To dream of your grandmother may represent your intuition or gut instincts in situations that you are already experienced in. Your ability to make a positive decision for the future when you already have previous experience. A situation where experience or already being informed helps you make choices that keep you out of trouble. Feelings that life is unfair because your intuition or luck overpowers your own wishes. Feeling that God or life makes you live in a way you didn't choose.
Alternatively, a grandmother may symbolize intuitive or wiser choices that overrides your decisions. Feeling that life or luck does something for you whether you like it or not. It may also reflect someone more experienced than you having better foresight than you. Possibly a symbol for your marriage, jobs, or family life dictating how your life will be lived. Some area of your life where you are passively decided for. Feelings about family always having to come before your wants. Intuitive choices that is out of necessity or feeling that life only gives you what you need without giving you what you want.
Negatively, a grandmother may also reflect powerful peer pressure that feels impossible to override because you could lose all your friends or an important opportunity. Feeling that you have no choice about where your life is headed as other people seem to be making the big decisions. Guilt or embarrassment for a situation you can't control at all.
Example: A man dreamed of talking to his grandmother about his new child that was almost born. His grandmother looked like she was close to death. In waking life the man was thinking about how his need to have a family was going to kill his sex life. The Grandmother most likely reflected the man's feelings about his wife's pregnancy was permanently overriding his ability to control his sex life.
Example 2: A young girl dreamed of seeing her Grandmother in a shower with her. In waking life she was 17 and taking drugs for the very first time with her friends. The Grandmother in this case may have reflected her feelings about how her social life with her drug taking friends seemed to override her ability to make decisions on drug use for herself because she would lose all her friends if she didn't take drugs by appearing as a sober outsider.
Example 3: A young woman dreamed of sleeping in a bed with her Grandmother and listening to her Grandmother tell her how immoral she was for living in sin with her boyfriend when her aunt told her it was okay. In waking life she felt guilty looking for a new job, but felt she had to. The Grandmother in this case may have reflected her feelings that she was intuitively lucky to have been given her current job when it was a necessity, while her aunt reflected her alternative intuition making her feel it was important to look for something better.
*Please See Grandparents
To dream of grandparents often represents aspects of your personality that are wise, experienced, or have learned from past mistakes. An area of your life where you have "been there and done that" or know better.
Negatively, dreaming about grandparents represents feelings about not liking your life completely decided for you. Feeling like God has decided your life in a negative way that you can't escape. Feeling that all your life decisions or hopes are overridden by power you can't escape.
Alternatively, grandparents may symbolize a decision or a higher level of experience that overrides your own decisions.
Example: A young girl dreamed of seeing both her grandparents in a home with Satanism. In waking life she felt that was dealing with sexual abusive family members.
*Please See Grandmother
*Please See Grandfather
To dream of a groom represents an assertive attitude about something in your life having to be permanent. Insensitive about anything wrong happening at before a big moment. You may be carefully considering or making preparations before a big decision. Receptive attitude for security or closure. Readiness for a new beginning.
To dream of being a groom represents your heightened sensitivity or anxiety about a big decision or permanent choice. Not wanting anything to go wrong at all before an important moment. Alternatively, being a groom may reflect your anxiety about real life wedding plans you are making.
To dream of a groom being shot at a wedding represents total failure or embarrassment while you waited hoped something was going to be permanent.
*Please See Wedding
*Please See Bride
To dream of a guard represents you or someone else that is cautious or wary of something. A cautious attitude towards change or interference. An inability to "get through" to someone or an unwillingness to open up to others. An emotional guard or barrier.
Negatively, a guard may also reflect feelings about something in your life "keeping you out" or keeping you away from something. Feeling that something is too exclusive or special for you. Feeling that you need to meet certain conditions before being allowed to do something. It may also reflect a sense of danger you feel stepping over a line in a relationship or situation.
Alternatively, a guard may reflect you or someone else that is "on guard" or very alert about a situation.
