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To dream of a squirrel represents an aspect of your personality that is faster than everyone else and keeps everything to themself. Reflexive avoidance. Hoarding or keeps everything to itself.

Positively, a squirrel represents reflexive self-preservation or hoarding resources for an important goal.

Negatively, a squirrel reflects selfishness or not wanting to share. Desperate or anxiety based avoidance. Behavior that quickly scares if you bring a topic up. Fearful people who owe money or want to avoid responsibility. Dealing with people who seem to instantly react in an scared or selfish avoidant manner.

Example: A woman dreamed of a man saying his house was filled with squirrels. In waking life she got pregnant with a man's baby and 5 months into it he didn't want to have a serious relationship with her because he moved on to another girl. The squirrel in this case may have reflected her feelings about the father of her unborn child being quick to avoid her and keep all his money to himself with his life with his new girlfriend.

Example 2: A woman dreamed of squirrels fighting a big bird. In waking life she was having stress about finances related to buying a house or going to school. The squirrels fighting the bird in this case may have reflected her feelings about hoarding money for a home in conflict with her wish to afford studying at school represented by the bird.

Example 3: A woman dreamed of a dog killing a squirrel. In waking life she had a very annoying avoidant sister who tested her patience to the limit forcing her to get very angry at her sister to the point of cutting her out of her life.


To dream of being stabbed represents feelings of being hurt, attacked, betrayed, or that something is getting back at you. Feeling wounded by someone else's actions or remarks. Feeling attacked with separation conflict or jealousy. Feelings about others retaliating against you. Conflict or jealousy over an issue that makes you feel that doing something a second time is a mistake. Feeling attacked for not listening. Feelings of being intentionally hurt or witnessing someone trying to cause you pain or loss. Feelings about people turning on you. You may be experiencing feelings of inadequacy. Feelings about someone taking out their anger, resentment, or frustration on you. Feelings about ignorant people or situations that want you to separate yourself from involvement in something that makes them jealous. Unresolved issues that need attention. Your emotional response to a perceived threat or act of aggression in your life.

Positively, dreaming of being stabbed may represent your awareness of a situation where you need to defend yourself or take action to protect your interests. It can serve as a warning signal to address conflicts or threats in your waking life before they escalate.

Negatively, dreaming of being stabbed could represent feelings of vulnerability, fear, or emotional trauma. Feelings of injustice, being backstabbed by friends, or suffering from deceitful actions of others. Unresolved conflicts, lingering mistrust, or emotional scars from past experiences. It could also highlight your own feelings of guilt or regret over actions you've taken against others. Feelings of fear, powerlessness, or victimization in the face of real or perceived betrayal.

To dream of stabbing someone else represents your defensiveness, anger, resentment, or frustration towards someone. Taking out your anger on someone. You're own betrayal of someone else. A wish to restore your independence in a relationship or situation. Your own separation jealousy or getting back at someone. Wanting to feel others pain or to know that you are hurting them in some way. Attacking someone for why you never want them to repeat a certain behavior ever again. Telling someone you don't like them or don't want them near you again. Your attempt to retaliate against someone who has wronged you or prevent them from continuing a certain behavior.

Alternatively, stabbing may reflect feelings about threats of physical harm or botched surgical procedures.

Consider the area of the body being stabbed for additional meaning.

To dream of being stabbed in the neck represents a conflict with commitments that have been made. You may feel that someone or something is challenging your ability to stay committed or attacking your dedication. Feeling attacked for your commitments. Feeling that someone doesn't want you to like something ever again or wants to you give up in some way. If you are trying to stab someone else in the neck it may be a sign that you are very jealous or angry about someone else's commitment to something.

To dream of being stabbed in the leg may reflect conflict with independent choices. Feeling attacked for wanting to do something on your own. If you stab someone else in the leg it may reflect your wish to stop a person or situation from becoming independent.

To dream of being stabbed in the hand represents feelings about conflict with capability. Feeling attacked for your abilities or skills. Feeling jealousy from someone that you are capable or good at something. Feeling that someone or something is trying to turn you into a loser who can't perform well on your own. To dream that you are trying to stab someone else in their hands may reflect your attempt to attack a person or problem that is performing at a competent level that is uncomfortable for you. Jealousy that someone is doing something better than you.

