stalls progress. Good advice that may not feel good to other people because it's too conservative about avoiding feeling good or choosing to be patient. Behavior that survives by not having fun being the best. Never being allowed to forget a mistake. Arrogance that thinks it's better than other people at never making a mistake. A complete sacrifice of happiness for the emptiness of safety in hard work, solitude, moral beliefs, or high standards. Behavior that doesn't think innovation is fun.
To dream of physically attractive Chinese people represents feelings about preferring situations that are conservative about safety or honesty that doesn't overlook a mistake. Feeling supported by conservative honesty or safety. Finding risk-averse behavior appealing. Enjoying focus on discipline, patience, hard work, and critical thinking, as well as a low-risk approach to life. Enjoying the idea of a long-term plan or never needing immediate gratification. Feeling good that it's faster or better to be conservative. Conservative behavior that easily respects itself more than other options.
To dream of evil or criminal Chinese people may represent feelings about conservatively safe behavior that is perceived as unfair, dishonest, arrogant, excessively rigid, or mean-spirited. Behaviors or situations that prioritize excessive caution, discipline, hard work, avoiding feeling good, or long-term planning in ways that feel oppressive or morally questionable. Individuals or systems that use their patience, discipline, or strictness to control or undermine others. People or situations are overly focused on their own safety, control, or avoiding mistakes to the point of overlooking your emotional well-being, innovation, or flexibility. Feeling frustrated or harmed by a rigid, conservative, or overly cautious mindset that disregards your feelings, creativity, or freedom. A belief that conservative thinking or an unwillingness to take risks is being used for unethical or manipulative purposes. Your view of a person or situation that is scary because of its uncaring or unbiased nature. A situation or person in your life that you view as dangerous or threatening about exploiting you by being perfectly safe. A person with so much integrity that's mean to you about telling you that you are unimportant.
Example: A man dreamed of trying to explain to Chinese people about why a mistake was made. In waking life, he made a work-related mistake and wanted to fix the mistake, but someone at work told him that it was too late. In this case, the Chinese people may have reflected his feelings about interacting with serious conservative business people who were more conservative than he liked about about avoiding business risk while not forgiving his mistake.
Example 2: A married woman dreamed of being single and having the option to date 2 men. One of the men was an attractive Chinese man, which she preferred more. In waking life, she was experiencing an unstable marriage and wanted to leave her husband due to his PSTD and alcoholism. In this case, the attractive Chinese man as her first preference may have reflected her preference for dating a man who was more conservative about safety about keeping sober.
To see a chipmunk in your dream represents disappointment in being unable to have your way. A chipmunk may point to a total lack of interest in something if you can't have your way. There may be something desirable that you have a problem letting go of.
Example: A man once dreamed of a chipmunk on his wall. In real life an attractive woman he liked was leaving his workplace. The chipmunk reflected his enthusiasm about being with this woman and the total lack of interest in going to work if she wasn't going to be there anymore.
To dream of a chiropractor represents sympathy, insight, confidence, or resources that are being given to you to help you carry a burden. Someone in your life that makes your burdens feel less painful or gives your strength to continue on.
Alternatively, a chiropractor may reflect a person or situation that forces you stand up to your problems or do what is right. You may have a problem "caving in" or being "spineless" in the face of opposition.
To dream of a chisel represents the removal of all unwanted things until a situation is perfect. Slowly wearing away what you don't want until something suits your needs.
Example: A man dreamed of his girlfriend hacking his face with a chisel. In waking life he felt that his girlfriend was trying to slowly change his personality by making him stop doing things he liked.
To dream of chives represents feelings about situations where it's beneficial to reduce how serious you are. Benefits gained through a laid back attitude or letting go of pressure. Feelings about a situation working better if you are not serious or overly involved. Reducing work or letting something be as it naturally. Benefits gained by intentionally not trying too hard at something. Feeling that you are already successful enough and don't need to push it harder. Not wanting to think of something mattering too much. Feeling that it's better to avoid drawing attention to someone else's problems. Moderation that feels beneficial. A willingness to accept a small amount of something.
Negatively, chives may reflect a moderate or casual attitude about something that is actually serious. Preferring to not take something dangerous in a serious manner.
