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Mexican People

To dream of Mexican people represents aspects of your personality that respects itself believing in itself. A staunch attitude about believing in yourself as something you're always supposed to do. Respecting yourself never being a fake or phony all the time. Asserting yourself with people who want you to change things that you've grown accustom to. Refusing to change because you won't respect yourself believing in yourself if you do. A perfectly stubborn negotiation where you show someone you have nothing to lose, aren't fake, and don't need them. Respecting yourself never needing to talk to someone you believe isn't good enough to talk to you.

Negatively, a Mexican may reflect overdoing respecting yourself believing in yourself. Not being afraid to take risk or believing in yourself pushing limits that go over the line. Not noticing anything fake that is scary. Socializing that isn't desperate about not needing people. Feeling that someone is crazy for not changing. Confronting ingrained attitudes or habits. Arrogantly showing off telling people how much you don't care. Feeling that someone doesn't respect you because you aren't exciting enough. Feelings of dangerous incompetent emptiness because someone prefers to feel good first. Talking to yourself about going through with suicidal plans. Not liking changing bad habits because you like yourself without needing to quit (smoking, drinking, etc.)

Example: A man dreamed of seeing a beautiful Mexican woman. In waking life he kept getting disappointed that a woman he thought liked him would never want to talk to him. The Mexican woman in this case may have reflected his feelings about the beautiful woman respecting herself believing in herself confident due to her higher level of attractiveness that made him feel that she didn't need to talk to him. She was confident socially without him making him feel that he wasn't respected because he wasn't exciting enough to speak to no matter how many times he tried.

Example 2: A man dreamed of sitting on a couch with a dangerous Mexican youth. In waking life he was considering killing himself because his life wasn't very exciting. In this case the Mexicans on the couch may have reflected aspects of the man's personality that were not afraid to take risks or not afraid go over the line believing in themselves to commit suicide.

Example 3: A man dreamed of seeing Mexicans. In waking life he had failed to keep himself off cigarettes with a new method of quitting he tried. In this case the Mexicans in the dream may have reflected his feelings about friends who respected themselves believing in themselves as smokers with no pressure to quit while the dreamer felt pressure to quit and didn't like himself as a non-smoker.

Men (General)

To see men in a dream represents aspects of yourself or areas of your life that are assertive, aggressive, rational, practical, or insensitive.

If you are a woman and dream of being very attracted to an unknown man this represents a desire for something you want in life. Either an experience or a person you are interested in getting to know.

To dream of men that you do know represents aspects of yourself or qualities of experiences based on your most honest feeling or memories of those men. Ask yourself what character traits or memories come to mind first when you think of the man in your dream.


To dream of a mermaid represents feelings about the alluring and captivating nature of something drawing your attention away from other important aspects of your life towards uncertainty. A sense of fascination or enchantment with something that may have hidden or deceptive qualities. It can symbolize an attraction to a person or situation that seems too good to be true, but may lead to uncertainty or confusion. A desire for freedom or escape from the constraints of everyday life that may make one feel foolish or naive. Temptation or clever deceptions. Your feelings about something attractive or interesting that leads you astray. A deceptive lure. A person or situation that enchants you before turning on you. Sexual seduction intended to make a fool out of you. Feelings about people that you suspect may abandon you the moment they get what they want from you. Enemies that enjoy leading you astray. Feelings about addictions making you feel that it's ok to indulge a little bit while being aware that indulging might make the addiction worse.

Alternatively, the mermaid may a fear of the unknown or of things that are too good to be true. It may reflect feelings of suspicion or distrust towards something that appears too beautiful or pleasant, leading to uncertainty or hesitation. A wonderful experience with "something fishy about it." Friendly or interesting offers that seem suspicious.

Negatively, dreaming about mermaids may be a warning sign against alluring and captivating situations such a sex for pregnancy, bribes that are setups, or being tricked by people that think you like something too much. It may reflect feelings of complacency and a false sense of security, believing it's safe to ignore suspicious issues even when they are potential red flags. Trusting people who have betrayed you in the past or naively believing that you won't get into trouble if you act more intelligent or knowledgeable about something dangerous or risky than usual.