To dream of being stabbed in the foot represents feelings about your principles, moral foundation, or things you stand for being wounded by someone else's actions or words. Jealousy or conflict is negatively affecting "what you stand for." A situation or person that never wants you to stand your ground ever again.

To dream of being stabbed in the chest represents feelings about personal power (assertive or passive) being wounded by someone else's actions or words. Feeling attacked for your ability to assert yourself without question. Power that assumes it's an authoritative role or listened to easily feels under attack by jealousy or conflict. A situation or person who never wants you to exact personal power ever again.

To dream of being stabbed in the eye represents feelings about observation, judgment, or consciousness being wounded by someone else's words or actions. Feeling that how you see a situation is under attack by jealousy or conflict. A situation or person who never wants you to observe or cast judgment in the same way ever again.

To dream of being stabbed in the head represents feelings about intellect or decision-making being under attack by someone else's words or actions. Jealousy or conflict negatively affecting control. A situation or person that never wants you to control yourself or make conscious decisions.

Example: A woman dreamed of experiencing herself stabbing her sister all over her body. In waking life, she was very angry at God for the death of her sister and went into her bedroom while alone and cursed God for killing her sister. In this case, stabbing her sister may have reflected her feelings of intense anger, frustration, and emotional turmoil directed towards God for the loss of her sister. The sister's image in the dream could symbolize God's responsibility for the tragic event itself, rather than the sister as an individual, reflecting the dreamer's struggle to cope with the loss and make sense of the situation.

Example 2: A young woman dreamed of being stabbed with a butcher knife. In waking life, she regularly had to undergo surgeries. In this case, being stabbed with a butcher knife may have reflected her feelings that the surgeries were invasive," abrupt, and harsh, feeling almost like a violent assault on her body with scars that made her remember each operation. She may have felt that the surgeries were not being conducted with care for appearances and were more focused on medical necessity. She may have also felt that the surgeries get back at her each time she gets one done by creating unattractive scars making her feel less motivated to have more surgeries.

Example 3: A woman dreamed of almost being stabbed, but avoiding it. In waking life, she was avoiding being helpful to people she thought were ungrateful and didn't want to offer them further assistance. In this case, the almost being stabbed may have reflected her feelings of avoiding the negative experience of being cheated with losing money or wasting time on people who didn't appreciate or deserve her help.

Example 4: A woman had recurring dreams of being stabbed by people. In waking life, she was having recurring issues with jealousy of being betrayed by these people. She felt that whenever she allowed people into her life they turned on her.

*Please See Knife


To dream of a stable represents responsible control over your drives, urges, or instincts. Managing or control your drives or urges for an mature adult purpose.

Negatively, a stable in a dream may be a sign that you feel that you can't enjoy yourself, pursue goals as aggressively as you want to, or that you don't like slowing down sexual activity.

To dream of a horse stable represents self-control over your drives or ambition. Keeping your aspirations at bay until it's more appropriate. Taking a responsible break from your goals. Fine tuning or doubling your efforts before you get serious about your goals again.

Alternatively, a horse stable may reflect self-control over sexual urges. Taking time off during a highly sexual period of your life. Sexual activity that is only focused on pregnancy and not pleasure.

Example: A man dreamed of seeing pigs in a stable rolling around in the mud. In waking life he was trying to stay abstinent for a religious test and was finding it too difficult to control his sexual urges. He felt very selfish about it.

Example 2: A woman dreamed of horses having sex inside a stable. In waking life she was trying to get pregnant with her husband.

*Please See Farm

*Please See Horses


To dream of sitting in a stadium represents your spectator perspective on a problem that is being confronted. Noticing what you are trying to achieve or noticing what someone else is trying to overcome. It may also reflect your supportive nature towards a problem or conflict. Negatively, you may feel like an outsider who is only watching.

To dream of playing in a stadium may reflect other people who you know are aware of you confronting a problem. It may also reflect how supportive you feel other people are being towards you as you face a problem.

