To dream of an AK47 rifle represents decision-making cancelling power that isn't afraid to waste "ammo" or get too personal if required to never accept a problem again. Decision-making control with cancelling power that can both deal with something individual if it wants to or everything at once. Picking a problem off individually if it needed or picking off all your problems at once. Having the power to cancel problems as quickly as you can to while not being the absolute
Negatively, dreaming of an AK47 may represent fear of decision-making with cancelling power that terrifies you that it doesn't have to respect anything about you left if it doesn't want to. Feeling frustrated by problems you want to get rid of that allow you to take your time if you want to. Feeling fearless with problems that may require you to exhaust resources if you focus too hard cancelling them out at once when you don't need to.
Example: A man dreamed of a woman in army clothing forcefully handing him an AK47, but he refused. In waking life he was frustrated about finances while also having relationship frustrations. The AK47 in this case may have reflected his feeling about the seriousness of his relationship frustrations motivating him to fearlessly deal with debt or bills as intelligently and quickly as possible while not being afraid to waste his money doing so.
To dream of an aquarium represents feelings about observing life or behavior contained and isolated from direct interaction. Controlled and isolated awareness of a situation that you are observing from a safe distance. Being detached from an situation and feeling content without actively involving yourself in it. A fascination with people, events, or aspects of yourself that you have no intention of deeply engaging with. It highlights your ability to notice and understand the impact of certain issues on your life, while staying emotionally uninvolved. Curiosity, reflection, or the study of feelings, thoughts, or aspects of oneself, all viewed from a detached or objective perspective. Safely having no involvement with something you are observing happening in your life. Observation of a situation that can't hurt you.
Positively, dreaming about an aquarium may reflect your fascination or interest in observing problems you are safely distanced from. Fascination with people, situations, things about yourself that you have no interest in seriously involving yourself with. Intelligently keeping yourself separated from something dangerous you are observing. Feelings about the full weight of a controlled situation you are aware of not embarrassing you. It implies an intelligent decision to keep yourself separated from potentially dangerous circumstances that you are merely observing. Your perception of a controlled situation that does not embarrass or threaten you.
Negatively, dreaming about an aquarium could represent feelings of being detached, isolated, or restricted in uncertain situations you prefer to never do anything other than observe. Feelings of being observed and scrutinized without the ability to affect the outcome. Feeling of alienation or the fear of being directly interaction with certain aspects of your life, emotions, or people. Feelings about a situation that limits you with only getting to observe it. Indifference, lack of fear, or lack of enthusiasm for something you are aware of happening. Indifference towards harmful or negative events happening around you. A lack of emotional involvement with problems you are noticing yourself or someone else experiencing. It may also represent being aware of how issues are effecting you, but being unwilling to confront them. You may be watching something negative unfold without feeling compelled to take any action or responsibility. Watching people too much from a safe distance and thinking there nothing wrong with it.
To dream of fish in an aquarium represents feelings of insight, perception, and careful observation of one's behavior or other's behavior from a controlled or limited perspective.
To dream of a spider in an aquarium represents feelings of insight, perception, and careful contained observation of a situation that makes you feel anxious, trapped, or threatened. You might be observing a difficult or anxiety-inducing situation from a safe distance or studying behavior that scares you without directly engaging with it.
To dream of a snake in an aquarium represents feelings of insight, perception, or careful observation of a situation or behavior that you find corrupt, threatening, sinister, or deceptive but is contained and can't directly harm you.
Consider the colors of the animals in the aquarium for additional meaning.
Example: A young woman dreamed of seeing an aquarium filled with white fish that were having babies. In waking life, she was noticing herself desiring a boy she liked while carefully doing everything to be closer to him without talking to him at all. In this case, the aquarium scene may have reflected her awareness of herself creating too many safe situations to be close to her crush while keeping herself carefully isolated from ever taking action to talk to him. She may have preferred to never talk to her crush, choosing instead to live with the uncertainty of ever dating him while watching him from a safe emotional distance.
Example 2: A young woman dreamed of seeing a python get placed into an aquarium that was attacking or eating others animals. In waking life, she felt indifferent to her friends beginning to not like her as she tried to do well in school while having a part time job. In this case, the aquarium with the python snake attacking other animals may have reflected her indifference to observing her job and stronger academic focus "strangling" her social life.
Example 3: A woman dreamed of seeing a developing baby in an aquarium that was close in term development to a previous baby she had aborted. In waking life, she was very sensitive about experiencing or observing herself surpass her previous failed pregnancy term record. In this case, the aquarium may have reflected her thoughts about safely observing her new pregnancy through testing while feeling indifferent to the possibility of needing get another abortion if something was wrong.
