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To dream of a bridesmaid represents awareness of yourself or others passively or sensitively giving others full support for their choices. You or someone else that is supporting others with all they need to "have it all." Caring, sympathy, or close attention to details to support someone else because it's all about them. Sensitivity about others feelings for a special moment. A wonderful or incredible gesture of selflessness to support someone else. Doing whatever it is your are asked to make someone else's success feel good being easy.

Negatively, a bridesmaid may reflect feelings of being asked to do too much to support someone else's achievement. Feelings of jealousy that someone is asking too much of you or being given too much attention. It may also reflect feelings of not being appreciated enough for making someone else's goals or achievements easy. Alternatively, a bridesmaid may negatively reflect your feelings that someone is too concerned with supporting you with an important choice.


*Please See Siblings

Bruce Willis

To dream of Bruce Willis represents an aspect of your personality that is more incredible than someone else about feeling good not being alone about being a fantastic example of a grown man who thinks it's unspoken and already understood that you don't need to explain why something else is embarrassing you again. A fantastic example of not giving up believing in being a grown man who's unspoken and already understood about why something else embarrassing you is a problem. Not seeing yourself in love with yourself as a grown man that doesn't have to think about what something little embarrassing you says about you. Liking yourself tougher than someone else as a grown man without needing to say why it matters. Grown man behavior that doesn't like having to repeat itself saying why it doesn't want to be embarrassed by something else. A mature, grown-man level of confidence that doesn't require constant validation from external sources. Demonstrating a kind of unspoken but palpable self-assurance. Feeling good respecting yourself as a man never needing to bring up or point out how someone else embarrassed themself not acting their age talking to you.

Negatively, dreaming about Bruce Willis may represent overdoing liking a grown man's demeanor that is too serious or stern about not wanting to be embarrassed while someone likes you anyway, to the point of coming off as aloof or unapproachable. It may reflect an overemphasis on adult behavior that dismisses or ignores the concerns or feelings of others who like you or respect you. Shutting people out or creating emotional distance with people who respect you because you don't want to be vulnerable or appear less than perfect. Not seeing yourself in love with yourself that scares people who like you, respect you, or look up to you. Behavior that feels that it might angrily get back at someone like a grown man, but never does. Feelings about a grown man who is likable who might notice the snobbiness of not wanting anything else embarrassing him because you went too far not being in control of yourself.

Example: A man dreamed of his ex-girlfriend telling him that she was dating Bruce Willis. He didn't like it, but kept talking to her before they parted their ways. In waking life, he recently lost touch with his ex-girlfriend after deleting his Facebook account. She never bothered to refriend him and her phone number didn't work. He missed talking to her, but accepted her moving on with her life. In this case, his ex-girlfriend dating Bruce Willis may have reflected his feelings about her lack of interest in refriending him or reconnecting in any way as a sign that she was moving on to a relationship with a grown man and respecting herself with little need to tell him she was.

Example 2: A man dreamed of seeing Bruce Willis standing in a room. In waking life, he encountered a younger woman who had previously embarrassed herself by liking him too much. He felt good respecting himself being older than her and not bringing it up to avoid repeating the problem a second time.


To dream of a bully represents people or situations that you feel are intentionally keeping you down or threatening you for doing what you like. It may also reflect a person or situation that you feel is too difficult to confront.

Not standing up to a bully represents you backing down from a threat or challenge.

If you do stand up to a bully it symbolizes confronting problems, and overcoming fear. You may have finally gotten to the courage to do something.

To dream of being a bully represents arrogance or feelings of being invincible. You may have a fear of losing control. It may also reflect a lack of respect for others.

Example: A young man dreamed of bullies threatening him. In waking life his parents had threatened to call the police on an employer if ever tried to get a job with them.


To dream of a burglar represents feelings about an aspect of your personality that is both dishonest and sneaky while you are not paying attention. Feelings about being taken advantage of, robbed, or deceived because you weren't paying attention to something all the time. Feelings of alarm or shock that an oversight would cause power or stability to be taken from you. Fear of how easily something secure in your life can be taken away if you aren't careful. Feelings of vulnerability to loss or unwanted changes due to not being proactive enough.

Positively, dreaming about a burglar may represent a heightened awareness of potential risks or dangers in your life, prompting you to take proactive measures to protect yourself. Your awareness of threats or negative influences that you are ready to confront and eliminate from your life.