Example: A man dreamed of sitting in a stadium. In waking life the man's wife was pregnant and making a lot of preparations to give birth.


To dream of stairs represents slow or incremental progress in a situation. It may also reflect an increase or decrease in your confidence, awareness, or intelligence. Making progress in some way.

Negatively, stairs in a dream may reflect unpleasant feelings about the need for responsible growth or having to wait to grow up before you can do something more serious or adult, or a slow hard learning process.

Going upstairs often represents improvement, achievement, or reaching higher levels of awareness and understanding. You are making progress emotionally, spiritually, or materially. If you have problems going up stairs it may symbolize trouble being unable to make progress in your life. Going upstairs may also symbolize a struggle or challenge you must endure to reach a higher level of understanding, success, or power. Improving "one step at a time. Slow learning process.

Going downstairs often represents emotional regression or a situation that is getting worse. For example, walking into your basement may symbolize regressing into darker aspects of your unconscious thoughts. Possibly a waking life situation is becoming more stressful or unpleasant to deal with. Walking down stairs may also symbolize the easing of conditions as a challenge or struggle ends. You may be slowly dealing with challenges to reach a bigger problem.

To dream that you walk up or down the stairs of your home towards another floor symbolizes a new mindset or emotional state. Deciding to do something different. The stairs themselves in this case may not be as relevant as where it is you are going. For example, moving from your bedroom down the stairs to the kitchen may reflect your readiness to do something different about a very private issue you have been keeping to yourself.

To dream of very long stairs in the front of a house may reflect feelings about a lot of effort required to experience something. A lot of work, effort, or improvements are required in order to achieve stability with a goal.

Example: A woman dreamed of seeing children going up and down stairs. In waking life, he was blind and experiencing recurring cycles of her eyesight getting better and then worse.

Example 2: A man dreamed of moving from his bedroom, downstairs, and then going into the kitchen. In waking life, he was preparing to face his biggest fear which was revealing a very dark personal secret.

Example 3: A young girl dreamed of her mother turning into an angry octopus while standing on stairs that were behind her. In waking life, he felt that her mother was aggressively trying to stop her from dating boys. The stairs behind her in the dream may have reflected her feelings about her mother's view of her not being grown up enough and having to return to a slower process of growing up before she should date boys while she felt she was "past that growing up phase."

Example 4: A woman dreamed of beautiful oak stairs. In waking life, she was pregnant and aware of herself being very close to giving birth.

Example 5: A man dreamed of being led upstairs by a girl with a perfect body. In waking life, he was slowly improving a situation.

Example 6: A man dreamed of walking downstairs and at the end the stairs have water on them and begin to crumble. In waking life, he had a 22-year-old daughter whom he felt needed a lot of growing up to do. Walking down the stairs with water and crumbling at the end may have reflected his feelings about his parental role slowly becoming easier with age and then suddenly feeling like he's accomplished nothing when he discovered how childish his 22-year-old daughter still is.

Example 7: A woman dreamed of trying to walk up a new never before used staircase and was having trouble doing so. In waking life, she was diagnosed with diabetes and was having trouble improving her health by maintaining an exercise regime.

*Please See Spiral Staircase


To dream of being stalked by someone represents persisting troubles, reminders of bad memories, or unwanted relationships you can't avoid. Something negative in your life that feels like it notices every single little thing you're doing. Recurring invasion of your personal boundaries. Feeling that something is coming after you in a threatening way. A

Alternatively, being stalked in a dream may reflect feelings of being carefully watched or copied. Feeling others jealousy that any opportunity will allow you to be a winner.

To dream of a stalking killer may represent fears about persistent troubles, negative events from your past, or soured relationships causing you total humiliation or failure. Terrifying reminders of negative things that won't go away. Blackmail you fear being open about or feeling your personal life being played with.

To dream of yourself stalking someone else may represent your insecurity about missing out or not watching a situation closely enough. Carefully watching every single thing someone does. Jealousy of everything single thing allowing someone else to be a winner.

