Lingerie Store
To dream of a lingerie store represents your attempt to become a more enticing, interesting, or desirable person to others. You want to be more attractive or difficult to resist. You may be trying to figure out a way to make yourself stand out or win someone over.
A lingerie store may also reflect your wish to have your ideas, beliefs, or choices become more desirable to others. You may want to make "your side" or "your plans" difficult to resist.
Alternatively, a lingerie store may reflect your wish to decide how to best sexually attract someone.
*Please See Lingerie
Lotus Sex Position
To dream of the lotus sex position represents an enjoyable experience where you like needing or depending on something.
Example: A young women dreamed of having sex in the lotus position, being rudely interrupted, and then talking to the guy on the phone asking him if he wants to do it again and the phone went silent. In waking life she was losing her dorm at school. The lotus style sex may have reflected her feelings about enjoying having a dorm and needing it for school.
Mace Spray
To dream of mace spray represents a strong urge to defend personal boundaries by taking action that deters someone from repeating their behavior. Your efforts to maintain personal boundaries or distance yourself from a toxic or harmful situation or person. Your efforts to maintain personal boundaries or distance yourself from a toxic or harmful situation or person. A defensive mechanism you use to ward off emotional or psychological threats. A sense of being threatened or the need to assert your authority in a situation where someone is testing you or going overboard not respecting personal boundaries. Talking back or being assertive towards people that are uncomfortably getting to close to your personal life to make them feel that it's unwelcome or not a good idea. The need for protection and to assert control in a situation where personal boundaries are being violated by someone else. Feeling that others are oblivious to your personal boundaries unless you assert yourself. Defensiveness about not having to listen to something ever again.
Negatively, dreaming of mace may reflect overdoing defensiveness over personal boundaries. Defensive feelings about boundaries that you believe do not need to be discussed a second time, even though delving deeper into the issue might help. A dislike for any impact on your sense of autonomy and personal boundaries.
Example: A young woman dreamed of an intruder breaking into her home, and she chose to spray mace into his eyes. In waking life, her ex-boyfriend had visited her parents, which she found annoying and felt it violated her personal boundaries. In this case, the mace spray may have represented her defensive feelings, as she never wanted to hear about her ex-boyfriend from other people again.
Example 2: An older woman dreamed of her husband trying to kill a snake by spraying mace onto it. She felt bad for the snake and became angry. In waking life, her husband and children decided to cut off her allowance from their family business, deeming her financially incompetent. In this case, the mace spray may have symbolized her family's assertive and forceful approach to what they perceived as her financial incompetence. The mace spray represents their efforts to exert control over her and maintain their family boundaries regarding expenses.
Mamba Snake
To dream of a mamba snake represents feelings about corruption, contamination, or total failure that likes a situation exactly the way it is. Fear of total failure from an issue that doesn't mind if you don't change it. Emotionally deadly or lethal passivity. A situation or person that feels good thinking nothing is wrong while being deadly. Feeling that dangerous situation is not laughing at you, but strikes with total failure if you don't do anything about it. Feelings about someone or something that doesn't look angry, but has the potential to cause total failure if left as it is. The worst problem ever that doesn't look like it wants to be.
Negatively, dreaming about a mamba snake represents feelings about someone too adorable, old, famous, rich, or busy to believe they are deadly. Failure from something you didn't believe minded you. A sense of something being emotionally lethal to accept someone else's problem. Potentially lethal behavior that feels good guilty and doesn't think it's polite to bother it. Potentially lethal failure that doesn't think it's better than you and never wants to talk to you at all. Feelings about the threat of total failure that doesn't want you to believe anything is wrong.
*Please See Snakes
Medical School
To dream of medical school represents concern about what other people's problems are. Anxiety or jealousy that you can't stop someone else's negativity. It may also reflect embarrassment that a negative person can't be stopped.
Night School
To dream of night school represents feelings about seriousness, caring a lot, or anxiety about needing to learn to do something else when nothing is working. Feelings about you or someone else doing something in their spare time to get ahead or to learn skills when nothing else is supportive enough. Using spare time to improve oneself because currently no person, job, or resource is adequately supportive. Using spare time to improve oneself because "life sucks" and it's better to not waste time not trying to get away from losing or stagnation.
Example: A man dreamed that his girlfriend went to night school and then when he went to the night school himself found out that his girlfriend left him. In waking life he was aware of his girlfriend doing things to support herself on her own without him and then later found out she broke up with him. The night school in this case may have reflected the dreamer's feelings about his girlfriend feeling that nothing was working in their relationship and that she needed to learn to find a new ways to live on her own.
Notes (School)
To dream of taking school notes represents information that you think is important enough to remember. Things you want to keep track of. It may also reflect advice, observations, past experiences, memories, or solutions to problems you've already dealt with. Notes may also reflect issues you have overlooked.
To dream of losing school notes may symbolize facts or a situation that have changed. Feeling careless. Feeling cut off from something important.