To dream of chloroform represents feelings about attempts being made to get someone else to completely stop thinking something immediately. Distracting or overwhelming others with too much of something in order to make them passive. Attempting to make someone passive or stop doing something as quickly as you can. Intentionally blocking or stopping someone against their wishes.
Negatively, dreaming about chloroform may reflect manipulative attempts to ignore people's feelings or avoid doing what you are told. Intentionally distracting people or interfering with their goals. A jealous need to put an end to something you don't like immediately. A quick or desperate attempt to silence someone. Feeling that people are overloading you with other problems to intentionally stop you from your current goals. A fear of distractions allowing important opportunities to pass you by.
Example: A woman dreamed of dissecting a frog and then having a hand come out from behind her and knock her out with chloroform. In waking life she felt that her husband was being unsupportive of her during pregnancy by distracting her with responsibilities in order to get her stop nagging him to do something.
To dream of chocolate represents feelings about self-reward, treating yourself, embracing pleasure, or enjoying taking time off from working hard. This can be anything you do to enjoy yourself from taking a vacation to romantic thoughts in private.
Negatively, dreaming about chocolate may represent feelings about it being inappropriate to self-reward, treat yourself, embrace pleasure, or enjoy taking time off from working hard. Feeling irresponsible about enjoying pleasure.
To dream of white chocolate represents feelings about self-reward, treating yourself, embracing pleasure, or enjoying taking time off from working hard in a manner that thinks about itself as being different than what your used to while deserving to never think anything is wrong with it.
Example: A man dreamed of ordering slices of chocolate cake. In waking life, he was planning a vacation for himself.
*Please See Chocolate Cake
*Please See Chocolate Bars
Chocolate Bars
To dream of a chocolate bar represents casual self-reward. A casual mindset about treating yourself. Not minding taking time off work, a light enjoyable escape, enjoying yourself for a short moment. Treating yourself to something that only temporarily satisfies you. Casually treating yourself to something while believing that other people don't mind it.
Negatively, dreaming about a chocolate bar may be a sign that you are not listening to why taking a break or treating yourself might be a problem. A small simple pleasure that may get you off track. Embarrassing yourself that enjoying casually treating yourself wasn't a problem. Commonly a symbol to reflect masturbation in waking life.
Consider the feeling or personality that each brand of chocolate bar gives off for additional meaning.
*Please See Kit Kat Chocolate Bar
*Please See Mars Chocolate Bar
*Please See Twix Chocolate Bar
Chocolate Cake
To dream of chocolate cake represents a self reward and treating yourself during a special event in your life. Something that might appear when you take a vacation or do something nice for yourself.
Example: A man dreamed of being served chocolate cake. In waking life he was planning a vacation for himself.
Chocolate Chips
To dream of chocolate chips in food represents feelings about enjoying treating yourself because sharing is allowed when normally people might not want to.
Example: A woman dreamed of eating a dessert mousse with chocolate chips in it. In waking life, she was living with friends while having trouble contributing to expenses. In this case, the chocolate chips may have reflected her feelings about her friends being comfortable allowing her to enjoy little indulgences or comforts while living with them because sharing wasn't a problem for them.
Chocolate Easter Bunny
To dream of a chocolate easter bunny represents feelings about treating yourself to never letting anything make you timid about anything that's happening on a special occasion where new beginnings are important to experience without emptiness. Enjoying not being afraid of trying new things because someone liked making it's easy for you.
Chocolate Milk
To dream of chocolate milk represents a high degree of enjoyment of life. Enjoying being strong. Loving to fix a problem that you couldn't fix before or liking getting back at someone who used to be better than you.
Alternatively, chocolate milk may reflect how wonderful it feels to notice yourself being a winner or that people care about you.
Chocolate Raisins
To dream of Chocolate Raisins (glosettes) represents feelings treating yourself to liking being safe about what you're doing not being boring while not wasting any time talking to anyone about it being impressive because they'll ruin it if you do.
*Please See Decisions
To dream of a choir represents social harmony and balance. Agreement amongst people. Your ability to work and cooperate with others.
