Ski Mask
To dream of a ski mask represents an aspect of your personality that wishes to remain hidden or unknown at all costs. You or someone else that is avoiding the truth or is obviously trying to keep something a secret. Risking everything to avoid the truth.
To dream of being robbed by someone wearing a ski mask represents feelings that you are being forced into something without a proper explanation.
Example: A young boy dreamed of a ski mask wearing criminal in his house. In real life his father just died and everyone in the family was trying to avoid telling him about it.
Example 2: A man dreamed of running away from a man in a ski mask. In waking life he was trying to avoid being noticed for his weak language skills in business dealings in a foreign country.
To dream of skiing represents feelings about breezing through the aftermath of a difficult situation. Breezing through the aftermath of an unbearable situation. Feelings about how easy an area of your life feels after an accomplishment has been achieved or a difficult situation is over. Enjoying noticing the most difficult or unbearable part of a situation is over.
Negatively, dreaming about skiing may reflect enjoying yourself easily escaping or moving away from something dangerous. Unpleasant or terrible situations that you are doing everything you can to quickly get over with. Desperately, or quickly trying to escape the unbearableness of a situation that has settled. Feelings about easily getting away from troubles.
To dream of cross-country skiing represents feelings about carefully taking your time getting through the unbearableness of a situation that has finished. Enjoying taking your time enduring an unbearable situation. Feeling good surviving or enduring the unbearable ending of a situation. Feeling good not being a fake as you get through an unbearable situation. Enduring everyday life during retirement.
Example: A man dreamed of enjoying a lot of skiing and then felt that he had to stop. In waking life, he was semi-retired enjoying time off work, and felt that working life was calling him back. The skiing may have reflected his feelings about enjoying how much easier his life felt to live of his accomplishments in semi-retirement while feeling that he had to stop skiing may have reflected his dislike of going back to work.
*Please See Slope
To dream of skin represents the mental and emotional boundaries between you, other people, and the events of your life. It's how you protect or resist attacks on your feelings or ego.
Alternatively, skin in dreams may reflect your ability to like yourself or feel good about yourself. Heightened sensitivity or not feeling good about something. Not feeling good about what someone said to you. Hurtful comments.
Having no skin would symbolize complete vulnerability to negative influences or emotional attack. Seeing others with no skin would represent aspects of your personality with no ability to feel good ever again. Positively, seeing someone with no skin may in a dream reflect a an aspect of yourself that is experiencing strong emotional influences. A total lack of concern for how you feel in order to achieve a difficult or incredible goal.
To dream of burned skin may reflect feelings about someone intentionally trying to make you never feel good again. The consequences of our actions or others actions that leave us feelings of having been "burned" emotionally by someone close to us.
To see creatures that burrow under the skin would symbolize problems that bug you or that have gotten to you. Feeling "creeped out."
To dream of a snake shedding skin represents feelings about yourself or others no longer having to notice the bad things they done ever again. Negatively, this may reflect a corrupt person getting worse. Positively, it may reflect feelings ab out yourself or a bad person getting the chance to move on with their lives.
Crystal Meth addict often hallucinate about bugs burrowing holes and crawling under their skin. This may symbolize their annoyance about the drug's effects feeling to have permanently worn off and leaving the addict unable to feel good about themselves anymore.
Example: A man dreamed seeing a woman with all her skin ripped off by a huge knife. In waking life he was experiencing a dramatic worsening of a skill condition that didn't allow him to have any confidence in himself at all.
Example 2: A woman dreamed of seeing her friends recently deceased daughter jump into her skin which was hanging in a closet. In waking life the woman was helping her friend clean out her dead daughter's closet and felt she had to put on an enthusiastic attitude about the dead daughter's life each time she went over to the home to help clean out the dead daughter's belongings.
Example 3: A man dreamed of trying to prick his father's skin with a syringe. In waking life he was trying to convince his father to get a job when it was very important to fix his life up.
Refer to the Race, Skin Color & Culture theme section for a more in depth look at skin color.
To dream of a skinhead represents assertive degree of intolerance. A complete unwillingness to listen to others ideas at all. Brutal insensitivity. Preoccupation with proving you are tough.
Negatively, a skinhead may reflect an ignorant or aggressive attempt to stifle others ideas or choices. Going too far trying to prove that you aren't weak.
