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To dream of spooning represents feelings of comfort, closeness, and supportiveness. A desire for connection, affection, or a sense of security and protection. Thoughts about the importance of emotional bonding, shared warmth, and tenderness in a relationship. Close bonding that feels good being supportive that doesn't have to think about anything being wrong with it at all. Listening or caring about someone else's feelings when nobody else ever would. Listening or caring about someone else that feels good never getting back at them.

Positively, dreaming about spooning might symbolize the experience of mutual understanding, emotional support, or a loving and caring relationship. A conscious desire to nurture and be nurtured, to give and receive affection, and to feel emotionally safe and secure. A deep and intimate bond between you and another person.

Negatively, dreaming about spooning could represent feelings of emotional dependence, vulnerability, or a fear of being alone. A need for reassurance, comfort, or validation from others. Feeling an over-reliance on your partner for emotional support, or you might be experiencing a fear of rejection or abandonment. It can also indicate feelings of being smothered or crowded in a relationship. Feelings about someone being unafraid to be close to you, but never wanting to pursue it further.

To dream of being the person spooning the other person from behind represents feelings of wanting to provide comfort, support, or protection to someone else. Your readiness to provide emotional support, security, and affection to others. It may reflect your nurturing nature or a sense of responsibility and protectiveness over someone.

To dream of being the person who is being spooned from behind represents feelings of being cared for, supported, or protected. It might signify a yearning for emotional connection, affection, or a sense of security and protection from someone else in your life. This could be a reflection of your desire for emotional closeness, shared warmth, and tenderness in a relationship.

To dream of spooning sex represents feelings of exhilaration with an experience of comfort, closeness, and supportiveness.

Example: A man dreamed of spooning a woman he had just met. In waking life, he was sharing his artwork with this woman over the Internet and she always had something good to say about his art. In this case, the spooning may have reflected his feelings of emotional connection, warmth, and mutual understanding with this woman, as they shared and appreciated each other.

Example 2: A woman dreamed of being in bed spooning with a man who never got sexually aroused. In waking life, she had just met a man and was uncertain about his feelings because they had bonded, but he said he had to get his finances in order before choosing to be in a serious relationship. In this case, the spooning may have reflected her feelings of emotional closeness and intimacy with this man, while the man's inability to be sexually aroused points out the uncertainty and vulnerability she felt due to his reluctance to fully commit to the relationship due to financial concerns.


To dream of sports represents issues that you are struggling with. The opposing teams represents mental or emotional conflict between positive and negative aspects of your personality. The ball represents the a specific issue.

To dream of playing sports at school represents anxieties or personal issues that you are struggling with. You have concerns or interests that are presenting challenges to you in your life. You may have anxiety or concerns about being the best that you can.

The different kinds of sports all symbolize different perspectives of a struggle mentally or emotionally.

See the themes section for sports for a more in depth look at sports symbolism.

Sports Bra

To dream of a sports bra represents feelings of protecting yourself passive in order to competitively deserve to matter without explaining it. Confidence in not being cheated out of doing things the same as other when being assertive because you are usually passive. Protecting yourself not looking stupid being assertive when being passive is more normal for you. Passive behavior that is protective of itself never embarrassing itself being a flopper - someone who fails to deliver on their promises, and your determination to never undermine your worth or give up being doing what you said you'd do. A sense of protection or security in your ability to stand up for yourself when you usually don't. Not having to say anything to someone about protecting yourself thinking your better than them. A sense of not being vain about believing you matter when someone wants to tell you that you don't. Supporting yourself by reassuring yourself by being more aggressive than you usually are about not back down from something assertive you did.

Positively, dreaming about a sports bra may represents a newfound realization that being assertive isn't problematic. Feeling undeterred by the fear of being perceived as less than others, particularly when being assertive is an unfamiliar terrain for you. The fierce independence of a woman and her refusal to shy away from asserting her rights or defending her stance. Emotional resilience and readiness to assert independence.

Negatively, dreaming of a sports bra could symbolize the fear of being perceived as weak or vulnerable about backing down from assertive claims or behavior. A defensive stance or the need to shield oneself from potential emotional harm or scrutiny. A competitive attitude or a tendency to be overly serious or focused on outperforming others. Feelings about women being too competitive for your comfort level.