To dream of singing out of tune in a choir may reflect feelings of not fitting into a group situation.
To dream of seeing or wearing a choker represents feelings about some area of your being devoted to someone else's requests all the time.
Negatively, a choker may be a sign that you are too comfortable doing whatever someone else tells you. It may also reflect your perception of someone else that you feel is manipulated.
To dream of being choked represents emotional suffocation. Feeling unable to express yourself at all or make your own decisions.
To dream of choking someone else represents your disinterest or hostility to someone else expressing themselves. It may also be a sign that you don't want someone else's ideas considered at all. Positively, it may reflect your attempt to cut of negative thinking patterns that stifling progress.
To dream of choking on food may reflect new ideas or situations you feel are causing more problems that you first believed. You may be having difficulty accepting someone else's ideas.
Example: A woman dreamed of being choked while laying in bed. In waking life she was very unhappy with her husband whom she felt was totally controlling her life.
To dream of chopping something represents problems being cut down to size or "cut off." Making a problem more manageable or simpler to deal with.
Negatively, chopping in a dream may reflect a ruthless act towards another person. Cutting someone or something out of your life. Bitter opposition. Rejecting a person or situation.
Consider what is being chopped for additional meaning.
To dream of chopping food represents preparation to make a situation easier for yourself to experience. Making big responsibilities simpler to deal with.
To dream of chopping off a body part may reflect feelings about being unable to do something ever again. Permanently severing ties. Feeling limited. Huge mistakes or decisions with severe consequences. You or someone else in your life that is forcing an unpleasant change to occur. The end to friendships, family ties, or business connections.
To dream of chopping a tree down represents feelings about intentionally trying to put an end to some area of your life that is established. Perhaps you are working hard to end a problem that has gone on for far too long. Negatively, it may reflect feelings of intense jealousy as you work to bring down someone else's established power. Trying to breakup with someone or end a long-term relationship.
Example: A woman dreamed of chopping down a tree. In waking life she has been thinking about a past relationship that was painful and hard to end.
Example 2: A woman dreamed of chopping up a body. In waking life she felt she had to be ruthless to a boyfriend in order to breakup with him.
Example 3: A woman dreamed of chopping a tree down. In waking life she felt the need to cut her mother out of her life for good.
To dream of chopsticks represents the choice to do something the hard way. Making a situation or experience more difficult on purpose. Choosing to avoid being lazy or refraining from shortcuts. Alternatively, chopsticks may reflect a need to be perfectly careful in order to achieve a specific goal.
Negatively, chopsticks may reflect feelings of agony for having to do something the long hard way. Feeling forced to do things the hard way or feeling deprived of something that makes your life a task easier.
To dream of a choreographer represents you or someone else that is very concerned about perfectly following instructions to achieve congruency that feels good. A desire for perfect adherence to rules or a plan of action that impresses or pleases others. Preparation for a high pressure situation has to feel good knowing you did everything right. A need for conformity that pleases the spirit of the rules and doesn't just follow the rules.
Negatively, a choreographer may reflect a frustrating need to practice or repeat yourself until your perfect. It may also be a sign that you are expecting too much from someone else. Believing that if someone doesn't follow your instructions perfectly that nothing will ever feel good at all. Putting too much pressure on yourself to follow certain rules in order to please others. Being too prepared for an event.
Example: A woman dreamed of being unaware of choreography of a dance before she was about to go on stage. In waking life she was uncertain about her proper role in a new work position.
*Please See Housework
*Please See Jesus Christ
*Please See Baptism
Christian Bale
To dream of Christian Bale represents an aspect of your personality that's more incredible than other people (or gets more attention) for safely never deserving to be called stupid for saying whatever you have to say while being believable about getting away with transforming yourself for other people. Safely getting away with transforming yourself whenever you have to. Complete commitment and dramatic transformations for roles.
Positively, dreaming about Christian Bale may represent motivation, dedication, and the ability to adapt or change as needed in a situation where you are getting a lot of attention from other people.
Negatively, dreaming about Christian Bale may represent motivation, dedication, and the ability to adapt or change as needed that's dishonest about faking something to other people.
