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To dream of sabotage may represent a fear or feeling that someone or something is working against you, or a belief that someone is intentionally hindering your progress. Feelings about yourself or other people who are undermining other people. It may also indicate that you are the one sabotaging something in your life, such as a relationship or a project, due to fear, doubt, or self-sabotaging behavior. The dream may be a warning to pay attention to your actions and thoughts, and to be aware of potential negative consequences of your behavior. Alternatively, dreaming of sabotage may reflect feelings of betrayal or mistrust towards someone or something in your waking life.

Example: A single father dreamed of Russian spies trying to commit sabotage. In real life he feared his son would leave home so he tried to look for things wrong with his son's new home so that he wouldn't leave. The sabotage may reflected his own actions or thoughts undermining his son's attempt to leave home.

*Please See Spy


To dream of making sacrifices or giving up something you like represents feeling that it's important to get rid of certain aspects of your life at all costs. Putting long term goals or happiness first. It may also reflect a sense of selflessness.

Negatively, making sacrifices may be a sign that you are giving up too much to eliminate something undesirable from your life.

*Please See Ritual Sacrifice


To dream of being sad may represent feelings of disappointment, failure, or loss of something important. Feeling unfulfilled, apathetic, or depressed. Missing people or something in your life a lot. Dreams of sadness common occur around relationship breakups.

Negatively, sadness may reflect your fear of losing something important. Insecurity, low-self-esteem, or not believing that something good in your life with last for long. Difficulty accepting loss or unpleasant changes.

Example: A woman dreamed of looking at her pregnant belly and being really happy and then suddenly being overcome with sadness. In waking life she was pregnant and then had a miscarriage.

Example 2: A woman dreamed of being overcome with sadness. In waking life she had just broken up with her boyfriend.

Example 3: A man dreamed of being overcome with sadness. In waking life he was having trouble dealing with his divorce.

Example 4: A woman dreamed of feeling sad watching apartment buildings sinking. In waking life she started a new job helping terminally ill people. In this case the sadness may have mirrored her waking life feelings about watching sick people die.

*Please See Depression

*Please See Mourning


To dream of a sailboat represents a higher degree of control while navigating uncertain or negative situations. You have an ability to adjust and respond to problems as they arise. You may have experience or knowledge that helps a great deal.

To dream of a sailboat without sails may reflect feelings about uncertain situations not being easy to passively endure. Feelings about people, government, or life not being able to help you safely or smoothly get through problems. Feeling that life is a lesson and not easy.

Example: A young man dreamed of seeing a sailboat moving through the ocean. In real life he slowly recovering from traumatic shock.

Example 2: A woman dreamed of sailing a boat that had no sails towards a big wall of water. In waking life she had been cut off social security trying to find a new form of income.

*Please See Sailing


To dream of sailing represents your ability to navigate uncertainty or negative situations. How well you are able to handle life's difficult problems. Smooth sailing through rough water is a sign that you are overcoming difficulties.

To dream of sailing through uncharted waters represents stability as you confront uncertain situations that you've never experienced before. You lack experience but are handling yourself well.

*Please See Sailboat


To dream of a sailor represents an aspect of your personality that is adept at navigating negative or uncertain situations. Feelings about yourself being experienced with troubling situations to the point of being an expert at keeping life smooth no matter how difficult the situation gets. Experience in the "deeper waters" of life. Experience at dealing with difficult emotional situations and relationship problems.

Positively, a sailor may reflect experience and perseverance to get through a troubling or highly emotional situation. Experience safely enduring the worst possible situations. Experience with keeping difficult situations smoothly running and progressive. Expertise at managing turbulent moments in life.

Negatively, dreaming about a sailor may reflect awareness of dishonest behavior being used to keep your own life in "smooth waters" while other people are unhappy. Smoothly maintaining your own happiness through a difficult situation while other people are unhappy. Perseverance to endure any difficult situation only for your own happiness. Using deceptive tactics through a difficult situation to maintain stability for yourself.