*Please See Security Guards
*Please See Prison Guards
*Please See Guard Dogs
To dream of having a guest represents feelings about temporarily needing to respect other feelings. Accommodating others needs. Making a situation as comfortable as possible for others. Treating inexperienced people with respect. Giving others special treatment. Feeling good taking care of someone.
Negatively, a dreaming of having a guest may reflect feelings of not being respected for your generosity or high level of understanding. A willingness to help people with their problems who are taking advantage of your good will. Frustrations with children who don't leave home or support themselves financially. Temporarily situations where you are helping others that are testing your patience. Trying hard to make others feel welcome or supported even though it's annoying you. Problems speaking up about people who are pushing your limits or "wearing out their welcome." Accommodating others too much. Issues with speaking up to someone who you have supported beyond reasonable expectations.
To dream of being a guest represents heightened feelings of needing to appreciate or respect someone else. Making extra efforts not to embarrass yourself. Feeling that you need to listen to what people. Feeling that you are not an important person or leader in a situation. Feeling that you are not on "home turf" in a situation. Feelings about getting special treatment.
Negatively, dreaming of being a guest represents a lack of concern or respect for others people's generosity. Awareness of yourself using someone. Selfish attitude about someone else's accommodating attitude. Expecting special treatment.
To dream of a gunman represents feelings about yourself or someone else with the power to make a very serious change.
Negatively, a gunman may reflect feelings about the potential for serious or dangerous choices to be made with lasting consequences. Drastic choices that will be made with full awareness. Feeling that it's just your job to make a serious powerful decision that will negatively effect someone else. Fear of someone who you think wants to embarrass you at an important moment or who is looking to cause you irrecoverable failure. Someone who intentionally wants to get revenge on you. Feelings about a very jealous enemy who wants to attack you. An over-protective attitude. Risking making a decision that is too serious. Feeling that someone wishes to cause harm to you on purpose. A dangerous choice that is intentional. Serious choices that are cold and insensitive. Feelings about someone on your life being a dangerous person to make jealous. Feelings about a person or problem with the potential to seize control in a dishonest manner.
Positively, a gunman may reflect your readiness to make a serious decision if you have to. Feeling that it's your responsibility to protect something. Feeling that someone is ready to defend you if necessary. Feelings about cold and insensitive choices that you or someone else is willing to make if needed. Feelings about your never having to be told what to do.
To dream of a guru may represent aspects of your personality that has authority of expertise that's easy to use. Behavior that is better than other people with wisest advice that's easy to use. Intelligence that's looked up to for advising others. Being better than other people at thinking that no problem is serious. Inner wisdom and intuition that can guide towards making healthier choices. Breaking away from these negative influences and a desire for personal growth and self-improvement. Expertise others seek guidance or enlightenment from. A need for mentorship or a desire to learn from someone who is more experienced or knowledgeable than you. Excellence that already knows the answer and fixes problems right away when asked. It may reflect your search for answers or direction in your waking life.
Alternatively, it may represent your desire for spiritual growth or a deeper understanding of yourself and your place in the world. You may be on a journey of self-discovery and seeking guidance and support to overcome challenges.
Negatively, dreaming about a guru may represent overdone needing to be looked up to for advice. It may also reflect anxiety that drives you to make overly cautious or careful decisions. Too much reliance on an expert. Feelings about an idiot that gives you too much advice. Overdone thinking you're better than other people at thinking that no problem is serious.
Example: A young man dreamed of having to relieve himself in a home of a "speed seduction guru" where he has a long pee in the home. In waking life he was trying to live a porn free life. In this case the "speed seduction guru" may have reflected his intelligence about the effects of porn and how distancing himself from negative influences of pornography helps his personal growth and well-being to overcome his addiction to it. The act of relieving himself in the guru's home may represent a release of negative or unwanted urges and behaviors by choosing to begin a "porn free diet."