Example: Singer Billy Eilish dreamed of sitting at a cafe with Christian Bale with the sun shining. In waking life, she decided it was important to break up with her boyfriend. In this case, Christian Bale may have reflected her feelings about safely deserving to talk to her boyfriend about breaking up while they remain friends without any fight aired in public that would make her look stupid while being believable about needing to transform herself to do other things with her career. The dream may also indicate that she was lying (actor symbolism) to her boyfriend about the reason for breaking up or simply very concerned about her famous appearances while breaking up (famous person symbolism).
Christian People
To dream of Christians represents aspects of your personality with a mindset that respects itself persistent about seeing itself as safely moral so that nobody else thinks otherwise. A struggle to resist temptation and uphold values, beliefs, and principles, even in the face of difficult challenges or societal pressures. You may feel that the onus is on you to keep up faith or moral behavior to avoid losing God's approval. You may also have a self-awareness of your commitment to doing nothing wrong or being noticed doing nothing wrong. Dreaming of Christian people may also represent a belief in the value of doing good or being kind to others. It could symbolize the importance of living by a certain set of values or principles that you hold dear. A need for guidance or a desire for a stronger sense of purpose or faith. Additionally, it may represent a need for forgiveness, redemption, or salvation.
Negatively, Christians in dreams may represent a mindset that is overdoing moral appearances for what other people think. Overdoing suffering because you believe it will make God forgive you. It could also represent a fear of being judged or criticized for your beliefs or actions. Feeling uptight about doing anything immoral. An arrogant attitude about thinking your never wrong about what morality is. It may also be a sign that you are having problems forgiving yourself. A sense of conformity or pressure to adhere to societal or religious an inner desire or fear, or a call to serve God. A sense of guilt, judgment, or hypocrisy. It could symbolize feelings of unworthiness or shame for not living up to your own or others' expectations. Jealousy of why God doesn't help you or protect you when you were faithful.
Christian people in dreams commonly appear when a person questions about whether faith is too little or too excessive.
Example: A man dreamed of seeing a Christian protesting against sexual lust. In waking life, he was trying to give up on masturbation. In this case, the Christian person may have reflected the man's inner moral compass or sense of guilt regarding his sexual desires, as well as his efforts to resist and overcome them. The Christian protesting against sexual lust may represent the man's own internal struggle to resist temptation and uphold his values, beliefs, and principles, even in the face of difficult challenges or societal pressures. It may also suggest a need for self-discipline, self-control, and restraint in his behavior and actions.
Example 2: A young woman dreamed of seeing a very religious woman and a man trying to impress her. The man says something sarcastic and woman says "Excuse me?" The man responds "No offense, it's just a good Christian song." In waking life, the woman was proposed to 2 days after this dream. In this case, the claim that a song was just a good Christian song may have reflected the dreamer feeling uncertain about the sincerity of her partner's religious beliefs and commitment to morality, particularly in the context of pressuring premarital sexual activities after he proposed to her.
Example 3: A person dreamed that the rapture happened and was not sure why they were left behind because there were confident that they were a good Christian. In waking life, the dreamer was frustrated by her complaining mother where upset them a lot. In this case, the dreamer feeling that they were a good Christian may have reflected the dreamer's belief that they were doing everything right and morally sound in life, yet they were unable to understand why they were being subjected to a stagnant life that felt behind looking after their mother. The dreamer may have been questioning the fairness of the situation and may have been struggling with feelings of self-doubt and confusion about their own morality and spirituality.
Example 4: A man dreamed of a Christian minister asking him if he knew Jesus. His response was yes, but that his faith was weak due to the despair of not getting a promotion at work. The Christian minister said that the man was being looked after from people in heaven. In waking life, he was upset that he wasn't being offered a higher job position. In this case, the Christian minister may hay have reflected the man's inner voice and sense of professionalism about his faith, urging the dreamer to strengthen his faith and rely on his beliefs to help him cope with his disappointment.
Example 5: A woman dreamed of saying "why can't you forgive me?" to a person she felt was a strong Christian. In waking life, she had regret for things she had said and done and wished she hadn't. In this case, the belief in the person being a strong Christian whom she wanted forgiveness from may have reflected her feelings about never being forgiven by someone who does everything right in life with a strong sense of faith.
