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To dream of a sailboat represents a higher degree of control while navigating uncertain or negative situations. You have an ability to adjust and respond to problems as they arise. You may have experience or knowledge that helps a great deal.

To dream of a sailboat without sails may reflect feelings about uncertain situations not being easy to passively endure. Feelings about people, government, or life not being able to help you safely or smoothly get through problems. Feeling that life is a lesson and not easy.

Example: A young man dreamed of seeing a sailboat moving through the ocean. In real life he slowly recovering from traumatic shock.

Example 2: A woman dreamed of sailing a boat that had no sails towards a big wall of water. In waking life she had been cut off social security trying to find a new form of income.

*Please See Sailing


To dream of sailing represents your ability to navigate uncertainty or negative situations. How well you are able to handle life's difficult problems. Smooth sailing through rough water is a sign that you are overcoming difficulties.

To dream of sailing through uncharted waters represents stability as you confront uncertain situations that you've never experienced before. You lack experience but are handling yourself well.

*Please See Sailboat

Sailing Ships

To dream of an large sailing ship with masts represents your slow progress through a difficult or uncertain situation that is totally dependent on conditions you can't control. It may also reflect your confidence while you slowly get through a troubling time.

Example: A man dreamed of grabbing a rope to climb onto a large sailing ship. In waking life he was a webmaster who has experiencing a major traffic penalty from the search engines due to a mistake he made. He was confident that having corrected the problem that slowly and surely all his traffic would return to normal.


To dream of a sailor represents an aspect of your personality that is adept at navigating negative or uncertain situations. Feelings about yourself being experienced with troubling situations to the point of being an expert at keeping life smooth no matter how difficult the situation gets. Experience in the "deeper waters" of life. Experience at dealing with difficult emotional situations and relationship problems.

Positively, a sailor may reflect experience and perseverance to get through a troubling or highly emotional situation. Experience safely enduring the worst possible situations. Experience with keeping difficult situations smoothly running and progressive. Expertise at managing turbulent moments in life.

Negatively, dreaming about a sailor may reflect awareness of dishonest behavior being used to keep your own life in "smooth waters" while other people are unhappy. Smoothly maintaining your own happiness through a difficult situation while other people are unhappy. Perseverance to endure any difficult situation only for your own happiness. Using deceptive tactics through a difficult situation to maintain stability for yourself.

Example: A man dreamed of seeing an evil sailor. In waking life he was a young man trying to move out on his own to enjoy his new successful career. He felt that his father was using deceptive tactics to stall him and keep him living at home so that the father could maintain stability in his own life and resist any change to the family life. He felt that he father was very experienced at being deceptive at keeping life unchanged for himself without any consideration for the dreamer's feelings. The evil sailor in this case may have reflected his feelings about his father's dishonest attempts to avoid any family turbulence whatsoever.

Example 2: A man dreamed of seeing an sailor on a sailboat. In waking life he had endured a very dangerous situation safely and intelligently. He was very preoccupied with never having to experience the same situation ever again and felt that he was smart enough to ensure he didn't while still having anxiety about potential problems.

Scuba Diving

To dream of scuba diving represents close observation of a negative or uncertain situation while doing nothing about it.

Positively, scuba diving may reflect your attempt to notice everything you can about a problem before doing something about it. Delving deep into a problem for answers before taking action.

Example: A man had a recurring dream of scuba diving. In waking life he was constantly putting up with his wife's snoring and not doing anything to wake her or talk about it with her.


*Please See Ocean


To dream of a seaplane represents feelings about the trajectory or momentum of plans, ideas, or projects that you wish to "get off the ground" under conditions that require never thinking of uncertainty as a problem. Your ability to handle and adapt to uncertain or unpredictable situations while maintaining progress. Never having to stop thinking of yourself getting something done in a situation that never stops being uncertain or unpredictable. Thoughts about getting a "rescue mission" off the ground for other people who need help getting their lives back to normal. A mindset of rescuing people from problems on an ongoing basis.