Example: A teenage girl dreamed of wearing a sports bra. In waking life, she had recently ended a relationship with her boyfriend and was constantly having to remind him to respect her decision and leave her alone. In this case, the sports bra may have symbolized her emotional fortification, signifying her readiness to assert her independence and protect her emotional well-being by believing that she doesn't need to her ex-boyfriend because she'll probably meet someone else soon. It reflected her refusal to provide further explanations for her decision to end the relationship and her willingness to pursue other dating opportunities competitively, all while trying to avoid emotional embarrassment of ever thinking of dating him again due to talking to him.

Example 2: A man dreamed of a vampire woman wearing a sports bra. In waking life, a woman he was dating broke up with him. He trained her to be a competitive weightlifter. He felt that she was a hateful, vindictive, and mean person. In this case, the vampire wearing a sports bra may have reflected his feelings about the ex-girlfriend using him for sports training while being aggressive about thinking she's better than him to the point of not wanting to date him.

Sports Car

To dream of a sports car represents your decision making or self-control while feeling free or powerful. Easily getting ahead of other people in a situation. It reflects your attempts to get what you want in life while feeling in control, capable, and experiencing little resistance.

Negatively, dreaming of a sports car represents feeling good getting away with arrogant behavior. Feeling faster in life than weaker, less intelligent, or innocent people.

To dream of a red sports car is symbolic of passionate, arrogant, or dangerous decision making that feels good being faster than other people. Successfully doing what you want with little regard for being held back or told to stop. Negatively, a red sports car may reflect feeling of decision-making that feels good getting away with being immoral or dishonest. Getting ahead at all costs.

To experience an accident with a sports car may reflect a problem or difficulty that is making you feel less powerful or less in control of your life. It may also point to arguments, poor decisions, or arrogance. Getting away with something dishonest that came to terms with someone honest. A problem or oversight that has reversed an attiude that feels it's faster than other people. Feeling caught with a crime after believing it would be easy.

Dreaming about a sports car is common to rich or successful people. It's also common to people making important business decisions.

*Please See Lamborghini

*Please See Ferrari

*Please See Porsche

Sports Star

*Please See Professional Athlete

Sports Trading Cards

To dream of sports trading cards represents your interest in having or acquiring something. You may want to ensure that you don't miss out on feeling a certain way or having a certain type of experience.

Seeing a lot of trading cards or boxes of trading cards may reflect your wish to have all of something. You don't want to miss something or lose out in any way.

*Please See Trading Card Plastic Sleeve


To dream of animals having spots that are unusual for that specific animal to have may reflect a comfortable attitude with non-stop dangerous behavior. Repetitive dangerous threats. Feeling good being dangerous or enjoying threatening people. Enjoying the power to freely embarrass whoever you want. Fear of something that repeatedly draws attention to itself.

To dream of having spots on your skin represents awareness of yourself never feeling perfect. Excepting yourself as feeling flawed. A reflection of your feelings in situations that you can't do anything to change.

To dream of seeing unsightly dirt spots on fabric represents feelings of embarrassment of your flaws. Unpleasant feelings that something wrong with you or that you look stupid in some manner. Feeling unprofessional. Embarrassment or insecurity about not being perfect in a way that is important to you. Excepting yourself in a less attractive role than you would like. Spots may also reflect feelings about a problem being dangerous to be noticed by others.

To dream of a snake with spots may reflect repetitive threats of total failure. Feeling that an enemy or serious problem is overly casual with repeat threats. Consider the type of snake and color of the spots for additional meaning.

Example: A woman dreamed of cleaning her house and then getting black spots on her clothes that needed to be cleaned out. In waking life she was trying to fix her resume to get a job, made a change that was too successful sounding, and was overly concerned with tweaking the change to make it as perfectly honest as possible to avoid looking stupid exaggerating her skills.

Example 2: A young man dreamed of seeing a dark green fish with black spots flying around his bedroom. In waking life he was threatening to kill himself wherever someone threatened him with serious losses if he didn't comply with their blackmail. The black spots may have reflected his repetitive tendency to feel good threatening to kill himself because it was an easy escape from the illegal threats and humiliate the person threatening him.

*Please See Polka Dots


*Please See Husband

*Please See Wife


To dream of a spray can represents feelings a high level of ease or convenience to alter a situation to your liking. Feelings about your usage of a convenient tool to make a unpleasant or undesirable situation change.