Example 6: A woman dreamed of seeing a Goth woman and a Christian woman. In waking life, she had a recovered from a drug problem that got her kicked out of school and she wanted to return to school again. In this case, the contrast between the Goth woman and the Christian woman may have reflected the dreamer's inner conflict between her old lifestyle associated with drug addiction and a desire to change her life and become a better person.
To dream of Christmas represents feelings about a situation where everything feels good caring about you without needing to stop. A situation that is intentionally being kept wonderful without noticing problems. Quality social gatherings that make people feel they deserve to make an effort to feel good together or are cared about. Quality social activity where everyone feels good together noticing nothing is losing. Social festivity that is very caring or putting extra effort into treating people special. Quality leisure time or feeling intentionally supported having leisure time off. Feeling about easily getting something long deserved. Feeling that someone else has no choice, but to give you a deserved break or special treatment. A joyous occasion. Renewed happiness that your health is returning or that something you've wanted for a long time is finally happening. Feelings of deserving to take a break with everyone else thinking it's a good idea too. Quality time, special occasions, or receiving gifts. Leisure time or closeness with family.
Negatively, Christmas in a dream may reflect feelings of not asking for anything and while not wanting to do anything for anyone. A dislike or anxiety about quality social gatherings. A dislike of festivity or enjoy spending time with family. A dislike of feeling forced to care about other people beyond your comfort level or during special occasions. Not enjoying feeling forced to take a break or long deserved vacation.
Alternatively, from a negative perspective dreaming about Christmas may reflect jealousy of other people deserving to be treated more special than you. Feeling grateful for deserving something that should have been easy or already given to you. Allowing someone to abuse their power over you by giving you something that is already yours as though it's special. A dislike of large gatherings. Wishful thinking about the reconciliation with people you've had an argument with being easy.
Example: A man dreamed of Christmas time with family and wanting to leave. In waking life he was experiencing discomfort at having to attend a party because he was very anti-social and easily made nervous with talking to people. The Christmas symbolism may have reflected his feelings about all the effort people were putting into making others feel special at the party. It felt like it was too much closeness for his comfort level.
Example 2: A man dreamed of walking into the living room of his Grandmother's house and seeing that it was Christmas time. In waking life he was given an temporary break from a very strenuous job at work. He felt an enormous sense of relief as his employers were very demanding under unique conditions. Christmas in this case may have reflected his feelings of having a much deserved break to pursue other things he liked besides work since he rarely gets a break with the serious nature of his job.
Example 3: A woman dreamed of Christmas time. In waking life she had been ill for a very long time and was finally starting to get her health back. Christmas time may have reflected her feelings about the impact of her improved health on the quality of her social life.
Example 4: A woman dreamed of seeing Christmas cards. In waking life she had dinner with a few family members was feeling bad thinking about how divorce and distance had torn her family apart. In this case the Christmas cards may have represented her feelings about being reminded about the importance of making effort for quality family time while eating dinner with her brother and father after experiencing so much distancing in her family.
Example 5: A man dreamed of being in a car parking lot during Christmas. In waking life he was a hard worker and didn't like taking time off.
Christmas Cards
To dream of Christmas cards represents making an effort to show other people that you care about them. Making an effort to show other people that you love them. Reciprocating feelings of togetherness. Reminding people that you are thinking about them and hoping they are happy. Extra efforts made to care about other people's feelings.
To dream of old Christmas card may reflect feelings about how close, special, or loving a relationship use to be. Remembering the effort that used to be put into showing people they were cared about in the past. Remembering better times with family. Feelings about current family life being more snobby than it used to be.
Example: A woman dreamed of people throwing old family Christmas cards in the garbage. In waking life she felt that her family was falling apart and purposely distancing themselves from each other due to a divorce in the family.
Christmas Gifts
To dream of a Christmas gift symbolizes deserved change. Positively, a Christmas gift reflects good luck, getting something you wanted, finally experiencing something you've been waiting for.
Negatively, a Christmas gift may reflect something negative happening to you that someone else feels you deserve. Embarrassment or shame that you acknowledge.