To dream of being a mermaid may reflect feelings of being alluring or captivating to others, particularly in a sexual context. Using seductive or manipulative tactics to lure someone into giving up power or advantages. For women trying to get pregnant, the dream may reflect their use of sex or sexual attractiveness to entice their partners to conceive a child, even if it may not align with their partners' ideal vision of the future of the relationship.

Example: A man dreamed of seeing mermaids on his walls. In waking life he was having serious problems with pornography addiction. He felt that his addiction was so strong that he couldn't overcome the seduction of pornography making him feel that looking at pornography was okay as long as he didn't masturbate to it. He kept repeating this behavior and ended up feeling humiliated by his addiction. In this case the mermaids may have reflected his awareness of the seductive and alluring nature of pornography, which drew him in despite his better judgment. The mermaids on the walls could represent his struggle to break free from the temptation of pornography, as well as his desire to be able to resist its pull and regain control over his behavior.

Example 2: A man dreamed of catching a mermaid and then letting it go. In waking life he had a business idea, but he thought it might lure investors into wasting their money because he doubted himself. He let go of the idea.

Example 3: A teenage girl dreamed of a canal being full of mermaids. In waking life she felt that reading a lot had started to overwhelm certain parts of her life such as homework or art. In this case the mermaids may have reflect her feelings about the alluring and captivating nature of reading that is drawing her attention away from other important aspects of her life.

Example 4: A woman dreamed of learning to become a mermaid. In waking life she and her fiance were trying to have a kid. In this case being a mermaid may have reflected her feelings about being sexually alluring to her fiance with more sex than usual to keep him interested in getting her pregnant while being aware of the potential changes in their relationship dynamic that come with pregnancy and motherhood, including a shift in sexual activity and increased financial responsibilities for her fianc�. The mermaid in this context may represent her need to be alluring and attractive to maintain her partner's interest and support, as well as her anxiety about the uncertain and lifelong responsibilities of parenthood. She may have been using sex and pregnancy to lure her fiance into marriage.

Christian People

To dream of Christians represents aspects of your personality with a mindset that respects itself persistent about seeing itself as safely moral so that nobody else thinks otherwise. A struggle to resist temptation and uphold values, beliefs, and principles, even in the face of difficult challenges or societal pressures. You may feel that the onus is on you to keep up faith or moral behavior to avoid losing God's approval. You may also have a self-awareness of your commitment to doing nothing wrong or being noticed doing nothing wrong. Dreaming of Christian people may also represent a belief in the value of doing good or being kind to others. It could symbolize the importance of living by a certain set of values or principles that you hold dear. A need for guidance or a desire for a stronger sense of purpose or faith. Additionally, it may represent a need for forgiveness, redemption, or salvation.

Negatively, Christians in dreams may represent a mindset that is overdoing moral appearances for what other people think. Overdoing suffering because you believe it will make God forgive you. It could also represent a fear of being judged or criticized for your beliefs or actions. Feeling uptight about doing anything immoral. An arrogant attitude about thinking your never wrong about what morality is. It may also be a sign that you are having problems forgiving yourself. A sense of conformity or pressure to adhere to societal or religious an inner desire or fear, or a call to serve God. A sense of guilt, judgment, or hypocrisy. It could symbolize feelings of unworthiness or shame for not living up to your own or others' expectations. Jealousy of why God doesn't help you or protect you when you were faithful.

Christian people in dreams commonly appear when a person questions about whether faith is too little or too excessive.

Example: A man dreamed of seeing a Christian protesting against sexual lust. In waking life, he was trying to give up on masturbation. In this case, the Christian person may have reflected the man's inner moral compass or sense of guilt regarding his sexual desires, as well as his efforts to resist and overcome them. The Christian protesting against sexual lust may represent the man's own internal struggle to resist temptation and uphold his values, beliefs, and principles, even in the face of difficult challenges or societal pressures. It may also suggest a need for self-discipline, self-control, and restraint in his behavior and actions.

Example 2: A young woman dreamed of seeing a very religious woman and a man trying to impress her. The man says something sarcastic and woman says "Excuse me?" The man responds "No offense, it's just a good Christian song." In waking life, the woman was proposed to 2 days after this dream. In this case, the claim that a song was just a good Christian song may have reflected the dreamer feeling uncertain about the sincerity of her partner's religious beliefs and commitment to morality, particularly in the context of pressuring premarital sexual activities after he proposed to her.