Example: A man dreamed of seeing an evil sailor. In waking life he was a young man trying to move out on his own to enjoy his new successful career. He felt that his father was using deceptive tactics to stall him and keep him living at home so that the father could maintain stability in his own life and resist any change to the family life. He felt that he father was very experienced at being deceptive at keeping life unchanged for himself without any consideration for the dreamer's feelings. The evil sailor in this case may have reflected his feelings about his father's dishonest attempts to avoid any family turbulence whatsoever.

Example 2: A man dreamed of seeing an sailor on a sailboat. In waking life he had endured a very dangerous situation safely and intelligently. He was very preoccupied with never having to experience the same situation ever again and felt that he was smart enough to ensure he didn't while still having anxiety about potential problems.


To dream of being a saint represents an aspect of yourself that noticed for being perfect or never having done anything wrong. Acknowledgment or recognition for total honesty, fairness, or innocence. Genuine goodness or service to others on display. Being respected for having lived by your principles.

Negatively, a saint may reflect anxiety or an assertive attitude about avoiding being noticed having done anything wrong. Lying to others that you could do no wrong. It may also reflect jealousy or resentment that someone else is respected more than you.


To dream of a salad represents feeling good not going overboard. Having a grown up attitude. Purposely avoiding excess because it's beneficial. An open mind about positive influences. A wish to make positive changes in your life. Doing something to improve yourself or encourage personal growth. Healthy reductions is behavior that you believe may not be good for you long-term.

Negatively, a salad may reflect your wish to reduce dishonest behavior to feel better about yourself without stopping the dishonest behavior completely.

Example: A woman dreamed of talking about salad being easy to make. In waking life she was dating a married man and felt it would be a good idea to see him less.


To dream of a salamander represents you or someone else that wishes to avoid being noticed. You may might have a problem or personal issue you are trying very hard to keep a secret.

Example: A man dreamed of scary salamanders. In waking life he was dealing with a very embarrassing health problem that was making his eyebrow fall out. He was wearing hoods in public avoid embarrassment.


To dream of a sale or that a certain object is on sale represents opportunities or experiences that are easier than they were previously. A barrier or obstacle has been reduced. A situation where less is being asked of you to achieve the same goal or objective.

To dream that you put something on sale may reflect lowered expectations or just wanting to get something done quickly.

Negatively, putting something on sale may reflect how you are not believing in yourself enough or are underestimating yourself. It may also reflect feelings of desperation.


To dream of a sales person represents an aspect of your personality that is trying to convince you or sell you on an idea. Feeling "sold" on ideas, options, or who you are in life. You may be struggling to accept or compromise on a situation and trying to weigh the pros and cons of it. You could also just be trying to convince someone else of something.

To dream of a car salesman may reflect feelings a situation or person that you feel is interesting you in a new way of living or decision-making. New professional, spiritual, family life, or even dishonest ways of living your life. Feeling "sold" on the idea of changing who you are day to day.

Example: A woman dreamed of being sold a car by a salesman and talking about her new car to a few men. In waking life she was a devote religious person who accepted God into her life as a way of life and was depending to God to give her a man to marry. She was having problems finding a man. The car salesman in this case may have reflected her feelings about religion being "sold" to her as a way of life.


To dream of being at the salon represents a wish to impress others. You might be concerned about leaving a good impression on someone else. You may also be considering making changes to habits, lifestyle, or to your appearance and want others to notice it. A sign that you are self-conscious about how others think about you. Negatively, you may be trying too hard to impress someone. It could also point to deception or a cover-up in some situation.

Hair in dreams typically reflects your thinking style and so a salon would symbolize your attempt to improve yourself or change bad habits in ways that other people will notice.

Alternatively, a salon may reflect a new outlook toward life.