Negatively, a burglar could represent feelings about dishonest or sneaky behavior that may reoccur if you aren't proactive. Awareness of deserving to be robbed of power, status, and resources because you were irresponsible about oversights or failing to pay attention. Guilt or remorse over past actions or decisions that have compromised your integrity or security. Your own dishonest attempt to sneak power or resources away from someone else when they aren't paying attention.

Example: A young man dreamed of seeing a burglar walk into his home at night to rob him. In waking life, he had ignored some serious school work and got a serious "wake-up call" when he got a failing grade that had serious consequences for his final grade. In this case, the burglar may have reflected his feelings about consciously robbing himself of stable academic success by choosing to ignore or not pay enough attention to his schoolwork.

*Please See Burglary

*Please See Robbed

*Please See Intruder

Bus Driver

To dream of a bus driver represents an aspect of your personality that is "driving you" on an undesirable or unpleasant experience. Choices that you've made or some area of your life that forces the least desirable option on you. A bus driver may reflect mistakes, failures, or consequences that are the main focus of your life. You may also feel that you are going around in circles and showing little progress. You can't stand to think about how long something is taking.

To dream that you are a bus driver represents unpopular decisions you've made effecting others. It may also reflect responsible decisions that override more enjoyable options. You are guiding or controlling a situation that doesn't feel good or isn't a priority for you. You may be leading a situation that focused on fixing a failure or dealing with the consequences of a mistake. You may feel responsible for making others impatiently wait for something.

*Please See Bus

Business Person

To dream of a business person represents an aspect of yourself that is well organized, adept, or an expert in thinking a certain way. An area of your life where you are well read, serious, or capable of being very sophisticated.


To dream of a butcher represents an aspect of your personality that's serious about a role that's capable of coldness, brutality, or insensitivity that isn't personal about making tough decisions to sustain strength and confidence by cutting out things that are unnecessary. Thoughts or feelings about talking to someone in your life who doesn't have a problem dealing with facing harsh realities, making tough decisions, or cutting away excess and unnecessary elements from your life.

Negatively, dreaming about a butcher may reflect your fear of a person or situation that is more straightforward about making cold, brutal, or insensitive decisions than you are comfortable with. Feeling that someone isn't uncomfortable ruining your life by making powerful straightforward decisions that feel cold, brutal, or insensitive.

Example: A man dreamed of receiving an email from a serial killer who called himself "The Butcher" at the end of the email. In waking life, he was slowly beginning to see hallucinations that eventually transformed into 30 days of the powerful hallucinations of his life in which he was scared that demons would overtake his soul for materialism if he didn't put all his belongings in his bedroom into garbage bags to live in a bare bedroom. In this case, the person in the email calling themselves the "The Butcher" may have reflected his feelings about the evil of the hallucinated demons ruining his life by forcing him to make empty straightforward decisions about throwing away materialistic belongings that never allowed him to feel good about anything in his life in order to survive.


To dream of a butler represents an aspect of yourself that is subservient. You or someone else that is completely supportive of other people's needs or goals. Assisting others without question. A butler may be a sign that you are too demanding or dependent on others. You need to be more independent and tend to your own needs.

Alternatively, a butler may reflect feelings that you are under-appreciated, being used, or too submissive.

Example: A man dreamed of seeing a butler trapped in a room. In real life the man felt his boss was too demanding and didn't believe he could do anything about it.


To dream of being the captain of a sailing ship represents feelings about taking charge of a negative or uncertain situation. Taking charge of an emotionally charged situation. You or someone else with the ability to control how best to manage uncertain or negative situations. Experience that allows you to make expert decisions in emotional or turbulent situations.

To dream of being the captain of a sports team represents feelings about taking charge of a competitive conflict. An assertive attitude about confronting issues competitively. Experience that allows you to make expert decisions in competitive situations.


To dream of a caretaker represents an aspect of yourself that is focused on keeping up appearances or maintaining certain emotional states.

A caretaker may appear in your dream when you achieve some success or power and want to maintain appearances or keep a good impression.

Example: A man dreamed of being at the top of a tall building with a caretaker. In waking life he had just had a date with woman he liked and felt he had to try his hardest to keep her liking him with nice clothing and fancy restaurants.


To dream of a carpenter represents an aspect of your personality that is capable of doing everything on their own. An area of expertise where you or someone else is totally adept and knowledgeable. The skill and knowledge needed to be develop or create something independently.