Example 3: A person dreamed that the rapture happened and was not sure why they were left behind because there were confident that they were a good Christian. In waking life, the dreamer was frustrated by her complaining mother where upset them a lot. In this case, the dreamer feeling that they were a good Christian may have reflected the dreamer's belief that they were doing everything right and morally sound in life, yet they were unable to understand why they were being subjected to a stagnant life that felt behind looking after their mother. The dreamer may have been questioning the fairness of the situation and may have been struggling with feelings of self-doubt and confusion about their own morality and spirituality.

Example 4: A man dreamed of a Christian minister asking him if he knew Jesus. His response was yes, but that his faith was weak due to the despair of not getting a promotion at work. The Christian minister said that the man was being looked after from people in heaven. In waking life, he was upset that he wasn't being offered a higher job position. In this case, the Christian minister may hay have reflected the man's inner voice and sense of professionalism about his faith, urging the dreamer to strengthen his faith and rely on his beliefs to help him cope with his disappointment.

Example 5: A woman dreamed of saying "why can't you forgive me?" to a person she felt was a strong Christian. In waking life, she had regret for things she had said and done and wished she hadn't. In this case, the belief in the person being a strong Christian whom she wanted forgiveness from may have reflected her feelings about never being forgiven by someone who does everything right in life with a strong sense of faith.

Example 6: A woman dreamed of seeing a Goth woman and a Christian woman. In waking life, she had a recovered from a drug problem that got her kicked out of school and she wanted to return to school again. In this case, the contrast between the Goth woman and the Christian woman may have reflected the dreamer's inner conflict between her old lifestyle associated with drug addiction and a desire to change her life and become a better person.

Crystal Meth

To dream of crystal meth may represents addiction to feelings of never having to listen to anyone else at all. Enjoying thinking you are too important to listen to advice. Feeling good believing that other people are too stupid or weak to be respected at all. Enjoying feeling never needing to care about other people ever again. Feeling "high" thinking you are smarter or more attractive than everyone else.

To dream be addicted to crystal meth in a dream may be a sign that you have embarrassed yourself never listening to others or choosing to do something dangerous on your own. Having a problem telling yourself that you were wrong about not needing friends or family involved in your life in some way. Screwing up your life enjoying not listening to advice or thinking you were too good to listen to it. Destroying yourself doing something all by yourself. Feeling terrified that you would ever have to share something important to you at all. Embarrassment that you have no friends left because you were too concerned with thinking you were better than them.

Family Members

To dream of a family member represents a quality in yourself based on your most honest feelings about them. Ask yourself what memories or feelings stand out the most about them and see how that quality may apply to your own life.

*Please See Mother

*Please See Father

*Please See Brothers

*Please See Sisters

*Please See Grandmother

*Please See Grandfather

*Please See Cousins

*Please See Aunts

*Please See Uncle

Gay People

To dream of gay people represents aspects of your personality with a mindset that is aware of itself having problems not being acceptable to other people. Behavior that respects itself noticing it has acceptance issues.Behavior that feels good doing something feels wrong, odd, or not acceptable to others. Issues with caring about acceptability or feeling like you don't fit in with others. You may notice that you're not as "normal" as everyone else in some way, or you may feel good doing something that others view as wrong, odd, or not acceptable. Issues with moral acceptability with other people or with being noticed behaving in unconventional or taboo ways. An unconventional or non-traditional way of thinking and living your life that you feel has trouble being accepted by other people.

Positively, gay people in a dream may represent a comfortable attitude towards exploration of the taboo or not caring what other people think about something you are doing that is viewed by others as different. You may have no concerns for what other people believe is acceptable or not, and may even be testing boundaries that have never been tested before, making people think you are weird or dangerous. Feelings about hallucinogenic drugs being beneficial when other people think they are evil, dangerous, or illegal.