Example 2: A young man dreamed of an old asian sword guru that turned into an young attractive asian woman who didn't use condoms for sex. In waking life he recently graduated and was experiencing anxiety related to leaving his part time job in order to get a real fulltime job. In this case the old asian sword guru may have reflected his intelligence about following other people's advice about preparing himself professionally with a solid resume that is strong about avoiding bad influences. The guru changing into a beautiful woman may have reflected his view of intelligent advice to prepare for a job that finally allows him to get a job. However, the woman's lack of condom use during sex may have reflected his concerns about the potential risks and consequences of taking certain career paths. Overall, the dream suggests that he is careful and cautious about his future decisions.
*Please See Men
*Please See Boy
To dream of a gypsy represents an aspect of your personality with a mindset that is free-spirited, unconventional, and priceless in the current moment that isn't concerned with commitments or anything long-term. Behavior that charms people before moving on. Never being concerned about the long-term so you never worry about what you say being too incredible to people.
Negatively, a Gypsy may represent a mindset that overdoes free-spirited, unconventional, or pricess behavior without comittments. You or someone else that repeatedly using charm, flattery, or feelings of being more interesting than other people to use others. People that are more beautiful, cool, or interesting that can easily manipulate people with it by. Feeling entranced by someone incredible that never has to talk to you again. Using sexual interest to use someone for your own gains when you have no serious interest in them at all. Telling others whatever they want to hear because you won't be around later on.
Awareness of a sexually attractive person getting away with using sexual playfulness to use you.
Example: A man dreamed of gypsies around a fire. In real life he was lying to people about moving to another country to make a good impression because he knew he would never see them again. In this case, the gypsies around the fire may have reflected his dishonest attitude about telling incredible stories about himself before never being heard from again.
Example 2: A man dreamed of seeing a gypsy. In waking life, his female housemate flashed her breasts at him one day. In this case, the gypsy may have reflected his awareness of his female housemate using sexual attraction to repeatedly get favors and use him while he aware of it happening. The female housemate may have been "sexually intelligent" and thought that flashing the dreamer only once would allow her to get inside his head as though seeing her naked was a "magic gypsy spell" to control him.
To dream of an old woman hag represents feelings about an aspect of yourself or others that is passive with a sense of never deserving to do anything except be worn out, unattractive, useless, and jealous of nothing new happening ever again. Feelings about behavior that is used up, bitter, and jealous. A hag may reflect fears or anxieties related to aging, losing beauty, becoming irrelevant, or feeling less vital.
Negatively, dreaming about an old woman hag may represent behavior that is passive, ignorant, jealous, holding outdated views, and wise that was corrupted by time. Passive evil or ignorance that has wasted its time, is irrelevant, and ruins a situation for other people for not respecting it first. Feelings about an ignorant passive person that has ruined themself or worn themself out by wasting all their time and now tries to use you that distracts you from living your life. Feelings about an ignorant passive person who's wasted their time or entire life and feels evil about getting back at you for being near them doing things they can't do.
To dream of an evil old woman hag attacking you in your bed (old hag syndrome) by placing pressure on your chest represents feelings of being paralyzed by the demands or negativity of someone with passive behavior who has wasted their time, and the fear that giving into these demands could result in your own stagnation or decline. The overwhelming stress or emotional burden you feel in dealing with an irrelevant person who has grown bitter, resentful, or manipulative over time. This type of dream is often an amplification of your anxieties about being manipulated or used by someone who is stuck in a negative mindset and expects you to sacrifice your own well-being or progress for their sake. This dream may be a sign that you are holding back anger because you think it might get back at you. It may be best to avoid or cut off communication with someone passive who is causing you frustration which you have privately kept to yourself. Evil or ignorant irrelevant passivity that feels like it's sucking the life out of you while you avoid discussing it.
Example: A young man dreamed of being attacked in his sleep by an old hag who sucked in the energy of his words while he tried to curse at it. In waking life, he was dealing with a friend who wasted all their life never getting an education of any kind and then talking to him like he needed to help them build a business while doing all the work or be made to feel he wasn't a real friend. He felt trapped being unable to get angry about what he really wanted to say to his friend. In this case, the hag may have reflected his feelings of frustration about his friend's persistent passive behavior that was stuck in a negative state of jealousy, wasted time, with an unwillingness to change or improve their own life unless it was completely using the dreamer.