Blue gifts are positive intentions, feelings or situations. Red gifts are negative intentions, feelings, or situations.
Christmas Lights
To dream of christmas lights represents gestures that are intended to make other people feel good thinking they deserve things. Being happy for others blessings. Mutual goodwill. An attitude that is supportive of togetherness for friends and family.
Negatively, christmas lights may reflect jealousy, frustration, or resentment of having to be happy for others blessings. Exhausting yourself being happy for others. Feelings about other people going overboard with their gestures of mutal good will.
Example: A woman dreamed of seeing christmas lights. In waking life her grandson was just born and the whole family came together to celebrate it. The christmas lights may have reflected the woman's feelings about the whole family being noticeably happy for birth of the grandson.
Christmas Stocking
To dream of Christmas stocking represents feelings about deserving something extra. Awareness of whether or not other people think you deserve extra special treatment. Feelings about deserve every single little thing that you want. Feelings of deserving perfect recognition and acknowledgement.
Negatively, dreaming of Christmas stockings may reflect a tendency to expect special treatment. Expecting to deserve absolute perfect recognition and acknowledgement.
To dream of putting coal or other negative things in a Christmas stocking may reflect feelings about having to take extra care to make sure a jerk in your life gets an extra special payback. Taking extra extra care to show someone you don't like them and that you enjoy seeing them treated poorly. Feeling that someone made effort efforts to embarrass you with feeling that you don't deserve anything you want at all.
Christmas Tree
To dream of a Christmas tree represents an established aspect of your life that requires special treatment or dedicated time to observing something special. Moments in life where family time or vacation time is important to observe and respect. A reason in your life to join family or friends for festivus behavior.
Negatively, a Christmas tree may reflect your dislike of having to take a forced vacation or feeling forced to spend time with family. A situations where you feel you deserve to be treated as special as other people after earning it through hard work or hardship. Feeling that "jerks" in your life holding power over you finally have to give you a much deserved break.
Alternatively, a Christmas tree may reflect feelings about having to spend time with your family at Christmas. A reflection of your feelings about what the social interaction with your family may be like during the holidays.
To dream that you have your Christmas tree up for longer than normal represents an extended need to respect and treat people special. A prolonged need for family time or dedicated time to vacationing. Negatively, it may be a sign that you are unnecessarily prolonging a reason to participate in festivus behavior. Taking too much time off work.
To dream of a Christmas tree on fire represents a choices that whether intentional or not have ruined other people's opportunity to enjoy festivus behavior or special family time. Mistakes, conflicts, or crisis that ruins your time off work.
Example: A man dreamed of seeing a Christmas tree. In waking life he was annoyed at having to take a vacation off work due to a technicality and spend time with his family. The Christmas tree may have reflected the forced vacation time that was beneficial to all members of his family.
Example 2: A woman dreamed of seeing a Christmas tree with a spider crawling on it. In waking life she was an older woman and felt that her family was drifting part leaving her with nobody special around during the holidays. The Christmas tree in this case may have reflected her feelings about the Christmas holidays creating a reason to have to spend time with love ones while the spider reflected the scary feelings about feeling trapped alone as she was older.
Christmas Tree Ornaments
To dream of Christmas tree ornaments represents feelings about intentionally making others feel good deserving something they want. A signal to others that they should be encouraged to enjoy themselves or feel deserving of special treatment.
Negatively, Christmas tree ornaments may reflect feelings about irresponsible behavior encouraging bad things to happen to you that others might claim you deserved. A trap that has made you feel that you deserved something.
Example: A young woman dreamed of seeing an evil tree that froze people and then hung then up as Christmas tree ornaments on it's branches. In waking life she felt that her mother was very unsupportive of her emotional recovery after being raped. The mother blamed the young woman and made her feel that she deserved the rape. The Christmas tree ornaments in this case may reflected the dreamer's feelings about her mother making her feel that the men deserved to enjoy themselves raping her.
To dream of chrome represents the projection of respectability. Feeling that something is acceptable or worthy. A person or situation that intends to never embarrass you. A choice that nobody can criticize you for.
Negatively, chrome may reflect too much concern about having to be respected. Caring too much about what other people think. Deception being used to fit in or be accepted. Trying to show others that you won't embarrass them.