Skinny Dipping
To dream of skinny dipping represents a lack of concern for hiding your honest feelings or beliefs for something you know you're aren't supposed to be doing. Freely and openly exploring an uncertain situation or taking a risk being totally honest with someone.
Example: A woman dreamed of skinny dipping with a co-worker. In real life she had a boyfriend, but was beginning to flirt with this co-worker. The skinny dipping reflects the risk of her openness about her feelings to this co-worker while knowing it wasn't right.
Skipping School
*Please See Hookie
To dream of a skull represents an aspect of your personality that has experienced total failure or reached a dead end. A reflection of an area of your life that has been lost. A part of you that has been suppressed or rejected. Goals that were diminished or aspirations that you gave up on. It may also reflect betrayal or promises that were never kept.
To see beautiful bodies with skulls for heads symbolizes negative views or feelings you have for someone of the opposite sex. A dead end sexual interest. A sign that you need to stop desiring people you don't believe you can ever have. Alternatively, it may reflect a pointless pursuit of a dead end goal that is very interesting to you.
To dream that a skull is talking to you represents suppressed or rejected aspects of yourself that are coming back to the surface. You may be thinking about past failures.
To dream that a skull is trying to swallow you represents anxiety about failure or a loss of status that you feel is "consuming" your life. A dead end situation that you fear is overwhelming you.
To dream of a skunk represents a concern for driving others away or turning them off. A sign that you may fear losing respect, trust, or your reputation.
Alternatively, a skunk may reflect people or situations that turn you off or that you want nothing to do with.
To dream of skunk spraying you represents feelings about people being turned off from having any involvement with you. An embarrassment or undesirable event has caused other people to feel that avoiding involvement with you at all costs is a good idea. An powerful embarrassment that drives other people away from you. Unpleasant events that make other people feel embarrassed to know you or be associated with you. Concerns or embarrassment that you deserve to be ignored. Embarrassment that you deserve to not be talked to. Concerns about being embarrassed by bad choices, a poor reputation, or mistakes that are remembered. A wish to avoid looking like a loser.
The ability to drive other people away with the threat of a powerful or dramatic embarrassment.
To dream of the sky represents potential, possibility, or your outlook on the future. Your feelings about what you believe can be accomplished. Anticipation or wondering what can happen. Your perception of changes that are looming. Your outlook on life or your overall feelings about how safe a situation feels.
A blue sky represent a positive outlook, freedom of expression, independence, and hope. The "sky is the limit." Believing that what you want is possible or that good things about to happen. Creativity.
To dream of a red sky represents a negative outlook for the future, fear, disaster, conflict, or deception. Believing that bad things will always continue to happen. Fighting or trouble is on the horizon.
To dream of a dark sky represents feelings about a situation in your life being devoid of positive possibilities. Feeling that only negative, dangerous, or unpleasant things can happen at the moment. You may feel a heightened sense of caution, danger, or bad luck. You may also be trying hard to get through a difficult moment. A sign that you may be too pessimistic or fearful and may benefit by reaching out to others for help.
To dream of a dark grey or cloudy sky represents sadness, depression, or unpleasant feelings. Not feeling good about your life at the moment.
See the themes section for other colors.
To dream of thing falling out of the sky represents sudden ideas, insight, or opportunities. An abundance of good luck. Something has appeared from nowhere in your life. Negatively, things falling from the sky may represent difficulty avoiding negative thinking patterns or problems.
Example: A man dreamed of climbing a rope up into the sky. In waking life he had been reading a book on Buddhism believing it would help him to transform his life.
Example 2: A man dreamed of seeing fish raining from the sky. In waking life he felt overwhelmed by all kinds of ideas and possibilities.
Example 3: A woman dreamed of seeing butterflies in the sky that were always out of reach. In waking life she was sensitive about putting off her goal of traveling the entire world.
Example 4: A man dreamed of seeing a flying saucer in the sky. In waking life he was starting a new job that he had no experience with.
Example 5: A man dreamed of the sky suddenly darkening. In waking life he was fearing his wife's going into labor. He attended Lamaze classes, but still feared the day his wife went into labor.
Example 6: A woman dreamed of seeing a red sky. In waking life she had to make the scary decision to leave her cheating husband and move out on her own while he held all her property.
Example 7: A young woman dreamed of the sky turning red. In waking life she found out that a scholarship wasn't going to be given to her making her plans to go to school and plan her future difficult.