Negatively, gay people may reflect awareness of yourself enjoying something hard to make other people accept because it's immoral, not considered standard behavior, or dangerously away from the line of safety. Awareness of yourself liking doing something that may come with backlash or consequences due to others not accepting your behavior. Vanity that is out of control. Showing off with something that other people find difficult to accept. Behavior never cares about why respecting yourself being accepted is important when it is. Not doing something the right way when you know you could. Feelings about other people thinking you are lamer or wimpier than you should be. Not respecting sexual conservatism when it is the norm.

To dream of worrying that someone will think your gay may represent anxieties about people thinking there's something wrong with you. You may also be very self-conscious about being accepted, looking strange, weak, or choosing losing.

Example: A woman dreamed of seeing lesbians driving a bulldozer on her front lawn. In waking life, this woman had an abortion. In this case, the lesbians on the bulldozer may have reflected her feelings about herself having difficulty being accepted by family as childless or as a woman who chose to have an abortion, which may be viewed as unconventional or taboo by some people in her family or social circle.

Example 2: A woman dreamed of enjoying gay sex when she was not gay. In waking life she was enjoying herself discussing her relationship and marriages plans to people about man she was in a long-distance relationship with and hadn't seen in a very long time. In this case the gay sex may have reflected her enjoyment and excitement about the long-distance relationship with the man, even though it was unconventional or unusual, and her fear of being judged by others for it.

Example 3: A straight man dreamed of being self-conscious that he might look gay to a crowd of people. In waking like, the man was self-conscious about getting back at people in public after ruining them for trying to attack him in public. In this case, being self-conscious may have reflected his concerns about appearing unorthodox, overly sensitive, or vulnerable while trying to defend himself against the public attacks. The fear of being perceived as gay in the dream might represent his fear of being seen as weak, different, or not conforming to the expectations of others as he took action to protect himself.

Example 4: A man dreamed of seeing a gay person. In waking life, he hadn't heeded religious advice to stay 100% sexual abstinent when he heard the advice loud and clear. In this case, a gay person may have reflected his feelings of guilt or inner conflict about not being morally acceptable to himself for ignoring the religious guidance on sexual abstinence.

Gothic People

To dream of gothic people represents aspects of your personality with a mindset that is dark, depressing, and unconventional. Fascination or enjoyment of with the dark side of life.

Negatively, dreaming about Gothic people may suggest feelings of death, darkness, and mourning. Depressing suicidal thoughts or self-abuse. Self-cutting. Negative thinking patterns or habits that you find enjoyable. It's reflects a supportive attitude towards negative choices and beliefs despite knowing their harmful effects.

Example: A man dreamed of getting married, but couldn't attend the wedding. All the guests were dressed like Gothic people. In waking life, it was his dead wives birthday. In this case, the gothic people at the wedding he couldn't attend may have reflected his feelings about other people wanting to enjoy celebrating his dead wife's birthday which he found to be too dark and depressing.

Heart Medicine

To dream of heart medication may represent thoughts or habits that effect your ability to stay calm. To dream of having different options of heart medicine may reflect conflicting choices about how to approach a stressful situation, or respond to other people.

Alternatively, dreaming of heart medication may represent habits or situations that effect your ability to care for others. Something that helps to open up your heart, care more about a person, or be more sympathetic.

Instrument Trolley (Medical)

To dream of a medical instrument trolley represents feeling that dealing with a problem is arduous, meticulous, and requiring your full attention. Your focus on a problem's removal is always on your mind. Noticing yourself dealing with a serious problem with exhausting attention to detail. Feeling that you can do nothing that feels good at all or that being perfectly serious for long periods of time is the only way to fix a problem.

Example: A man dreamed of seeing an instrument trolley. In waking life he was trying to fight copyright theft on the Internet. He realized that slowly reporting a website with thousands of violations to Google with DMCA notices was effective, but very time consuming. The instrument trolley represented the how long, boring, and drawn out the process of reporting such a large amount of copyright violations felt in order to fix his problem.

Little People

To dream of little people represents aspects of your personality that are smaller or less significant than they want to be while not being able to do anything about it. An aspect of your personality that believes it's important enough to respect itself, but isn't allowed to to be important. Behavior that isn't having the impact it's supposed to because it isn't normal. Feelings about nobody having to listen to you when you think it's important they should. Feelings about other people not being important.