Example: A business owner once dreamed of having sex with a carpenter. In their waking lives they were trying to expand their business and gain new customers. The sex with the carpenter reflected their ability to manage all the different aspects of their business independently and the satisfaction they got from their success.


To dream of a cashier represents awareness of consequences of your choice. Noticing the personal cost of your decision. What you have to face in life to get what you want.

To dream of being a cashier represents awareness of yourself setting conditions or ultimatums for someone else to get what they want. Making someone else do something or lose something in order to get what they want.


To dream of a caveman represents you or someone else that is totally preoccupied with surviving or living in the moment.

Negatively, a caveman may reflect a constant state of fear of serious troubles returning. To much focus on short term living and not focusing on long term living. Dangerously living in the moment.

Example: A man dreamed of being a caveman with an invincible club and invincible penis. In waking life she was experiencing uncontrollable sexual desires after having woken up from a catatonic "sleeping disease" and being put on strong medication. The caveman symbolism may have reflected his fear of not enjoying every last minute of his life that he could having sex or being risky before his disease returned.


To dream of a celebrity represents an aspect of your personality based on the most apparent qualities or traits that stand out the most about the celebrity. Ask yourself what feelings, behavior, or traits stands out the most about a celebrity when you think about them. A celebrity in a dream may also reflect an aspect of yourself that deserves recognition, success, or validation from others. A wish to be more influential or well-known, as well as the need to feel validated or acknowledged by others for your accomplishments. An incredible experience you are having that feels good deserving to talk about yourself to other people in a more prominent manner.

Celebrities in dreams can also represent your projection, thoughts and feelings about a celebrity. Perhaps, you are spending a lot of time thinking about a celebrity.

To dream of having having sex with a celebrity represents an enjoyable, exciting, or thrilling experience that embodies qualities mirroring your feelings about the celebrity. Fulfillment of your fantasies, ambitions, or desires that you may feel are normally unattainable. You may relish an experience that garners recognition or discussion about your accomplishments. Enjoyment in doing something uncommon or extraordinary, in a way that reflects a celebrity's most prominent qualities, while being acknowledged or praised by others. Enjoying getting away with something that other people recognize or talk about you for.

To dream about a celebrity that you have a crush on or are very attracted to may represent your desire for a certain life situation to occur. Consider how you feel when you think of them, and how those feelings or qualities may apply to a current life situation. Alternatively, it may be a sign that you need more realistic about your love life.

If you dream of a celebrity that you know little or nothing about, it's suggested you research that person's life to help form an opinion of them. Try to identify or feel the quality most apparent about them.

To dream of wearing a celebrity's clothes represents your personality matching up with the qualities you see in that celebrity the most. Your desire to adopt or emulate the qualities, traits, or characteristics of that celebrity. This could be an indication of your feelings of deserving recognition, success, or validation from others in your life, or simply to express yourself in a manner similar to that of the celebrity.

Example: A man dreamed of talking to Matt Damon. The quality of Matt Damon that stood out the most to him was being more concerned than someone else to see something unintelligent wasn't happening. In waking life, the man found himself surrounded by less experienced people than himself at work and had to use his intelligence to solve problems they couldn't. In this case, Matt Damon may have reflected the man's desire to be recognized for his intelligence and problem-solving skills while dealing with less experienced colleagues at work. The man may have felt that he deserved acknowledgment for being more competent and proactive in making sure unintelligent decisions or actions were avoided.

Example 2: A man dreamed of Jessica Alba. In waking life, he discovered an opportunity that he couldn't believe made money by trying it out once. In this case, Jessica Alba may have reflected his feelings about the surprising and attractive nature of the opportunity that presented itself to him. Just as Jessica Alba is perceived to be beautiful and successful, the opportunity he discovered seemed highly appealing, potentially rewarding, and almost too good to be true.

Example 3: A man dreamed of seeing a beautiful famous model that he was obsessed with when he was younger. In waking life, when he was younger he used to paste every single picture he could of this model on his wall. In his current life he was obsessed with a goal that never happened.

Example 4: A man dreamed of having sex with Oprah. In waking life, this man was a successful public speaker. Oprah to him represented excellent communication skills. In his case, Oprah reflected how he felt about himself being good at public speaking.

*Please See Famous

*Please See Paparazzi

*Please See Actors



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