Example: A girl dreamed of getting her hair trimmed at a salon. In real life she was considering changing the way you acted around a guy she liked so that he would notice her more. She was generally shy around him and was trying to speak to him more wanting to impress him.


To dream of salt represents being objective or trying to be more realistic. The amount of salt being used may reflect the degree of objectivity.

To dream of having too much salt may reflect feelings about a lack of moderation or objectivity when you feel it's important because something in your life is excessive. Objectivity or moderation that is inconsiderate of people's feelings.

To dream of not having enough salt may reflect feelings about objectivity or moderation being important because some area of your life is lacking it.

To dream of eating something salty represents your feelings about how objective your are thinking or acting. How good or bad it feels noticing your objectivity or level of restraint. Feeling good about not having gone too far with a decision. Experiencing perfectly reasonable, rational, or moderate situations.

*Please See Pepper


To dream of a sanctuary represents feelings of safety, refuge, and protection in your waking life. A desire for a place or situation where you can find solace, peace, and emotional security. A need for a sanctuary from the challenges, stress, or chaos of the outside world. Feelings you have about a location you visit being safe all the time.

Positively, dreaming about a sanctuary may represent a sense of inner peace and tranquility. A need to take a break from your daily responsibilities and find a place or activity that helps you recharge and rejuvenate.

Negatively, dreaming of a sanctuary might represent a feeling of being trapped or isolated. A desire to escape from your problems or responsibilities rather than facing them directly. Seeking refuge or avoiding a difficult situation instead of confronting it.

To dream of a church sanctuary represents feelings about always being safe in your belief in God or your core spiritual values. It signifies a place of emotional security and refuge, where you can rely on your faith to provide comfort and guidance. Your unwavering commitment to your religious or spiritual beliefs, even in the face of challenges or doubts.

Negatively, dreaming of a church sanctuary may suggest concerns about the safety of your core beliefs or values. You may be grappling with doubts or experiencing a crisis of faith that threatens your sense of security. Alternatively, it could indicate a desire to isolate yourself from the outside world, using your faith as a means of escape rather than confronting life's challenges directly.

Alternatively, dreaming about a church sanctuary may reflect issues with your church or the people who attend it with you.

Example: A woman dreamed of being in a church sanctuary and seeing her own blood-stained footprints. In waking life, she was beginning to experience people leaving her church because of poor leadership. In this case, the church sanctuary may have reflected her feelings about the church being a place of emotional security and unity that was always reliable but now was losing its sense of safety due to the internal conflicts and the visible consequences of leadership failures.


To dream of sand represents feelings about something in your life not mattering at all. Feelings of no desperation. Feeling that you can afford to deal with a difficult or unpleasant problems.

Positively, sand may reflect a healthy or confident attitude about problems reaching the end point that requires progressive change. Not fearing facing your fears anymore. Feeling that you have reached rock bottom and now you can finally confidently confront a problem you avoided confronting.

Negatively, dreaming sand can reflect nothingness or total worthlessness. A situation in your life that doesn't care about anything at all. It may also reflect your own total uncaring attitude towards others. The emptiness or meaninglessness of a situation. Feelings about a relationship being totally empty or worthless. Alternatively, sand may reflect wasted time. Faith or hope lost. Wasted time. Discomfort about feeling forced to confront a problem.

Example: A man dreamed of drowning in sand. In waking life he was having a lot of anxiety about his future. He felt overwhelmed by feelings that all his preparations for a new career were giant waste of time.

Example 2: A woman dreamed of walking on a beach with beautiful white sand that had snakes on it. In waking life she and her fiancee had decided to get married, but her fiance wanted her to leave her job and get pregnant. The beautiful white sand in this case may have reflected her feelings of completely lacking desperation relationship-wise...feeling that with her engagement that her life was set for her...her future easy. The snakes may have reflected her feelings about quitting her job to start a family ruining her future career.

*Please See Desert

*Please See Beach

*Please See Hourglass

*Please See Sand Castle



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