*Please See Sleep Paralysis
Halle Berry
To dream of Halle Berry represents an aspect of personality that is more incredible than other people (or gets the most attention) for behavior that's attractive about respecting itself being in control of itself liking what's happening while not embarrassing anyone else with being jealous of anything. Intelligence, self-acceptance, and a positive approach to life without causing discomfort or embarrassment to others. Grace and confidence while liking what's happening in a situation. Feeling good that nobody is embarrassing themselves when they talk to you.
Negatively, dreaming about Halle Berry may represent behavior that overdoes respecting itself being in control of itself liking what's happening while not embarrassing anyone else during an interesting attention-getting situation because you're afraid you'll get in trouble. Robbing yourself by controlling yourself too much while dealing with people who get back at you no matter what because you are too nice about believing that nobody should be jealous of anything.
Example: A man dreamed of walking with Halle Berry through a children's public park. Suddenly, an airplane flew overhead and crashed into a water tower causing a shocking flood of water. He avoids the water, but Halle Berry jumps into a swimming pool. The water recedes and Halle Berry is left standing unharmed, but totally wet while in a bikini. In waking life, he was controlling his dying father's assets while his father was in the hospital. He was talking to real estate agents to determine the value of the home. He didn't want to sell his father's home too quickly while trying to keep a relative who was living in the home happy. After his father died he got into an argument with the relative and began to find the idea of telling the real estate agents to sell the home more attractive as a means to achieve closure and leave family issues behind. In this case, Halle Berry may have reflected his perception of himself as someone who could handle discussing the attractiveness of property's value with real estate agents without causing unnecessary embarrassment or conflict with the family until he couldn't resist anymore.
Harry Potter
To dream of Harry Potter represents an aspect of your personality with ingenuity about being committed to "conjuring good luck" to overcome situations that feel like "conjured bad luck." Amazing accomplishments that other people might not think are possible when in the face of adversity or insurmountable hardships. Behavior that is cleverer than most people about creating a "magical solution" to a problem situation. A desire for a "magical solution" to problems, and a struggle to reconcile the mistakes made in the past to find a way to set things right in the present. Thinking you can keep doing one impressive act with good intentions to reverse a negative situation that feels equally powerful with how easy, fast, or controlling it is (e.g. Buy a gift to instantly reverse someone being angry at you for reasons beyond your control).
Harry Potter may symbolize the dreamer's commitment to never let negativity prevail over their life and to always prioritize doing good. The dreamer's desire to impress or control others in a way that reverses a negative situation. Overall, the dream suggests that the dreamer is using their intelligence to overcome bad luck and achieve a positive outcome. A dreamer's desire for an intelligent quick fix to romantic problems hoping for a happy ending or a miraculous turn of events to bring them together, despite the obstacles.
Negatively, Harry Potter may reflect your mind having a fantasy about correcting a negative situation in your life that feels like "bad magic spell" of coincidence. Daydreaming or fantasizing that you can fix feelings of being overwhelmed with bad luck. Knowing something isn't possible, but being overcommitted to wishing it could happen. A desire to find a magical solution to a real-world problem or difficulty that you feel is beyond your control or that you cannot handle with ordinary means. Good intentions might not be enough to quickly fix a negative situation.
Example: A teenage boy dreamed of seeing a book with stage directions for Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, but it was written in his mother's handwriting. In waking life, he was thinking of buying concert tickets to Pink Floyd for a girl he missed out on prom with. The girl found out about his earlier intentions to go to prom with another girl that was unimportant, but she didn't understand and was jealous. The prom was also cancelled at the last minute. He felt like an "evil spell" of bad luck was cast on him and he had to do everything to correct it because it loved the girl. He thought concert tickets would be an intelligent quick "good spell" over his bad luck. In this case, Harry Potter may have reflected his inventive and clever approach in trying to fix the complicated situation he found himself in. Just like Harry Potter, he believed he could conjure a 'good spell' - buying concert tickets in this case - to counteract the 'evil spell' of bad luck and misunderstanding that had been cast on him. He was attempting to manifest a 'magical solution' to resolve the negative circumstances and win the affection of the girl he loved.