To dream of reading school notes represents the questioning of an issue, or a review of information. You may be reflecting on your experience or what you've already learned in order to solve a problem.
School notes in dreams can also reflect anxiety about school or academic performance. Researchers or students may dream of their notes to reflect issues related to their studies.
Oral Sex
To dream of oral sex represents feelings of total submission. Serving others or doing whatever someone else wants. Doing all this asked or required in a way that makes life easier for someone else. Completely catering to others needs
Positively, oral sex can represent helping other people or a total concern for their interests. Feeling that someone is making your life a lot easier. It could also point to enemies becoming completely subordinate to you. Feelings about life being too easy for you.
Negatively, oral sex may reflect caving in completely to fear or giving all your power away to a subordinate state. Feeling disgusted with yourself for having let someone feel powerful over you with their arrogant fantasies. Alternatively, it may also reflect feelings of surprise that someone would do you a favor. You may not be respecting yourself enough to believe you deserve something easy happening to you.
To dream of getting oral sex represents feelings about a person or life situation doing whatever you want or ask. Experiences where you are feeling good being helped perfectly. Enjoying favors, gifts, or something free.
To dream of someone evil or negative getting oral sex represents a negative situation that is subordinated to. Giving up all power to someone that will abuse it. Alternatively, it may reflect your own abuse of others good nature or compliance. Enjoying having a "slave."
To dream of giving oral sex to an ex-girlfriend or boyfriend you still fantasize about can represent you empowering your sexual desire for them. A sign that you need to put more effort into getting over them. Alternatively, it may reflect subordination in some way.
Example: A man dreamed of seeing Satan getting oral sex. In waking life he had succumbed to his drug addiction. He felt powerless to stop himself from giving in to the "evil" of his addiction that he felt wasted his life.
Example 2: A woman dreamed of seeing a small dog giving her oral sex. In waking life she had gone back to school to train for a new job and found that school was too easy. She felt like her new education was being given to her.
Example 3: A man dreamed of his older sister giving him oral sex. In waking life he was experiencing a lot of success with his business, but it required managing responsibilities in ways he wasn't expecting.
Example 4: A woman dreamed of giving oral sex to her ex-boyfriend's ex-girlfriend while the ex-boyfriend watched. In waking life she was uncomfortable doing favors for her ex-boyfriend by babysitting the daughter he had with another woman.
P.A. System (Public Announcement)
To dream of a P.A. system represents sudden realizations that issues, situations, or problems are more important.
To dream of speaking into a P.A. system represents your attempts to make the importance of information obvious to others.
Pencil Sharpener
*Please See Sharpener
Permission Slip
To dream of a permission slip represents beliefs you have about not being able to do what you want. If someone has to sign it then it means that you're feeling that someone else has the power to stop you from doing what you want. Religious people may dream of a permission slip to reflect their feeling that God may not agree with what they want.
Alternatively, a permission slip may mean that you are not sure if you should allow yourself to do something.
A permission slip may also reflect body language or a social indicator that you are waiting for from someone before you proceed in a relationship.
Pogo Stick
To dream of a pogo stick represents feelings of challenging yourself to keep doing something difficult in your life for as long as you can. Trying to stay resilient for as long as possible.
Negatively, a pogo stick may reflect a belief that a challenge in your life that's continually increasing in difficulty will never become impossible. Believing you can do something difficult forever.
Pogo sticks are common dream symbols for pregnant woman who don't want to take time off work or be dependent on anyone else until they feel that they absolutely have to.
Example: A woman dreamed of being on a pogo stick that was flying too high in the air. In waking life she was pregnant while trying to manage her job and the home until she felt she couldn't manage it all on her own anymore.
Porn Star
To dream of a porn star that you know represents feeling good wanting something that never materializes. Ask yourself what feelings or memories stand out most about that porn star for further symbolism.
An ugly porn star would possibly represent your feelings of how unpleasant it feels to wait or doing nothing while being told to feel good about it.
To dream of being a porn star represents your interest in making others desire things that may never happen. You may be lying to someone or trying to make someone feel good being patient.
Example: A man dreamed of a porn star named Kira Kener. His most honest feeling about this porn star was that she was so beautiful he couldn't think of anything else. In waking life he had a long standing health condition that finally began to slowly improve. Kira Kener in his dream reflected how preoccupied he was with how wonderful it was to heal while never healing completely.
Potato Salad
To dream of potato salad represents feelings about an experience that's comfortable about deserving to easily do something as much as you want without anything getting back at you.
Example: A woman dreamed of someone feeding her potato salad. In waking life, she was a business owner who was very focused on work, growing her business, and making more money. In this case, being fed potato salad may have reflected her feelings about being offered easy-to-access business or loan advice for her business with no risk attached.
Private School
To dream of a private school represents being self-conscious about responsibilities or obligations. You care or are concerned that your choices are mature, intelligent, or of a higher standard.