*Please See Cocoon
Chuck E. Cheese
To dream of going to Chuck E. Cheese may represent effortless good fortune or happy endings. A special event in your life that is taken care of for you.
Example: A young man dreamed of being taken to Chuck E. Cheese. In waking life he was having thoughts of killing his abusive controlling father before realizing his father was starting to die on his own. Cheese E. Cheese reflected his view of nature doing him a favor by killing his father for him so he could finally enjoy himself.
Chucky Doll
To dream of a Chucky Doll represents feelings about a situation or person that seems harmless on the surface about believing everything is safe, but is secretly threatening or dangerous about wanting you embarrassed with never mattering ever again when nobody else is around. A situation or person that appears harmless but is secretly menacing. Privately putting up with something that scares you while feeling that you waste your time talking to anyone who isn't professional. Feelings about dealing with problems with children not being believably dangerous or interesting to other people. Threats that are disguised or not obvious to others. A fear of being embarrassed or undermined when no one else is around to witness or understand the true nature of the threat.
Example: A young woman had recurring dreams of a Chucky Doll chasing her that ended up stabbing her in the back. In waking life, she awoke from these dreams with back pain and at other times could feel the same pain in her back if she focused on it. In this case, the Chucky Doll stabbing her in the back may have reflected her feelings about her back pain never being believable to other people while feeling afraid of the pain when thinking about it too much when alone.
Example 2: A woman dreamed of birthing her newborn son as the Chucky Doll who would try to attack and murder her. In waking life, she birthed her son 3 months earlier. In this case, the newborn son becoming the Chucky Doll may have reflected her private fears about not taking good enough care of her newborn son that might embarrass her for the rest of her life if hurt him while nobody she knew thought anything was strange when hearing about her challenges of motherhood.
To dream of a church represents your need for answers to a life problem that is troubling you. You may need insight, a solution, or some kind of guidance about what direction to take, or why something is happening to you. You may have reached a crossroads. Thoughts about needing answers or insight in how to get through a difficult situation. Questioning how to be a good person for the rest of your life. You may be asking yourself, "What am I supposed to do next with this situation?" or "What am I supposed to do with my life?" Anxiety that you might have screwed up while hoping the problem goes away. Having faith in life or other people.
Alternatively, a church may symbolize your religious faith. It represents how faithful you feel or your opinion about the purity of your faith. Hoping that God is not angry at you.
Negatively, dreaming of a church may reflect your feelings about other people being stupid with blind faith during serious matters. An ignorant or unobjective belief that everything will work out if you are faithful enough. Your awareness of others struggling to solve problems or your feelings about others being desperate for answers to their problems.
To dream of a cathedral church may represent your perception of a grand and powerful source of support, guidance, or spiritual solace during a time of uncertainty and anxiety.
To dream of church basement may represent a problem, crisis, or test of faith. It may also reflect difficulty trying to figure out why something terrible is happening to you. Hoping to salvage a situation despite difficulties.
Women often dream of being naked in church days before their wedding, which could be a manifestation of their anxiety about being the center of attention during the wedding ceremony. Anxiety about all their friends and family speaking about and seeing every single detail about them during the ceremony.
Example: A man dreamed of being in a church that was on fire and thought standing at the pulpit would protect him while it continued to burn. In waking life, he was dying of AIDS and thought returning to his old job as a minister was his final calling. Two weeks later he died.
Example 2: A man dreamed of being in a church. In waking life, he felt that someone he knew was being very stupid and naive with blind faith in the government to solve the financial crisis of 2008. In this case, being in church may have reflected his hope for an answer to financial problems when none could be seen.
Example 3: A man dreamed of feeling that it was important to go to church. In waking life, he was having a hard time in his life and felt that he needed to start being more faithful in other people. In this case, the church may have reflected his desire for support, guidance, or a sense of belonging during a challenging period in his life.
Example 4: A man dreamed of standing in front of a church that was built as a tower that went into the sky. He felt that he wanted to safely chop this church down like a tree. In waking life, he was trying to figure out how to cut a mentor out of his life that he had lost respect for without creating relationship problems with the person. In this case, the church may have reflected his perception of the mentor's once-authoritative and influential presence in his life, which he now viewed as undeserving or no longer beneficial.