*Please See Chased


To dream of stalling represents feelings of being stuck, delayed, or unable to progress in some area of your life. A temporary halt or obstacle in your path, preventing you from moving forward with your plans, goals, or aspirations. Hesitation, delay, or avoidance in taking action or making a decision. Feeling hindered by external circumstances or internal doubts that prevent you from progressing as you wish.

Positively, dreaming about stalling may represent caution and prudence. A conscious choice to wait for a better time or more information before making a decision. A strategic delay meant to ensure better timing or results. The importance of patience, persistence, and perseverance in overcoming challenges or setbacks. A need to take a step back, reassess your situation, and carefully consider your options before proceeding.

Negatively, dreaming about stalling could represent feelings of frustration, anxiety, or impatience about being unable to make progress or achieve your desired outcomes. A fear of failure, rejection, or uncertainty about the future, leading to procrastination or avoidance of taking action. Struggling with the pressure to act when you are not ready. Feelings of indecisiveness or anxiety about making the wrong choice. A lack of confidence or fear of failure that prevents you from progressing. Needing to wait or reassess situations before you can proceed. Anxiety about not meeting deadlines or achieving your goals.

Example: A woman dreamed of seeing a man driving a car that stalled. In waking life, she was frustrated by her employer claiming that the business was always in a precarious position without knowing what to do about it. In this case, the stalled car may have reflected the stagnation she perceived in her work environment.


To dream of something being stamped represents feelings of approval, validation, or official recognition in your waking life. A sense of authority or confirmation regarding a particular matter or situation. Thoughts about the significance of having your actions, ideas, or decisions officially acknowledged or accepted.

Positively, dreaming of something being stamped may represent a sense of achievement or accomplishment, where your efforts or contributions have been recognized and validated by others. It may indicate that you are on the right track or that your actions align with established rules or standards. A sense of security and assurance in your endeavors.

Negatively, dreaming of something being stamped may represent feelings of disapproval, rejection, or denial in your waking life. A sense of authority figures or others not accepting your ideas, actions, or decisions. You may feel as though your efforts are being invalidated or dismissed. Your concerns about not meeting certain expectations or standards set by others, leading to a sense of frustration or insecurity. Feelings of being pigeonholed or restricted by labels or stereotypes. A fear of being judged or limited based on superficial assessments or external perceptions. Struggling against being defined in a way that doesn't align with your true self.

To dream of a stamped design or logo represents feelings about identity, belonging, or the need for approval. A specific identity, brand, or reputation being firmly established or recognized. A sense of belonging to a group or organization, where you share common values or beliefs. Your acceptance of the group's identity and your desire to integrate into its community.

Negatively, dreaming of a stamped design or logo may represent feelings of being labeled, stereotyped, or constrained by external expectations. Discomfort with group identity or your desire to assert your individuality.

To dream of an ink stamp placed on the hand represents feelings of temporary but noticeable acknowledgment or authorization. Short-term validation or permission granted. Feelings about your capability about what you given permission to do. A sense of inclusion or acceptance in a specific group or activity, but with an understanding that this acceptance is not permanent or deeply rooted. Feelings of exclusivity, access, specialness, or being an insider. Feeling approved, validated, verified, or officially recognized by a situation or group of people that requires it. Feelings about your capability to acquire a sense of validation or approval related to your personal identity or participation in a specific event or situation. Acknowledgment of your presence or involvement in a particular context. Feeling recognized and accepted by others in a social setting, or that you have officially entered a specific situation or phase in your life. Trying to maintain a temporary status or position that is visibly acknowledged but not guaranteed to last

To dream of a temporary impression on the skin that leaves a stamp represents temporary influence or impact. Behavior that has made a noticeable mark or impression, but it is not a permanent or deeply ingrained effect. A desire for lasting validation or a fear of being forgotten or unnoticed.

Example: A man dreamed of seeing black and red pentagram ink stamps on a frequent buyer card. In waking life, he was having employment problems and needed a former sexual partner to help him get a job. In this case, the ink stamps may have reflected his feelings about officially recognizing how many times he's had to have sex with his former sexual partner in order to deserve a favor of getting a job.