To dream of bug spray represents feelings about a convenient tool or resource used to make an annoying situation go away. Negatively, it may reflect an insensitive or mean opinion about how easy it is to make an annoying person stop bothering you.

To dream of spray paint represents feelings about a convenient tool or resource used to change the mood or theme of a situation. A quick way to change moods, intentions, feelings, or themes.

To dream of spraying water on a person represents feelings about intentional embarrassment. Intentionally making someone insecure, uncertain, or feeling bad about themselves. Intentionally embarrassing someone with unpleasant facts they don't want to hear.

To dream of spraying water on a fire represents a wish to reverse or stop a dangerous situation that is getting out of control. A wish to reverse overly emotional situations that are getting out of control.

To dream spraying rubbing alcohol on something may reflect your wish to easily sanitize a problem situation. Ease of convenience of making a situation problem-free or guilt-free.

To dream of being sprayed with urine represents feelings about being easily embarrassed by people who are quickly relieving themselves of a problem. Embarrassing other people by reliving yourself of your problems by offloading it on them in an insulting manner.

Example: A woman dreamed of using bug spray on bugs. In waking life she was attempting to discourage her ex-boyfriend from contacting her by insulting him and blocking his phone number.

Spray Paint

To dream of spray painting a picture represents feelings about making a rapid and immediate change or transformation of how a situation feels. The ability to quickly alter the appearance or mood of a situation. A bold statement or taking unconventional and sudden actions to bring about change. A noticeable or dramatic change in a situation or your life with ease and speed. A quick and bold expression of your thoughts, feelings, or decisions, often in a way that is very visible to others. A desire for swift action, the need for a rapid transformation, or a willingness to make a bold statement. A desire to quickly cover up the old and bring forth the new.

Positively, dreaming about spray paint may represent your ability to adapt and make swift adjustments in how a situation feels when necessary. A proactive approach to improving or modifying how your life circumstances feel, even if it means taking unconventional paths.

Negatively, dreaming about spray painting may represent feelings of impulsiveness, rash decisions, and a lack of consideration for other people's feelings when quickly changing how a situation feels. A desire to cover up or hastily change something without fully addressing underlying issues. A rebellious attitude, a disregard for norms, or a lack of respect for others' property or feelings. A hasty or impulsive decision to cover up or change something without proper preparation or consideration. A desire to cover up or hide something by making quick changes to how a situation feels in order to divert attention from underlying issues.

Example: A woman dreamed of her ex-boyfriend spray painting his car windows red, getting in his car, becoming uncomfortable at how fast the vehicle was driving before eventually feeling lost and confused while crying. In waking life, she was in a custody battle with his ex-boyfriend and felt that she might lose. In this case, the red spray-painted car windows may have reflected her feelings about her ex-boyfriend making quick and sudden bold changes in the custody battle court case to make taking the child away from him feel more dangerous to the judge than she had expected.

Example 2: A woman dreamed of seeing demonic symbols in the sky that looked as though they had been spray painted. In waking life, she was disgusted by all men after breaking up with her ex-boyfriend while fearing being unable to support her child without assistance. In this case, the feelings about the demonic symbols in the sky being spray painted may have reflected her perception of her ex-boyfriend's dishonest behavior causing a sudden and negative change in her view of men, leading to feelings of fear, disgust, and the feeling that men are evil.

Example 3: A woman dreamed of her husband with no shirt on as though he had been spray painted with gold color. In waking life, she was on long-term disability for stress after her daughter went missing. Her husband adapted to the situation and paid all the living expenses. In this case, her husband looking as though he had been spray painted with gold may have reflected her positive feelings about her husband's ability to quickly transform what she felt about him by effectively taking on the financial responsibilities while never allowing expenses or her reduced income to interrupt their lives despite the financial difficulties. The gold color reflects her feelings about her husband being valuable as a husband when times are tough.


To dream of a spy represents an aspect of your personality that is secretly sabotaging other people. Pretending you care about someone while having ulterior motives. You or someone else that is trying to stop others plans by acting as their friend. It may also reflect an attempt to study other people so that you can stop them or make them less successful at something.

Example: A single father dreamed of Russian spies. In real life he feared his son would leave home so he tried to look for things wrong with his son's new home so that he wouldn't leave. The spies reflected the father's attempt to secretly sabotage his son's plans with any problems he could find.