Negatively, dreaming about a seaplane represents feelings about overdoing plans, ideas, or projects that you wish to "get off the ground" under conditions that require never thinking of uncertainty as a problem. Too much concern with rescuing people from problems on an ongoing basis.

Example: A person dreamed of being in a seaplane going down a waterslide that never takes off. In waking life, the person was planning to purchase useful goods to give away to homeless people but hadn't gotten around to it yet. In this case, the seaplane never taking off from the waterslide may have reflected the person's feelings about their charitable project needing to navigate the uncertainty and unpredictability of homeless people's lives on the streets with an attitude that never thought about it as a problem and never being motivated beyond enjoying talking about it being fun and easy.


To dream of a large ship represents navigation or exploration of negative situations without risk. Uncertainty in your life that you are dealing with without feeling pressure, intimidation, or embarrassment. Experiencing uncertain or challenging circumstances, while maintaining a sense of security, control, or unassailability. Ships in dreams may reflect your ability or resources to 'sail' through difficult times, face adversity, or deal with emotional turmoil. You may be confronting issues or navigating through life's ups and downs without feeling pressured, intimidated, or embarrassed.

Positively, dreaming about a large ship might indicate that you have the necessary resources, support, or strength to handle problems or challenges that come your way. It could suggest resilience, perseverance, or the ability to maintain composure in the face of adversity.

To dream of a sinking ship may represent feelings about being overwhelmeed by uncertainty, a fear of failure, or a worry about not being able to handle the challenges or problems you're facing. It could symbolize a situation in your life that's falling apart, or a feeling of impending disaster.

*Please See Boat

*Please See Battleship

*Please See Aircraft Carrier


To dream of an angry, evil, or deranged shooter represents feelings about the possibility for dangerous choices to be made that get back at you. Fear of some kind of uncontrolled choice causing serious damage or failure in your life. Feelings about lies you have told having consequences with someone else's frustrated anger. Feeling that someone is going to get you back in way that you feel is emotionally dangerous. Feeling that someone is insistent and determined to get you back that scares you. Feeling that an unpredictable person or situation might "snap" at any time. Feelings about possible random or unpredictable acts of vengeance on innocence. Concerns about dealing with someone else's heated frustrations.

To dream of a professional shooter represents feelings about calculated decisions to "take out" a problem. Calculated payback. Your own arrogance that is attempting to "take out" a problem. Feelings that someone is trying "take you out" with calculated decisions. Dangerous powerful decisions that can be called up on demand. Feelings about calculated payback that can't be predicted.

To dream of a criminal shooter represents represents feeling about significant dishonest choices that may be dangerous or cause harm. Powerful dishonest choices that may cause significant loss to you or others. Dishonest choices that make you feel that you or someone else is immoral.

*Please See School Shooter


To dream of seeing a shooting represents witnessing yourself or someone else making a final decision. A change has been decided on. Aiming for a goal. Choosing to "terminate" your competition or people who you think are working against your best interests.

Alternatively, seeing a shooting in a dream may reflect awareness of something in your life being cancelled, stopped, or purposely failed. A fight or conflict of interests in waking life. Feeling that people or life are working against you in some way. Feeling intentionally antagonized, attacked, or embarrassed. Feeling shocked by a sudden loss or setback.

Negatively, dreaming of a shooting may reflect witnessing a shocking choice being made or dangerous change of events.

To dream that you are shooting someone else may reflect a big decision you've made. Getting rid of a partner or problem for good. Making an emotionally dangerous or dramatic decision. Choosing to "terminate" some area of your life. Negatively, it may reflect choosing to turn your back on something good in you life.

To be shot with bullets symbolizes people or situations with the power to control your decisions and feelings. Decisions other people have made that embarrassed you.

To see another person shoot someone represents one aspect of your personality having the power to control another. Feelings about losing an argument or fight.

To dream of being shot at, but missed symbolizes people or situations that are attempting to control your decisions. If you shoot and miss someone in a dream it represents your failed attempt to reach a goal or change something. Failure to "terminate" a person or problem.