Example 5: A woman dreamed of being in a church basement. In waking life, she felt that her marriage was ending, but still had great faith that it could be saved if she tried hard enough. In this case, the church basement may have reflected her deep-rooted belief in the power of faith and commitment to salvage her marriage despite the difficulties she was facing.
Example 6: A woman dreamed of being in a cathedral church. In waking life, she was having anxiety about the future, but felt able to hold on just enough. In this case, the cathedral church may have reflected her perception of a grand and powerful source of support, guidance, or spiritual solace during a time of uncertainty and anxiety.
To dream of the CIA represents feelings about infiltration and sabotage in order to protect a free state of mind. Taking stealth actions to attack people who are criminal, arrogant, overbearing, excessively selfish, or wish to subvert honest intentions. You or someone else who is willing to become a criminal in order to sabotage other criminals. A fearless underhanded attempt to maintain decency. Lying or cheating for a good cause. Feeling that rules don't matter if it means the someone bad will lose. Feelings about having a secret weapon to maintain your freedom.
Negatively, the CIA may reflect a corrupt attitude about sabotaging other people so that you can continue to maintain your freedom to be corrupt. An arrogant attitude about losing. Sabotaging people who embarrass you that you aren't perfectly free to do as you want. Alternatively, it may reflect feelings of embarrassment at how far someone honest will go to sabotage your dishonest goals.
To dream of a cigar represents feelings of triumph or celebrating your power. Enjoying feeling in control of a situation. You are enjoying success, new levels of power, or feel vindicated. Total confidence in a dangerous or risky action that you know will work out for you. Feeling vindicated with unquestioned power. Feeling unstoppable. Powerful actions that "speak louder than words." Feeling good never having to explain why you are powerful. Proven masculine power. Basking is achievement from risk-taking. Professional risk-taking.
Negatively, cigar may reflect enjoyment of humiliating other people in a powerful way. Enjoying supremacy or dominance that is unquestioned. Full awareness of yourself abusing power. Feeling good being a powerful jerk. Feelings of being in total control over a dishonest situation. Feelings about being a bigger jerk than someone else. Pride in powerful criminal behavior. Feeling good being mean to weak people. Awareness of yourself abusing someone with your authority or superior power. Over-confidence or bravado. Pride in dishonesty that overpowers honesty. Pride in humiliating authority with unquestioned power.
Example: A man dreamed of smoking cigars. In waking life he was taking very dangerous risky actions with his business to overpower a competitor he wanted to humiliate. He successfully carried out these dangerous risky actions and enjoyed new success that allowed him to calmly laugh at his competition with a renewed sense of superiority.
To dream of cigarettes represents feelings about enjoying noticing not having to care about anyone else's feeling in the present moment because you don't have to. Noticing yourself doing something that you know is wrong that isn't too risky. Feeling good not having to be a perfectly good person.
Negatively, cigarettes may represent addictive thinking patterns, bad habits, or something you feel emotionally dependent on. Feeling like a bad-ass or dangerously cooler than other people. Noticing you're a jerk that isn't really risking anything.
Having difficulty giving up something that you know may not be in your best interest long-term. Smoking in dreams may reflect overeating, infidelity, flirting, sexual excess, or an abuse of power.
A cigarette in a dream may be a sign that it's time to cut back a bit on bad habits, show yourself some harsh honesty going "cold turkey", or be aware of yourself making it a habit to ignore someone else's feelings too much.
Example: A woman dreamed of smoking a cigarette. In waking life she was flirting with a man when she already had a boyfriend.
Example 2: A man dreamed of smoking a cigarette. In waking life he was undergoing spiritual testing which involved abstinence and was still occasionally masturbating.
Example 3: A woman dreamed of herself smoking when in real life she didn't smoke. In waking life she was devoutly Christian, but was enjoying herself repeatedly getting revenge on her husband for cheating on her. She was enjoying wasting his phone, destroying his cellphone, and doing all kinds of people bad stuff to him behind his back to feel better about herself.