Example 4: A man dreamed of looking into an aquarium and seeing a big fish eat a smaller fish. In waking life, he was observing his wife move from her initial stage of pregnancy to a much more sensitive serious stage. He felt he couldn't do anything except be an observer and not a participant in the pregnancy as he watched his wife manage most issues related to the pregnancy on her own. The aquarium in this case may have reflected the man's feelings about observing his wife move into a more serious stage of pregnancy and how she managed it. The big fish eating the smaller fish might symbolize his perception of the increasing demands and responsibilities of the pregnancy 'consuming' the less complicated early stages.
Example 5: A man dreamed of standing in his grade 8 classroom while seeing an aquarium scene change from a weird brown pleco cleaner fish change into an aquarium scene with smaller white fish scared into single file order. In waking life, he was experiencing a criminal situation that was difficult to fix eventually sorting itself out. In this case, the aquarium may have reflected his perception of observing the criminal situation as it unfolded, with no ability to intervene directly.
*Please See Fish
To dream of an assassin represents an aspect of yourself that is concerned with ending or failing something so it will never be a concern ever again. Being totally focused on eliminating some area of your life for good. Cutting someone off for good using surprise or embarrassment. A desire to never face a problem ever again. Sabotage.
Consider the qualities of the person being assassinated and ask yourself how these qualities may apply to you or a situation in your life.
Alternatively, an assassin may represent your feelings about another person or situation that cares about nothing except insensitively cutting you out of the picture. Your feelings about people who are intentionally focused on getting rid of you. It may symbolize your feelings about someone who has privately made the decision to end a relationship or situation with you. Feeling sabotaged.
To dream of doing the backstroke represents a comfortable attitude to navigating an uncertain or negative situation that doesn't think it's serious enough to warrant their full attention or focus. A high degree of confidence navigating uncertain or negative situations on your own. Ease and grace of handling or managing yourself with uncertainty that doesn't think full attention on the directly problem is necessary. A leisurely approach to overcoming a difficulty that doesn't need to look at it because you are listening well enough to handle yourself. Enjoying taking your time getting through a difficulty.
Negatively, the backstroke may being too comfortable with a problem or uncertain situation you are handling yourself with. A sign that you are too confident about your ability to deal with problems or handle difficulties on your own. A tendency to avoid confronting the problem directly or taking it too lightly. It may also reflect a sense that an uncertain situation is too easy to get through. Taking your time or being lazy when serious action is required. Thinking that nothing matter when it actually does. Handling yourself in uncertain situations or arguments with elderly people or people that are too nice to worry about seeing the situation as a problem.
Example: A young man dreamed of swimming the backstroke. In waking life he had experienced conflict with his grandmother of which he felt was mostly resolved. In this case swimming the backstroke may have reflect his feelings of his grandmother being too easy to deal with in an argument to the point focusing on the method" of how to argue rather than the content of the argument itself.
To dream of the beach represents a time in your life when you are confronting negativity or facing uncertainty. It may also represent a transition from a familiar setting to an unfamiliar one. Confronting a current difficulty. Confronting a hard reality after first believing you wouldn't have to.
Negatively, dreaming of the beach may be a sign that you are a confronting a serious crisis moment in your life. Possibly a sign that you are not doing enough to take a serious problem or crisis seriously enough.
Example: A man dreamed of standing on a beach facing the water. In real life he was experiencing a heath crisis and almost died.
Example 2: A man dreamed of seeing a beach. In waking life he was facing the most serious crisis of life which required him to stay away for 4 days straight with no food or water to survive it.
Example 3: A woman dreamed of being at the beach and loving it. In waking life she finally decided to have an affair with a man she had been talking to for a while. The enjoyable beach setting may have reflected her awareness of herself going through with the affair while she knew was wrong. Confronting the uncertainty of risking her current relationship by enjoying herself cheating with another man.
Oddly enough, the man whom the woman had the affair with had the same beach dream as her on the same night. This would make sense because as they were both confronting the uncertain prospect of being caught cheating. The beach scene in both their cases reflected the confrontation with emotional risk of the knowing that were acting out their adulterous fantasies.
*Please See Ocean
*Please See Sand
*Please See Sand Castle
To dream of a boat represents your ability to cope with negative emotions or deal with negative situations. How you are navigating negativity in your life. Your method of confronting problems or getting through difficult problems safely. Safely avoiding troubling situation.