Example 8: A woman dreamed of the sky falling. In waking life she left her job and was worrying about losing all she had due to bills accumulating.
*Please See Flying
*Please See Airplanes
To dream of skydiving represents feelings about a controlled risky situation that feels thrilling or dangerous as you "come back down to earth." Risk of your life that is probably safe, but you have small feelings of "might not make it back to normal." Experiencing the high point of a situation that sees things you'd never believe you'd ever see and feeling that it may be dangerous return to a normal state. Powerful spiritual experience in a hospital with a near death experience and safely returning to normal. Experiencing a lot of attention of dramatic high point situation where everyone sees you returning to normal.
Willingness to take risks. Feeling good taking a big chance, risk, or being dangerous. Enjoying doing something that everyone else thinks is crazy. High ideals. Thinking out of the box when others don't like it.
Negatively, skydiving may be a sign that you need to be a lot more realistic, conservative, or less showy. Craving attention of experiencing a high point where everyone has to watch you showoff returning to normal.
To dream without a parachute represents feelings of fear of nothing being able to save you or strong feelings of losing control unsafely.
Example: A man dreamed of skydiving out of an airplane. In waking life he had awakened from a coma state in which he had a life changing near death experience while dreaming in the coma. Upon waking he suddenly had to experience risky medical complications which had to be controlled to stabilize him. The skydiving may have reflected his feelings about how risky or thrilling it felt to awake from the "spiritual high" of the safe feelings of experiencing God in coma dream requiring a sudden change of mindset for emergency medical attention to "come back to earth." He may have also felt similar to a real skydiver with feelings of "safe with life on the line, but might be dangerous for death if you make a mistake coming down."
To dream of a skyscraper represents accomplishments, high ideals, or power. Being recognized for your superior achievements, resources, or talents. You view of yourself or others as superior. An area of your life where you feel you have risen above others. Elevated social or professional status.
Negatively, a skyscraper may reflect your sense of total power superiority over others or a feeling that someone else's power towers over yours.
To dream of building a skyscraper represents you view of yourself or someone else that is working towards a high level of recognized achievement, status, or power. Working hard to be noticed as the powerfullest, most skilled, or best in your field. Trying hard to elevate your status above others.
Women commonly dream of skyscrapers at the end of the pregnancies. This may reflect their heightened sense of accomplishment at being a mother. Woman also commonly dream of standing on skyscrapers when they get pregnant and have to consider taking maternity leave. They may reflect anxiety about hurting their careers while taking time off.
Example: A woman dreamed of her comfortable country home being surrounded by skyscrapers in the middle of the city. In waking life she was a lawyer who felt that all the men in her firm were getting better treatment because they were all partners in the firm and paid better.
Example 2: A woman dreamed of standing on a very narrow skyscraper. In waking life she was very happy with her career achievements, but also pregnant and knew she would have to stop working soon.
Example 3: A man dreamed of sitting on top of a skyscraper. In waking life he was finished a book waiting for public attention.
Example 4: A man dreamed of seeing a man walking on the top of skyscraper. In waking life the man was experiencing an enormous amount of success running a company. In this case the skyscraper may have reflected his feelings of superior achievement.
To dream of slapping someone represents feelings about discipline or demand respect. You may feel that someone else has crossed a line in waking life and needed to be "set straight." Maintaining boundaries.
Negatively, dreams of slapping someone may reflect feelings about yourself or someone else being too strict discipline or demanding respect. Concerns about being too hard with disciplining children.
To dream of being slapped in the face represents a situation or decision that reminds you of your lack of respect or discipline. Feeling that you haven't done enough or that your actions are out of line. Feeling reminded of your arrogance. Your sensitivity to a situation that leaves you guilty or feeling embarrassed that you didn't do enough. Feeling that you were careless or have betrayed someone. Feeling that you "crossed the line." Guilt or shame for not meeting family expectations.
Example: A woman dreamed of being slapped in the face by her Grandfather. In waking life, she was starting to feel bad about not having finished her father's unfinished grave site. In this case, being slapped by her Grandfather may have reflected her feelings of being abruptly and forcefully reminded of her responsibility and duty to her family, specifically in completing her father's grave site. The slap from her Grandfather may symbolize her internal guilt or shame for not addressing this important task and the emotional connection to her family's expectations and traditions.