Negatively, dreaming about little people may represent feelings of inadequacy, insecurity, or being overlooked or dismissed by others. Feelings about not having to be listened to. Being consistently overlooked or underestimated by others. Aspects of your personality that have a small impact or influence.

Example: A man dreamed of being in his bathroom and seeing a group of little people approximately 6 inches tall walk into the bathroom to face him. One of them was wearing a tight yellow superhero outfit like Superman. In waking life, while in a hallucinatory state, he believed that the entire earth was switching from the 3rd dimension to the 4th and that he had to survive his house filled with negative entities to save the earth. When the hallucinations stopped he realized it was overblown. In this case, the little people may have reflected his thoughts about the hallucinations eventually stopping and nobody having to listen to anything he said about the experience being important.

*Please See Midgets

*Please See Miniature


To dream of a meadow represents openness and security. Feeling good enjoying a situation all to yourself. A beautiful or wonderful situation that never gets interrupted. Being yourself or expressing yourself with nobody around to spoil it. Taking time out to appreciate your accomplishments or personal interests.

Example: A woman dreamed of being in a meadow and having to inspect every blade of grass. In waking life she was doing research on ancient languages for her book that required a lot of careful inspection of the ancient translations. The meadow scene may have reflected her feelings about how wonderful it felt having all the private personal access and assistance she needed for her research while meticulously having to verify all the work.

*Please See Field


To dream of cooked meat represents situations or experiences that sustain you with a sense of strength, confidence or power. The strongest option to sustain or stabilize yourself with. Choices that let you feel strength with control, leadership, or having your way. A strong choice that sustains you or lets you feel bigger than others. Feelings about being able to be reckless if you want to.

To dream of raw meat represents a situation in waking life where you have the option to take or seize power. Having the option to prepare to be stronger or powerfully sustained.

To dream of eating raw meat may indicate your rush or haste to seize power. Negatively, it may reflect your wish to fail or embarrass people who want to take your power away by "getting the jump" on them. Not wasting any time preparing or waiting for a situation that gives you strength, control or confidence.

Consider the type of meat for additional meaning.

*Please See Steak

*Please See Chicken (Food)

*Please See Bologna


To dream of a mechanic represents feelings about a thinking style or decision-making style being wrong. Feeling that your lifestyle "needs to be repaired." Feeling that your life needs a change to help you become a bigger winner or "get back on track." Advice or acknowledgement about what kinds of changes you will require to return to a happy or smoother functioning life.

A mechanic may reflect insight or acknowledgement about your flaws or oversights. Realizing that there is a need to be more sophisticated about your approach to goals. It may also reflect the healing past hurts or traumas that are holding you back. Repairing or changing some area of your life that has stopped you from making progress.

To dream that you are a mechanic may reflect informing others about what they have to do to make their choices or goals work. Helping others be more intelligent about the choices or decision-making. Revealing to others their lack of understanding or sophistication with their methods or decision styles. Feelings about yourself helping others move on from trauma, bad relationships, or painful conflict. Helping others learn about flaws or weaknesses that stop them from being a bigger winner.

Example: A man dreamed of an incompetent mechanic that tried to fix his car, but left it with a fatal error. In waking life was recently divorced and felt that he had made a big mistake in choosing to start dating a woman that he was too afraid to break up with. The incompetent mechanic in this case may have reflected his feelings about his decision-making style regarding dating women needing some changes.

*Please See Cars


To dream of medals represents feelings of acknowledgement or reward for an achievement. Feeling recognized for your abilities or talents. Feelings that you are the best at something.

Negatively, medals may reflect sensitivity or insecurity about being noticed as the best. They may also reflect an arrogant need to display your superior abilities. Alternatively, medals may be a sign that you are "resting on your laurels" too much.

To dream of a gold medal represents acknowledgement or recognition for being the absolute best. Feeling that your performance or achievement was perfect. A superior achievement that gets the most attention.

To dream of a silver medal represents acknowledgement or recognition for being good, but not great. Feeling that you are not as perfect as you'd like to be. You may feel that a single mistake cost you the recognition you wanted.

To dream of a bronze medal represents feelings of your acknowledgement being out of respect only. A notable achievement that doesn't impress anyone.



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