Negatively, boats in dreams reflect feelings of risk associated with a higher degree of uncertainty or instability in your life. Feeling the potential to be overwhelmed by a problem. Feeling heavily involved with a problem that you can't easily walk away from.
Consider the condition of the waters and how it may mirror your waking life. Is it calm or violent? Clear or murky? Are you experiencing "smooth sailing" in a waking life situation?
Alternatively, a boat may reflect your readiness to confront problems or deal with negative aspects of yourself.
A sinking boat may reflect problems in waking life that have overwhelmed you or negative emotions that are too much to handle.
To dream of having missed a boat that was supposed to pick you up represents feelings about having lost an opportunity to safely get through an uncertain or negative situation. Feelings of having missed out on a favor or a chance to be supported with your problems. Missing a chance or missing an important opportunity. Feelings of frustration that you have to face a challenging situation the hard way.
Example: A woman dreamed of getting on a boat to avoid a shark. In waking life she was had changed her regular habits to avoid a man whom she felt was too sexually aggressive hoping that he would eventually just give up and go away.
Example 2: A young man dreamed of his boat tipping over. In waking life he was trying hard to save his relationship with his girlfriend after they had a big fight, but then the girlfriend broke up with him.
Example 3: A man dreamed of seeing his father in a boat with his leg over the side and saw an alligator come bite his father's leg. In waking life he was experiencing his father attempting to survive an illegal situation. The boat in this case may have reflected his feelings about his father using illegal behavior to endure or "sail through" an illegal situation.
*Please See Cruise Ship
*Please See Yachts
*Please See Rowboat
*Please See Paddle Boats
*Please See Sailing
*Please See Sailboat
*Please See Speed Boat
To dream of something boiling represents turmoil or aggravation. Negative emotions or intentions or worsening. A negative situation may be close to reaching an endpoint. Boiling may also reflect your preparation to release negative emotions or intentions on others. There is potential for anger or revenge. You may also be noticing how negative or dangerous a situation is all the time.
Alternatively, boiling may represent a constant state of readiness or power. Aware of yourself always being ready to take action.
Example: A man dreamed of seeing water boiling on a heater in his bedroom which he walked towards to turn off. In waking life this man was secretly thinking of firing an engineer who was giving him difficulty and at the last minute came to an agreement with the engineer. The boiling water in the bedroom represent the secret aggravated thoughts of the man as he grew closer to firing the engineer.
*Please See Stream
To dream of a canal represents feelings about difficult or uncertain situations being possible to get through as long as you are perfectly safe and responsible. Showing restraint. Feeling that a situation doesn't have to be dangerous if you are careful.
Alternatively, dreaming of a canal may reflect solutions that have been specifically created for problems that were expected. Following a contingency plan perfectly to get yourself through a problematic event.
Example: A man dreamed walking beside a canal. In waking life he was being very careful financially because he felt that some people were trying very hard to take all his money as he made a transition in his life. The canal may have reflected his use of certain financial tools as a means to responsibly protect his money during the transition.
To dream of a canoe represents your feelings of ease and adaptability as you navigate uncertainty or negative situations. Self-determination as you confront change and life challenges. You are emotionally balanced, feeling powerful, and in control. Confronting problems the way you want to. Choosing how best confront a terrible situation on your own terms. Confidently navigating uncertain or negative events with a relaxed adult attitude.
To dream of a canoe that is upside down represents abandonment or neglect of your self-determination during a uncertain or negative situation. You may feel unable to easily navigate uncertainty in your life or deal with problems on your own terms.
Negatively, a canoe may reflect a selfish attitude about not having to listen to anyone else during a crisis or negative situation. Ignoring others feelings during a crisis or moment of powerful uncertainty. Alternatively, it may reflect feelings about having to do things on your own during a difficult situation when you may not want to.
Positively, a canoe may reflect a need to ignore arrogant or less intelligent people during a negative situation so you handle problems however you feel is best. Enjoying doing things for yourself during a difficult or uncertain situation.
To dream of a canoe filling up with water or flipping over while you are using it may reflect feelings about yourself being inexperienced at handling difficult situations without oversight. Feelings that you weren't as prepared or practiced enough to do deal with problems in your own.
Example: A man dreamed of being in a canoe with his wife and then falling out and seeing the canoe go off without him. In waking life his wife was heavily pregnant and he after he made one mistake trying to support her he felt that his wife preferred to handle the rest of the pregnancy on her own.
*Please See Beach
To dream of a creek represents uncertainty or a negative situation that you are noticing, but don't feel any urgency with. Seeing your problem, but not feeling threatened by it. Issues you can take your time with.