To die from a gunshot wound represents failure due to a situation or person that overpowered you or took you by surprise. A person or situation was too powerful, resourceful or intimidating. Often a dream symbol that appears when someone is fired from a job or a partner breaks up with them. Feeling purposely excluded, "kicked out" or "fired."

Example: A man dreamed of being shot in his chest. In waking life he went to the doctor to examine some pain and discomfort he was having and found out that he had a serious heart problem. The shooting may have reflected his feelings about life shocking him with sudden health problem.

Example 2: A young girl dreamed of being shot in the head. In waking life she woke up with a severe migraine.

Example 3: A man dreamed of seeing other people being shot. In waking life he experienced co-workers getting fire by his boss.

Example 4: A woman dreamed of shooting people in all directions. In waking life she was suffering from a paranoid mental illness that made her turn on everyone around her.

Example 5: A man dreamed of shooting a lion. In waking life he felt forced to defend himself against a woman whose behavior was becoming too controlling.

Example 6: A man dreamed of fighting and losing a violent shoot-out with guns. In waking life she was trying very hard to give up his marijuana habit and eventually gave in to his cravings.

Example 7: A young man dreamed of being shot with a single bullet in his cheek. In waking life he got a pimple on his cheek the next day. The bullet may have reflected his feelings about the zit attacking his ability to stay competitively attractive with other boys at school.

Example 8: A woman dreamed of seeing her stepfather with bullets shots in his body. In waking life she had lost an argument with a sister of whom she hated.

Example 9: A woman dreamed of being shot. In waking life she got rejected for a promotion. In this case the gun shot may have reflected her feelings about the powerful emotional impact of the choice by others to reject her promotion request and diminish her confidence about being a professional.

Example 10: A woman dreamed of being shot in the head. In waking life she felt sad after being dumped by a guy.

*Please See Bullets

*Please See Guns


To dream of a shootout represents feelings of intense conflict, danger, or confrontation in your waking life. A high-stakes situation where you or others are engaged in a fierce battle, either verbally, emotionally, or physically. A reflection of your fears, anxieties, or concerns about a real-life conflict or power struggle. A fast-moving confrontational situation with a clear sense of opposition or rivalry, and a significant urgency about the outcome. Deep-rooted internal conflicts.

Positively, dreaming of a shootout may indicate that you have the courage, determination, and readiness to confront issues, challenges, or individuals head-on. A willingness to stand up for your beliefs and protect what is important to you, even in the face of adversity. A strong defensive stance, assertiveness, or the courage to stand your ground. A desire for justice or a resolution to a long-standing issue. A release of pent-up stress or aggression, signifying an active engagement in resolving matters that have been causing tension or conflict.

Negatively, a shootout in a dream may suggest that you are feeling overwhelmed by a conflict situation in your waking life. Repressed anger or aggression that needs to be addressed. Uncontrolled anger, danger, or chaotic situations. Feeling caught in the middle of a hostile situation where you feel unsafe or threatened. Making impulsive decisions under pressure, or engaging in harmful or risky conflicts that could have serious consequences. A chaotic emotional atmosphere with outbursts or "firing off" of angry emotions or harsh words, akin to bullets in a shootout. An internal state of stress and alertness, constantly feeling like there is a need to be on the defensive due to the unpredictable but always tense environment you are living in. A fear of confrontation or an inability to control a rapidly escalating situation in your waking life.

Example: A young man dreamed of seeing all the people he lives with as he walked down his old street. Suddenly, a shootout broke out. In waking life, he felt that sometimes he couldn't stand the people he lived with because there was too much hate, anger, and fakeness. In this case, the shootout may have reflected his perception of the intense conflict, "explosive" confrontations", and hostility he felt within his living situation. The dream served as a metaphor for the emotional battleground he experienced daily, where people around him were engaged in conflict, making him uncomfortable and anxious.