Example 2: A woman dreamed of a deodorant cap leaving a stamp impression on her daughter's forehead. In waking life, she felt that it was tough to learn how to allow her daughter to make her own mistakes to learn from them, without budding into her life. In this case, the stamp impression on her daughter's forehead may have reflected her feelings of trying to leave a lasting impression or influence on her daughter's decisions and actions.

Example 3: A woman dreamed of a school diploma certificate being empty and needing to be filled and given an official stamp. She didn't want to make a mistake. In waking life, she was unemployed and very focused on trying to get a job. In this case, the school diploma certificate needing to be stamped may have reflected her feelings about the necessity of having her skills, education, and abilities officially recognized and validated in the job market.

*Please See Postage Stamps

*Please See Food Stamps

*Please See Wax Seal

*Please See Coins


To dream of a stampede represents behavior that you feel can't be stopped. Feeling overwhelmed by other people who are impossible to control. Other people's opinions, wishes, or goals that you feel trample all over your own. Succumbing to a mob mentality. A high demand situation. An overwhelming group overreaction.

A stampede may also reflect your fear that once something starts it can't be stopped. Powerlessness to prevent yourself from being overpowered or brushed aside. Feeling that it's dangerous to assert yourself.

Alternatively, a stampede may reflect a sudden shock to you or someone else that has been procrastinating.

Example: A man dreamed of seeing horses and donkeys stampeding into a sand dune. In waking life he felt that he was going to lose his job and partly felt an urgency to rush and find another job while also feeling that it may end up being an overreaction that leaves him without any job.


To dream of an office stapler represents thoughts or decisions about a situation being important enough to make it stay the same. Avoiding haplessness. Making the decision that something is important enough to make it stay the same to avoid being hapless with questions or losing control. Officially making something stay the same so you don't have to be embarrassed by it. Finalizing something that matters so it stays the same. Not answering to anyone about why you were ever slacking off. Having things in order and make a choice to keep it that way.

Negatively, dreaming of a stapler may reflects a situation not being safe requiring you to need make up a lie to avoid looking irresponsible. Making up a lie or false story for something important because you need the situation to stay the way it is and not get out of control. Being overly concerned with not being a hapless person.

Example: A teenage girl in highschool dreamed of her father holding her hostage with a gun and then stapling his eyes shut to kill him. In waking life she was very focused on being successful at school. In this case the stapler may have reflected her attempts to avoid looking hapless at school by making a rash decision to cover up behavior to avoid trouble by simply never caring about it again because it was less hapless looking.


To dream of staples represents feelings about essential, though often overlooked, behavior that maintains order, stability, or functionality in your daily routines, relationships, work, or personal projects. Staples in a dream can symbolize the small but crucial elements that hold things together, often taken for granted until they are missing or removed. Your efforts to keep things together, ensuring that a situation remains secure or unchanged. Your desire to ensure that something is reliably fixed or adhered to without fail. Skills you use to keep your life in order. Binding elements of your life that are necessary to maintain structure and order.

Positively, dreaming about staples may represent a strong commitment to keeping things stable or secure. A conscious choice to adhere to certain principles, habits, or routines that have proven successful in maintaining order. Your ability to efficiently manage different aspects of your life, ensuring that everything stays in place. You are in a stable and secure situation where everything is held together well. This dream may also indicate that you value reliability and consistency in your life, and you appreciate the people or things that provide stability. Finalizing a business deal or legal process that requires different parts to be brought together securely.

Negatively, dreaming about staples could represent feelings of being stuck in a situation or feeling limited by the need to maintain the status quo. A resistance to change, even if the current situation is not ideal. Feeling constrained by your responsibilities or by societal norms, feeling that you must keep everything together even if it's at your expense. An overemphasis on stability to the point of being rigid or inflexible. Overlooking the need to let go of unnecessary behavior that was initially essential or binding in order to maintain order, stability, or functionality. Maintaining certain behavior for a serious or important reason without seeing it as the problem. A fear of change or a reluctance to let go of something that has provided stability, even if it no longer serves your best interests. Frustration and difficulty in maintaining order and stability.