Example 2: A woman dreamed of Harry Potter. In waking life, she was in a long distance relationship. She wished she could "magically" make him appear. In this case, Harry Potter may have reflected her deep longing and desire to effortlessly overcome the distance that separated her from her partner. The concept of Harry Potter and his magical abilities could symbolize her hope for an extraordinary, instant solution, akin to casting a spell, that could bring them together despite the geographical constraints.
*Please See Celebrities
To dream of a healer represents an aspect of your personality that is focused on fixing, restoring balance, or improving yourself. A part of you that wants to heal. A desire to resolve problems, ease pain, or bring harmony to situations that feel out of balance. A need for self-care, guidance, support, or introspection. Thoughts about recovery, growth, or emotional well-being. A phase of healing in your life, where you are seeking solutions to emotional wounds, personal issues, or difficult circumstances. A need for guidance or to improve health.
Positively, dreaming about a healer may represent comfort, support, and positive change. Awareness of the need to take care of yourself, address past hurts, or work towards personal growth and emotional balance. The healer may also represent someone in your life who is helping you through a difficult time, offering advice, support, or care.
Negatively, dreaming about a healer may represent feelings of helplessness, or a dependency on others to fix your problems. Fear of being unable to heal from an issue on your own or an over-reliance on external help. Neglecting your own ability to address issues independently. Skepticism or mistrust towards those who offer help, suggesting that you are hesitant to seek assistance or doubt the effectiveness of available solutions. Seeking a quick fix when that may be unhelpful or dangerous. Wasting your time desiring full healing when something little helped you. Attempting to heal or recover through immoral or dangerous methods. Feeling that the cost of healing is too high, or that improvement comes with significant drawbacks. You may feel uncomfortable with the trade-offs or consequences involved in making things better, especially if it means compromising your values, integrity, or well-being.
To dream of an evil healer represents feelings about an aspect of personality or someone else that you believe is immoral, corrupt, or malevolent about fixing, restoring balance, or making something better in your life. A deceptive or manipulative attempt to improve a situation. Feelings of unease about the methods being used to fix something or the possibility of harmful consequences. Feeling that you have to give up something good or your "soul" in order to improve yourself. A situation where you are not seeing the dark side or consequences of how help you received fixed your problem.
To dream of a witch healer represents feelings about an aspect of personality or someone else that you believe is wicked, deceptive, or mean about efforts to resolve problems. Feelings of unease about the methods being used to fix something or the possibility of harmful consequences. Getting back at someone who doesn't see the consequences of how it helps you.
Example: A woman had recurring dreams of a spiritual healer touching her hands. In waking life, she was sober for a year and back in school with her life working out nicely. In this case, the spiritual healer may have reflected her feelings about being emotionally supported with her sobriety and positive change in her life.
Example 2: A woman dreamed of sitting in a healer's chair while someone was pointing out blond spots in her left eye. In waking life, she recently broke up with her boyfriend and was going through a growth period with lots of self-reflection. In this case, the healer's chair may have reflected her feelings about choosing to take time off and focus on emotional healing with self-reflection to address areas of emotional weakness.
To dream of Hercules represents a display of unlimited strength. You or someone else that's focused on proving they're stronger than anyone else. Embarrassing other people with superiority that can't be outdone. Showing off with superior strength.
Positively, Hercules may reflect displays of protectiveness or looking out of weaker people. Showing off being supportive and protective of smaller or weaker people.
Negatively, Hercules in a dream may be a sign that you are too concerned with proving your superiority or that you're stronger than other people. Arrogance or showing off may need to be toned down. Male bravado.
To dream of a hermaphrodite represents an aspect of yourself that combines both feminine and masculine traits.
Alternatively, a hermaphrodite may reflect unpleasant feelings about yourself never being accepted or able to fit in. Feeling that there is no normal place for you.
*Please See Androgynous