Example 2: A woman dreamed of seeing someone slapping a child. In waking life, she was having anxiety about herself being a bad or overly strict parent. In this case, the child being slapped may have reflected her own fears or concerns about her parenting style with the perceived harshness or severity of her discipline.
Example 3: A woman dreamed that she slapped her new boyfriend's ex-wife. In waking life, she was very sensitive about the poor treatment her new boyfriend's ex-wife gave to his children. In this case, the slapping may have reflected her wishful thinking that wanted to discipline or demand respect from the ex-wife and make her change her abusive behavior.
To dream of slaughtering people or animals represents feelings about being thorough and unemotional about decisive, often harsh, changes or endings in your waking life. Deliberate and systematic elimination or destruction of obstacles, challenges, or unwanted elements in your waking life. The importance of thoroughly removing obstacles, ending unhealthy relationships, or making tough decisions for the greater good.
Positively, dreaming about slaughtering may represent a strong, assertive move towards self-improvement or clearing out negative influences. The thorough, decisive, and complete elimination of negativity. Courage, strength, or confidence in your abilities to confront and conquer challenges.
Negatively, slaughter in a dream may represent feelings of guilt, aggression, or the consequences of making severe or ruthless decisions about eliminating competition or obstacles. Feelings of aggression, hostility, or ruthlessness towards others. Intentional calculated destruction of your enemies or competition. A lack of empathy or consideration for the feelings or well-being of others in your pursuit of personal gain or victory. A lack of sympathy for your competition that leaves nothing left. Behavior that is perceived by others as tyrannical or savage with other people's feelings. Shock at how mean you or someone else behaved. Feeling totally embarrassed by your enemies who have completely defeated you. Embarrassment for having faced heavy losses.
To dream of a slaughterhouse represents a systematic approach about making decisive actions to eliminate obstacles, challenges, or unwanted elements in your waking life that doesn't have to stop. A situation where the complete and thorough removal of anything deemed unnecessary or undesirable is carried out in a deliberate and methodical manner.
Example: A young man dreamed of seeing dogs being slaughtered. In waking life, he believed he needed to be more ruthless with other people in his interactions with them because he felt in some instances he was too passive. In this case, the dogs being slaughtered may have reflected his plans to take a more assertive and decisive approach to dealing with certain individuals or situations in his life.
Example 2: A man dreamed of experiencing a retreating army being slaughtered. In waking life, he felt embarrassed with total defeat after having given up on a challenge at work. In this case, the army being slaughtered may have reflected his feelings of witnessing the total and ruthless end to his efforts and ambitions in a particular project or career path, experiencing a failure that seemed both overwhelming and final.
Example 3: A man dreamed of ruthlessly slaughtering vampires. In waking life, he was exceptionally mean and ruthless towards people who he caught using him and pretending to be his friend. In this case, the slaughtering of vampires may have reflected his aggressive and unforgiving stance towards those he perceived as exploiting his kindness or trust, decisively cutting them out of his life.
Example 4: A man dreamed of seeing people being slaughtered. In waking life, he was shocked to witness someone he knew being mean to people in ways he had never experienced before. In this case, seeing people being slaughtered may have reflected his shock and discomfort at observing the extent of someone's ruthlessness or lack of empathy towards others, possibly challenging his perception of that person.
Example 5: A young man dreamed of seeing camels and elephants being slaughtered. In waking life, he was experiencing his father trying to rip him off for $200,000 which had been promised to him when the family home was sold. His father seemed to change into a heartless jerk who would do or say anything to not have to pay him as promised. In this case, the slaughtering of animals may have reflected a thorough and cold-hearted manner in which he felt his father was attempting to remove any opportunity for him to receive what was rightfully his.
To dream of being a slave represents feelings of not being in charge of your own life. Having to put up with a problem or someone else wishes all the time. You may feel that your job, family, or an illness are always more important than you.
To dream of seeing other people as slaves may reflect powerful feelings of dominance or control over others. It may also reflect feelings that other people are not able to control their will power or stand up for themselves.
Example: A man dreamed of being a slave. In waking life he had a terrible fungal infection that required his full attention for most of his life.
To dream of a sled may represent a playful attitude during a terrible situation. Alternatively, a sled may be a sign that you are enjoying yourself a lot while a negative situation is completely settling.