To dream of your mouth being stapled may represent feelings of being forcefully silenced or restricted in your ability to express yourself. A situation where you feel your opinions, thoughts, or emotions are not being considered or are deliberately suppressed. External pressures to conform, stay quiet, or not voice your true feelings due to fear of repercussions or judgment. Self-imposed silence due to fear, insecurity, or a lack of confidence in your ability to communicate effectively. A need to find your voice and express yourself more freely, despite the challenges or opposition you may face.

Example: A woman dreamed of pulling staples out of her mouth one at a time until she was sputtering blood and fainted onto a bed. In waking life, she recently finished a divorce with her ex-husband and felt that her husband wanted nothing to do with her which made her feel "shut up." In this case, the staples in her mouth may have reflected her feelings about the difficult, painful process of divorce that prevented her from speaking about her relationship with her ex that she was forced to endure. Each staple being removed symbolized her gradually finding her voice and the ability to express her true feelings and perspective on the relationship, despite the pain and emotional turmoil it caused. The staples may also reflect the essential, yet overlooked nature of her "shut up" behavior in order to get through the divorce professionally without causing more problems.

Example 2: A woman dreamed of her back covered in staples so thick that you could barely see her back. In waking life, she felt like she was falling apart and needed to "hold things together." In this case, the staples in the back may have reflected her feelings about the immense effort and determination required to maintain stability and order in her life during a stressful period.

Staples Business Depot Store

To dream of the Staples Business Depot store represents feeling supported that nothing is complicated about "taking care of business" on your own if you want to. Support that never wants you to stop thinking of easy options to make sure a situation remains working all the time. Feelings about never being embarrassed staying serious or professional if you want to. Feeling that it's easy to get something to help you do something more serious or professional if you want to. An atmosphere that nothing is crazy or stupid about choosing to do something more serious. Respecting yourself choosing to avoid being careless or unprofessional. Resources or options that allow to manage a serious situation or to keep a situation working all the time.

To dream of working at Staples Business Depot store represents about being supportive of others feeling that nothing is complicated about "taking care of business" on their own if they want to. Being supportive of others with easy options to choose keeping a serious situation working all the time. Helping others to help themselves take care of serious situations or to keep their lives working all the time.

People who work at Staples may have dreams of Staples if they are experiencing issues with work or coworkers. Also consider how certain locations inside the building at work feel and how they may mirror waking life situations not related to work.

Example: A young man dreamed of going to his old job at Staples which he quit a week earlier and standing in the parking lot. In waking life he had a crush on a former coworker at the Staples store that he couldn't get off his mind.

Example 2: A man dreamed of seeing a Latin American girl he met 8 months earlier who was now working at Staples instead of a club promoter and airport customs agent. In waking life a woman he knew was sleeping over at his house. The change of employment from club promoter and customs agent to Staples Business Depot employment in this case may have reflected the dreamers feelings about being supportive of the woman staying at his home in a more serious honest self-help adult manner instead of having fun with her and protecting her.

Star Of David

The Star Of David (hexagram) represents the struggle between the positive and negative aspects of creation. The upward-facing triangle represents the negative aspect of creation, and the downward facing triangle represents the positive aspect of creation. An inner struggle between good and bad aspects of your personality that feels like it may never end. It may also reflect a confrontation between good and evil. A personal moral battle that feels serious about never-ending. A sense of pride, strength, and resilience in a conflict between good and evil. An ongoing struggle between permanently thinking you are right versus an opposing side that always thinks you're wrong.

Negatively, dreaming about the Star Of David represents perfect honesty in every way possible that doesn't have to feel good, possibly to the point of hating your life, hating your parents, or endless growing up. Adherence to rules that make you feel uncomfortable about never enjoying your life because honesty is more important. Feeling like you in a state of holy war while believing that something may attack you. Feelings of being different, isolated, or misunderstood due to one's beliefs. A conflict between being right versus wrong that makes you feel you will lose everything if you aren't permanent. A conflict between being right and wrong that never lets you enjoy your side. Worrying about never being honest enough. Never believing that you are wrong about an issue that someone else might want to get back at you for.