To dream of a square represents an issue or situation that is balanced or stable no matter what you do about it. A situation feels or looks as though it will stay the same no matter how hard you try to change it.

A square often appears in a dream to symbolize the removal of a negative situation that you can't change.

Example: A man dreamed of seeing a square. In waking life he was experiencing an enormously difficult financial situation requiring starting a new business that wouldn't change no matter what he did to avoid total bankruptcy.


To dream of squash represents feelings about situations being intentionally boring or unattractive. Choices that are good for you, but don't feel good. Social situations where you feel people are being kinder to you on purpose. Parenting.

Negatively, dreaming about a squash represents feelings about having to care about people when you don't like to. Love, family, or a giving friendship that doesn't feel good for you. Putting up with someone else's problem because you have no choice.

Example: A woman dreamed of being offered a squash. In waking life she had talked to a guy whom she had an argument with and felt that he was being kinder to her on purpose to avoid angering her again.

Example 2: A woman dreamed of having squash in her vegetable garden that was covered in bugs and rotting. In waking life she was having feelings about herself being an inadequate parent.


To dream of something being squeezed represents feelings about a lot of pressure being applied. Feeling forced into a situation or problem. Feeling "squeezed in" or a "tight squeeze." Financial cuts or financial pressure. Pressuring someone or something to stop.

To dream of being squeezed to death represents feelings about unbearable pressure that may cause serious embarrassment or failure.

To dream of "squeezing past" someone may reflect a wish to avoid an issue to a bare minimum. Feeling that you have to run into a person or issue and want to do so as little as possible. Feeling good that nothing is a disaster because you can avoid something. Issue with not being able to make time.

To dream of squeezing something too hard may reflect thoughts about placing too much pressure on something. Too much pressure being placed on you for results or to conform. Feeling that someone is trying to hard to get something out of you. Your own attempts to get something out of someone that may be excessive. Getting every last little thing you can out of a person or sitaution.

To dream of squeezing something into a tight space represents thoughts about a "tight squeeze" to make a situation work with the bare minimum. Forcing something to happen or financial cuts. Feelings about physical contact.

Example: A man dreamed of squeezing past someone. In waking life he felt he had a fear of confrontation with a friend he had a fight with. He may have wanted to keep any potential run ins with this friend to a bare minimum.

Example 2: A woman dreamed of squeezing through a room quickly. In waking life she was concerned with making time or "squeezing in time" for prayer.

Example 3: A woman dreamed of squeezing a worm out of her nose, but a piece of it was left in her nose. In waking life she felt her husband was only with her to avoid getting a job. In this case the squeezing may have reflected her attempts to cut her husband off from using her, but not being able to do it completely.

Example 4: A woman dreamed of squeezing into an room past a plywood door. In waking life she was very busy and barely had time for herself. Squeezing into a room in this case may have reflected her feelings about making time for some area of her life with a bare minimum.

Example 5: A woman dreamed of "squeezing the life out" of a snake saying she would never allow it to get to her son. In waking life she was very concerned about her son's drug habit. In this case the symbolism of squeezing the life out of a snake may have reflected her attempts to apply pressure to her son's drug problem to stop it from killing him.

Example 6: A woman dreamed of squeezed her way through a room. In waking life she had hours reduced at work and was barely paying all her bills.

Example 7: A man dreamed of squeezing into the room of a vacant building. In waking life he felt that he was barely able to make time for his father who had Alzhiemer's.

Example 8: A woman dreamed of trying to squeeze a snake to death. In waking life she was trying to pressure her son to avoid evil while praying to God for help him avoid the devil.

*Please See Pimples


To dream of a squid represents clinginess, possessiveness, or total control that is intentional and hidden. Purposely wanting to take control of every little thing someone else has without it noticed. Selfish control on multiple areas that is covert and assertive.

Alternatively, a squid may reflect acceptance of yourself having to control something big or sophisticated when you don't want to. Disliking power that makes you the center of attention.

Negatively, dreaming about a squid may reflect feelings about yourself or other people that are getting away with a lot of bad behavior. A strong dislike or powerful jealousy of having your activities noticed at all. Aggressively wanting your negative activities to remain private. Organized criminal behavior that wishes to remain private or discrete.

*Please See Octopus

*Please See Tentacles



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