*Please See Guns


To dream of a shotgun represents the power to make a decision that is significant, powerful, or has lasting consequences. A shotgun symbolizes choices that are dramatic. Dealing with a problem with one final shot.

If bad people in a dream hold a shotgun it represents negative personality traits with the power to make dramatic choices that could sabotage you, or "burn bridges." It may also reflect your own wish to get back at someone powerfully.

To dream of a sawed-off shotgun symbolizes you or some aspect of your personality that can make very powerful quick decisions. Big choices made on the spot. If a bad or evil person in a dream has a sawed-off shot gun this can symbolize very powerful short term rash decisions.

Example: A very young girl dreamed of seeing her father shooting her with a shotgun. In waking life her parents were getting divorced and she feared deciding which parents to live with because she felt that one of them would stop loving her. The shotgun in this case may have reflected how powerful and dangerous she felt deciding which parent to live with was.

Example 2: A man dreamed picking up a double barrel shotgun. In waking life he was threatening to sue someone for injuries while demanding a settlement as a faster option to resolve the legal conflict.

*Please See Guns


To dream of a shower represents a renewal, or a fresh start. A shower symbolizes something you are thinking, or something that is happening in your waking life that is allowing you to relieve a burden or stress of some kind. Something may have happened that allows you to stop worrying.

If you can't find a shower, or have difficulty using one it symbolizes a burden or emotional difficulties that are holding you back.

Negatively, a shower may reflect negative or dishonest actions that improve your life in some way. Feeling that your social standing changes from a loser to a winner because you did something illegal or took drugs around people who pressured you. Awareness of yourself becoming a winner because you are choosing to change your life with an illegal decision.

Example: A young girl dreamed of being in a shower and pulling out her teeth. In waking life she felt that she was getting more respect from her friends after taking drugs for the very first time.

Example 2: A man had recurring dreams of being in his shower. In waking he was experiencing recurring bouts of anxiety that would fade away after a period of time leaving him feeling better about himself.

Example 3: A man dreamed of being in a shower. In waking life was experiencing a serious complication with his health slowly going away.

Example 4: A woman dreamed of crying in the shower. In waking life she felt that she was emotionally stable moving on from her mother's death and then suddenly found it difficult to get over her mother's death after thinking about her for too long.

Example 5: A man dreamed of walking towards a shower and then being told that he didn't need to so he turned around. In waking life, the man thought he was going to have to go to the hospital for a serious health condition, but his health stabilized at the last minute. In this case, the shower may have reflected his feelings about thinking he needed to go to the hospital to get medical assistance to restore his body to normal function.

*Please See Soap

*Please See Bathtubs

*Please See Bubble Bath

Skinny Dipping

To dream of skinny dipping represents a lack of concern for hiding your honest feelings or beliefs for something you know you're aren't supposed to be doing. Freely and openly exploring an uncertain situation or taking a risk being totally honest with someone.

Example: A woman dreamed of skinny dipping with a co-worker. In real life she had a boyfriend, but was beginning to flirt with this co-worker. The skinny dipping reflects the risk of her openness about her feelings to this co-worker while knowing it wasn't right.

Speed Boat

To dream of a speed boat represents navigating uncertainty, stressful times, or negative situations at a fast pace. You may feel an urgent need to confront a problem. You may be trying to get through a difficult time as quickly as possible. You may also feel rushed or pressured to keep up.

To dream of steering a speed boat to turn around may reflect feelings about reevaluating an uncertain situation you initially chose to confront quickly.

Example: A man dreamed of riding a speed boat across a lake as quickly as he could. In real life he was a gay man who was infected with AIDS. He was trying to leave the gay promiscuous lifestyle as quickly as he could by seeking therapy and the support of friends.

Example 2: A woman dreamed of being on a speed boat towards black smoke and turning the boat around. In waking life, she wanted to rush meeting a man she met online years earlier, but started to believe the man couldn't be trusted 100%. In this case, the speed boat may have reflected her desire for a fast-paced approach to establishing a relationship with the man she met online years ago.



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