To dream of the Star of David pulled apart or separated represents the safe separation between everything positive and everything negative. Everything positive and negative observing each other without conflict. Feelings about good and bad not being allowed to fight anymore while being aware of each other.

Example: A man dreamed of seeing the Star Of David. In waking life, he was confronted with the most powerful hallucinations of his life that required him to confront evil like he was at war with demons at the end of time. In this case, the Star of David may have reflected his personal struggle between good and evil and the sense of ongoing conflict and confrontation with evil that felt like there was no end in sight.

Example 2: A man dreamed of seeing the Star Of David. In waking life, he had the powerful spiritual experience of his life that challenged and pressured him to grow morally faster than he would have ever expected. Once the worst part was over he felt it was dangerous to stray from the new moral code he had been trained with. In this case, the Star of David may have reflected the ongoing struggle between his sense of right and wrong and the feeling that he could not deviate from this path.


To dream of someone staring may represent a feeling of being scrutinized, judged, or evaluated. It may indicate a sense of being watched or monitored closely by others, or feeling that you are under intense pressure to perform or meet certain expectations. Preoccupation with an issue. Feelings of being shocked or that something is unbelievable. A situation that takes priority or precedence over all else. Feeling shocked or disbelief about a truth that has been revealed. Disbelief.

Alternatively, it may reflect a sense of pressure that you are applying to someone or a situation, as well as an inability to get your mind off something. It can also reveal your impatience, frustration or dissatisfaction with a situation. Inability to get your mind off something. A sense of focused attention or strong feelings about something, as well as the feeling that something is obvious or deserving of attention.

To dream that someone is staring at you represents your awareness of a truth or reality of a situation that you can't avoid, and that you may be feeling pressured to address it. The dream may also indicate a sense of unwelcomeness or not fitting in with others, and may reveal your feelings of being singled out or constantly observed by others. Feelings of being scrutinized or evaluated in some aspect of your life. It may reflect your perception of someone's negative judgment or disapproval towards you, causing feelings of insecurity or discomfort.

Alternatively, being stared at may reflect feelings about someone watching your every move. Feeling that you can't have privacy or do anything you want freely.

Example: A woman dreamed of staring at someone. In waking life, she was deeply upset by insensitive remarks made by a person on an internet message board, and was passionately trying to rebuke them. The staring in her dream may reflect her strong emotions of shock and disbelief about what she was witnessing, as well as her intense focus on this issue."

Example 2: A girl dreamed of seeing a girl blankly stare at her. In waking life she knew she had to break up with her boyfriend, but didn't have the courage to do it. The staring reflected her impatience with herself for not taking action and ending the relationship.

Example 3: A woman dreamed of seeing the grim reaper staring at her. In waking life he was starting to feel that a long distance relationship she had on the Internet was doomed. Everything in her life was telling her this relationship was doomed while she struggled to keep talking to the guy. The grim reaper may represent her subconscious mind telling her that this relationship has reached its end and that it is time to move on.

Example 4: A woman dreamed of seeing her soon to be ex-husband staring into space. In waking life she was spending a lot of time thinking about how strange the future would be after her divorce was finalized. In this case the staring may have reflected her preoccupation with the future and her thoughts about how things would change after the divorce was finalized.

Example 5: A woman dreamed that everyone she knew was staring at her. In waking life she had just been raped. In this case the staring have may reflected her feelings about her entire life revolving around what had happened to her. She may have felt that she was being constantly watched and judged by others while being the center of attention because of the traumatic experience. It may also show the difficulty of moving on from it as it had consumed her entire life.

Example 6: A young boy dreamed of his sister staring at him. In waking life he was traumatized by the crack cocaine overdose of his sister that caused her death. In this case the staring may reflect his preoccupation with the event and the impact it has had on him. He may feel a sense of heaviness from constantly thinking about it and being unable to escape the feelings associated with it. The dream could be a manifestation of the boy's ongoing struggle to come to terms with his sister's death and the grief that he continues to experience.