Cruise Ship
To dream of a cruise ship represents a relaxed approach to uncertainty or negative situations. Taking it easy during a troubled time. Feeling confident while you "sail through" a difficult or unpleasant situation easily. Effortless navigation of troubles. "Cruising" through problems as though they didn't matter.
Alternatively, you may be enjoying deep self-reflection or exploring your problems. You may have an interest in what your problems are, but aren't really concerned about fixing them or making serious changes.
Negatively, a cruise ship may reflect overconfidence or a laid back attitude during a dangerous situation. Feeling that someone else will take care of your problems that you can just "sail" to success. Optimism during a crises or difficult time that is absent of critical thinking skills. Feeling confident that problems will solve themselves.
People in problematic relationships often dream of cruise ships because they are aware of the problem, but may be too afraid to confront or break up with their partner. They don't want to stop feeling good in the relationship. Cruise ships may also show up in dreams when you show interest in your dreams or in deep self-reflection about your problems.
A cruise ship is a sign that there is are issues in your life that you need to make a more serious effort to improve or change.
Example: A young man dreamed of seeing himself looking over the side of a cruise ship into the ocean. In real life he was spending a lot of time thinking about his problems and examining his dreams. The cruise ship reflected how enjoyable it was for him to study his dreams.
Example 2: A woman dreamed of being on a cruise ship. In waking life she was heavily pregnant, but trying to be as relaxed about it as she could.
To dream of a dam represents feelings about a negative or uncertain situation being kept under control. A negative situation that is being kept on hold. Repressed emotions or problems. Pent up emotions. Behavior that is focused on acting professional or respectable about avoiding causing others stress. A problem that is being slowly tapered off. Keeping angry or unpleasant emotions inside to prevent fighting. Relationship issues being repressed or left undiscussed to avoid conflict. Feeling that you have subjugated an uncertain or negative situation. A defense against a dangerous outburst of anger or other negative emotions.
To dream of a bursting dam represents uncertainty or a negative situation that you can't control anymore. Losing control of your emotions. Anger that can't be repressed any longer. You are overwhelmed by a problem or conflict. An outpouring of negativity that is unstoppable. Feeling that you can't hold back your honest feelings or beliefs any longer. Massive change that can't be delayed any longer. Disappointment in yourself for not being as supportive for someone else as you believed you could have been.
Example: A man dreamed of being unable to save his sons from drowning in a dam. In waking life he felt he was failing as a parent because he couldn't be around for his children all the time. The dam in the dream may have reflected his feelings about his attempt to responsibly make his children's lives easier when he wasn't around by using his money to "hold off" problems bad influences for his children.
Example 2 : A man dreamed of walking near a dam. In waking life he was very happy with his new job promotion and felt good about his job security controlling all his family problems and giving him peace of mind.
Example 3: A woman dreamed of a damn bursting. In waking life she was avoiding speaking to her boyfriend to avoid a fight when suddenly her boyfriend began to insult her and it caused them to fight.
To dream of dew represents feelings of freshness, clarity, and renewal with a sense of nothing dangerous or complicated mattering anymore. Beginning a situation that feels refreshed and doesn't embarrass you with anything dangerous. Hope and a new beginning after a period of darkness or stagnation. A new perspective or a rejuvenation of spirit. Feeling good thinking about the uncertainty of an optimistic positive new beginning.
Positively, dreaming about dew may represent a fresh start, clarity of thought, or a momentary glimpse of purity in your life. It may reflect a new understanding, a revelation, or a cleansing of negative energies. Dew can be indicative of an oasis of tranquility in an otherwise chaotic environment or the simple joys that life offers amidst complexities. This dream might reflect a period of cleansing, healing, or spiritual awakening in your waking life. Newfound realization and hope.
Negatively, dreaming about dew could represent fleeting moments or transient emotions. You might feel that the freshness or clarity is only temporary. It might also signify superficial changes, where the surface seems renewed, but underlying issues remain unresolved.
Example: A young woman dreamed of seeing morning dew on morning grass. In waking life, she was beginning to realize that she didn't like getting drunk anymore. In this case, the dew on the morning grass may have reflected her feelings of clarity, sobriety, and a fresh perspective upon waking after a night of drinking.
Example 2: A young man dreamed of dew on the grass. In waking life, he was back together with his girlfriend after a stressful breakup. In this case, the dew may have reflected his feelings of a renewed relationship, the freshness of starting over, and the hope that past complications and misunderstandings wouldn't matter anymore.