Example 7: A man dreamed of his pastor staring at him in silence which frightened him. In waking life his pastor threatened him with curses for leaving the church to go to another church. In this case staring may reflect the dreamer's fear of his pastor's disapproval or judgment for leaving the church. The silence may symbolize the lack of communication or resolution of the conflict between them, leaving the dreamer feeling frightened and uncertain about how to move forward.


To dream of looking at the stars represents feelings of awe, wonder, and inspiration about a situation in your life being incredible without an explanation. A sense of awe about new experiences making your future feel more optimistic. Incredible exciting new opportunities never experienced before. A wish to guide your own fortune. Uplifting or inspiring experience. Clarity to actualize goals. hopes, wishes, and aspirations. Spiritual awakening. Feeling inspired by God.

Negatively, dreaming about looking up at the stars may reflect an overwhelming feelings of smallness or powerless in the face of life's challenges. You may feel overwhelmed by the enormity of the forces at work in your life. This dream may also reflect impossible goals that you have set for yourself, or a feeling of pressure to conform to the expectations of others. Feeling little when thinking of God or your spiritual future.

To dream of a starless sky may represent feelings of emptiness or lack of inspiration in your future. You may be experiencing a sense of hopelessness or lack of opportunities for growth and advancement. It may feel as though nothing incredible is happening or going to happen in the future, leaving you feeling uninspired or unenthusiastic about life. This dream may also indicate feelings of boredom or frustration with the current state of your life, and a desire for something more fulfilling or exciting. It may be time to explore new possibilities and seek out opportunities that align with your passions and interests.

To dream of a single star shape represents feelings of you or something else in your life being incredible or impressive with being best. Standing out from the crowd. You may feel that you or someone else is the best in their field or situation. Feelings of being unique, special, excellent like a shining star. Behavior or some area of your life that is incredible. This dream can be an indication of your desire to achieve recognition for your talents, abilities, or achievements. Alternatively, it may reflect your admiration for someone who embodies these qualities.

People who take psilocybin mushrooms commonly see rainbow colored stars on their first trip. This may symbolically reflect how wonderful it feels to discover and experience hallucinogenic drugs expanding their spiritual beliefs while not causing brain damage like mainstream society thinks. The rainbow stars reflect how incredible and wonderful it is to experience a new sense of fearlessness.

Example: A man dreamed of seeing the sky filled with beautiful stars. In waking life he had just come back from an ayahuasca spiritual retreat that had awakened him spiritually. His outlook on life and his future was forever changed. In this case the stars may have reflected his feelings of how incredible it was to experience a spiritual awakening and enlightenment that let him understand that there is much more to God than he ever thought.

Example 2: A woman dreamed of seeing a sky with no stars. In waking life she was having doubts about ever being able to get pregnant. In this case the sky with no stars may have reflected a feeling of hopelessness or emptiness regarding the possibility of having a child in the future. She may have felt there is nothing incredible about life beyond what she is currently doing. The dream may be highlighting the woman's fears and concerns about her reproductive abilities and the uncertainty of her future as a parent. The starless sky may also indicate a lack of inspiration or motivation, suggesting that the woman feels stuck and unsure of what steps to take next.

Example 3: A woman dreamed of seeing a stiletto shoe in the stars at night. In waking life an abusive ex-boyfriend was on life-support from a degenerative disease suddenly died. She felt incredible that she would never have to worry about his jealousy or abuse ever again having an effect on her life. In this case the stiletto shoe in the stars may have reflected her hopes and aspirations for a brighter and more positive future, now that she was no longer weighed down by her past experiences with her ex-boyfriend.

Example 4: A woman dreamed of looking at the stars as seeing Jesus. In waking life she was extremely devoted to her religion and was terrified of needing to prove to everyone she knew that she was a perfect Christian. In this case, seeing Jesus in the stars in may have reflected her feelings of awe about all the new bible verse and scripture she discovered to help her prove to the world how faithful she was.

Example 5: A man dreamed of seeing a red star grow bigger. In waking life he was finding it very difficult to get clean from a medication addiction. In this case, the red star he saw in the sky may have reflected his feelings about how incredible the future could be if he could overcome the danger from trying to rid himself of his addiction.



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